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复配粉理化性质与米线质构性质关系的研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
将粳米粉与绿豆淀粉按照一定比例进行混合,得到粳米粉和绿豆淀粉的复配粉体系,并测定了复配粉体系的溶胀性质、糊化性质、凝胶质构性质和拉伸性质,研究了复配米粉体系的拉伸性质与米线质构性质的关系。结果表明:随着绿豆淀粉添加量比例的增加,复配米粉体系的总直链淀粉含量、可溶性直链淀粉含量和不溶性直链淀粉含量明显增加,峰值黏度、谷值黏度、末值黏度、硬度也显著性增加,咀嚼性、拉伸强度和表观弹性模量显著增加,85℃下的溶解度和膨润力显著上升;糊化温度显著降低;衰减值和回生值分别比粳米粉高了33.73 RVU和50.60 RVU;与单一体系相比,由复配粉体系制成的米线呈现较好的硬度、弹性、韧性、蒸煮性和物理性质。当绿豆淀粉∶粳米粉为1∶1时,其制得的米粉的质构性质最好。  相似文献   

研究不同加工精度小麦粉对挂面储藏期间脂质稳定性影响。结果表明,挂面储藏过程中,总脂和结合脂含量总体呈现下降趋势,游离脂含量先下降后升高再下降,脂肪不断消耗;游离脂肪酸值显著升高(P<0.05),低加工精度小麦粉制得的挂面脂质水解程度较高且水解速率快,12周后脂肪酸值略有降低;低加工精度的挂面脂肪酶活显著下降(P<0.05);低加工精度挂面亚油酸含量在0~12周显著上升(P<0.05),随后显著降低(P<0.05);GC-MS测定结果表明挂面中挥发性物质乙酸、己酸和壬酸含量明显升高,加工精度越低的小麦粉制得的挂面中酸性物质含量增幅越大,氧化酸败速度越快。因此,低加工精度小麦粉制得的挂面在储藏过程中脂质水解和氧化程度较高,脂质稳定性较低。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Diacylglycerol (DAG), which has health‐enhancing properties, is sometimes added to bakery shortening to produce baked products with enhanced physical functionality. Nevertheless, the quantity present is often too little to exert any positive healthful effects. This research aimed to produce bakery shortenings containing significant amounts of palm diacyglycerol (PDG). Physicochemical, textural and viscoelastic properties of the PDG bakery shortenings during 3 months storage were evaluated and compared with those of commercial bakery shortening (CS). RESULTS: PDG bakery shortenings (DS55, DS64 and DS73) had less significant increments in slip melting point (SMP), solid fat content (SFC) and hardness during storage as compared to CS. Unlike CS, melting behaviour and viscoelastic properties of PDG bakery shortenings remained unchanged during storage. As for polymorphic transformation, CS contained only β crystals after 8 weeks of storage. PDG bakery shortenings managed to retard polymorphic transformation for up to 10 weeks of storage in DS55 and 12 weeks of storage in DS64 and DS73. CONCLUSION: PDG bakery shortenings had similar if not better storage stability as compared to CS. This is mainly due to the ability of DAG to retard polymorphic transformation from β′ to β crystals. Thus, incorporation of DAG improved physical functionality of bakery shortening. Copyright © 2010 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

The water mobility, state and textural properties of Chinese fresh noodles (CFNs) and Chinese dried noodles (CDNs) made from same wheat cultivar were measured during boiling using low-field nuclear magnetic resonance (LF-NMR), low-field nuclear magnetic Imaging (LF-NMI) and a textural analyser. ‘The oil immersion method’ was applied to gain the clear images from LF-NMI measurement. The distributions of the three water states (T21, T22 and T23) in the noodles were distinguished. The results indicated that water mobility in noodles was closely related to the gelatinisation of noodle starch. Compared with CFNs, CDNs need a longer cooking time for water mobility and starch gelatinisation. The results of the cooked noodle profiles showed that the cooked CDNs (8 min) had an undesirable textural properties compared with the cooked CFNs (2 min). The longer cooking time of CDNs is responsible for its undesirable texture since the textural properties change during the longer cooking time.  相似文献   

In this study, the additions of red lentil, rice protein and lentil protein on the quality of brown rice (BR) noodles were investigated, aiming to develop nutritionally fortified noodles with both desirable textural quality and lower starch digestibility. The results showed that the additives reduced the hardness, cohesiveness and chewiness, and increased cooking loss and turbidity of rice noodles. The addition of lentil protein had less effect on the texture quality of rice noodles when compared with the red lentil and rice protein. Lentil protein decreased the starch digestibility of BR noodles, thereby reducing the estimated glycemic index (eGI) from 70.48 to 65.33. XRD and FTIR revealed that lentil protein increased the relative crystallinity and 1047/1022 cm−1 ratio. Ordered structure could effectively limit the interaction between amylase and starch, and reduce its digestibility. Therefore, lentil protein was more suitable to be added in BR noodles to reduce starch digestibility.  相似文献   

以蒸蛋为研究对象,通过单因素实验,以鸡蛋质量30 g为基准,考察了水的添加量、盐的添加量、蒸制时间对蒸蛋感官品质和质构特性的影响,并通过响应面法优化了蒸蛋的制作工艺,应用逐步回归的方法建立了蒸蛋质构特性与感官评分之间的线性回归模型。实验结果表明,当水的添加量为69.6 g,食盐的添加量为0.50 g,蒸制时间为9.9 min时,蒸蛋的品质最佳。水的添加量、食盐的添加量、蒸制时间对蒸蛋的硬度、弹性、粘聚性、弹性模量均有显著的影响。   相似文献   

贾娜  陈璐  刘骞  孔保华 《食品工业科技》2013,34(16):300-303
以牛肉丸保水性、质构特征和微观结构为评价指标,探讨了迷迭香、丁香和桂皮提取物对牛肉丸冻藏过程中食用品质的影响。结果表明,牛肉丸在冻藏过程中,解冻损失和蒸煮损失逐渐增加(p<0.05),说明牛肉丸的保水性降低,而添加迷迭香、丁香和桂皮提取物能显著提高保水性(p<0.05);牛肉丸的硬度和弹性随着冻藏时间的延长,先增加后降低,添加迷迭香、丁香和桂皮提取物能显著提高牛肉丸的硬度和弹性(p<0.05),改善其质构特性;迷迭香、丁香和桂皮提取物能改善冻藏导致的牛肉丸组织结构松散、粗糙和不规则现象。香辛料提取物具有改善牛肉丸制品食用品质的潜在应用价值。   相似文献   

ABSTRACT:  We investigated the rheological properties of the Japanese wheat product  tenobe somen  noodles manufactured using a unique traditional process—" Te-nobe  (hand-stretched)." In an extension test, the maximum resistance to extension (Rmax) and extensibility until rupture (Erup) of boiled  somen  noodles were measured on a Texture Analyzer in the tension test mode and compared with those of machine-made  somen  noodles. The Rmax and Erup values per unit cross-sectional area were significantly higher for boiled  tenobe somen  noodles than for machine-made  somen  noodles, clearly indicating the higher resistance to extension and extensibility of the former. A compression test performed using the Texture Analyzer in the biting-test mode revealed that although the maximum force of compression (Fmax) was lower for boiled  tenobe somen  noodles than for machine-made  somen  noodles, the former had more characteristic texture than the latter, which was shown by comparing the force-deformation curve of each  somen  noodle. Scanning electron microscopy revealed differences between dried  tenobe  and machine-made  somen  noodles, which may reflect their rheological differences. Lateral and sectional micrographs of  tenobe somen  noodles showed regular arrays of starch granules and gluten networks, and some air spaces.  Tenobe somen  noodles exhibited significantly higher dityrosine content than the flour used for their manufacture, indicating that tyrosine residues in gluten proteins cross-link during the manufacturing process; however, the dityrosine content in  tenobe somen  noodles were not higher than that in machine-made  somen  noodles.  相似文献   

Starch noodles are gaining interest due to the massive popularity of gluten-free foods. Modified starch is generally used for noodle production due to the functional limitations of native starches. Raw materials, methods, key processing steps, additives, cooking, and textural properties determine the quality of starch noodles. The introduction of traditional, novel, and natural chemical additives used in starch noodles and their potential effects also impacts noodle quality. This review summarizes the current knowledge of the native and modified starch as raw materials and key processing steps for the production of starch noodles. Further, this article aimed to comprehensively collate some of the vital information published on the thermal, pasting, cooking, and textural properties of starch noodles. Technological, nutritional, and sensory challenges during the development of starch noodles are well discussed. Due to the increasing demands of consumers for safe food items with a long shelf life, the development of starch noodles and other convenience food products has increased. Also, the incorporation of modified starches overcomes the shortcomings of native starches, such as lack of viscosity and thickening power, retrogradation characteristics, or hydrophobicity. Starch can improve the stability of the dough structure but reduces the strength and resistance to deformation of the dough. Some technological, sensory, and nutritional challenges also impact the production process.  相似文献   

使用混合试验仪研究了谷朊粉、海藻酸钠、谷氨酰胺转氨酶(TG酶)、硬脂酰乳酸钠(SSL)、对燕麦‐小麦混合粉面团粉质特性、糊化特性,以及对燕麦挂面的蒸煮特性和感官评价的影响。研究结果表明:四种改良剂均使混合粉面团的稳定时间、形成时间延长,蛋白质弱化度下降,回生值降低;谷朊粉使面团的最低黏度值变大;SSL使面团的糊化峰值黏度值、最低黏度值均变大,使面团的黏度和糊化热稳定性增强;燕麦挂面中加入改良剂后,挂面的吸水率、蛋白质损失率均呈降低趋势,挂面的感官评分基本呈上升趋势,其中SSL和TG酶的改良效果较优,感官评价分值较高。  相似文献   

紫薯-小麦混合粉的性质及在面条上的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
紫薯全粉保留了鲜薯的色泽和营养,是极好的食品加工原料,能够弥补小麦粉营养结构单一的缺点。将紫薯粉添加到小麦粉中,对混合粉的特性及在面条上的应用进行了研究,结果表明:随着紫薯粉的添加量由0%增加到30%,混合粉的糊化温度由66.31℃上升至67.73℃;糊化黏度、崩解值和回生值均减小;面团稳定时间由18min下降至7.8min;紫薯面条煮沸损失率由7.2%上升至11.8%;最大拉伸应力、剪切应力及硬度均减小;面条色度变暗,色泽向紫红色渐变。紫薯粉最佳添加量为15%。  相似文献   


桂林米粉属于鲜湿米粉,由于其水分含量高、易受微生物污染而不易保存,因此分析其腐败菌及筛选抑菌剂对延长其货架期、保持其口感与营养价值十分重要。为了研究桂林米粉贮藏过程中微生物生长情况,本文从室温贮藏1~3 d的桂林米粉中分离纯化得到13株腐败菌,再通过反证试验得到6株主要腐败菌MF1、MF2、MF3、MF4、MF6和MF12,通过常规鉴定结合分子鉴定确定桂林米粉的主要腐败菌为苏云金芽孢杆菌(Bacillus thuringiensis)、蜡样芽孢杆菌(Bacillus cereus)、贝莱斯芽孢杆菌(Bacillus velezensis)、柠檬酸杆菌属(Citrobacter sp.)和乙酰微小杆菌(Exiguobacterium acetylicum)。通过平板培养从五种食品添加剂中筛选有效抑菌剂及最适抑菌浓度,结果表明,不同浓度的抗坏血酸和柠檬酸对6种腐败细菌均有良好的抑菌效果,最适抑菌浓度分别为90和120 mg/mL。这说明抗坏血酸和柠檬酸可作为桂林米粉的防腐剂,在桂林米粉贮藏保鲜上有一定的应用前景。


为了丰富面条种类及提高其营养价值,以青麦仁全粉和面粉混合制作青麦仁面条,研究了青麦仁全粉、水分、食盐和食品改良剂添加量对青麦仁面条品质的影响,在单因素实验的基础上,以面条蒸煮品质及感官评分为评价指标,采用正交实验优化青麦仁面条的加工工艺。结果表明,三种食品改良剂的使用均可改善面条的蒸煮品质,其中瓜尔豆胶的效果最好;当青麦仁粉的添加量为20%,加水量为50%,食盐添加量为0.3%,瓜尔豆胶的添加量为0.6%时,青麦仁面条感官评分达87.3分,断条率0.00%,吸水率89.59%,吸光度0.186,硬度5.23 N,粘性2.86 N,弹性0.270,最大拉伸力22.14 g,蛋白质含量12.56%,碳水化合物含量67.5%,脂肪含量1.46%,膳食纤维含量5.38%,面条的品质特性最佳。   相似文献   

吴振  张珂  刘嘉  薛山  董楠  赵国华 《食品科技》2011,(9):179-183
果蔬营养湿面是一种新的功能食品,其制备工艺和参数以及在贮藏期间品质的稳定性是生产技术的关键。试验以感官评定、质构品质和蒸煮品质为评价指标,研究了加水量、加盐量和南瓜粉添加量对南瓜营养湿面食用品质的影响,同时分析了南瓜营养湿面在贮藏期间品质的变化。结果表明:加水量为33%、加盐量为2.5%和南瓜粉添加量为4%时,可制作出品质、感官俱佳的南瓜营养湿面。应用微波杀菌技术对真空包装的南瓜营养湿面处理后,南瓜营养湿面在室温3d和低温56d的贮藏过程中食用品质变化较小,能够保持良好的食用品质。  相似文献   

在三种不同筋力梯度的中筋面粉中分别添加不同比例的食盐并制作面条,测试了食盐对面粉的糊化特性和熟面条品质的影响,探讨了食盐含量与面粉糊化特性及面条品质间的相关性。结果表明:添加食盐对面粉的糊化特性和面条的质构和蒸煮特性均产生了一定的影响。食盐比例与面粉的初始糊化温度、面条的硬度、粘附性、胶黏性和蒸煮吸水率均呈极显著正相关,与面粉崩解值和面条的干物质失落率呈显著负相关,与面条的最佳蒸煮时间呈极显著负相关,与其他指标间的相关性不显著。综合上述结果得出食盐的添加量为面粉质量的0.75%时,面条整体品质水平最好。   相似文献   

Viscograph paste viscosity parameters of starches isolated from 42 wheat varieties were highly correlated with each other and with measures of the quality of the derived Japanese white salted noodles. Better correlations with noodle quality were obtained when measurements of wheat protein and grain hardness (PSI) as well as a starch viscosity parameter were included in the regression equations.  相似文献   

In this study, the quality properties of fresh noodles with tea polyphenols (TPs), including rheological and texture properties, were characterised. The changes of gluten protein second structure, free thiol group (-SH) content and TPs content were evaluated in fresh noodles during storage time. The results showed that the flour farinograph and extensograph properties could be improved by 0.9% TPs. All of textural parameters exhibited significant decrease (P < 0.05) along with the storage time, including hardness, springiness and tensile force of fresh noodles, while the shelf life of noodles containing TPs was longer than that of non-TPs noodles. In addition, TPs inhibited the transformation of glutenin macropolymer (GMP) into SDS-soluble glutenin in the fresh noodles. Furthermore, the increase in free thiol group, the decrease of α-helix structure and the change of TPs content mostly occurred during the first 9 days. These results indicated that TPs could prolong the shelf life of fresh noodles.  相似文献   

Wheat noodles were prepared using flour to which hydroxypropylated tapioca starch was added, and the effect of this addition on the moisture distribution within the noodles during cooking was examined using a digital image processing technique. The addition of the modified starch slightly increased the moisture content and narrowed the flat distribution near the noodle surface. The distribution features reflected the changes in the water absorption behaviour caused by the properties of the modified starch and the reduction in the gluten content. Addition of the modified starch lowered Young's modulus and the energy for 99% strain of the noodles in the texture analysis to, at maximum 35% and 65%, and decreased the breakability of the noodles. These changes in the moisture distribution and textural properties have been ascribed to changes in both the state of the starch granules near the surface and the structure of the gluten network.  相似文献   

为了提高荞麦面条的保健功能,将荞麦粉与小麦粉的比例提高至7∶3;为了改善荞麦面条的品质,在面条配料中需加入一定量的增稠剂。研究了沙蒿胶、瓜尔豆胶、羧甲基纤维素钠(CMC-Na)三种增稠剂对速冻荞麦面条流变学特性的影响,正交试验结果表明复合添加剂的最佳配比为:沙蒿胶质量分数0.03%,瓜尔豆胶质量分数2.5%,CMC-Na质量分数0.3%。此条件下可以制得营养价值高、口感好的荞麦面条。  相似文献   

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