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在泵控位置、速度及力伺服控制系统中,比例泵的流量-转速-压力特性对系统控制效果有至关重要的影响,提出一种比例泵流量-转速-压力特性曲面的测试方法:基于所测比例泵低转速下的流量-转速-压力特性点云数据,应用移动最小二乘拟合法获取比例泵小流量特性曲面.分别对移动最小二乘拟合曲线和恒定加载的泵特性测试数据进行一次曲线拟合,并对比两种方法所拟合后的曲线发现:比例泵转速系数相对误差小于3%;比例泵泄漏系数相对误差在5%左右.上述结果表明,所述方法对于比例泵小流量特性曲面的测试有效,避免了对系统加载繁杂细致的调整,提高了系统的测试效率. 相似文献
基于模糊神经网络的多变量解耦控制 总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12
针对焦炉集气管压力这类多变量非线性系统,提出了一种基于PID神经网络和RBF模糊神经网络的多变量解耦控制方案,RBF模糊神经网络对多变量对象解耦,PID神经网络控制器控制过程的动态特性。工程应用表明,提出的控制策略有效地解决了集气管压力这类复杂对象的过程控制问题。 相似文献
基于神经网络的解耦控制新方法及其应用 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
本提出两种基于神经网络的多变量解耦控制方法。方法1通过设计神经网络补偿装置,使得包括补偿神经网络在内的广义对象的Bristol第一系数矩阵为对角阵;方法2首先定义了神经网络的串联,并联和反馈运算,然后在此基础上设计一个神经网络补偿装置,使得包括补偿神经网络在内的广义对象矩阵为对角阵。将其用于某二元精馏塔的塔顶和塔底组分控制,仿真结果证实了本方法的有效性。 相似文献
基于MATLAB的离心泵特性曲线的拟合方法 总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6
针对离心泵特性曲线的似合要求较高的计算机编程技巧问题,通过使用MATLAB语言,有效解决了采用FORTRAN或C语言进行辅助计算所造成的编写程序繁复冗长的问题,使所编程序简单紧凑,降低编程难度,具有很强的实用性。 相似文献
在离心血泵的研制过程中,流量与灌注压作为血泵的两个重要性能指标,是关键的检测参数;而扭矩是离心血泵驱动能力的重要体现,因此,对扭矩的测试也至关重要;针对离心血泵流量8L/min,灌注压50kPa的设计要求,设计了基于虚拟仪器技术的离心式血泵压力、流量和扭矩的测试系统,为实现离心式血泵的测试、分析和优化提供重要的试验方法;结果表明:该测试系统能够满足对离心血泵流量、压力和扭矩等机械参数进行测试的要求。 相似文献
针对多变量自适应控制系统的计算复杂性,本文对一类大型高维多变量耦合控制系统,提出一种控制矩阵非对角元强迫滞后一步的多变量自适应控制新方法,并给出了控制模型及设计步骤,用本方法对五回路航天器瞬态热流跟踪控制进行了数字仿真和实时控制实验,结果表明:本方法的性能指标和鲁棒性是令人满意的。 相似文献
大容量输油泵系统是一个时变非线性复杂系统,生产要求对输油泵的流量、入口压力和出口压力进行协调控制.根据大容量输油泵系统实际控制要求,提出了基于模糊神经网络大容量输油泵多变量控制策略,设计了控制系统和模糊神经网络控制器的结构,给出了模糊神经网络控制器、模型辨识网络参数的修正算法.仿真结果表明该系统能根据流量、入口压力和出口压力给定值与实际值之间的偏差,在线修正控制器参数,实现对大容量输油泵流量、入口压力和出口压力的协调控制. 相似文献
文献[1]把多变量频域设计方法和单变量预测控制结合起来,提出了在特征结构下的多变量预测控制算法。本文在此基础上提出了特征结构下多变量预测控制系统的闭环反馈结构。利用此反馈结构不仅可有效地减少多变量预测控制算法的计算量及所需的存贮空间,而且还可以方便地判别此类预测控制系统的闭环稳定性。文中以火力发电厂中带汽-汽换热器的20万千瓦火电机组汽温系统为例进行了预测控制的仿真,仿真结果表明,用本文所提出方法设计的多变量预测控制系统,具有良好的控制效果。 相似文献
PID控制是工业过程中最常用的控制方法,但在实际生产过程中,被控过程往往是多变量、有耦合的,常规PID控制器参数往往整定不良、性能欠佳,对运行工况的适应性较差。为此,将迭代反馈理论和继电整定方法有机结合起来,提出一种适用于存在耦合的多变量系统PID控制器的参数整定方法。运用该方法整定PID参数,不需要被控对象的数学模型,而且具有速度快、效果好等优点。 相似文献
This paper is devoted to output‐feedback adaptive control for a class of multivariable nonlinear systems with both unknown parameters and unknown nonlinear functions. Under the Hurwitz condition for the high‐frequency gain matrix, a robust adaptive backstepping control scheme is proposed, which is able to guarantee the tracking performance and needs only one parameter to be updated online regardless of the system order and input–output dimension. To cope with the unknown nonlinear functions and improve the tracking performance, a kind of high‐gain K‐filters is introduced. It is proved that all signals of the closed‐loop system are globally uniformly bounded. Simulation results on coupled inverted double pendulums are presented to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed scheme. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
In this article, an improved method for eigenvalue assignment via state feedback in the linear time-invariant multivariable systems is proposed. This method is based on elementary similarity operations, and involves mainly utilisation of vector companion forms, and thus is very simple and easy to implement on a digital computer. In addition to the controllable systems, the proposed method can be applied for the stabilisable ones and also systems with linearly dependent inputs. Moreover, two types of state-feedback gain matrices can be achieved by this method: (1) the numerical one, which is unique, and (2) the parametric one, in which its parameters are determined in order to achieve a gain matrix with minimum Frobenius norm. The numerical examples are presented to demonstrate the advantages of the proposed method. 相似文献
This paper describes a continuation approach to eigenvalue assignment. The method is a homotopy technique which embeds the control problem into a parameterized family of control problems. This parameterization describes a continuous deformation of a system with the desired spectrum into the original system. Based on this deformation, a differential equation is constructed whose solution trajectory has an end-point which is a constant output feedback matrix assigning the desired spectrum to the original system. The derivation of this differential equation and conditions which guarantee the existence of a solution are given. Also, two examples of its numerical implementation are detailed. 相似文献
Algebraic characterizations are presented for the existence of fixed modes of a linear closed-loop system with decentralized feedback control. The class of controllers for which fixed modes are present is extended beyond that currently known. 相似文献
A new procedure of selecting weighting matrices in linear quadratic optimal control problems (LQ-problems) is proposed. In LQ-problems, the quadratic weights are usually decided on trial and error to get good responses. But using the proposed method, the quadratic weights are decided in such a way that all poles of the closed loop system are located in the desired region for good response as well as for stability. As the system constructed by this method has merits of an LQ-problem as well as a pole-assignment problem, this procedure will be useful for designing a linear feedback system. 相似文献