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In this paper, a modified relative time technique is proposed for estimating the length and the orientation of inclined cracks using ultrasonic B-scan signals. The proposed technique utilizes the relative position of the tip diffraction echo to the corner reflection echo in an ultrasonic B-scan image to estimate the crack length and the crack inclination angle. Both finite element simulated signals and experimental signals, which are obtained from a specimen with a 3 mm crack with different inclination angles, are used to evaluate the estimation error of the proposed technique. The results show that the proposed technique overcomes the shortcoming of the conventional relative arrival time technique in sizing inclined cracks.  相似文献   

Time of flight (TOF) is widely used to locate and size faults in ultrasonic non-destructive evaluation (NDE). In this paper, we propose a novel model-based method for ultrasonic echo parameter estimation. The ultrasonic signal is assumed to be composed of an unknown number of Gaussian echoes corrupted by white Gaussian noise. Firstly, the Hilbert transform is used to extract the envelope of the signal. It is shown that the parameter estimation of the signal is improved by using the envelope. To estimate the parameters of the envelope of the signal, quasi maximum likelihood method is used. The number of echoes is estimated using consistent Akaike information criterion. Two measures are used to evaluate the performance of the proposed method: (a) probability of detection of backscattered echoes and (b) the error of estimated time of flights. The proposed method is then compared to the cross-correlation method and the maximum likelihood method which uses the original signal. Simulated and experimental signals are used to evaluate the performance of each method. Both experimental and simulated results show that the proposed method can improve the parameter estimation which ultimately enhances the damage detection and assessment.  相似文献   

When an ultrasonic angle-beam pulse-echo setup is used, two kinds of noise are present in the received signal: (1) wedge noise, and (2) random noise. In this study, we propose a method for removing both random and wedge noises using a two-dimensional stationary wavelet transform (2D SWT). To improve the performance of the 2D SWT, we employ analytic wavelet thresholding. This requires calculating the analytic signal for a 2D signal and extracting the envelope of the signal, but no regular generalization of analytic signals to multi dimensions is available. We prove that under some certain conditions, the envelope of the ultrasonic B-scan can be extracted exactly by introducing a reference vector. The performance of the proposed denoising method is assessed using simulated and experimental data. The experimental results show that our proposed denoising method is able to reveal the echoes from a surface breaking crack as small as 0.1 mm.  相似文献   

This work presents an investigation of the bias error introduced in time of flight estimation realized by subsample interpolation in digital domain. The time of flight estimation is accomplished based on the evaluation of the peak position of the cross correlation function. In order to cope with the discrete nature of the cross-correlation function, subsample estimation exploits three time domain interpolation techniques: parabolic, cosine, Gaussian and frequency domain interpolation using phase angle. An empirical equation relating the maximum value of the bias error to sampling frequency and signal parameters (center frequency and envelope bandwidth) has been derived. It is found that the maximum value of the bias error is in inverse cubic relation to sampling frequency and in quadratic relation envelope bandwidth for cosine interpolation. The maximum value of the bias error is in inverse cubic relation to sampling frequency and in quadratic relation to center frequency and envelope bandwidth for parabolic interpolation. The coefficients related to the approximation technique are given. Results can be applied for bias errors estimation or correction when fast subsample interpolation is used and application of phase domain interpolation is unacceptable due to processing speed limitations. The equations for minimum required sampling frequency are derived by balancing the interpolation error against Cramer–Rao lower bound.  相似文献   

A novel technique based on the statistical autoregressive (AR) model has recently been developed as a solution to estimate the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) in scanning electron microscope (SEM) images. In another research study, the authors also developed an algorithm by cascading the AR model with the Lagrange time delay (LTD) estimator. This technique is named the mixed Lagrange time delay estimation autoregressive (MLTDEAR) model. In this paper, the fundamental performance limits for the problem of single-image SNR estimation as derived from the Cramer–Rao inequality is presented. We compared the experimental performances of several existing methods – the simple method, the first-order linear interpolator, the AR-based estimator as well as the MLTDEAR method – with respect to this performance bound. In a few test cases involving different images, the efficiency of the MLTDEAR single-image estimation technique proved to be significantly better than that of the other three methods. Study of the effect of different SEM setting conditions that affect the autocorrelation function curve is also discussed.  相似文献   

Ultrasonic non-destructive testing has been widely used in assessing the integrity of engineering materials such as high-temperature alloys and structures such as pipelines, bridges, and other load-bearing structures. The ultrasonic signals received from these structures are often noisy. Effective noise-reduction techniques are needed in order to accurately assess their condition. This paper presents a new digital signal processing method for estimating ultrasonic time-of-flight diffraction (TOFD). This method is based on wavelet analysis using the Morlet wavelet and the least mean squares (LMS) adaptive filter. The adaptive line enhancer (ALE) structure is used for the adaptive filter. The filter is designed to remove noise and identify the point at which the ultrasonic signal starts to reflect an echo from the tip of a crack. Both simulated and experimental data obtained from a steel plate with a crack produced by electrical-discharge-machining (EDM) are used to demonstrate the performance of the proposed method. This method is especially useful when the properties of the crack signal are unknown and the signal-to-noise ratio is low.  相似文献   

介绍国内第一台采用空气动力学透镜进样系统的质谱仪。这种系统有效地提高进样效率和检测效率。本仪器优化双光束测径装置和激光解析电离装置的空间结构,缩短气溶胶漂移空间从而提高小颗粒的检测极限。  相似文献   

The ability of fast and automatic volume measurement of merchandise is of paramount importance in logistics. In this paper, we address the problem of volume estimation of goods stacked on pallets and transported in pallet trucks. Practical requirements of this industrial application are that the load of the moving pallet truck has to be measured in real-time, and that the measurement system should be non-invasive and non-contact, as well as robust and accurate. The main contribution of this paper is the design of simple, flexible, fast and robust algorithms for volume estimation. A significant feature of these algorithms is that they can be used in industrial environments and that they perform properly even when they use the information provided by different range devices working simultaneously. In addition, we propose a novel perception system for volume measurement consisting of a heterogeneous set of range sensors based on different technologies, such as time of flight and structured light, working simultaneously. Another key point of our proposal is the investigation of the performance of these sensors in terms of precision and accuracy under a diverse set of conditions. We also analyse their interferences and performance when they operate at the same time. Then, the analysis of this study is used to determine the final configuration of the cameras for the perception system. Real experiments proof the performance and reliability of the approach and demonstrate its validity for the industrial application considered.  相似文献   

The planning and control of product development is based on the pre-estimation of product design time (PDT). In order to optimize the product development process (PDP), it is necessary for managers and designers to evaluate design time/effort at the early stage of product development. However, in systemic analytical methods for PDT this is somewhat lacking. This paper explores an intelligent method to evaluate the PDT regarding this problem. At the early development stage, designers lack sufficient product information and have difficulty in determining PDT via subjective evaluation. Thus, a fuzzy measurable house of quality (FM-HOQ) model is proposed to provide measurable engineering information. Quality function deployment (QFD) is combined with a mapping pattern of “function→principle→structure” to extract product characteristics from customer demands. Then, a fuzzy neural network (FNN) model is built to fuse data and realize the estimation of PDT, which makes use of fuzzy comprehensive evaluation to simplify structure. In a word, the whole estimation method consists of four steps: time factors identification, product characteristics extraction by QFD and function mapping pattern, FNN learning, and PDT estimation. Finally, to illustrate the procedure of the estimation method, the case of injection mold design is studied. The results of experiments show that the intelligent estimation method is feasible and effective. This paper is developed to provide designers with PDT information to help them in optimizing PDP.  相似文献   

高速动车空心车轴超声波探伤工艺及探伤机的研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
介绍了高速动车空心车轴的结构及其疲劳缺陷的产生机理,并针对该缺陷研究相应的探伤工艺及探伤机,介绍了探伤机的原理和结构及缺陷信号的采集和处理.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the parameter estimation problem of the dual-rate system with time delay. The slow-rate model of the dual-rate system with time delay is derived by using the discretization technique. The parameters and states of the system are simultaneously estimated. The states are estimated by using the Kalman filter, and the parameters are estimated based on the stochastic gradient algorithm or the recursive least squares algorithm. When concerning state estimate of the dual-rate system with time delay, the state augmentation method is employed with lower computational load than that of the conventional one. Simulation examples and an experimental study are given to illustrate the proposed algorithm.  相似文献   

A fast iterative algorithm for frequency estimation is developed in this paper to improve the frequency tracking performance. If the signal is transformed by a mathematical tool, the signal to noise ratio (SNR) should not be greatly reduced after the transformation. The analysis presented in this paper showed that the traditional method for frequency estimation causes large noise at high frequency range, therefore, the suitable estimation range of traditional method is only from 0 to fs/6 Hz (fs is the sample frequency). In order to overcome this limitation, a new structure of iterative algorithm is established to extend the upper bound frequency from fs/6 to fs/2 Hz. The experimental noisy sinusoid signal frequency estimation and chirp signal frequency tracking confirmed that the novel algorithm showed improved performance. Furthermore, the average estimation error was decreased over 30% (under SNR = 15 dB) when applying the novel iterative algorithm. The novel iterative algorithm will have broad applications in fields of signal processing and communication systems.  相似文献   

飞行时间(TOF)采集和高清(HD)重建是提高正电子发射断层显像(PET)性能的最新技术。本研究通过阳性球状灶NEMA体型试验研究和临床病例分析,比较TOF+HD、HD、TOF+迭代重建和迭代重建4种方法对PET定量分析和图像质量的影响,以明确这些技术的实际应用价值,指导临床更好地选用相关技术和相应设备。  相似文献   

管道泄漏检测中自适应时间延迟估计方法的设计   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
介绍了用自适应时间延迟估计方法设计管道泄漏检测系统的过程,详细阐述了其工作原理、自适应时间延迟估计方法及最小均方(LMS)自适应时间延迟估计算法,简要说明了其工作特点。  相似文献   

For the purpose of accurate flow measurement, an automatic three-dimensional (3D) sound field measurement system has been developed, and an experimental study has been conducted on ultrasonic properties. By using this system, ultrasonic sound pressure distributions and radiation angles in water have been measured. According to Snell’s law, the ultrasonic transmission properties can be obtained on the basis of incidence angle, acoustic impedance, basic frequency of ultrasound, and material and thickness of the metallic plate. However, this law cannot be applied to certain cases where an ultrasonic incident wave passes through a metallic plate and turns into a longitudinal wave, a shear wave and a Lamb wave. Consequently, the ultrasonic propagation paths have been investigated experimentally at various angles of incidence. From the experiments, it was confirmed that the ultrasonic beam paths change with incidence angles. Hence, the most suitable incidence angle has been determined from the result of measurements. Velocity measurements using an ultrasonic velocity profiler were made at various incidence angles. The accuracy of measuring flow rates changed with the incidence angles. The optimal incidence angle determined from 3D field measurements was found to yield the most accurate flow rates.  相似文献   

运用计算机数字化技术建立了一套针对多种超声波探头性能指标的自动检测分析系统。详细阐述了构建该系统的关键技术,包括数字化超声波发射采集卡和运动控制卡的选用,软件系统的设计。该系统实现了超声波探头运动控制与数字化探头性能检测分析的集成,具有功能实用、操作简单、自动化程度高的特点,可为超声波探头生产厂家或探头使用者提供快速、准确、可靠的探头性能检测结果。  相似文献   

This investigation presents the feasibility of ultrasonic temperature measurement of friction stir spot welding (FSSW). FSSW is an automated solid state joining process. Thermal profiles of the weld zone are crucial for implementing informed process changes to improve weld quality. Ultrasonics present a novel and non-invasive method of monitoring changes in temperature.Ultrasonic time of flight (TOF) measurement method is used to calculate the temperature of Al 6061 as it is heated. Comparisons of the ultrasonic temperature calculations with thermocouple readings confirm the accuracy of the ultrasonic system. The ultrasonic signal is then recorded during spot welding and processed. The results show that ultrasonic technology is a feasible method of monitoring the heating and cooling profiles of the weld zone during welding. The paper also discusses challenges presented by the system as well as recommendations for its future implementation in the friction stir welding manufacturing industry.  相似文献   

为实现超声检测的自动化,研制了一种关节机械手控制系统.该机械手由传感检测系统、伺服系统、总线智能节点和PC机等组成,借助单片机、数字控制、现场总线、计算机、机器人等技术,利用CAN现场总线进行通讯,通过控制实现自动控制并实时获取坐标信息,有利于缺陷的定位分析,其结构简单,性能价格比高,可应用于其他场合,具有广泛的适应性.  相似文献   

In the literature survey, most of the signal analysis techniques for underwater acoustic information rely on complex mathematical models, which are impractical for a small real time application such as an underwater echo sounder. The purpose of this work is to introduce a modified signal process algorithm which can be easily implemented into a microprocessor and to determine the distance an obstacle from a moving underwater vehicle. This simplified acoustic signal analyzer uses a series of ‘mask shading’, ‘3-time majority’ and ‘echo-duration threshold’ signal process steps to increase the accuracy of distance measurement for the self-developed underwater echo sounder. Experiment result shows that the proposed algorithm can ignore the erroneous signal cased by environment noise at sea and transient noise from the circuit board. This work has been proven valuable when used with an auxiliary solar-powered boat to measure the slurry accumulation at a local An-Ping Harbor in southern Taiwan.  相似文献   

Aggregation of red blood cells (RBCs) is one of the principal hemorheological factors which plays an important role in capillary circulation. In order to study the RBC's aggregation, an ultrasound Doppler in-vitro technique, using pulsed wave monoelement pencil 4 MHz probes, has been designed. An hydraulic pump system has been implemented, establishing a laminar blood flow profile into a rectangular cross-section plexiglass tube. Adding dextrans to blood samples, red blood cells aggregation has been achieved and observed for various hematocrit values. Both the emitted and the backscattered signals, were driven to a system containing a multi-channel digital oscilloscope – of high sampling rate and processing capabilities – and a powerful PC with a high acquisition A/D card and special control software. Quantitative detection and measurement of the aggregation phenomenon can be achieved according to the experimental conditions and parameters used.  相似文献   

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