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The cumulative capacitated vehicle routing problem (CCVRP) is a relatively new version of the classical capacitated vehicle routing problem, and it is equivalent to a traveling repairman problem with capacity constraints and a homogeneous vehicle fleet, which aims to minimize the total arrival time at customers. Many real‐world applications can be modeled by this problem, such as the important application resulting from the humanitarian aid following a natural disaster. In this paper, two heuristics are proposed. The first one is a constructive heuristic to generate an initial solution and the second is the skewed variable neighborhood search (SVNS) heuristic. The SVNS algorithm starts with the initial solution. At each iteration, the perturbation phase and the local search phase are used to improve the solution of the CCVRP, and the distance function in acceptance criteria phase is used to improve the exploration of faraway valleys. This algorithm is applied to a set of benchmarks, and the comparison results show that the proposed algorithms provide better solutions than those reported in the previous literature on memetic algorithms and adaptive large neighborhood search heuristics.  相似文献   

The efficiency and dynamism of unmanned aerial vehicles, or drones, have presented substantial application opportunities in several industries in the last years. Notably, logistic companies have given close attention to these vehicles to reduce delivery time and operational cost. A variant of the traveling salesman problem (TSP), called the flying sidekick traveling salesman problem, was introduced involving drone‐assisted parcel delivery. The drone launches from the truck, proceeds to deliver parcels to a customer, and then is recovered by the truck at a third location. While the drone travels through a trip, the truck delivers parcels to other customers as long as the drone has enough battery to hover waiting for the truck. This work proposes a hybrid heuristic where the initial solution is created from the optimal TSP solution reached by a TSP solver. Next, an implementation of the general variable neighborhood search is employed to obtain the delivery routes of truck and drone. Computational experiments show the potential of the algorithm to improve significantly delivery time. Furthermore, we provide a new set of instances based on the well‐known traveling salesman problem library instances.  相似文献   

The double traveling salesman problem with multiple stacks (DTSPMS) is a vehicle routing problem that consists on finding the minimum total length tours in two separated networks, one for pickups and one for deliveries. A set of orders is given, each one consisting of a pickup location and a delivery location, and it is required to send an item from the former location to the latter one. Repacking is not allowed, but collected items can be packed in several rows in such a way that each row must obey the LIFO principle. In this paper, a variable neighborhood search approach using four new neighborhood structures is presented to solve the problem.  相似文献   

Attractive traveling salesman problem (AtTSP) consists of finding maximal profit tour starting and ending at a given depot after visiting some of the facilities. Total length of the tour must not exceed the given maximum distance. Each facility achieves profit from the customers, based on the distance between the facility and customers as well as on the attractiveness of that facility. Total profit of a tour is equal to a sum of profits of all visited facilities. In this paper, we develop a new variant of Variable neighborhood search, called 2-level General variable neighborhood search (2-GVNS) for solving AtTSP. At the second level, we use General variable neighborhood search in the local search lor building neighboring solution and checking its feasibility. Our 2-GVNS heuristic outperforms tabu search heuristic, the only one proposed in the literature so far, in terms of precision and running times. In addition, 2-GVNS finds all optimal known solutions obtained by Branch and cut algorithm and offers several new best known solutions.  相似文献   

We consider a waste collection problem encountered in Due Carrare, a town located in Northern Italy. The original feature of the problem consists in the need for arranging appointments between vehicles along their routes so that small vehicles can dump their contents in the large ones and continue their work. This feature identifies the problem as a generalization of the well‐known Capacitated Arc Routing Problem (CARP). We propose a local search heuristic obtained from a variable neighborhood procedure suggested by Hertz and Mittaz (2001) for the CARP. In the Due Carrare instance, the proposed algorithm decreases the total route duration, apart from the required time for any feasible set of routes, of about 30% with respect to the routes so far adopted.  相似文献   

This paper introduces an efficient algorithm for the bike request scheduling problem (BRSP). The BRSP is built around the concept of request, defined as the pickup or dropoff of a number of identical items (bikes) at a specific station, within a certain time window, and with a certain priority. The aim of the BRSP is to sequence requests on (and hence determine the routes of) a set of vehicles, in such a way that the sum of the priorities of the executed requests is maximized, all time windows are respected, and the capacity of the vehicles is not exceeded. The generation of the set of requests is explicitly not a part of the problem definition of the BRSP. The primary application of the BRSP, from which it derives its name, is to determine the routes of a set of repositioning vehicles in a bike sharing system, although other applications exist. The algorithm introduced in this paper is based on a set of related greedy randomized adaptive search procedure followed by variable neighborhood descent (GRASP + VND) operators embedded in a large neighborhood search (LNS) framework. Since this paper presents the first heuristic for the BRSP, a computational comparison to existing approaches is not possible. We therefore compare the solutions found by our LNS heuristic to those found by an exact solver (Gurobi). These experiments confirm that the proposed algorithm scales to realistic dimensions and is able to find near‐optimal solutions in seconds.  相似文献   

Warehousing is a key part of supply chain management. It primarily focuses on controlling the movement and storage of materials within a warehouse and processing the associated transactions, including shipping, receiving, and picking. From the tactical point of view, the main decision is the storage policy, that is, to decide where each product should be located. Every day a warehouse receives several orders from its customers. Each order consists of a list of one or more items that have to be retrieved from the warehouse and shipped to a specific customer. Thus, items must be collected by a warehouse operator. We focus on situations in which several orders are put together into batches, satisfying a fixed capacity constraint. Then, each batch is assigned to an operator, who retrieves all the items included in those orders grouped into the corresponding batch in a single tour. The objective is then to minimize the maximum retrieving time for any batch. In this paper, we propose a parallel variable neighborhood search algorithm to tackle the so‐called min–max order batching problem. We additionally compare this parallel procedure with the best previous approach. Computational results show the superiority of our proposal, confirmed with statistical tests.  相似文献   

The capacitated vertex p-center problem is a location problem that consists of placing p facilities and assigning customers to each of these facilities so as to minimize the largest distance between any customer and its assigned facility, subject to demand capacity constraints for each facility. In this work, a metaheuristic for this location problem that integrates several components such as greedy randomized construction with adaptive probabilistic sampling and iterated greedy local search with variable neighborhood descent is presented. Empirical evidence over a widely used set of benchmark data sets on location literature reveals the positive impact of each of the developed components. Furthermore, it is found empirically that the proposed heuristic outperforms the best existing heuristic for this problem in terms of solution quality, running time, and reliability on finding feasible solutions for hard instances.  相似文献   

In this paper we develop a problem with potential applications in humanitarian relief transportation and telecommunication networks. Given a set of vertices including the depot, facility and customer vertices, the goal is to construct a minimum length cycle over a subset of facilities while covering a given number of customers. Essentially, a customer is covered when it is located within a pre-specified distance of a visited facility on the tour. We propose two node-based and flow-based mathematical models and two metaheuristic algorithms including memetic algorithm and a variable neighborhood search for the problem. Computational tests on a set of randomly generated instances and on set of benchmark data indicate the effectiveness of the proposed algorithms.  相似文献   

A multiobjective variable neighborhood descent (VND) based heuristic is developed to solve a bicriteria parallel machine scheduling problem. The problem considers two objectives, one related to the makespan and the other to the flow time, where the setup time depends on the sequence, and the machines are identical. The heuristic has a set of neighborhood structures based on swap, remove, and insertion moves. We propose changing the local search inside the VND to a sequential search through the neighborhoods to obtain nondominated points for the Pareto‐front quickly. In the numerical tests, we consider a single‐objective version of the heuristic, comparing the results on 510 benchmark instances to show that it is quite effective. Moreover, new instances are generated in accordance with the literature for the bicriteria problem, showing the ability of the proposed heuristic to return an efficient set of nondominate solutions compared with the well‐known nondominated sorting genetic algorithm II.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the prize-collecting vehicle routing problem (PCVRP), which has a strong background in practical industries. In the PCVRP, the capacities of all available vehicles are not sufficient to satisfy the demands of all customers. Consequently it is not a compulsory requirement that all customers should be visited. However, a prize can be collected once a customer is visited. In addition, it is required that the total demands of visited customers should reach a pre-specified value at least. The objective is to establish a schedule of vehicle routes so as to minimize the total transportation cost and at the same time maximize the prize collected by all vehicles. The total transportation cost consists of the total distance of vehicle routes and the sum of vehicles used in the schedule. To solve the PCVRP, a two-level self-adaptive variable neighborhood search (TLSAVNS) algorithm is developed according to the two levels of decisions in the PCVRP, namely the selection of customers to visit and the visiting sequence of selected customers in each vehicle route. The proposed TLSAVNS algorithm is self-adaptive because the neighborhoods and their search sequence are determined automatically by the algorithm itself based on the analysis of its search history. In addition, a graph extension method is adopted to obtain the lower bound for PCVRP by transforming the proposed mixed integer programming model of PCVRP into an equivalent traveling salesman problem (TSP) model, and the obtained lower bound is used to evaluate the proposed TLSAVNS algorithm. Computational results on benchmark problems show that the proposed TLSAVNS algorithm is efficient for PCVRP.  相似文献   

针对离散布谷鸟算法求解旅行商问题时邻域搜索效率低和易陷入局部最优解等问题,提出了一种自适应动态邻域布谷鸟混合算法(Adaptive Dynamic Neighborhood Hybrid Cuckoo Search algorithm,ADNHCS)。为了提升邻域搜索效率,设计了一种圆限定突变的动态邻域结构来降低经典算法的随机性;此外,提出了可根据迭代过程进行自适应参数调整的策略,并结合禁忌搜索算法来提升全局寻优的能力。使用MATLAB和标准TSPLIB数据库中的若干经典算例对算法性能进行了实验仿真,结果表明与其他基于布谷鸟算法、经典和新型群智能优化算法相比,ADNHCS算法在全局寻优能力以及稳定性方面表现更优。  相似文献   

提出了一种加入了禁忌表、并且采用了新的温度控制机制的用于求解TSP问题的模拟退火算法。新算法增加了搜索结束阶段进行“爬坡”移动的概率,吸收了禁忌搜索具有较强局部搜索能力的优点和模拟退火算法产生优质解的能力,并且对问题的依赖性低于传统的模拟退火算法。对标准的TSPLib中不同国家的城市数据进行测试的实验结果表明,新的算法比传统的模拟退火算法在求解TSP问题上有更快的收敛速度,在解的质量上也有一定程度的提高。  相似文献   

郭羽含  伊鹏 《计算机应用》2018,38(10):3036-3041
针对于长期车辆合乘问题(LTCPP),提出一种复合变邻域搜索算法(HVNSA),将具有相同目的地的用户进行合乘匹配从而减少车辆出行数量。首先,构建一个全面准确的长期车辆合乘问题的数学模型,将所有用户按复合距离优先算法分配到合乘小组中,对时间窗口和车容量约束验证,得到初始合乘方案;然后利用变邻域搜索算法对初始合乘方案进行优化迭代,得到最终的优化合乘方案。实验结果表明,该算法在处理100人和200人的规模问题上可以在1 s内得到高质量的优化合乘方案,对于400人和1000人的较大规模问题,该算法仍然可以在2~4 s内得到较高质量的优化合乘方案。  相似文献   

This paper applies a hybrid simulated annealing – tabu search algorithm to solve the Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP). Fully considering the characteristics of the hybrid algorithm, we develop a dynamic neighborhood structure for the hybrid algorithm to improve search efficiency by reducing the randomness of the conventional 2-opt neighborhood. A circle-directed mutation is developed to achieve this dynamic neighborhood structure. Furthermore, we propose adaptive parameters that can be automatically adjusted by the algorithm based on context specific examples. This negates the need to frequently readjust algorithm parameters. We employ benchmarks obtained from TSPLIB (a library of sample instances for the TSP) to test our algorithm, and find that the proposed algorithm can obtain satisfactory solutions within a reasonable amount of time. The experimental results demonstrate that the proposed hybrid algorithm can overcome the disadvantages of traditional simulated annealing and tabu search methods. The results also show that the dynamic neighborhood structure is more efficient and accurate than the classical 2-opt. Also, adaptive parameters are appropriate for almost all of the numerical examples tested in this paper. Finally, the experimental results are compared with those of other algorithms, to demonstrate the improved accuracy and efficiency of the proposed algorithm.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a variable neighborhood descent heuristic for solving a capacitated arc routing problem with time-dependent service costs. The problem is motivated by winter gritting applications where the timing of each intervention is crucial. The variable neighborhood descent is based on neighborhood structures that manipulate arcs or sequences of arcs. Computational results are reported on problems derived from classical capacitated arc routing problem instances. A comparison is also provided with an alternative approach where the arc routing problem is solved after being transformed into an equivalent node routing problem.  相似文献   

随机需求车辆路径问题(capacitated vehicle routing problem with stochastic demand,CVRPSD)是对带容量约束车辆路径问题(capacitated vehicle routing problem,CVRP)的扩展,需求不确定的特点使其较CVRP更复杂,对求解方法要求更高.基于先预优化后重调度思想,提出两阶段的混合变邻域分散搜索算法(variable neighborhood scatter search,VNSS)对该问题进行求解:预优化阶段构建随机机会约束规划模型,对客户点随机需求作机会约束确定型等价处理,生成最优预优化方案;重调度阶段采用新的点重优化策略进行线路调整,降低因失败点而产生的额外成本,减少对人工和车辆的占用.算例验证表明,随机机会约束模型和两阶段变邻域分散搜索算法在求解CVRPSD时较为有效,点重优化策略调整效果较佳.  相似文献   

针对NP-难的最小化时间表长为目标的无等待流水车间调度问题,将此问题转化为旅行商问题.采用蚁群优化求得初始工件排序.在提出的一种新的邻域结构基础上,迭代进行集中和分散的变邻域搜索以改善解.用Rec系列及he11和he12共计23个Benchmark算例进行计算验证,并与RAJ算法进行了比较.结果表明所提出的方法是有效的.  相似文献   

In this work we treat the Routing and Wavelength Assignment (RWA) with focus on minimizing the number of wavelengths to route demand requests. Lightpaths are used to carry the traffic optically between origin-destination pairs. The RWA is subjected to wavelength continuity constraints, and a particular wavelength cannot be assigned to two different lightpaths sharing a common physical link. We develop a Variable Neighborhood Descent (VND) with Iterated Local Search (ILS) for the problem. In a VND phase we try to rearrange requests between subgraphs associated to subsets of a partition of the set of lightpath requests. In a feasible solution, lightpaths belonging to a subset can be routed with the same wavelength. Thus, the purpose is to eliminate one subset of the partition. When VND fails, we perform a ILS phase to disturb the requests distribution among the subsets of the partition. An iteration of the algorithm alternates between a VND phase and a ILS phase. We report computational experiments that show VND-ILS was able to improve results upon powerful methods proposed in the literature.  相似文献   

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