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With the projected widespread application of Metal Matrix Composites, it is necessary to develop an appropriate technology for their efficient and cost-effective machining. This paper deals with the study of feasibility of rotary carbide tools in the intermittent machining of Al/SiCp composites. A rotary tool holder was designed and fabricated for this work. Experiments were designed using Taguchi Methods to analyse the influence of various factors and their interactions on the flank wear of rotary carbide tools during machining. A tool-life model describing the effect of process, tool and material dependent parameter on the magnitude of flank wear of a rotary carbide tool is proposed.  相似文献   

This paper presents a new approach for the optimization of drilling parameters on drilling Al/SiC metal matrix composite with multiple responses based on orthogonal array with grey relational analysis. Experiments are conducted on LM25-based aluminium alloy reinforced with green bonded silicon carbide of size 25 μm (10% volume fraction). Drilling tests are carried out using TiN coated HSS twist drills of 10 mm diameter under dry condition. In this study, drilling parameters namely cutting speed, feed and point angle are optimized with the considerations of multi responses such as surface roughness, cutting force and torque. A grey relational grade is obtained from the grey analysis. Based on the grey relational grade, optimum levels of parameters have been identified and significant contribution of parameters is determined by ANOVA. Confirmation test is conducted to validate the test result. Experimental results have shown that the responses in drilling process can be improved effectively through the new approach.  相似文献   

In this study, investigation on machinability characteristic of aluminum silicon carbide composite on electrical discharge machine is carried out. The composites are prepared through powder metallurgy route. The influence of four machining parameters (discharge current, pulse duration, duty cycle, and flushing pressure) and two material parameters (weight fraction of silicon carbide in the composite and mesh size) on selected responses are studied. The responses considered, in this work, are material removal rate, tool wear rate, surface roughness and circularity. In actual machining application, it is desirable to find a parametric combination that leads to simultaneous optimization of all the responses. Classical Taguchi method can optimize a single response but not multiple responses. In order to simultaneously optimize multiple responses, a hybrid approach combining principal component analysis (PCA) and fuzzy inference system is coupled with Taguchi method. The influence of each parameter on the responses is established using analysis of variances (ANOVA) at 5% level of significance. It is found that pulse duration, duty cycle, discharge current and flushing pressure contribute significantly to the multiple performance characteristic index. The four responses at optimal parameter setting have been reported.  相似文献   

利用带小 恒定高压发生装置,通过常压及高压模锻实验,研究了SiCp/AlMMC齿轮在常温高等静压下的模锻工艺,设计并制造出适于高等静压下模锻的整套模具。研究表明,SiCAlMMC在常温高等静压下可进行模锻,得到形状复杂,质量优良的认为,认为高等静压晟形MMC的有效途径。  相似文献   

基于田口法的高速切削参数优化研究与应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
应用田口法对切削速度、背吃刀量以及每齿进给量三个主要影响表面粗糙度的因素进行分析,求出各个因素不同水平的平均表面粗糙度和信噪比(S/N),得到最优切削参数。预测经最优切削参数加工得到的表面粗糙度值,最后通过确认实验验证了其正确性。  相似文献   

Machining parameters tables provided by the machine tool manufacturers often do not meet the operator requirements and sometimes even do not provide efficient guidelines to manufacturing engineers. Hence, a suitable selection of machining parameters of CNC wire cut electrical discharge machining (EDM) process is necessary. This paper present a reliable set of parameters that demonstrate versatility, and numerous and diverse range based on experience and technology. We offer an experimental investigation to determine the parameters setting during the machining of aluminium-reinforced silicon carbide metal matrix composite (Al/SiC-MMC). The Taguchi method, a powerful tool for experimental design, is used to optimize the CNC-wire cut-EDM parameters. According to the Taguchi quality design Concept, a L18 (21×37) mixed orthogonal array was used to determine the S/N ratio, and an analysis of variance (ANOVA) and the F-test values were used to indicate the significant machining parameters affecting the machining performance. From experimental results and through ANOVA and F-test values, the significant factors are determined for each machining performance criteria, such as the metal removal rate, surface roughness, gap current and spark gap (gap width). Considering these significant CNC wire cut-EDM parameters, verification of the improvement in the quality characteristics for machining Al/SiC-MMC was made with a confirmation test with respect to the chosen initial or reference parameter setting. Mathematical models relating to the machining performance are established using the Gauss elimination method for the effective machining of Al/SiC-MMC. Yet again, confirmation test results also show that the developed mathematical models are appropriate for the effective machining of Al/SiC-MMC. The determined optimal combination of CNC-wire cut-EDM parameters obtained from the study satisfy the real requirement of quality machining of Al/SiC MMC in practice.  相似文献   

徐进 《工具技术》2001,35(6):12-14
SiCp/Al是具有优良物理、机械性能的难加工多相材料。为解决加工SiCp/Al材料时刀具磨损快、表面质量差的问题,通过对SiCp/Al切削表面形成机理及刀具磨(破)损机理的分析,采用常规硬质合金刀具材料设计了加工SiCp/Al的新型引导光整刀具,并用传统工艺设备进行了切削试验。结果表明,新型刀具可显著提高刀具耐用度和加工表面质量。  相似文献   

The use of a pulsed Nd:YAG laser in the 0.1 mm- thick aluminum alloy lap micro-weld process was optimized. The welding parameters that influence the quality of the pulsed Nd:YAG laser lap micro-weld were evaluated by measuring of the tensile-shear strength. In this work, the Taguchi method was adopted to perform the initial optimization of the pulsed Nd:YAG laser micro-weld process parameters. A neural network with a Levenberg-Marquardt back-propagation (LMBP) algorithm was then adopted to develop the relationships between the welding process parameters and the tensile-shear strength of each weldment. The optimal parameters of the pulsed Nd:YAG laser micro-weld process were determined by simulating parameters using a well-trained back-propagation neural network model. Experimental results illustrate the proposed approach.  相似文献   

SiC颗粒增强铝基复合材料是一种性能优异的高速摩擦材料,作为刹车材料必将在陆上运输领域得到广泛应用。但SiC颗粒增强铝基复合材料的摩擦磨损性能强烈地依赖于实验条件和制备工艺。综述了各种因素对SiC颗粒增强铝基复合材料摩擦磨损性能的影响,总结了SiC颗粒增强铝基复合材料摩擦磨损机制,并指出了SiC颗粒增强铝基复合材料需进一步深入研究的问题及新的研究方向。  相似文献   

分别以亚微米级 (130nm)、微米级 (14 μm)SiCp和微米级 (2 0 0目 )Al粉为原料 ,采用冷压烧结和热挤压方法制备出不同体积含量 (1 5 %、 5 % )亚微米、微米级SiCp增强Al基复合材料。研究复合材料磨损表面、亚表层形貌 ,结果表明 :SiCp/Al复合材料具有优良的耐磨性能 ,随着SiCp尺寸的增大 ,含量的增高 ,耐磨性能提高 ;其耐磨机理是磨损表面和亚表层在摩擦推挤形变的作用下形成了Al基体加尺寸适中、近球状、分布弥散SiCp的耐磨组织  相似文献   

在高精密平面磨床上,使用金刚石砂轮磨削SiCp/Al复合材料,通过PCI-1712高速数据采集卡采集实验数据.在Matlab软件里,通过对不同磨削参数下的信号进行时域和小波分析,得出在砂轮速度一定时,进给速度对磨削力和磨削力比的影响最大,磨削深度次之,实验结果表明:随着进给速度和磨削深度的增大、磨削力增大,磨削力比减小。  相似文献   

为了研究碳化硅颗粒增强铝基(SiCp/Al)复合材料钻削加工的棱边缺陷,通过对工件和钻头进行二维简化建模以及对工件的网格划分,利用ABAQUS/Explicit中的动力显示模块进行钻削模拟。通过改变每齿进给量fy观察复合材料的棱边缺陷,并对仿真结果进行分析,同时和试验结果进行对比。结果表明:工件的棱边缺陷的大小随着进给量的大小而呈线性变化,此结果与试验结果大体一致。该研究可为进一步研究碳化硅铝基(SiCp/Al)复合材料的棱边缺陷提供理论依据。  相似文献   

为了改善电火花深小孔加工过程中,因加工碎屑排出不畅而导致的加工速度慢、电极损耗严重等问题,制备螺旋、三沟槽和削边三种形貌的异形结构电极。在相同的加工条件下,以铝基碳化硅为实验材料,采用异形结构电极与圆柱电极分别进行不同深度下深小孔加工实验,对加工效率、电极损耗和深小孔内表面形貌三方面进行对比分析。实验结果表明:异形结构电极在深小孔的加工效率和电极损耗方面都优于圆柱电极;小孔内表面形貌方面:圆柱电极加工后的孔内表面附着碎屑较多。  相似文献   

通过建立Si Cp/Al复合材料薄壁件的三维有限元模型,运用ABAQUS有限元软件对其车削加工过程进行模拟分析,研究了切削速度、进给量和背吃刀量等切削参数对薄壁件加工变形的影响规律。结果表明,在工件端部对Si Cp/Al复合材料薄壁件进行切削时,最大径向变形和最大挠曲变形都发生在切削区域,并随着背吃刀量的增加而增大,随着进给量的增大而增大,随着切削速度的提高呈增大趋势。其中背吃刀量对Si Cp/Al复合材料薄壁件变形的影响最显著,切削速度影响较小。  相似文献   

分别采用超声切削和普通切削两种方式对SiCP/Al复合材料进行了车削试验,研究了切削参数对硬质合金YG6刀具磨损的影响规律,并在同等条件下与聚晶金刚石(PCD)刀具进行了对比。发现超声切削的刀具磨损量要小于普通切削的刀具磨损量;超声切削时PCD刀具的磨损量约为YG6刀具磨损量的1/10,这点和普通切削十分相似。  相似文献   

针对加工中心高速铣削中刀具及其切削参数选择问题,以已有高速铣削机理研究成果为基础,进行工件高速铣削加工特征研究,并建立高速铣刀优选目标模型和优选规则,完成了基于关系型数据库的高速铣刀优选系统的开发.结果表明,采用该系统优选的铣刀及其切削参数进行高速铣削加工,能有效提高加工品质和加工效率、降低加工成本.  相似文献   

利用有限元仿真软件ABAQUS对体积分数为56%的Si C_p/Al复合材料薄壁件进行切削加工仿真,研究了切削加工过程中不同切削深度对工件产生裂纹的位置和出现裂纹时工件顶部变形量的影响规律。结果表明:切削深度的改变会对工件产生裂纹的位置和出现裂纹时工件顶部变形量有不同的影响,其中切削深度在1mm左右会使工件上出现裂纹的位置急剧改变,裂纹出现位置从工件的中部变化到工件的下部,增大切削深度后裂纹的位置集中出现在工件下部区域;而切削深度改变,在工件上出现裂纹时,工件顶部的变形量没有太大变化,主要集中于0.7mm左右,这主要是Si Cp/Al复合材料内部Si C颗粒数量多、粒径大使得自身协调变形能力差的缘故。  相似文献   

应用线弹性断裂力学有限元法计算了SiCp/Al复合材料加工边缘的应力强度因子,定量地表征了工件边缘材料的断裂特性。建立了棱边缺陷形成的力学模型和数学模型。根据断口微观结构特征得出:裂纹的萌生扩展是棱边缺陷形成的主要原因。统计分析了棱边缺陷体积与切削力的二次回归数学模型,获得了棱边缺陷体积随切削力的增加呈非线性单调递增的特性。  相似文献   

应用有限元分析软件ABAQUS对Si Cp/Al复合材料薄壁件车削力进行了仿真研究,得到了切削用量对切削力的影响规律,并结合文献的实验成果对相应规律进行了分析。仿真结果表明:在Si Cp/Al复合材料薄壁件车削过程中,随切削速度的增大,三向切削分力(轴向力Fx、径向力Fy、切向力Fz)均增大,但径向力Fy增幅很小;随进给量的增大,三向切削分力都有增大的趋势;随背吃刀量的增大,三向切削分力均显著增大;背吃刀量是影响切削力的主要因素。  相似文献   

<正>10月16日,山高刀具大中华区总经理Bo Udsen先生媒体见面会在北京举行,来自全国各地的媒体记者近30人出席。Bo Udsen为山高刀具丹麦前董事总经理,于8月1日起,Bo Udsen被正式任命为山高大中华区董事总经理,他将在上海任职并向负责亚太地区的山高刀具副总裁汇报。  相似文献   

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