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The serum half-life of phenytoin in rabbits after a single intravenous dose was significantly shortened by pretreating the rabbits with daily oral doses of phenytoin. This suggests that in vivo phenytoin induces its own metabolism.  相似文献   

A therapeutic-interchange (TI) program for oral histamine H2-receptor antagonists at a hospital is described. In 1992 the pharmacy and therapeutics committee at a large teaching hospital accepted cimetidine as the preferred oral H2 antagonist. However, the program to promote cimetidine met with little success. The manufacturer of nizatidine then offered the hospital that drug at a reduced cost relative to all other members of the drug class. The committee recommended including nizatidine on the formulary; implementing a TI program so that when an order for an oral H2 antagonist was written nizatidine would be dispensed; deleting cimetidine and ranitidine tablets from the formulary; and retaining cimetidine and ranitidine oral liquid and i.v. formulations. The program was approved by the medical executive committee and was implemented in August 1994. Extensive efforts to inform the pharmacy, medical, and nursing staffs about the program were undertaken, and the pharmacy established mechanisms for monitoring compliance. Two months into the program, 97% of eligible patients were receiving nizatidine. Actual cost savings in the first four months exceeded $40,000. In July 1997 the same program was applied to famotidine, which had replaced nizatidine as the most cost-effective H2 antagonist. A successful TI program for oral H2 antagonists was achieved by gaining physician support for the program, educating providers, monitoring compliance, and responding to changes in drug costs.  相似文献   

The hypotensive effect of clonidine in anaesthetised (pentobarbitone) cat has been analysed with the help of pharmacological tools. Application of clonidine (0.1%) to the exposed ventral surface of medulla oblongata produced hypotension (28.6%) and bradycardia (18%). Similar application of glycine (5%) and GABA (10%) also lowered the blood pressure of cat by 20.3% and 29.3%, respectively. The hypotension as well as the bradycardia owing to clonidine were significantly (p less than 0.01) blocked by similar prior application of atropine methylnitrate (1%) and hemicholinium-3 (HC3, 1%), whereas HC3 pretreatment only insignificantly blocked the hypotension produced by glycine (p greater than 0.80) and GABA (p less than 0.70). Topical application of atropine (1%) also blocked (p less than 0.05) the hypotensive effect of clonidine. Intravenous administration of clonidine (50 microgram/kg) produced hypotension (34.6%) after an initial hypertensive response and bradycardia (38.8%). The hypotension was significantly (p less than 0.01) blocked by pretreatment of the cat with intracerebroventricular atropine (4 mg) or HC3 (0.5 mg). Topical application of atropine (1%) to the ventral surface of medulla also significantly (p less than 0.05) reduced the hypotension and bradycardia resulting from intravenous administration of clonidine. It is concluded that an intact cholinergic link in the brainstem is essential for the hypotensive effect of clonidine.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate further the relative roles played by liver and adipose tissue in the therapeutic response to metformin in patients with type 2 diabetes. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS: A total of 11 patients with diet-treated type 2 diabetes were given metformin for approximately 3 months. Measurements were made before and after treatment of 1) fasting and postprandial plasma glucose, insulin, and free fatty acid (FFA) concentrations; 2) glucose appearance (Ra) and disappearance (Rd) rates measured overnight with 3-[3H]glucose; and 3) plasma FFA concentrations during a 195-min infusion period at relatively low insulin (approximately 12-24 microU/ml) concentrations. RESULTS: Mean +/- SEM fasting plasma glucose concentration was significantly lower (175 +/- 11 vs. 224 +/- 15 mg/dl; P < 0.01) after treatment with metformin. Mean +/- SEM insulin concentrations measured from 8:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. did not change with treatment. However, both glucose and FFA concentrations were significantly lower (P < 0.01) when measured over the same time period, and the decreases in plasma FFA and glucose concentration were highly correlated (r = 0.81; P = 0.03). Overnight glucose turnover studies indicated that neither Ra (hepatic glucose production [HGP]) nor Rd changed significantly with treatment in association with metformin treatment. Since plasma glucose concentration was much lower after metformin treatment, the overnight glucose metabolic clearance rate (MCR) was significantly lower (P < 0.01). Finally, the ability of insulin to inhibit isoproterenol-stimulated increases in plasma FFA concentration was enhanced in metformin-treated patients (P < 0.05). CONCLUSIONS: Metformin treatment was associated with significantly lower fasting plasma glucose concentrations and lower day-long plasma glucose and FFA concentrations. Although overnight HGP was unchanged after treatment with metformin, the overnight glucose MCR was significantly increased, and the antilipolytic activity of insulin was also enhanced. Given these findings, it is suggested that at least part of the antihyperglycemic effect of metformin is due to a decrease in release of FFA from adipose tissue, leading to lower circulating FFA concentrations and an increase in glucose uptake.  相似文献   

1. Pretreatment of bovine tracheal smooth muscle (BTSM) with histamine (1-100 microM, 1 h) induced a concentration-dependent desensitization of the contractile response to subsequently administered histamine, with a reduction of the maximum response of 72 +/- 8% (n = 5) following pre-exposure to 100 microM histamine. In contrast, concentration-response curves to the muscarinic agonist, methacholine were not affected following histamine pretreatment, indicating a homologous desensitization. Furthermore, concentration-response curves to NaF, a G-protein activator, were not altered following histamine pre-incubation. 2. The histamine H1-receptor (H1R) desensitization could be antagonized by mepyramine (an H1-receptor antagonist, 1 microM) but not by cimetidine (an H2-receptor antagonist, 10 microM), indicating that the desensitization occurred via stimulation of histamine H1-receptors, without evidence for the involvement of histamine H2-receptors. 3. Indomethacin (10 microM) did not block the H1R desensitization, suggesting no involvement of prostaglandins. Furthermore, histamine pre-incubation in calcium free medium still induced a functional uncoupling of H1R. 4. GF 109203X, a protein kinase C (PKC) inhibitor, and H-7, a non-selective kinase inhibitor, did not antagonize the homologous H1R desensitization. 5. The steady-state level of H1R mRNA, assessed by Northern blot analysis, was not affected by prolonged histamine exposure (100 microM, 0.5, 1, 2, 4, 16 and 24 h). 6. These results suggest that histamine induces desensitization of the H1R at the level of the receptor protein, which involves a mechanism independent of PKC, PKA, PKG and calcium influx, suggesting the involvement of a receptor-specific kinase.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION AND OBJECTIVES: The temporal stability of the positive and negative symptoms in schizophrenia deserves a special interest due to its consequences in the outcome and the treatment of the disease. This study determines the temporal stability of positive/negative subtypes in schizophrenia during the acute phase. MATERIAL AND METHODS: This is a clinical, observational and prospective study of a dynamic cohort of patients with acute exacerbation of schizophrenia defined by DSM III-R criteria. Patients with severe and unstable organic pathology, substance dependence, mental organic disorder, mental retardation, depression, or medicamentous parkinsonism were excluded. Clinical assessment was performed with the PANSS scale. Schizophrenic subtypes were established according to inclusive and restrictive criteria of PANSS. All patients were treated with new antipsycotics and biperiden if necessary. RESULTS: 51 patients were assessed for 8 weeks. In the baseline, the negative subtype (63.3% and 52.5% by inclusive and restrictive system respectively) and paranoid form (45.1%) were predominant. Three types of analysis were performed to determine the temporal stability: 1. Concordance (Kappa index). The concordance of the inclusive and restrictive System, regarding to the baseline assessment, indicated that both criteria had a low temporal stability. 2. Mc Nemar Ji Square. This test showed that these changes were bi-directional except for the first visit, which was significant through the restrictive system (higher change from the negative to other subtypes). 3. Transition analysis among groups by First Order Morkov Chains analysis indicated that this change was stationary (the change was the same in all phases). CONCLUSIONS: 1o The variable "time" has to be considered for the definition of subtypes in schizophrenia. 2o The restrictive system is more specific. It allows to identify a subgroup of patients with "Negative" schizophrenia with a high specificity and validity in clinical and epidemiological studies. 3o The use of the baseline visit as a reference (gold standard) is recommended because it exits a higher concordance among criteria and a more florid psychopathology.  相似文献   

1. Cisapride is a prokinetic agent believed to facilitate acetylcholine release from the myenteric plexus of the gut. The aim of the present study was to investigate the effect of cisapride on blood pressure and the effects of muscarinic receptor antagonists on the cisapride-induced blood pressure changes. 2. Cisapride was given i.v. alone or 10 min after muscarinic receptor antagonists. Cisapride given i.v. produced a significant decrease in blood pressure in a dose-related manner. Atropine, AF-DX 116 and 4-DAMP given 10 min before cisapride injection, partially inhibited the hypotensive response to cisapride. In pithed rat, the effect of cisapride on blood pressure remained unaltered. 3. This study indicates that the action of cisapride is not through central mechanisms and part of cisapride's effect is through the cholinergic system.  相似文献   

In search for potent and therapeutically useful H3-receptor antagonists, we prepared novel 4-alkynylphenyl ether derivatives of 3-(1H-imidazol-4-yl)propanol in a convenient synthetic route. All compounds were tested for in vitro and in vivo H3-receptor antagonist activity as well as for H3-receptor selectivity versus H1- and H2-receptors. The presented 4-alkynylphenyl ethers are highly potent and selective H3 antagonists showing oral activity and improved brain penetration. Particularly 4-ethynylphenyl 3-(1H-imidazol-4-yl)propyl ether (14a) displays striking in vitro and in vivo activity with a -log Ki value of 8.6 and an ED50 value of 0.12 mg/kg. At present 14a is the most potent H3-receptor antagonist in vivo and may therefore be a potential drug for the therapy of H3-receptor-dependent diseases of the central nervous system (CNS).  相似文献   

The present study tested the hypothesis that an upregulation of the imidazoline receptor in the rostral ventrolateral medulla (RVLM) of aortic barodenervated (ABD) rats may account for the enhanced hypotensive effect of clonidine. In vitro autoradiographic radioligand binding studies were utilized to investigate the binding characteristics of imidazoline receptors in the RVLM and nucleus tractus solitarius (NTS), areas that play critical roles in cardiovascular regulation and elicitation of clonidine responses. ABD but not sham operation (SO) caused immediate and significant (P < 0.05) increases in mean arterial pressure (MAP) and heart rate (HR) and an impairment of the baroreflex-mediated HR response (baroreflex sensitivity, BRS). Two days after ABD, these parameters, except BRS, subsided to near-control (SO) levels. Intracisternal (i.c.) administration of clonidine (0.1 micrograms) elicited a 3-fold greater decrease in BP of conscious ABD compared with SO rats (-20.3 +/- 2.6 vs. -7.4 +/- 0.9 mmHg) thus demonstrating the ability of ABD to enhance centrally-mediated hypotensive responses. Autoradiographic visualization of brain sections obtained from separate groups of ABD and SO rats 48 h after surgery preincubated with [3H]idazoxan (2.5-3.5 nM) showed that [3H]idazoxan binding in RVLM, middle NTM (mNTS) and rostral NTS (rNTS) was saturable and of high affinity. Uneven distribution of imidazoline binding sites was evident since in control (SO) rats, Scatchard analysis of binding data revealed similar densities (Bmax) of [3H]idazoxan binding sites in the RVLM and mNTS versus significantly higher density in the rNTS. In ABD rats, the binding dissociation constant (Kd) was significantly decreased in both the RVLM (8.1 +/- 3.1 vs. 21.4 +/- 5.0 nM) and rNTS (12.3 +/- 1.3 vs. 18.6 +/- 3.1 nM) compared with SO rats while the Bmax was not affected. This finding suggests an increased receptor affinity in the RVLM and rNTS of barodenervated rats. The mNTS of ABD rats exhibited significant increases in the Bmax (861 +/- 96 vs. 570 +/- 87 fmol/mg protein) compared with values of SO rats but the receptor affinity was not affected. It is concluded that: (i) aortic baroreceptors exert a tonic inhibitory influence on central imidazoline receptor function; and (ii) the enhanced hypotensive effect of clonidine in conscious ABD rats may be accounted for by the increased affinity of the medullary imidazoline receptors particularly in the RVLM.  相似文献   

New potent N alpha-alkylated histamine H1-receptor agonists have been prepared and functionally evaluated for partial agonist potency and selectivity. N alpha-Methyl-2-(3-trifluoromethylphenyl)histamine contracts ileal segments and aortic rings of guinea-pig with a relative potency of 174% (95% confid. lim. 161-188%) and 217% (164-287%), respectively (histamine: 100%) and is the most potent H1 receptor agonist described so far.  相似文献   

In Experiment 1, rats were given a test to determine the order of preference among 3 types of food. Two groups of rats then were trained on a 12-arm radial maze in Experiment 2, with the 3 foods placed in fixed-arm locations for 1 group and in locations that varied randomly across sessions for the other group. The results replicated those of Dallal and Meck (1990) by showing faster learning and more clustering of arm choices by food type in the fixed locations group than in the random-locations group. Two further experiments were performed to test the chunking hypothesis. Observations of working memory in Experiment 3 and the reorganization of reference memory in Experiment 4 both supported the chunking hypothesis by showing superior spatial memory and arm chunking by food type when chunk integrity was maintained than when it was compromised. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The RHO1 gene encodes a homolog of mammalian RhoA small G protein in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. We have shown that Bni1p is one of the downstream targets of Rho1p and regulates reorganization of the actin cytoskeleton through the interaction with profilin, an actin monomer-binding protein. A Bni1p-binding protein was affinity purified from the yeast cytosol fraction and was identified to be Tef1p/Tef2p, translation elongation factor 1alpha (EF1alpha). EF1alpha is an essential component of the protein synthetic machinery and also possesses the actin filament (F-actin)-binding and -bundling activities. EF1alpha bound to the 186 amino acids region of Bni1p, located between the FH1 domain, the proline-rich profilin-binding domain, and the FH2 domain, of which function is not known. The binding of Bni1p to EF1alpha inhibited its F-actin-binding and -bundling activities. The BNI1 gene deleted in the EF1alpha-binding region did not suppress the bni1 bnr1 mutation in which the actin organization was impaired. These results suggest that the Rho1p-Bni1p system regulates reorganization of the actin cytoskeleton through the interaction with both EF1alpha and profilin.  相似文献   

1 The hepatic arterial and hepatic portal venous vascular beds of anaesthetized dogs were separately perfused in different experiments.2 From measurements of perfusion pressures and blood flows in the two series of experiments, hepatic arterial vascular resistance (HAVR) and hepatic portal venous vascular resistance (HPVR) respectively were calculated.3 Bradykinin, 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT) and histamine were injected intra-arterially and intra-portally and dose-response curves constructed from these data.4 Bradykinin injected intra-arterially caused dose-dependent hepatic arterial vasodilatation, and with an ED(50) of 2.66 x 10(-13) mol was more potent than any other vasodilator agent yet examined on this vascular bed.5 Bradykinin injected intraportally at doses up to 10 times those which were maximal on the arterial circuit did not alter the calculated HPVR.6 5-HT injected intra-arterially caused weak and variable rises in HAVR, indicating vasoconstriction. The maximum rise in HAVR was much less than that attained with noradrenaline in the same preparations.7 5-HT injected intraportally caused dose-dependent rises in HPVR indicating portal constriction at doses above 15-100 mug: in some experiments small doses of 5-HT resulted in reductions in calculated HPVR.8 Histamine has previously been shown to cause hepatic arterial vasodilatation: by intraportal injection, it caused dose-dependent rises in HPVR.9 In order to examine the receptors responsible for the effects of histamine, dose-response curves were constructed before and after mepyramine and metiamide.10 On the hepatic arterial vascular bed, metiamide did not antagonize the vasodilator effects of intra-arterial histamine, but these effects were antagonized by mepyramine.11 Similarly on the hepatic portal bed, the rises in HPVR due to histamine were antagonized by mepyramine but not by metiamide.12 The effects of histamine on both the hepatic arterial and portal venous vascular beds of the dog are therefore mediated predominantly by histamine H(1)-receptors.  相似文献   

Ciproxifan, i.e., cyclopropyl-(4-(3-1H-imidazol-4-yl)propyloxy) phenyl) ketone, belongs to a novel chemical series of histamine H3-receptor antagonists. In vitro, it behaved as a competitive antagonist at the H3 autoreceptor controlling [3H]histamine release from synaptosomes and displayed similar Ki values (0.5-1.9 nM) at the H3 receptor controlling the electrically-induced contraction of guinea pig ileum or at the brain H3 receptor labeled with [125I]iodoproxyfan. Ciproxifan displayed at least 3-orders of magnitude lower potency at various aminergic receptors studied in functional or binding tests. In vivo, measurement of drug plasma levels, using a novel radioreceptor assay in mice receiving ciproxifan p.o. or i.v., led to an oral bioavailability ratio of 62%. Oral administration of ciproxifan to mice enhanced by approximately 100% histamine turnover rate and steady state level of tele-methylhistamine with an ED50 of 0.14 mg/kg. Ciproxifan reversed the H3-receptor agonist induced enhancement of water consumption in rats with and ID50 of 0.09 +/- 0.04 mg/kg, i.p. In cats, ciproxifan (0.15-2 mg/kg, p.o.) induced marked signs of neocortical electroencephalogram activation manifested by enhanced fast-rhythms density and an almost total waking state. In rats, ciproxifan enhanced attention as evaluated in the five-choice task performed using a short stimulus duration. Ciproxifan appears to be an orally bioavailable, extremely potent and selective H3-receptor antagonist whose vigilance- and attention-promoting effects are promising for therapeutic applications in aging disorders.  相似文献   

Acetylsalicylic acid and morphine are the most widely distributed and most frequently used drugs in the relief of pain, but their analgesic activity has adverse side-effects. Mixtures containing these two drugs are frequently used to relieve mild to moderate pain despite the paucity of relevant experimental evidence so far published. We set out to study the possible antinociceptive effect of a combination of subactive doses of the two drugs in rats. A combination of low doses of acetylsalicylic acid (50 mg/kg i.p.) and morphine (3 mg/kg s.c.) was administered and the pain threshold was evaluated in the hot-plate and formalin tests, and 5-HT2 receptor binding capacity, 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT) and 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid (5-HIAA) levels were measured in the cortex and pontine areas of the brain. The combination of acetylsalicylic acid and morphine had an analgesic effect in both tests that was associated with an increase in 5-HT levels and a decrease in 5-HT2 receptors in the cortex. These effects were either completely abolished or partially prevented by i.p. pretreatment with naloxone (1 mg/kg i.p.). Our results demonstrate that subactive doses of acetylsalicylic acid and morphine can exert analgesic and biochemical effects when given in combination in the rat and suggest an involvement of serotonergic and opiatergic systems.  相似文献   

1. Rat histamine H2 receptors were epitope-tagged with six histidine residues at the C-terminus to allow immunological detection of the receptor. Recombinant baculoviruses containing the epitope-tagged H2 receptor were prepared and were used to infect insect Sf9 cells. 2. The His-tagged H2 receptors expressed in insect Sf9 cells showed typical H2 receptor characteristics as determined with [125I]-aminopotentidine (APT) binding studies. 3. In Sf9 cells expressing the His-tagged H2 receptor histamine was able to stimulate cyclic AMP production 9 fold (EC50=2.1+/-0.1 microM) by use of the endogenous signalling pathway. The classical antagonists cimetidine, ranitidine and tiotidine inhibited histamine induced cyclic AMP production with Ki values of 0.60+/-0.43 microM, 0.25+/-0.15 microM and 28+/-7 nM, respectively (mean+/-s.e.mean, n=3). 4. The expression of the His-tagged H2 receptors in infected Sf9 cells reached functional levels of 6.6+/-0.6 pmol mg(-1) protein (mean+/-s.e.mean, n=3) after 3 days of infection. This represents about 2 x 10(6) copies of receptor/cell. Preincubation of the cells with 0.03 mM cholesterol-beta-cyclodextrin complex resulted in an increase of [125I]-APT binding up to 169+/-5% (mean+/-s.e.mean, n=3). 5. The addition of 0.03 mM cholesterol-beta-cyclodextrin complex did not affect histamine-induced cyclic AMP production. The EC50 value of histamine was 3.1+/-1.7 microM in the absence of cholesterol-beta-cyclodextrin complex and 11.1+/-5.5 microM in the presence of cholesterol-beta-cyclodextrin complex (mean+/-s.e.mean, n=3). Also, the amount of cyclic AMP produced in the presence of 100 microM histamine was identical, 85+/-18 pmol/10(6) cells in the absence and 81+/-11 pmol/10(6) cells in the presence of 0.03 mM cholesterol-beta-cyclodextrin complex (mean+/-s.e.mean, n=3). 6. Immunofluorescence studies with an antibody against the His-tag revealed that the majority of the His-tagged H2 receptors was localized inside the insect Sf9 cells, although plasma membrane labelling could be identified as well. 7. These experiments demonstrate the successful expression of His-tagged histamine H2 receptors in insect Sf9 cells. The H2 receptors couple functionally to the insect cell adenylate cyclase. However, our studies with cholesterol complementation and with immunofluorescent detection of the His-tag reveal that only a limited amount of H2 receptor protein is functional. These functional receptors are targeted to the plasma membrane.  相似文献   

Affinity matured murine monoclonal antibody producing cell lines can now be rapidly generated using a novel repetitive, multiple site immunization strategy designated RIMMS. RIMMS capitalizes on rapid hypermutation and affinity maturation events which occur in B cell populations localized within secondary lymphatic tissue early in response to antigenic challenges. A murine myeloma cell line, P3XBcl-2-13, stably transfected with Bcl-2, enhances the outgrowth of hybridomas following somatic fusion with immune lymphocytes isolated from pooled peripheral lymph nodes (PLN) 8-14 days after the initial immunization. Immunizations somatic fusion, screening and isolation of affinity matured IgG secreting monoclonal antibody cell lines occur within a one month time period. By using RIMMS, we have been able to expedite the isolation of affinity matured monoclonal antibodies to numerous antigens, including a drug hapten.  相似文献   

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