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Diversity of personal values among participants in an information system project is typically considered to create harmful team conflict, as do other forms of personal diversity. However, recent research establishes that information and knowledge diversity among project team members contribute to project success, leading one to question accepted thought regarding diversity of values. We model the impact of value diversity on project performance through theoretical layers of diversity, conflict, and teamwork quality. An empirical test supports hypotheses that value diversity adds to both beneficial and detrimental conflict. Project managers should compose teams with diverse project values but must control for potential detrimental effects.  相似文献   

A contingency estimation model for software development projects is presented. The proposed model considers the estimated cost and the risk of software projects to estimate contingency resources; hence, contingency estimates are correlated to the cost and risk of software projects. The model uses a generic probabilistic representation of the estimated cost; hence, it can be deployed with any project development environment and provides a flexible choice to software managers. Furthermore, the proposed model considers the risk tolerance of software organizations to estimate the contingency and helps to abate the maximum impacts of risk events within the risk tolerance. The proposed model is scalable to a portfolio of software projects. The model produces sub-additive contingency estimates which is essential to optimize a software project or a portfolio of software projects. The results of a case-study show that the contingency estimates are comparable with the actual contingency resources needed for the development of real software development projects.  相似文献   

Applying the business process reengineering and organization planning philosophy, this study focuses on human resource planning in construction management process reengineering (CMPR) to develop a team-based human resource planning (THRP) method for deploying laborpower. The THRP method has two purposes; the first is to determine the maximum loading of projects the original laborpower can carry, and the second is to identify the range of laborpower required for expected project loadings in the future. The THRP method includes four phases, namely, process reengineering, data preparing, human resource allocation, and simulation. Using the THRP method, a construction company cannot only design a team-based organizational structure, but also allocate human resources based on cross-functional processes. Moreover, human resource utilizations before and after CMPR can be compared to evaluate savings attributable to the CMPR. As a consequence, optimum laborpower can be assessed, and human resources allocated to fit the changing processes and circumstances of a construction company's growing business.  相似文献   

Augmented heuristic algorithm for multi-skilled resource scheduling   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Conventional project scheduling is restricted to single-skilled resource assumption where each worker is assumed to have only one skill. This, in effect, contradicts real-world practice where workers may possess multiple skills and, on several occasions, are assigned to perform tasks for which they are not specialized. Past research has shown a simple process of heuristic approach for multi-skilled resource scheduling where a project is planned under the assumption that each resource can have more than one skill and resource substitution is allowed. Nevertheless, the approach has presented resource substitution step where an activity with higher priority can claim any resource regardless of its concurrent activities' resource requirements. Furthermore, the approach is subjected to all-or-nothing resource assignment concept where an activity cannot start and resources are not needed for that activity at all unless the required resources of that activity can be completely fulfilled. This research presents an alternative heuristic approach for multi-skilled resource scheduling in an attempt to improve the resource substitution approach. Augmented resource substitution rule and resource-driven task duration are presented to increase starting opportunity of activities on earlier time. Case studies are presented to illustrate the improved result of shorter project duration.  相似文献   

建筑施工项目信息化管理系统框架   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
通过文献阅读和实地调研,建立了一个综合的施工项目信息化管理系统框架。该框架不仅包含信息技术的应用,而且考虑了现有的项目管理模式和施工项目管理的各个方面。框架可用于指导施工项目信息化管理系统的开发,或评估已有的信息化管理系统,以便于系统能广泛的应用于施工项目管理之中,适应施工项目管理方式的变化。  相似文献   

Since Information Systems Development (ISD) project success is difficult to achieve and the literature has shown the relationship between IS developer skills and system success is mixed, this paper isolates and studies the knowledge shared by users and developers and its interaction with group solving practices that may lead to ISD project success. We evaluate developer’s knowledge of application domains and user knowledge of IS development along with the level of group problem solving among users and developers as related to the ultimate success of the project. A survey of 168 ISD professionals indicates that a combination of both user knowledge of IS development and IS developer knowledge of application domains had significant impact on successful project outcomes. The magnitude of this success is moderated by the level of group problem solving activities held by the project implementation teams. Up to a certain point, the more group problem solving interaction the more successful the project outcome. However, if knowledge redundancy is very high then exchange of knowledge is not so essential.  相似文献   

The literature has found contradictory results regarding the impact of human resource management on project success. This paper focuses on one important human resource management process – team development – to investigate its importance in the project environment. Results show that most team development practices that work well in the operational business environment do not have a significant influence on project success. However, project duration was found to moderate the relationship between team development and project success: the effectiveness of team development increases in longer projects. The paper identifies and analyzes team development practices that have a positive impact on project success exclusively in long projects.  相似文献   

In recent years, we have witnessed an increased interest in the research on projects and project management. The aim of this article is to review, classify and analyze the recent contributions within the field. This paper is based on two sets of data: (1) project-related research published in major management and organization scientific journals, and (2) articles published between 1993 and 2002 in the International Journal of Project Management. The article offers a framework suitable for analyzing the developments made and the different perspectives launched. It is submitted that “project research” instead of project management research might be a better concept for capturing the current state of the field. We also show that papers in the International Journal of Project Management have devoted little attention to research on contexts of multi-projects and multi-firms, a context that is considered to be of great importance for the future of project studies. The recent developments illustrate the need to better integrate project management with the general developments in management and organization. Of special importance, we conclude, is the one that we label project ecologies. We also believe that this concept, and research focus, might be of value for practitioners as it describes the way many modern industries work. The paper contributes to the internal debate about the content and identity of project research.  相似文献   

This paper presents a comprehensive decision-making framework for evaluating a portfolio of IT projects. A problem of IT project selection with and without project interdependencies is considered. The problem is subject to maximum project funding budget constraint. When IT project portfolio contains independent projects, a dynamic programming (DP) solution procedure is proposed to efficiently solve the portfolio of IT projects' problem. However, when IT project portfolio contains project interdependencies, a mixed integer programming (MIP) approach is needed to solve the problem optimally. Experiments and results using simulated data using Monte Carlo simulation are provided. The results indicate that a large set of project selection problems containing up to 60 projects can be solved easily using the proposed decision-making framework.  相似文献   

浅谈施工项目管理信息化建设   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
信息化建设是建设项目施工过程管理的迫切需要.本文分析了施工项目管理信息化的必要性,并探讨如何建立施工项目管理系统.  相似文献   

Seismic protection of constructed facilities: optimal use of resources   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The problem is tackled of the allocation of the resources assigned for upgrading an ensemble of buildings or other constructed facilities, whose seismic reliability is not considered sufficient. The resources are allocated in order to minimize the predicted value of either the economic losses, the number of endangered persons or the risk of severance of a network. The optimization procedure, although formulated in general terms, is illustrated with reference to simple examples, in which realistic values are attributed to the relevant parameters. These examples refer to masonry buildings, whose damages can be summed with each other to obtain the total damage of the ensemble, and to a highway network, whose critical elements are reinforced concrete bridges. The presence of several discrete quantities and discontinuous relationships requires the use of specific algorithms, and in particular of dynamic programming.  相似文献   

This paper seeks to improve the understanding of human error as it is applied to the generation of defects in construction projects. It reviews the literature concerning human error, commencing at the psychological basis of errors. From this, the review is expanded to include literature from forensic engineering, industrial safety, reliability engineering, sociology and quality management. Based on the literature, a model of the factors influencing the incidence of errors in project based industries is constructed. This model proposes that errors leading to defects and more dramatic failures can be generated from all levels of project organizations. They stem from primary factors (related to the performance of the individual), management factors (related to a range of managerial tasks) and global factors (related to wider external influences). These factors can be displayed as a hierarchy with primary factors at the base and global factors at the top. The paper reports on the results of an initial test of this model by reference to a survey of a sample of construction industry practitioners. The findings of the survey support the model, with some modifications. Additionally, some differences in view were noted: in particular, respondents from a construction background emphasized managerial factors more strongly than those from a design background.  相似文献   

我国建筑行业中小企业的发展影响着我国社会经济的可持续发展。在当今竞争越来越激烈的社会环境中,我国建筑行业中小企业应当如何在激烈的竞争中生存下来甚至得到竞争优势。本文浅析了我国建筑行业中小企业人力资源外包的现状,制约因素,解决办法,并且分析了我国建筑行业中小企业人力资源外包的优势。  相似文献   

赵东君 《山西建筑》2009,35(34):222-223
阐述了企业人力资源管理的重要性,分析了传统人力资源管理中存在的问题,提出了企业人力资源管理创新的多种措施,以使人力资源管理充分发挥其战略作用,实现个人与企业的共同目标。  相似文献   

While project organisations have become common, knowledge management of project organisations are still largely underdeveloped. Nevertheless, project organisations require particular systematic and effective knowledge management if they are to avoid knowledge fragmentation and loss of organisational learning. This study deals with knowledge management and knowledge competences in project organisations, particularly framework programmes. In addition to a literature study, two programmes and a review project have been studied. Finally, a Learning Programme Model is presented.  相似文献   

This paper reports on the research conducted in one of the divisions of Europe's largest IT consultancy. This study aims to investigate (1) the critical elements of managing IT services projects by using Turner's (Handbook of project–based management, 2nd ed, England, McGraw–Hill Publishing, 1999) five-functions model to examine the relationships between project definition and scope, project organisation and the triangle of critical project outcomes and (2) if the project leader's orientation is related to his situational perception of project control. Although the survey has found only partial support for the proposed relationships, it has also identified the importance of personal attributes and contingent experiences on the leader's perception of project success. More significantly, the evidence that time and quality, rather than time and cost, are the two most critical project objectives reflects the industry shift of concern from being contractors to solution-partners.  相似文献   

张纪仁 《山西建筑》2007,33(3):348-349
详细介绍了施工项目信息化管理系统中各施工项目管理模块的内容、流程以及功能,其中包含了信息技术的应用,也考虑了现有的项目管理模式,系统具有较强的适用性。  相似文献   

冯岩松 《山西建筑》2013,(34):242-243
根据新能源行业发展形势,结合中国大唐集团人力资源管理理念,进行了人力资源管理分析研究,从更新管理观念,重视人才培养,创建激励机制几个方面阐释了其对推动新能源开发建设行业发展的重要性,以期为业内借鉴并交流。  相似文献   

A model of a repetitive multiproject management is introduced that includes uncertainties in activity durations, and the corresponding quantities of resources needed. Following the convention, a project is viewed here as a network of related activities aimed at the accomplishment of a predetermined objective at a given deadline. A project has a starting point in time and a preplanned completion point and so does each activity within it. The structural and operational characteristics described here are drawn from organization and management theories and used to describe project organization. This is demonstrated by means of field data gathered from a sample of ‘bloodmobile projects’ - an organized effort for the collection of blood donations in support of medical needs.  相似文献   

This paper aims at positioning organizational design as an important phenomenon in the field of project management with a high potential of contributing to organizational theory. While organizational design has been neglected by scholars of management and organizational theory, it has been of great interest to those from the project management field. This incongruence—comprising the focus of this study—calls for new insights on theorization in context. The paper provides a preliminary theoretical framework combining contingency theory, the historical approach and social theory to understand organizational design, both as a thing and as a process. It provides empirical evidence from three case studies in healthcare. Findings confirm the specificity of each design while at the same time adopting a similar temporal pattern. We take this opportunity to highlight the seminal work of Rodney Turner on project-based organization and design.

Executive summary

In this day and age, it is commonplace to assert that organizations are complex and that they change continuously over time. The complexity is said to exist, for example, in large organizations dealing with multiple competing projects while at the same time performing their regular operations. The concept of organizational design refers to both the resulting organization (the thing) and the process of performing the design. The field of project management has made many theoretical contributions to organizational design; yet it has also created confusion by introducing a plurality of terms for describing and understanding such organizations.Organizational design is increasingly a topic in the literature from management and organizational theory and, especially, from project management. A review of the literature from both fields demonstrates that contingency theory is still considered as a major theoretical foundation for situating the organization within its context. The review also points to an increasing interest in social perspectives taking into account politics, organizational dynamics, paradoxes and pluralism. In addition, it shows an opportunity for scholars in project management to contribute to management and organizational theory.This research proposes a pluralist theoretical framework for tackling contingency theory with the historical approach and social theory.The empirical setting is comprised of complex large organizations—in this case, three university hospitals engaged in major organizational transformations—that are challenged to pursue their regular operations while undertaking multiple completing projects. Interestingly, the three hospitals are from the same geographical region. The organizational design was thus a crucial question and, in light of the complexity, no one-size-fits-all type of solution was strived for.Results confirmed the prevalence of individual organizational design rather than mimetism, or homogenization, between the three hospitals. Being in the same region, the heads of the respective project management offices met on a number of occasions to exchange about their challenges and solutions. Nevertheless, in the end each hospital made an individual decision regarding its organizational design.The study also identified organizational design as an ongoing process, introducing the concept of trajectory to illustrate how projects and organizational design change over time. In doing so, we observed a pattern where reflection and sense-making took place before engaging in any specific decision regarding the organizational design.The theoretical contribution of this research is to demonstrate the potential of pluralist theoretical frameworks for understanding complex phenomena such as organizational design in the context of managing multiple projects. More specifically, the process view of organizational design was found to reveal new insights that would have remained hidden otherwise.From a practical view, our research challenges certain utopian assumptions regarding the stability and replicability of a one-size-fits-all model in organizational design. Instead, we recommend developing an in-depth understanding of an organization's specific context by means of sense-making activities. The latter should be performed in an ongoing approach to ensure that the organizational design evolves in keeping with its environment.  相似文献   

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