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The twin‐screw configuration problem arises during polymer extrusion and compounding. It consists in defining the location of a set of pre‐defined screw elements along the screw axis in order to optimize different, typically conflicting objectives. In this paper, we present a simple yet effective stochastic local search (SLS) algorithm for this problem. Our algorithm is based on efficient single‐objective iterative improvement algorithms, which have been developed by studying different neighborhood structures, neighborhood search strategies, and neighborhood restrictions. These algorithms are embedded into a variation of the two‐phase local search framework to tackle various bi‐objective versions of this problem. An experimental comparison with a previously proposed multi‐objective evolutionary algorithm shows that a main advantage of our SLS algorithm is that it converges faster to a high‐quality approximation to the Pareto front.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a new local search algorithm for finding the optimal configuration of subroutes from a set of candidate transit routes in a transportation network. It is intended to maximize the transit ridership while holding the budget constraint. In each iteration of the algorithm, route segments that are likely to absorb more transit passengers are added to the configuration and less‐contributing segments are removed, instead. A path‐based model with elastic demand is applied for traffic assignment problem. The algorithm takes advantage of the equilibrium paths information to speed up the calculations for emerging configurations. A numerical experiment on Sioux‐Falls network indicates that the proposed algorithm can achieve high‐quality solutions at different levels of budget. Also, the run‐time and performance of the algorithm are reported over a large problem instance of the Chicago sketch network with 55 artificial candidate routes.  相似文献   

In this contribution, a parallel hybrid local search algorithm for the three‐dimensional container loading problem (CLP) is proposed. First a simulated annealing method for the CLP is developed, which is then combined with an existing tabu search algorithm to form a hybrid metaheuristic. Finally, parallel versions are introduced for these algorithms. The emphasis is on CLP instances with a weakly heterogeneous load. Numerical tests based on the well‐known 700 test instances from Bischoff and Ratcliff are performed, and the outcome is compared with methods from other authors. The results show a high solution quality obtained with reasonable computing time.  相似文献   

Computational intelligence techniques are part of the search process in several recent heuristics. One of their main benefits is the use of an adaptive memory to guide the search towards regions with promising solutions. This paper follows this approach proposing a variation of a well-known iteration independent metaheuristic. This variation adds a learning stage to the search process, which can improve the quality of the solutions found. The proposed metaheuristic, named Intelligent-Guided Adaptive Search (IGAS), provides an efficient solution to the maximum covering facility location problem. Computational experiments conducted by the authors showed that the solutions found by IGAS were better than the solutions obtained by popular methods found in the literature.  相似文献   

针对考虑站点服务时间、学生最大乘车时间约束的校车路径问题(SBRP),提出一种改进迭代局部搜索(ILS)算法以提升求解质量。该算法使用大规模邻域搜索(LNS)算法作为扰动算子;在解的破坏过程中,设计一组解的破坏因子并赋以一定的选择概率,每隔若干次迭代后根据解的质量自适应更改破坏因子的选择概率,进而调整解的破坏程度。为提升ILS解的多样性,算法采用了基于偏差系数的邻域解接受准则。在国际基准测试案例上进行了测试,测试结果表明在ILS算法中使用自适应调整破坏程度的LNS扰动比常规扰动和其他破坏扰动的求解质量有大幅提升;与蚁群算法的比较结果进一步验证了改进算法的有效性。  相似文献   

As the credit industry has been growing rapidly, credit scoring models have been widely used by the financial industry during this time to improve cash flow and credit collections. However, a large amount of redundant information and features are involved in the credit dataset, which leads to lower accuracy and higher complexity of the credit scoring model. So, effective feature selection methods are necessary for credit dataset with huge number of features. In this paper, a novel approach, called RSFS, to feature selection based on rough set and scatter search is proposed. In RSFS, conditional entropy is regarded as the heuristic to search the optimal solutions. Two credit datasets in UCI database are selected to demonstrate the competitive performance of RSFS consisted in three credit models including neural network model, J48 decision tree and Logistic regression. The experimental result shows that RSFS has a superior performance in saving the computational costs and improving classification accuracy compared with the base classification methods.  相似文献   

The state-of-the-art ant colony optimization (ACO) algorithm to solve large scale set covering problems (SCP) starts by solving the Lagrangian dual (LD) problem of the SCP to obtain quasi-optimal dual values. These values are then exploited by the ACO algorithm in the form of heuristic estimates. This article starts by discussing the complexity of this approach where a number of new parameters are introduced to escape local optimums and normalize the heuristic values. To avoid these complexities, we propose a new hybrid algorithm that starts by solving the linear programming (LP) relaxation of the SCP. This solution is used to eliminate unnecessary columns, and to estimate the heuristic information. To generate solutions, we use a Max–Min Ant System (MMAS) algorithm that employs a novel mechanism to update the pheromone trail limits to maintain a predetermined exploration rate. Computational experiments on different sets of benchmark instances prove that our proposed algorithm can be considered the new state-of-the-art meta-heuristic to solve the SCP.  相似文献   

Iterated local search for the team orienteering problem with time windows   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A personalised electronic tourist guide assists tourists in planning and enjoying their trip. The planning problem that needs to be solved, in real-time, can be modelled as a team orienteering problem with time windows (TOPTW). In the TOPTW, a set of locations is given, each with a score, a service time and a time window. The goal is to maximise the sum of the collected scores by a fixed number of routes. The routes allow to visit locations at the right time and they are limited in length. The main contribution of this paper is a simple, fast and effective iterated local search meta-heuristic to solve the TOPTW. An insert step is combined with a shake step to escape from local optima. The specific shake step implementation and the fast evaluation of possible improvements, produces a heuristic that performs very well on a large and diverse set of instances. The average gap between the obtained results and the best-known solutions is only 1.8% and the average computation time is decreased with a factor of several hundreds. For 31 instances, new best solutions are computed.  相似文献   

带平衡约束的矩形布局问题属于组合优化问题,当问题规模增大时求解困难。为提高求解效率,设计了一个蜂群算法,通过分析解的分布,提供了基于贪心策略的群体初始化方案,选择了有效的变异算子,将蜂群算法的搜索空间聚焦于最优解可能的区域。另外设计了一个二次局部搜索算法,对解的质量进行进一步提升。在10个公开的案例上与目前性能最好的算法进行了对照,提出的蜂群算法在其中9个较大规模的案例上超过了现有算法。理论分析和实验结果表明,相对于现有算法,所提蜂群算法能明显提高求解效率。  相似文献   

The quadratic multiple knapsack problem (QMKP) concerns assigning a set of objects, which interact among themselves through paired profit values, to a set of capacity-constrained knapsacks such that the overall profit of the objects included in the knapsacks is maximized and the total weight of the objects in each knapsack does not exceed the capacity of the knapsack. In this paper we present a highly effective tabu search (TS) approach for QMKP that incorporates a hybridization scheme combining both feasible and infeasible local searches. The feasible local search focuses its search on the most relevant feasible solutions, while the infeasible local search explores a large search space composed of both feasible and infeasible solutions, and employs several tailored move selection rules to keep the infeasible solutions close to the feasible regions located in promising areas. Extensive computational results on a set of 60 benchmark instances in the literature illustrate that the new TS approach compares very favorably with the current state-of-the-art solution methods for QMKP. In particular, the TS approach finds improved best solutions for ten instances. We also analyze the hybridization scheme in the TS approach to ascertain its effect on the performance of the solution method.  相似文献   

A novel global harmony search algorithm for task assignment problem   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The objective of task assignment problem (TAP) is to minimize the sum of interprocessor communication and task processing costs for a distributed system which subjects to several resource constraints. We use a novel global harmony search algorithm (NGHS) to solve this problem, and the NGHS algorithm has demonstrated higher efficiency than the improved harmony search algorithm (IHS) on finding the near optimal task assignment. We also devise a new method called normalized penalty function method to tradeo® the costs and the constraints. A large number of experiments show that our algorithm performs well on finding the near optimal task assignment, and it is a viable approach for the task assignment problem.  相似文献   

Modern production systems require multiple manufacturing centers—usually distributed among different locations—where the outcomes of each center need to be assembled to generate the final product. This paper discusses the distributed assembly permutation flow‐shop scheduling problem, which consists of two stages: the first stage is composed of several production factories, each of them with a flow‐shop configuration; in the second stage, the outcomes of each flow‐shop are assembled into a final product. The goal here is to minimize the makespan of the entire manufacturing process. With this objective in mind, we present an efficient and parameter‐less algorithm that makes use of a biased‐randomized iterated local search metaheuristic. The efficiency of the proposed method is evaluated through the analysis of an extensive set of computational experiments. The results show that our algorithm offers excellent performance when compared with other state‐of‐the‐art approaches, obtaining several new best solutions.  相似文献   

The minimum independent dominating set (MIDS) problem is a famous combinatorial optimization problem and is widely used in real-world domains. In this paper, we design a novel local search algorithm with tabu method and two phase removing strategies including double-checked removing strategy and random diversity removing strategy to solve the MIDS problem. The first removing strategy checks and then removes the second-level neighbourhood of the just removal vertex to break the limitation of the independence property. When the quality of candidate solution has not been improved after some steps, the second removing strategy dynamically and greedily removes lots of vertices so that the current candidate solution can escape from suboptimal search space, and then we introduce the random walk into the repair process. Experiments are carried out on two classical benchmarks named DIMACS and BHOSLIB, and the results show that the proposed algorithm significantly outperforms the previous state-of-the-art MIDS heuristic algorithms.  相似文献   

The two-echelon location-routing problem (LRP-2E) is raised by the design of transportation networks with two types of trips: first-level trips serving from one main depot a set of satellite depots, to be located, and second-level trips supplying customers from these satellites. In the proposed multi-start iterated local search (MS-ILS), three greedy randomized heuristics are used cyclically to get initial solutions. Each ILS run alternates between two search spaces: LRP-2E solutions, and travelling salesman (TSP) tours covering the main depot and the customers. The number of iterations allotted to a run is reduced whenever a known solution (stored in a tabu list) is revisited. MS-ILS can be reinforced by a path-relinking procedure (PR), used internally for intensification, as post-optimization, or both. On two sets with 24 and 30 LRP-2E instances, MS-ILS outperforms on average two GRASP algorithms and adding PR brings a further improvement. Our metaheuristic also surpasses a tabu search on 30 instances for a more general problem with several main depots. It is still effective on a particular case, the capacitated location-routing problem (CLRP): In a comparison with four published metaheuristics, only one (LRGTS, Prins et al., 2007) does better.  相似文献   

Iterated local search (ILS) is a powerful framework for developing efficient algorithms for the permutation flow‐shop problem (PFSP). These algorithms are relatively simple to implement and use very few parameters, which facilitates the associated fine‐tuning process. Therefore, they constitute an attractive solution for real‐life applications. In this paper, we discuss some parallelization, parametrization, and randomization issues related to ILS‐based algorithms for solving the PFSP. In particular, the following research questions are analyzed: (a) Is it possible to simplify even more the parameter setting in an ILS framework without affecting performance? (b) How do parallelized versions of these algorithms behave as we simultaneously vary the number of different runs and the computation time? (c) For a parallelized version of these algorithms, is it worthwhile to randomize the initial solution so that different starting points are considered? (d) Are these algorithms affected by the use of a “good‐quality” pseudorandom number generator? In this paper, we introduce the new ILS‐ESP (where ESP is efficient, simple, and parallelizable) algorithm that is specifically designed to take advantage of parallel computing, allowing us to obtain competitive results in “real time” for all tested instances. The ILS‐ESP also uses “natural” parameters, which simplifies the calibration process. An extensive set of computational experiments has been carried out in order to answer the aforementioned research questions.  相似文献   

In this paper, we study the k‐labeled spanning forest (kLSF) problem in which an undirected graph whose edges are labeled and an integer‐positive value are given; the aim is to find a spanning forest of the input graph with the minimum number of connected components and the upper bound on the number of labels. The problem is related to the minimum labeling spanning tree problem and has several applications in the real world. In this paper, we compare several metaheuristics to solve this NP‐hard problem. In particular, the proposed intelligent variable neighborhood search (VNS) shows excellent performance, obtaining high‐quality solutions in short computational running time. This approach integrates VNS with other complementary approaches from machine learning, statistics, and experimental algorithmics, in order to produce high‐quality performance and completely automate the resulting optimization strategy.  相似文献   

An ILS algorithm is proposed to solve the permutation flowshop sequencing problem with total flowtime criterion. The effects of different initial permutations and different perturbation strengths are studied. Comparisons are carried out with three constructive heuristics, three ant-colony algorithms and a particle swarm optimization algorithm. Experiments on benchmarks and a set of random instances show that the proposed algorithm is more effective. The presented ILS improves the best known permutations by a significant margin.  相似文献   

Algorithmic construction of software interaction test suites has focussed on pairwise coverage; less is known about the efficient construction of test suites for t‐way interactions with t≥3. This study extends an efficient density‐based algorithm for pairwise coverage to generate t‐way interaction test suites and shows that it guarantees a logarithmic upper bound on the size of the test suites as a function of the number of factors. To complement this theoretical guarantee, an implementation is outlined and some practical improvements are made. Computational comparisons with other published methods are reported. Many of the results improve upon those in the literature. However, limitations on the ability of one‐test‐at‐a‐time algorithms are also identified. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Given a set of positive integers S, the minimum generating set problem consists in finding a set of positive integers T with a minimum cardinality such that every element of S can be expressed as the sum of a subset of elements in T. It constitutes a natural problem in combinatorial number theory and is related to some real-world problems, such as planning radiation therapies.We present a new formulation to this problem (based on the terminology for the multiple knapsack problem) that is used to design an evolutionary approach whose performance is driven by three search strategies; a novel random greedy heuristic scheme that is employed to construct initial solutions, a specialized crossover operator inspired by real-parameter crossovers and a restart mechanism that is incorporated to avoid premature convergence. Computational results for problem instances involving up to 100,000 elements show that our innovative genetic algorithm is a very attractive alternative to the existing approaches.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the inventory routing problem (IRP), which consists in defining the customer visit schedule, the delivery quantities, and the vehicle routing plan to meet the demands of a set of customers over a given time horizon. We consider the variant with a single item, a single supplier, multiple vehicles, and a finite multiperiod planning horizon, minimizing the sum of inventory and travel costs. In addition, we address an alternative objective function that minimizes the logistic ratio, defined as the total travel cost divided by the total quantity delivered to customers. This second objective function, while more realistic in some logistics settings, poses a challenge for integer programming models and exact methods because of its nonlinearity. To our knowledge, no heuristic method has been proposed to address this objective in the IRP variant addressed in this paper. To solve this problem with each of these objective functions, we propose effective metaheuristic algorithms based on iterated local search and simulated annealing. Computational experiments show that these algorithms provide reasonably high‐quality solutions in relatively short running times for both objective functions when compared to other methods for well‐known instances from the literature. Moreover, the algorithms produce new best solutions for some of these instances.  相似文献   

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