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给出了一种新的用于微小电容检测的接口电路 .在电荷传送电路的基础上,引入了一个用于参考微变电容读出的电荷传送电路部分,将检测电路与参考电路的输出进行差分放大,从而大大提高了电路的稳定性和检测灵敏度,同时此电路也保持了电荷传送电路检测微小电容变化不受寄生电容影响的特性.  相似文献   

一种新的不受寄生电容影响的电容式传感器接口电路   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
给出了一种新的用于微小电容检测的接口电路 .在电荷传送电路的基础上,引入了一个用于参考微变电容读出的电荷传送电路部分,将检测电路与参考电路的输出进行差分放大,从而大大提高了电路的稳定性和检测灵敏度,同时此电路也保持了电荷传送电路检测微小电容变化不受寄生电容影响的特性.  相似文献   

A pressure sensor interface circuit featuring micropower consumptionis presented. The sensitivity to leakage currents has been reduced, allowingoperation at high temperature. Special attention has been paid to minimisealiasing in the sampled interface. An optimal combination of contradictoryrequirements on power consumption, temperature range and sampling speed wasobtained by a very careful system design and optimisation. The circuitconverts a sensor capacitance variation of ±5pF into an 11 bit outputword at a 2Hz rate. This resolution is guaranteed in the –40°C to100°C temperature range. It may slowly decay above 100°C but ensuresat least 5 bit at 130°C. The power consumption at room temperature issmaller than 2µA from a 2.4V to 4V battery.  相似文献   

In this paper, a mathematical model for the dc/dynamic current of organic thin-film transistors is proposed. The model is based on the variable-range hopping transport theory, i.e., thermally activated tunneling of carriers between localized states, and the mathematical expression of the current is formulated by means of the channel accumulation charge. It accurately accounts for below-threshold, linear, and saturation operating conditions via a single formulation, and does not require the explicit definition of the threshold and saturation voltages. Basing on the charge control approach, the dc model is straightforwardly generalized to dynamic conditions; the resulting mathematical expressions are simple and suitable for CAD applications.   相似文献   

新型电容式MEMS加速度计数字接口电路设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
李宗伟  丛宁  熊兴崟  韩可都  杨长春 《电子学报》2016,44(10):2507-2513
MEMS加速度计接口电路主要采用传统sigma-delta架构实现,但这种方式中的电路失调电压很容易产生积分饱和现象.为解决这个问题,本文设计了一种可以用于钻井、石油勘探等微弱信号检测的新型数字电容接口电路.该设计在电容式MEMS加速度传感器基础上,采用FPGA实现数字三阶环路滤波器,构成5阶sigma-delta系统.采用数字环路滤波器降低了ASIC模拟电路版图设计与芯片测试难度,利于快速优化环路滤波器设计参数,改善系统稳定性和优化系统噪声性能.前置放大器采用一种相对简单的相关双采样技术,能够有效减小前置放大器的失调电压.根据MEMS加速度计前置放大器输出信号符合正态分布的特点,设计了带有一定预测功能的8-bit瞬时浮点ADC,实现模拟与数字环路滤波器互联.在200Hz带宽内,该接口电路系统噪声基底达到53.09ng/rt(Hz),满足系统噪声设计要求.前置放大器与ADC采用XFAB XH018混合信号CMOS工艺流片,开环测试表明,前置放大器的灵敏度和噪声分别为0.69V/pF和3.20μV/rt(Hz).  相似文献   

基于连续时问的全差分电容结构,设计了一款电容式微加速度计模拟前端接口电路。该电路采用了斩波稳定技术,减小了运算放大器的直流偏差和闪烁噪声,同时,引入了一种周期复位的方法来稳定电压电容转换器输入端口求和节点的直流偏置,并实现了灵敏度可调的功能。该设计在TSMC0.35Hm工艺下流片,面积为3.4mm2。测试结果表明,在5V供电电压下,电路非线性度小于O.7%,功耗约9.4mW。  相似文献   

分析了基于MCP2551的CAN总线接口电路功耗大的原因,并根据该芯片的应用特点,设计了一种低功耗的CAN总线接口电路,它能够自动检测CAN总线上节点的通信情况,在空闲时自动进入待机模式,从而有效降低了每一个CAN节点的功耗.测试和实践表明:该电路实现方法简单,在不影响正确通信的情况下,功耗仅为改进前的2.2%.本设计也适用PCA82C250、SN65HVD230芯片.  相似文献   

A Low-Power Multiphase Circuit Technique   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The principle of multiphase MOS digital circuits is briefly discussed and the features of some presently used multi-phase schemes are given. The basic theory and implementation of a six-phase scheme, which make use of a basic principle not normally considered in low-power digital circuitry, are then described, and the first-order equations for power dissipation are derived. The theoretical power dissipation of a six-phase shift register is compared to the power dissipation of equivalent shift registers using other low-power circuit techiques, including the complementary MOS transistor technique, and it is shown that the six-phase technique has the lowest power dissipation from very low frequencies up to a limiting high frequency. Finally, the power dissipation of an actual six-phase circuit is compared to the dissipation predicted from the derived equations.  相似文献   

叶幼慧 《微电子学》1995,25(2):25-29
本文给出一种互补型CML电路,该电路可以工作在很低的功耗下,具有很高的开关速度。mwSPICE仿真结果表明,单门功耗为0.5mW和0.2mW时,平均门延时可分别低达18ps和30.5ps。  相似文献   

介绍了一种单片集成电容式压力传感器接口电路,该电路基于电容-频率转化原理,并通过差频消除了温度变化和工艺波动对电路性能的影响。使用Pspice对接口电路的误差特性进行了分析,并依据仿真结果确定了电路的相关参数。最后给出电路的测试结果,测试结果与仿真结果一致,在80~110kPa量程内,接口电路的分辨率为3.77Hz/hPa。  相似文献   

介绍了一种单片集成电容式压力传感器接口电路,该电路基于电容一频率转化原理,并通过差频消除了温度变化和工艺波动对电路性能的影响。使用Pspice对接口电路的误差特性进行了分析,并依据仿真结果确定了电路的相关参数。最后给出电路的测试结果,测试结果与仿真结果一致,在80~110kPa量程内,接口电路的分辨率为3.77Hz/hPa。  相似文献   

This brief proposes a novel low-power digital logic design scheme based on the energy exchange in the switched inductor-capacitor (SLC) circuit. It presents a design paradigm which in ideal case may lead to a circuit capable of performing logic operations with no switching losses. In traditional integrated circuit design, the energy is stored in the output load capacitor through a pull-up path (corresponding to storing a logic 1). When the output changes its logic value, this stored energy is dissipated through the pull down path to the ground. In order to reduce this switching energy dissipation each time the load capacitor is discharged, we store its energy in the magnetic field of the inductor in the proposed SLC architecture. Whenever the output load needs to be charged again, we transfer the energy back from the inductor to the load capacitor. This significantly reduces the switching energy. We illustrated the operation of the SLC architecture through SPICE simulation. A brief discussion of some practical considerations for this architecture is also presented  相似文献   

在分析电容式MEMS麦克风工作原理的基础上,提出了一种用于电容式MEMS麦克风的读出电路.该读出电路包括低极点频率的高通滤波器和低噪声单位增益缓冲器,高通滤波器用来读出MEMS麦克风在声压作用下产生的小信号,单位增益缓冲器用来隔离高通滤波器和后续信号处理电路,并提供较大的驱动能力.仿真结果表明,当电源电压在1.2~3.6V之间时,读出电路都可以正常工作,且静态电流小于60 μA,等效输入噪声为5.2 μV,电压增益大于-1.56 dB(83.6%).由于消除了失调电压的影响,电路可以处理幅度范围为50 μV~200 mV的小信号(参考X-FAB 0.35 μm CMOS工艺).  相似文献   

沙Qiu  齐家月 《微电子学》1995,25(3):10-13
本文主要介绍一种高速低功耗EPROM读写电路,包括EPROM单元管、读写电路,以及产生写EPROM所需高电压的高电压发生器,并着重分析了EPROM读写电路低功耗的特点。  相似文献   

设计了一种工作在亚阈值区无运放结构的CMOS带隙基准电压电路。通过使用线性区工作的MOS管取代传统电阻,使电路工作在亚阈值区,结合无运放设计,极大地降低了功耗。采用0.35μm CMOS工艺,在室温27℃、工作电压3 V的条件下进行仿真,输出基准电压1.2086 V,偏差在4 m V内,工作电流仅为1.595μA,功耗仅为4.785μW。在-50℃到120℃的温度范围内温度系数为17.3×10-6/℃。该带隙基准电压电路具有低功耗、宽温度范围、面积小等特点。  相似文献   

一种低功耗高可靠性的CMOS过流保护电路   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
提出了一种结构简单、功能可靠的CMOS过流保护电路。通过增加foldback功能有效地降低了电路损失的功耗,并且提高了系统的可靠性。在SAMSUNG0.6μmCMOS工艺下,Hspice模拟仿真结果证明该电路工作可靠、性能优良,可广泛应用于功率开关器件如MOSFET的保护电路中。  相似文献   

采用不同的电路算法时,不同物理特性的电容对最终的感应信号有不同的影响.高性能的电容触摸技术开发要求工程师对触摸屏的电容性质和物理机制有透彻的理解和清醒的认识.本文运用电力线基本原理,对分布在触摸屏上的不同电容特性进行了深入的分析.  相似文献   

低电压低功耗CMOS采样保持电路   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
郑晓燕  王江  仇玉林   《电子器件》2006,29(2):318-321
设计了一个用于流水线型模数转换器的低压采样保持电路。为降低采保电路中运放的功耗,本文采用了增益补偿的采样保持电路结构,从而用简单的低增益运放达到高精度的效果。并从运放输出建立时间的角度对其输入电流进行优化。为了提高精度,降低采样开关的电阻并减小非线性误差,设计了信号相关自举电压控制的开关。仿真结果表明在1.8V的电源电压下,达到10bit的精度和50Mbit的采样率,整个采保电路的功耗仅为2.3mW。  相似文献   

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