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WEIGHT份量:1人份COOKING TIMES烹调时间:3分钟INGREDIENTS材料:雀巢咖啡粉……4大匙雀巢淡奶油……20毫升热开水……250毫升SAUCE调味料:雀巢鹰唛炼奶1大匙白糖1大匙雀巢香颂咖啡METHODS做法:1.将雀巢咖啡粉冲热开水搅拌,加入雀巢鹰唛炼奶拌匀。2.雀巢淡奶油加入白砂糖,打发成浓稠的发泡奶油。3.在咖啡中依个人喜好加入打发的雀巢淡奶油即可。  相似文献   

可可悬浮体屈服应力的测量与研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
可可悬浮体的屈服应力是影响巧克力食品加工过程的重要流变特性。本文以叶片法和流动曲线外推法测定了可可悬浮体的屈服应力,发现前者比后者更为可靠准确,并且呈现屈服应力的可可粉临界体积分率约为0.40。由最大填充率与剪应力关系模型出发,进而研究了屈服应力与体积分率的模型,所得关系式可用于已知若干参数而预测不同体积分率下的屈服应力。  相似文献   

1、将森派香草水晶馅搓一个15克的圆球,再用饼皮搓一个25克的蓝色圆球。2、把蓝色饼皮均匀的压扁,再包入森派香草水晶馅。3、将水晶馅包好后,搓成两头微尖,中间大的形状像个"陀螺"状。4、用森派专用豆形捏塑棒在"陀螺"的中间部分,从上至下压出一圈洞,大小一致。  相似文献   

咖啡奶油点心 coffee mousse 口感苏松的蛋糕与咖啡是最受欢迎的绝佳组合。略带苦涩的味道,深受男性欢迎。  相似文献   

胡蓉 《四川烹饪》2002,(5):28-29
一、巧克力的发展史巧克力是世界上最受欢迎的食品之一,它是用热带植物可可的果实可可豆磨成粉后,再加入糖和香料等制成的。巧克力带有浓郁的香味,用它可以制作出各种糖、糕点以及冰激凌等。但是,最初的巧克力并不用来制作糖果、糕点和冰激凌。大约距今700年前,墨西哥的印第安人将可可豆烘烤后碾碎,再加入胡椒粉、香料、玉米粉和水,制成了一种饮料来饮用,这就是最初的巧克力。哥伦布是第一个发现可可豆和巧克力的欧洲人,但他本人对此却不感兴趣。后来西班牙探险家科特兹在饮用了巧克力饮料后,精神大振,因此便认为这种饮料可以…  相似文献   

任何人都能一眼就辨认出那是一块巧克力,如能一尝就更加可以确定无误。巧克力那种独特的风味,简直是风靡全世界,甚至令许多其他食品都增添了可可味的系列。然而,可可味与巧克力味之间存有很多分别,只是一般人不加细辨而已。要使巧克力的风味达到预设的要求,保持巧克力质量的一致性,就需要对巧克力的风味特征及其形成过程有充份的了解,进而就能使其他可可味食品拥有更加接近巧克力的风味,以及开发风味创新的巧克力。本文概述由可可豆加工至巧克力间风味组成的改变,同时简介风味类似巧克力的复合涂衣(compound coatings)。  相似文献   

“每次我哭鼻子你都会买来棒棒糖哄我,七彩的,巧克力的……总是引得我破涕为笑。”  相似文献   

~~西餐创新菜草莓系列!本刊记者@施建忠 @王龙  相似文献   

关于提高收购牛奶质量的几点建议   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
我国有奶牛500多万头,年产牛奶达650万余吨。国营牧场养牛只占10%左右,90%为一家一户分散饲养,每户养牛2~5头占90%以上,养50头以上的只占少数。机械榨奶牧场占极少数,90%以上的奶牛均采用人工榨奶。人工榨奶卫生环境较差,一般奶牛日榨奶2~...  相似文献   

Both wild (lowbush) blueberries (Vaccinium angustifolium Ait.) and soybeans (Glycine max L.) possess a variety of antioxidants, and both foods appear to have multiple health benefits. Our objectives were to identify whether wild blueberry juice concentrate was more acceptable than puree in frozen desserts with a soy milk‐tofu base; to determine whether fat‐free products were as acceptable as those with 10% added fat; and to compare several levels of blueberry juice concentrate. Four frozen dessert formulations were prepared in duplicate from soy milk, silken tofu, sucrose, stabilizer, BJC or puree, soybean oil or polydextrose, sweetened dried blueberries, salt, and lemon juice. Samples were assayed for total anthocyanins, antioxidant activity using the DPPH method, color, overrun, and solids. Fifty‐five persons evaluated the samples using a 9‐point hedonic scale for color, flavor, texture, and overall acceptability. Samples containing blueberry juice concentrate were darker and less blue. Anthocyanin levels were highest in the puree sample and the fat‐free product with 7.8% blueberry juice concentrate. However, antioxidant activity was highest (28 Trolox equivalents per gram) in the samples made with soybean oil and 7.4% blueberry juice concentrate. The puree formulation received higher hedonic scores than did the low‐fat blueberry juice concentrate formulations. The puree formulation received overall acceptability scores of like very much or like extremely by 45% of the consumers. These findings may aid processors in defining potential formulations that combine 2 healthful food ingredients.  相似文献   

最近国际上电视、杂志同时给予点心(Dessert)新的名称"Sweet",同时有各种点心的专辑,尤其是被称为"Patisseri"的名点心师傅,造成一阵风潮,无论超市或便利商店都有许多点心类商品,点心类的发源地及殿堂还是在欧洲,尤其是法国.在日本,便利商店亦积极扩充冷果类的架位,引入新产品,欧洲的超市,大型超市规模当然不是日本可以比得上的,其冷果类的展示架上有各式各样的点心类产品.  相似文献   

精品巧克力和甜品的生产工艺很复杂,成本也很昂贵.但由于多年来消费者对高级甜品需求有增无减的发展形势,吸引了越来越多的食品企业生产这些精品以满足日益增长的市场需求;同时,也带动了相关设备制造商对加工设备的不断创新和改良,位于意大利罗查诺的Carle&Montanari S.p.A公司就是其中的代表.……  相似文献   

Combinations of xylitol, fructose and 24 DE corn syrup solids (CSS) were the sweetening agents in ice cream-type frozen desserts. A 23 factorial experimental design evaluated the most acceptable combinations of xylitol (4% or 6%), fructose (4% and 6%) and CSS (10% and 12%). Based on chemical, physical and sensory analyses of the eight experimental combinations it was demonstrated that a formulation involving 6% xylitol, 6% fructose and 10% CSS gave product acceptability similar to that of an ice cream with conventional ingredient array and composition.  相似文献   

Combinations of fructose and lactose were used as the major sweetening agents in ice cream-type frozen dessert formulations. In addition to the sweeteners, variable amounts of caseinate were subjected to a 23 factorial experimental design in order to evaluate the most suitable combinations of lactose (4.5% or 5.5%), fructose (7.5% or 8.5%) and sodium caseinate (2% or 3%). Comparative chemical, physical and sensory analyses indicated that a formulation using 5.5% lactose, 8.5% fructose and 2% sodium caseinate gave product acceptability similar to that of an ice cream of standard ingredient array and composition.  相似文献   

Nowadays, food companies are endeavoring to differentiate their products through creative segmentation and positioning strategies based on superior functionality and quality. Some kinds of dairy desserts have shown a great market potential, as a function of consumers interested in healthier and functional products with fine taste and mouthfeel. In this context, chilled dairy desserts are emerging as attractive options for the incorporation of probiotic cultures and prebiotic ingredients, as seen in the previous launches from the food industry, as well as in the growing number of scientific studies dealing with this subject published in the last years. The main aspects involved in the development of probiotic and/or prebiotic dairy desserts for storage under refrigerated conditions are presented in this review.  相似文献   

Freezing points of solutions of polydextrose, polydextrose partially neutralized with potassium hydroxide, sorbitol, and microcrystalline cellulose at concentrations commonly used in frozen desserts were compared with those of similar concentrations of sucrose. Solutions of polydextrose and polydextrose partially neutralized with potassium hydroxide exhibited higher freezing points. Freezing points of sorbitol solutions were lower and microcrystalline cellulose had no measurable effect on freezing point. Most bulking agents affect freezing points; thus, addition to frozen dessert mixes must be regulated carefully.  相似文献   

《Journal of dairy science》1986,69(5):1225-1231
Three separate batches of whey permeate from ultrafiltration of sweet cheese whey were deionized, treated with β-galactosidase to hydrolyze lactose, and concentrated. By varying the level of completion of these steps, by decolorizing the latter two batches, and by subjecting the last batch to a 75°C postpasteurization heat treatment, control of stability and flavor was increased.The concentrated, deionized, hydrolyzed whey permeate was divided into two lots, one of which was decolorized. The regular and decolorized permeates were then used in soft-serve ice milk, hardened ice milk, and milk shake mixes. Mixes were pasteurized at 77°C for 30 min and stored at 4°C. After freezing, each underwent organoleptic evaluation and comparison with a commercial brand.Products made with regular permeate yielded satisfactory results when used only at low levels. Products made with decolorized permeate yielded better overall results, although the products were criticized for being less sweet than controls.A concentrated, deionized, hydrolyzed whey permeate product developed for sweetener applications should be economical to produce and should be highly competitive with fructose and corn syrup sweeteners.  相似文献   

The addition of prebiotic and sweeteners in chocolate dairy desserts opens up new opportunities to develop dairy desserts that besides having a lower calorie intake still has functional properties. In this study, prebiotic low sugar dairy desserts were evaluated by 120 consumers using a 9‐point hedonic scale, in relation to the attributes of appearance, aroma, flavor, texture, and overall liking. Internal preference map using parallel factor analysis (PARAFAC) and principal component analysis (PCA) was performed using the consumer data. In addition, physical (texture profile) and optical (instrumental color) analyses were also performed. Prebiotic dairy desserts containing sucrose and sucralose were equally liked by the consumers. These samples were characterized by firmness and gumminess, which can be considered drivers of liking by the consumers. Optimization of the prebiotic low sugar dessert formulation should take in account the choice of ingredients that contribute in a positive manner for these parameters. PARAFAC allowed the extraction of more relevant information in relation to PCA, demonstrating that consumer acceptance analysis can be evaluated by simultaneously considering several attributes. Multiple factor analysis reported Rv value of 0.964, suggesting excellent concordance for both methods.  相似文献   

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