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The longer the contract period, the higher the chance that major changes will arise. Thus a greater reliance on the established relationships is needed to maintain the contractual bond in PPP project. Relationship management (RM) can therefore be expected to be even more valuable in the PPP context. This paper aims to investigate current perceptions and experiences of RM in PPP projects and more importantly, to identify the CSFs for RM in PPP projects. By means of an empirical questionnaire survey geared towards PPP practitioners with direct hands-on experience, the opinions were solicited, analyzed and compared in relation to potential PPP RM success factors. The survey findings indicate that industry practitioners currently lack a general understanding of concepts and applications of RM, given that it is relatively new in PPP. However, they do think that RM is very important to improve the present performance of PPPs. Future PPP business opportunities can also be increased by effective RM. The top four CSFs for RM are found to be commitment of senior executives, defining the objectives, integration of the different divisions and a multidisciplinary team. However, the relative importance presently assigned for each of the above factors is insufficient, and commitment from senior management is perceived as the most difficult factor to improve.  相似文献   

The briefing stage is of utmost importance to public private partnership (PPP) projects as it conveys the major message regarding what stakeholders need. However, stakeholders' needs are not often stated clearly at the briefing stage. In considering this, the current paper aimed at analyzing the key stakeholders' needs that should be known by project participants. Eighteen factors related to stakeholders' needs were identified based on literature and interviews. The importance of these factors was rated using a questionnaire survey in Hong Kong. Also, it was expected that some background variables should be taken into account when rating these factors. Therefore, other than using simple rating methods, a custom-made weighted ranking method was developed, which could enable an estimation of the weighted importance of stakeholder-related factors. In this research, four background variables were identified and their effects on the aspects such as type and nature of a PPP project, role in a PPP project, and experience working in a PPP project were examined. In order to group the factors, an exploratory factor analysis was conducted and four dimensions were extracted. The relationship of these dimensions with the four background variables were then tested by means of either t-test or ANOVA. Results indicate that the four background variables were important in ranking the aspects. After incorporating the effect of the four background variables, the weighted importance of the 18 factors was analyzed with the weighted ranking method. Finally, discussion about the rank order of the factors is provided.  相似文献   

PPP 项目的前期阶段至关重要,因为它有助于在采购过程中澄清客户的需求,这是PPP 中最重要的元素之一。针对这一点,本文目的在于确定可能会影响成功的前期采购相关的关键因素。基于现有文献和访谈,研究确定了15 个采购相关因素。进行因子分析,以确定潜在影响PPP 前期阶段的方面和尺度。在香港发放问卷调查,收集定量数据。结果提炼出客户对前期阶段的要求和决定、简报文件和灵活性、清晰的简报过程和控制及前期阶段中利益相关方的参与4 个主成分对前期采购具有影响,这4 个方面是PPP 可持续发展的基础,并可在前期阶段帮助改善PPP 项目的运作。  相似文献   

Since the 1980s, Singapore has experienced the widespread use of international construction joint ventures (ICJVs), which are associated with a variety of risks. This study aims to assess the risks associated with the underground rail ICJVs in Singapore. To achieve this objective, a comprehensive literature review was carried out and a questionnaire survey was conducted with 33 contractors. The survey results reported “disagreement on some conditions in contract” as the most critical risk. Although the risk criticalities of some risks significantly differed according to multiple company characteristics, there was strong agreement on the risk rankings. With the help of this study, ICJV partners can identify the most critical risks and thus develop mitigation measures. Also, the findings from this study provide a comprehensive picture of risks for the companies that intend to participate in ICJVs in Singapore.  相似文献   

PPPs have become a popular way to supply infrastructure around the world. However, compared with developed countries, most developing countries have failed to attract private investment over the past years. Risk allocation and governance environment (e.g., the extent of public participation, the level of political stability, the quality of public services, the ability of regulations, abiding the law, and the extent of corruption) may be important factors. To test the hypotheses, using about 4560 PPP projects in 138 developing countries from 2002 to 2015, this paper applies the Tobit regression model to investigate the interaction effect of governance environment and risk assumed by private partners on private investment. Results indicate that private partners assume that less risk can attract more private investment, and that a higher level of governance (control of corruption, government effectiveness, regulatory quality, and rule of law) reduces the negative influence of risk assumed by private partners on private investments.  相似文献   

Property-led arts development (PAD) is central to urban policy and planning. The demand for physical arts infrastructure runs parallel with the public call for arts nonprofits to act more entrepreneurial in shaping and re-imaging urban space. Increasingly, these groups have become active property developers negotiating the risks and rewards of land development rather than remaining passive fundraisers of bricks and mortar campaigns. This shift in organizational identity raises questions about whether the politics of urban arts development have changed. This study asks four questions: (1) how are nonprofit arts organizations becoming more entrepreneurial in property development, (2) how are nonprofit arts organizations reshaping the urban landscape through development partnerships, (3) how are nonprofit arts developers responding to the 2008 economic crash, and (4) how does PAD align with new thinking on downtown development alliances? This research explores the innovative but failed land development deal between the Seattle Art Museum and the now-defunct Washington Mutual to build a joint tower in the central business district. Their atypical private/nonprofit partnership changed Seattle’s downtown landscape through flexible ownership structures, generous planning incentives and off-budget municipal maneuvers. The lauded project turned sour when the homegrown financial institution collapsed, forcing the museum into debt with limited private or public sector solutions. While SAM overcame the immediate crisis, the case is a cautionary tale about the long-term risk of contemporary PAD. The case shows that innovative practices do not predetermine success. Further, the partnership study illuminates how contemporary arts investments reflect as well as contradict new thinking in urban politics literature about evolving patterns of influence in U.S. downtowns.  相似文献   

Large and complex infrastructure projects involve various risk factors and the successful implementation of such projects depends on effective management of the key risk factors. This paper reviews the literature to identify essential risk variables associated with infrastructure projects. Based on these risk variables, a survey is conducted to isolate and assess the critical risk factors for a mass rapid-transit underground rail project (Chaloem Ratchamongkhon Line), Thailand. Responses obtained within the project organisation are evaluated using principal component analysis to understand the latent structure of the critical risk factors. The variables within the factors are tested to confirm the reliability and validity of the constructs. Finally, nine critical factors with 35 items are extracted after four iterations. Critical risk factors obtained through the factor analysis are assessed to gain better understanding of their importance and impact on project management. The research findings are supported by the perceptions of the senior management within the project organisation, which are also discussed in the paper.  相似文献   

In this study, we build a conceptual model, which draws upon information systems implementation theory, to investigate the relationship between critical success factors related to the implementation of ERP software and the goal of competitive advantage. We test this model with data from a survey of 217 Australian organisations, using structural equation modelling (SEM). We find that organisations can best achieve competitive advantage by carefully managing: a) training and education, and b) system integration activities. Perhaps unexpectedly, neither well-conducted business process re-engineering nor good project management necessarily lead to competitive advantage. We have extended prior knowledge by providing empirical evidence that some CSFs do influence competitive advantage but that others may not. The results confirm that overall project delivery outcomes can be improved by understanding the influence of factors on both project management performance and post-implementation performance. Some theoretical and managerial consequences of the study's findings and limitations are discussed.  相似文献   

新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情(COVID-19) 的爆发严重影响了人们的生命健康和日常生 活,城市中的人口与生产生活资源等相对集 中,突发公共卫生事件发生时往往损失更 严重。韧性城市能够有效应对突发性灾害风 险,通过一系列干预措施帮助城市从崩溃状 态过渡到自组织循环稳态,并逐渐恢复。在 此背景之下,本文首先梳理了韧性城市的概 念与特征,通过分析韧性城市特征与突发公 共卫生事件应对措施之间的响应关系,探讨 了韧性城市规划应对突发公共卫生事件的适 用性。然后,基于韧性城市规划框架中的脆 弱性分析、城市管治、预防和不确定性导向规划四个方面,结合突发公共卫生事件发展周期,构建了预警、响应和恢复框架。最后,基于框 架提出了应对策略:预警层面,对潜在风险进行评估并构建早期预警系统,做好防灾准备;响应 层面,提出城市应急资源的冗余配置、城市基础设施的多元建设、城市生态环境的多层协作和社 区层级的自组织响应四大规划策略;恢复层面,注重韧性城市规划的重建与修复,强调灾后评 估与反馈,同时提升公众防灾意识。  相似文献   

Past studies have indicated that project managers may be less likely to continue failing IT projects if they are able to perceive project risks accurately. Using the scenario of a failing IT project, a computer simulation-based experiment investigated the influence of individual self-efficacy and project risk factors on the perception of risk. Participants played the role of a project manager and managed a simulated IT project. The results suggest that project managers are likely to underestimate the risks of a project with endogenous risk factors as compared to a project with exogenous risk factors. Results of this study point to a ‘self-efficacy bias’ where project managers with higher self-efficacy may underestimate the risks of a troubled IT project as compared to project managers with lower self-efficacy. Further, risk perception mediated the influence of self-efficacy on the commitment to a failing IT project.  相似文献   

任洪国  宣文妤 《室内设计》2023,38(4):144-150
近年来突发公共卫生事件频发,严重影响城市运转与人民安全。为支撑高质量发展,坚持以人民为中心的发展思想,提升城市科学应对突发公共卫生事件的能力成为国土空间规划研究的热点问题。以邯郸市涉县主城区为研究对象,立足于“现状—识别—评价—策略”的逻辑,将基于传染性突发公共卫生事件的“风险评价”引入国土空间规划编制体系。通过风险识别,构建包含人口、城市治理、生态环境、基础设施、应急设施、公共服务设施的6个一级指标和15个二级指标的风险评价体系。对各设施覆盖率数据(Arc GIS),各设施核密度数据(POI,Arc GIS)和涉县人口、公园、医疗等统计数据(涉县政府,实地调研)进行标准化处理后结合风险评价模型得到涉县五个单元各项指标得分和单元风险指数。结果表明:龙山单元的风险指数最低,但医疗设施15 min覆盖率的风险指数较大;商城单元的风险指数最高,其中人口密度风险指数较高。基于研究结论,初步提出划分国土空间管控单元、统筹规划国土空间风险要素、提升国土空间治理能力的整体优化建议及优化路网质量,增加各设施(公园绿地、广场、医院、商业设施)的覆盖率,提高社区管理能力等各单元的细分优化建议。  相似文献   

徐苗  杨雪梅 《室内设计》2023,38(6):89-97
城镇化进程蚕食乡村地区所引发的传统居住空间变迁,使城市边缘区的农转非社区面临社会空间重构。这类社区的公共空间完全按照城市居住景观来修建,但居民延续了很多农村原有的生活习惯与社区文化,与周边城市在空间上的同质化和社区居民与“城里人”的异质性导致按城市住区景观设计的农转非社区公共空间与社区居民日常活动的不适配。因此,本文首先回顾了我国农转非社区的形成、社会异质性与空间同质化特征,并梳理了国内外异质社区公共空间适配性的相关研究;其次,基于对重庆市嘉和社区的田野调研,从公共空间属性与使用两个层面,分析了农转非社区居民的日常活动特征与公共空间的运行机制,评析了各项公共空间资源配置与利用率、聚集性以及活动类型之间的适配关系,探讨了影响农转非社区公共空间配置与设计与居民日常活动需求失衡的原因,为国内农转非社区更新,尤其是农转非社区公共空间质量的提升提供科学依据和政策建议。  相似文献   

郭庭鸿  舒波  董靓  陈阳 《风景园林》2018,25(12):87-92
城市公园绿地是一种重要的健康资源,其健康促进作用的发挥与使用行为密切相关。以成都市中心区小游园为案例,定量分析了高密度城市背景下小游园的使用行为及其影响因素和影响机制。描述性分析结果显示,小游园相对于大型综合公园更易被人们在日常生活中就近使用。多因素logistic回归分析结果显示,年龄、教育水平、收入水平、是否有孩(家中是否有学龄前儿童,简称是否有孩)和使用距离与使用频率之间具有显著联系;年龄、性别或收入水平对使用动机的影响具有较大差异。进一步讨论表明,较之于使用距离,社会人口因素塑造下的使用动机对使用频率的影响更为显著。最后尝试提出了若干旨在响应使用动机的规划设计建议。  相似文献   

The advantages of relational partnerships as an alternative project delivery mechanism to the traditional methods have yet to be realized by the wider construction industry. In relational partnerships, all parties work together as a cohesive team to achieve an agreed outcome. However, an accurate estimation of the underlying factors associated with the relationships of these parties and assessment of their impacts on partnering success are difficult to achieve. By identifying three major factors, communication, trust and confidence and joint risk management, this research unfolded the relational links between these factors and analysed the impacts in the context of the relational partnering success. Based on a questionnaire survey and the structural equation modelling technique, results identified communication as the single most influencing factor impacting on relational partnering success. While trust and confidence were found to be mutually inclusive for effective communication, it was found to have direct influence on developing capability for joint risk management within the partnering organizations. This finding diverges from the widely accepted view across the Australian construction industry that partnering is built on trust and confidence only and any risks associated in projects are best dealt with by means of joint responsibility without any problems.  相似文献   


This article analyses the growth of the private rental sector over recent years through a comparative analysis of three classic homeowner societies: Ireland, the UK and Spain. The article argues that theories of financialization provide a useful framework for understanding ‘generation rent’. In particular, the cyclical nature of credit markets tends to undermine homeownership over the medium term. This contributes to and intensifies the wider set of policy changes associated with neoliberalism. The article also accounts for the divergent experiences of our three case study countries within their common trajectory. It does so through an analytical focus on the interaction between global aspects of financialization and more nationally based ones, such as mortgage markets, as well as on how both are mediated by national policy regimes. The article thus aims to contribute to the emerging literature seeking to explain ‘generation rent’ and explore its significance, and more broadly to political economy approaches to housing system change.  相似文献   

Although multinational firms use risk mitigation measures when venturing into new international markets, there has been little research into identifying and evaluating the impact of these risks on project and multinational firm performance in the Arabian Gulf Region (AGR). Risks encountered in the AGR are identified through a data collection process from multinational architecture, engineering and construction (AEC) companies with work experience in the AGR. The impact of these risks on four performance metrics (i.e. project cost, schedule and performance; and company performance) is then evaluated using relative importance index (RII), significance score (SS) and principal component analysis (PCA) for validation. The results indicate that multinational firms are potentially exposed to a total of 27 external risks and 47 internal risks. Of the 27 external risks, war threat, political instability, price inflation, resources availability and quality, authorities and regulations requirements, and inclement climate have the most significant impact on the four performance metrics. Of the 47 internal risks, defective late design documents, constructive changes and insufficient scope definition have the most significant impact on the four performance metrics. These findings can guide multinational AEC firms in the AGR in establishing effective risk mitigation plans.  相似文献   

This paper helps bridge the gap between scientists and other stakeholders in the areas of human and environmental risk management of chemicals and engineered nanomaterials. This connection is needed due to the evolution of stakeholder awareness and scientific progress related to human and environmental health which involves complex methodological demands on risk management. At the same time, the available scientific knowledge is also becoming more scattered across multiple scientific disciplines. Hence, the understanding of potentially risky situations is increasingly multifaceted, which again challenges risk assessors in terms of giving the ‘right’ relative priority to the multitude of contributing risk factors. A critical issue is therefore to develop procedures that can identify and evaluate worst case risk conditions which may be input to risk level predictions. Therefore, this paper suggests a conceptual modelling procedure that is able to define appropriate worst case conditions in complex risk management. The result of the analysis is an assembly of system models, denoted the Worst Case Definition (WCD) model, to set up and evaluate the conditions of multi-dimensional risk identification and risk quantification. The model can help optimize risk assessment planning by initial screening level analyses and guiding quantitative assessment in relation to knowledge needs for better decision support concerning environmental and human health protection or risk reduction. The WCD model facilitates the evaluation of fundamental uncertainty using knowledge mapping principles and techniques in a way that can improve a complete uncertainty analysis. Ultimately, the WCD is applicable for describing risk contributing factors in relation to many different types of risk management problems since it transparently and effectively handles assumptions and definitions and allows the integration of different forms of knowledge, thereby supporting the inclusion of multifaceted risk components in cumulative risk management.  相似文献   

Zhang Y  Guo CS  Xu J  Tian YZ  Shi GL  Feng YC 《Water research》2012,46(9):3065-3073
In this work, three receptor models (Principal Component Analysis-Multiple Linear Regression (PCA-MLR) model, Unmix model and Positive Matrix Factorization (PMF) model) were employed to investigate potential source apportionment of PAHs in sediments from Taihu Lake, China. A total of 15 priority PAHs in 29 sediments from Taihu Lake were measured, with ∑PAHs (sum of 15 PAHs) concentrations ranging from 209 to 1003 ng g−1 dw. Source apportionment results derived from three different models were similar, indicating that the highest contribution to ∑PAHs was from vehicular emission (53.6-54.3%), followed by coal combustion (23.8-28.8%) and wood combustion (11.9-16.0%). The contribution of mixed wood and coal combustion source identified by PCA-MLR was 41.3%. For the first time the risk assessment for each identified source category was quantitatively calculated by combining the BaP equivalents (BaPE) values with estimated source contributions. The results showed that vehicular emission posed the highest toxic risk, with BaPE values of 26.9-31.5 ng g−1 dw, and the BaPE values for coal combustion and wood combustion were 6.56-15.6 ng g−1 dw and 2.94-6.11 ng g−1 dw, respectively. The distributions of contribution and BaPE for each identified source category were studied as well, and showed similar trends among the sampling sites, for each source category.  相似文献   

闵颖  李险峰  戴瑞 《华中建筑》2010,28(2):114-117
在湖北省黄梅县工人文化宫广场及周边地区的城市设计中,充分发掘了区域的文化潜能,将公共艺术所传达的物质形态与精神观念融入到城市设计,注重组织空间构图、视觉感知与城市功能之间的关系,并通过城市肌理和人文标识产生浓厚的精神氛围,形成富有艺术气质的老城门户。  相似文献   

Song L  Chen W  Peng L  Wan N  Gan N  Zhang X 《Water research》2007,41(13):2853-2864
For the purpose of understanding the environmental fate of microcystins (MCs) and the potential health risks caused by toxic cyanobacterial blooms in Lake Taihu, a systematic investigation was carried out from February 2005 to January 2006. The distribution of MCs in the water column, and toxin bioaccumulations in aquatic organisms were surveyed. The results suggested that Lake Taihu is heavily polluted during summer months by toxic cyanobacterial blooms (with a maximum biovolume of 6.7x10(8)cells/L) and MCs. The maximum concentration of cell-bound toxins was 1.81mg/g (DW) and the dissolved MCs reached a maximum level of 6.69mug/L. Dissolved MCs were always found in the entire water column at all sampling sites throughout the year. Our results emphasized the need for tracking MCs not only in the entire water column but also at the interface between water and sediment. Seasonal changes of MC concentrations in four species of hydrophytes (Eichhornic crassipes, Potamogeton maackianus, Alternanthera philoxeroides and Myriophyllum spicatum) ranged from 129 to 1317, 147 to 1534, 169 to 3945 and 124 to 956ng/g (DW), respectively. Toxin accumulations in four aquatic species (Carassius auratus auratu, Macrobrachium nipponensis, Bellamya aeruginosa and Cristaria plicata) were also analyzed. Maximum toxin concentrations in the edible organs and non-edible visceral organs ranged from 378 to 730 and 754 to 3629ng/g (DW), respectively. Based on field studies in Lake Taihu, risk assessments were carried out, taking into account the WHO guidelines and the tolerable daily intake (TDI) for MCs. Our findings suggest that the third largest lake in China poses serious health threats when serving as a source of drinking water and for recreational use. In addition, it is likely to be unsafe to consume aquatic species harvested in Lake Taihu due to the high-concentrations of accumulated MCs.  相似文献   

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