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The purpose of this investigation was to examine the effects of age at onset of traumatic brain injury on the linguistic competence of children and adolescents who sustained closed head injuries (CHI) that cause diffuse brain damage. The Test of Language Competence-Expanded Edition (TLC-E), a standardized test of subtle language abilities, was administered to 20 children who sustained severe CHI. The study determined whether 10 subjects who experienced CHI at a pre-adolescent age (4 to 11 years) and 10 subjects who experienced CHI at an adolescent age (13 to 18 years) showed quantitative differences in linguistic competence as measured by the TLC-E Test. The language abilities of children in both groups were compared to determine whether there were trends in performance relative to age of onset or type of subtest. In addition, experimental subjects' performance was compared to the normative population used to standardize the TLC-E. Hypotheses were constructed according to separate developmental and pathophysiological perspectives.  相似文献   

Computerized axial transverse tomography in cerebrovascular disease   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
One hundred eleven patients with supratentorial cerebrovascular disease were studied by computerized axial tomography (CT scanning). With one exception, every patient who had a normal scan 48 hours after the onset of symptoms was ultimately diagnosed as having had transient ischemic attack, although in nearly one-third, the clinical diagnoses at the time of the scan was infarction. A normal CT scan, therefore, augurs a good outcome of supratentorial cerebrovascular disease. Ninety-eight percent of the patients with infarction had abnormal scans, with areas of decreased density in a vascular distribution. Pitfalls in the diagnosis of infarction were (1) initially normal CT scans that changed to abnormal after 48 hours, and (2) mass effect of infarction leading to misdiagnosis of brain tumor. Serial studies eliminated both pitfalls. Intracerebral hemorrhages had a distinctive high density appearance. In 43 percent of patients whose scans showed hemorrhage, the clinical diagnosis was thrombosis. Many did not have symptoms, signs, or outcome of cerebral hemorrhage, and the diagnosis would not have been suspect were it not for the CT scan.  相似文献   

Computerized tomograms were studied of 67 adults whose lumbar pneumoencephalograms were normal or showed ventricular dilatation with or without widening of the sulci. The maximum ventricular area, measured from 80 x 80 matrix printouts, correlates well with measures of ventricular size on the pneumoencephalogram. An area of 10 cm2 is suggested as the upper limit of normal. The correlation between measures of sulcal width on computerized tomography and pneumoencephalography is less precise, but normal sulci and gross degrees of cortical atrophy can be identified.  相似文献   

A Raabe  C Grolms  M Keller  J D?hnert  O Sorge  V Seifert 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1998,140(8):787-91; discussion 791-2
The objective of our study was to investigate the association between the initial levels of serum S-100B protein and neuron specific enolase and the severity of radiologically visible brain damage and outcome after severe head injury. Admission computed tomography (CT) scans of forty-four patients with severe head injury were analysed. Initial levels of S-100B protein and neuron specific enolase were compared between the different outcome groups at 6 month, the different categories of the Marshall classification, the presence of traumatic subarachnoid haemorrhage, the type of haematoma and the volume of contusion. Serum S-100B was significantly higher in patients with unfavourable outcome (1.1 micrograms/l versus 0.3 microgram/l, p < 0.005, Mann-Whitney U test). In diffuse injury, unfavourable outcome significantly increased with higher Marshall grades (p < 0.05). There was a significant correlation between the four grades of diffuse injury and initial serum S-100B protein (r = 0.48, p < 0.001). Patients with focal mass lesions and a favourable outcome after 6 month had significantly lower S-100B values than those who had an unfavourable outcome (0.51 microgram/l versus 1.3 micrograms/l, p < 0.05). A significant correlation was demonstrated between the volume of contusion visible on CT scans and serum S-100B (r = 0.58, p < 0.001). In our study, initial serum S-100B protein was a powerful predictor of outcome even within the same category of radiologically visible brain damage. Serum S-100B protein may provide independent information about the severity of primary brain damage after head injury.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to compare Computed Tomography (CT) and Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (MR) scan's diagnostic reliability in acute pancreatitis (AP). During a 44-month period 21 patients with a clinical and laboratory diagnosis of AP were submitted to CT and MR study. The scans were evaluated according to pancreatitis degree and presence and rate of necrosis. Pancreatitis degree was assessed using Balthazar's grading for CT scans; a similar classification was used for MR scans. Thirteen patients had oedematous pancreatitis and 8 necrotic pancreatitis. Necrosis was diagnosed intraoperatively or in non operated patients with CT scan. MR staging was identical to that of the CT ones except for 2 patients who were grade E at CT and grade D at MR. MR identified necrosis in all 8 patients with necrotic AP whereas CT diagnosed only 5 patients properly since 3 scans were performed without contrast medium infusion because of renal failure. MR proved to be a valid alternative in AP diagnosis: it provide the same diagnostic and prognostic information as CT and does not need contrast infusion, which makes it preferable to CT in the follow-up of severe AP evolution.  相似文献   

The facial lymph nodes are classified in five groups: mandibular, buccinator, infraorbital, malar and retrozygomatic nodes. This paper reports the CT appearance of neoplastic involvement of these nodes, an unusual and not well documented event. The CT examinations of 62 patients with a history of primary or recurrent cancer of the epidermal structures of the face, oral cavity and sinonasal region were retrospectively reviewed to assess the presence of facial adenopathy. Nine cases of neoplastic involvement of facial nodes were found. Most commonly the buccinator nodes (4 cases) were involved, the infraorbital, mandibular (2 cases) and retrozygomatic nodes (1 case) being less commonly involved. No malar nodes were found. Neoplastic involvement of these nodes was caused by squamous cell carcinoma in 6 cases, by adenocarcinoma in 2 cases and by a lymphoma in 1 case. Normal nodes could not be confidently identified on CT studies. CT diagnosis of neoplastic involvement of facial nodes is based on the presence of a nodular lesion which lies along the lymphatic pathways of the primary neoplasm in an anatomically compatible location. CT diagnosis of facial nodes is very important for treatment planning if the nodes are deep or at a distance from primary cancer. This is especially true for retrozygomatic and buccinator nodes.  相似文献   

RATIONALE AND OBJECTIVES: Interpretation of computed tomographic (CT) scans of the lungs is a time-consuming task that involves visual correlation of possible nodules in one section with those in contiguous sections to distinguish actual nodules from blood vessels. Thus, the authors are developing automated methods to detect nodules on CT images of the thorax. METHODS: The computerized technique uses various computer-vision techniques and a priori information of the morphologic characteristics of pulmonary nodules. In each section, the external thoracic wall and lung boundaries are detected, and the features within the lung boundaries are subjected to gray-level thresholding operations. By analyzing the relationships between features arising at different threshold levels with respect to their shape, size, and location, each feature is assigned a likelihood of being a nodule or a vessel. Features in adjacent sections are compared to resolve ambiguous features. Detected nodule candidates are displayed in three dimensions within the lung. RESULTS: The system provided a sensitivity of 94% for nodule detection and an average of 1.25 false-positive results per case. CONCLUSIONS: Continued development of an automated method for detecting pulmonary nodules in CT scans is expected to aid radiologists in the task of locating nodules in three dimensions.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To demonstrate HRCT findings and their therapeutic relevance in suspected congenital hearing disorders. MATERIAL AND METHODS: It was checked in 96 young patients if HRCT findings of the temporal bone could explain functional findings. Furthermore, the therapeutic consequences were noted. RESULTS: Normal CT and normal functional findings were obtained in 49 temporal bones (TB). In conductive hearing loss (41 TB), dysplasias of the conducting apparatus (37 TB) and inflammatory changes (3 TB) were found. Combined hearing loss (18 TB) was clarified completely or partially in half the cases. There were 22 dysplasias of the inner ear, 3 dysplasias of the middle ear, 1 abandoned examination (2 TB), and 55 normal CT findings in senorineural hearing disorders (82 TB). 1 retardate had a malformation of the inner ear and, contralaterally, inflammatory middle ear. In cases of vestibular disorders (24 TB), 14 malformations of the inner ear were detected. An indication for an operation was given in 23 TB. In 22 TB, it was contraindicated. The CT was one preliminary examination to a cochlea implant in 19 patients. The therapy was carried on with hearing devices in the other patients. CONCLUSION: HRCT is an important method in diagnosis and therapeutic planning of suspected malformations of the temporal bone.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Large discrepancies exist in the literature regarding incidence and types of symptomatology in whiplash. This is because of the evolution of whiplash injury over the years with the advent of head rests and seat belts. Previous authors have regarded symptoms of dizziness as a result of brainstem or cerebellar injury or both. It has been difficult in those studies to ascribe a mechanism of injury, as patients with whiplash injury only have been grouped with those who have incurred mild traumatic brain injury as a result of a significant blow to the head. The authors saw the need to delineate patients who had suffered whiplash injury from those who also had suffered mild head injury, as defined in the rehabilitation-neurosurgical literature, to attempt to define differences in symptoms, abnormalities, and mechanisms of recovery in these two groups. STUDY DESIGN: The study design was a retrospective case review. SETTING: The study was conducted at a tertiary-quaternary referral clinic. PATIENTS: The records of 36 patients were reviewed. Nineteen of these patients suffered a whiplash-associated disorder and 17 suffered a mild head injury as well. These patients were referred for assessment of symptoms persisting for at least 2 years after their injury. Patients were excluded if they had not completed clinical assessment, including electronystagmography (ENG) and computerized dynamic posturography (CDP). INTERVENTIONS: A full history, otolaryngologic examination, including assessment of eye movements, corneal reflexes and gait, as well as an investigation, including ENG and CDP, and history taking and detailed recording of related complaints immediately before diagnostic work-up were performed. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Symptoms reported by patients who had received either whiplash alone or whiplash plus mild head trauma as defined in the literature were measured. Patients were classified according to type of accident, type of injury suffered, and degree and nature of posturographic abnormalities. RESULTS: Patients often have similar complaints regardless of whether or not they had suffered a head injury. Although CDP showed abnormalities in both groups, standard ENG assessment, including caloric testing, showed abnormalities only in the head-injured group. The posturographic abnormalities also were analyzed in both groups, and it was found that there was a correlation between the type of posturographic abnormality and the type of injury suffered. Although ENG testing is done routinely, posturography is shown to be more sensitive in picking up abnormalities. In addition, the authors have shown that posturography can delineate the type of injury suffered by exhibiting the compensation strategy used as well as the efficacy of that compensation strategy. CONCLUSIONS: Because ENG abnormalities are limited to patients who have suffered a head injury, the inference is that these two groups of patients have suffered damage at different sites along the balance system pathways, but both of these lesions can lead to similar symptoms. Although the mechanisms of whiplash injury and how they affect the vestibular system are poorly understood, posturography testing is essential in inferring how a patient is recovering by measuring how and how well the patient is overcoming his or her deficit. This has important medical legal implications regarding legitimizing a patient's problem, prognostic factors, as well as rehabilitation plans, measures, and outcomes.  相似文献   

The definition "osteochondritis dissecans" of the talus improperly includes a variety of diseases involving the chondral surface of the talus dome and the relative subchondral bone. To investigate the CT diagnostic potentials in the study of these conditions, 35 patients complaining of a "painful ankle" were examined with plain radiography and axial and direct paracoronal CT over a 2-year period. Twelve patients were then examined with double contrast CT arthrography with air and iodated contrast agents. CT diagnostic accuracy was assessed evaluating the following parameters: the presence and extent of the subchondral bone fragment, the presence of residual bone fragment attachment at the lesion base or its intraarticular dislocation, the presence of subchondral bone cysts, of chondral surface lesions and, finally, of capsular and ligamentous damage. All the patients with CT findings of osteochondral conditions of the talus dome were submitted to arthroscopic examination/treatment and/or surgical arthrotomy. Baseline CT exams accurately depicted all the lesions, except for early (grade I) lesions. Moreover, the administration of intraarticular contrast agent (CT arthrography) increased the diagnostic accuracy in articular cartilage studies. Therefore, the authors believe baseline CT on the orthogonal planes to represent an effective tool for the staging of osteochondral talar lesions and for accurate treatment planning.  相似文献   

The authors describe the use of Computed Tomography for the evaluation of pediatric patients, with a variety of chest diseases. Indications and technical factors are described according to the experience of the examinations done in the first 100 children studied in the Radiology Department of the Santa Maria Hospital.  相似文献   

The spatial and density resolution capability of the EMI-Scanner device for computerized axial tomography has been determined in vitro. For density differences greater than +/-1 per cent the spatial resolution is 6 X 6 mm. For density differences of 3 per cent and greater the resolution is 3 X 3 mm. Density resolution is at least +/-1 per cent for objects greater than 1 cm. Preliminary data on in vitro measurement of X-ray linear attenuation coefficients in tissue biopsies and standard solutions are given, together with the early results of enhancement of tissue density differences in vivo. Implications of this new technique for an in vivo neuropathology are suggested.  相似文献   

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