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To investigate the effects of basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF) on necrosis rate, succinate dehydrogenase level and oxygen consumption of the skin flap, 18 Wistar rats were divided into 2 groups. Caudally based skin flap was raised on the back of each rat. Nine micrograms bFGF or normal saline with heparin was instilled under the flaps respectively after closure of the wounds. After 7 days, the necrosis rate of each wound was measured. The result showed that in bFGF group, the average necrosis rate of skin flap was 18.2%, less than that of the control group (37.14%). Succinate dehydrogenase content and oxygen consumption in bFGF group were higher than those of the corresponding sites in the control group (P < 0.05). It was suggested that the use of bFGF resulted in the decrease rate of necrosis of skin flap, and it maintained higher succinale dehydrogenase level and oxygen consumption. It was concluded that bFGF would probably be valuable for clinical use.  相似文献   

Orthostatic hypotension can be caused by an inadequate vasoconstrictor response. The effects of amezinium on vasoconstrictor response to sympathetic stimulation and to exogenous noradrenaline were investigated and compared with those of midodrine. In 8 healthy men, the following experiments were performed after a single oral dose of 10mg of amezinium, 2mg of midodrine or a placebo. First, finger-tip blood flow (FTBF) was recorded using a laser Doppler flowmeter before and during the contralateral hand cooling and a reduction ratio of FTBF was calculated as an index of the vasoconstrictor response. Second, dose-response curves to increasing doses (1-512ng/min) of noradrenaline infused locally to the dorsal hand vein were determined using a linear variable differential transformer. The reduction ratio of FTBF was significantly increased (p<0.05) by amezimium [placebo, 75.9 +/- 9.8(mean +/- SD)%; amezinium, 85.1 +/- 7.9%; midodrine, 78.1 +/- 9.3%]. The infusion rate of noradrenaline producing a half-maximum venoconstriction was significantly decreased (p<0.05) by amezinium (placebo, 40.6 +/- 33.9 ng/min; amezinium, 21.0 +/- 21.3 ng/min; midodrine, 33.2 +/- 31.5 ng/min). These findings indicate that amezinium increases the vasoconstrictor response to sympathetic stimulation and to noradrenaline in normal subjects, and this mechanism might contribute to the improvement by amezinium of the symptoms of orthostatic hypotension.  相似文献   

Nitrous oxide (N2O; laughing gas) has been a widely used anesthetic/analgesic since the 19th century, although its cellular mechanism of action is not understood. Here we characterize the effects of N2O on excitatory and inhibitory synaptic transmission in microcultures of rat hippocampal neurons, a preparation in which anesthetic effects on monosynaptic communication can be examined in a setting free of polysynaptic network variables. Eighty percent N2O occludes peak NMDA receptor-mediated (NMDAR) excitatory autaptic currents (EACs) with no effect on the NMDAR EAC decay time course. N2O also mildly depresses AMPA receptor-mediated (AMPAR) EACs. We find that N2O inhibits both NMDA and non-NMDA receptor-mediated responses to exogenous agonist. The postsynaptic blockade of NMDA receptors exhibits slight apparent voltage dependence, whereas the blockade of AMPA receptors is not voltage dependent. Although the degree of ketamine and Mg2+ blockade of NMDA-induced responses is dependent on permeant ion concentration, the degree of N2O blockade is not. We also observe a slight and variable prolongation of GABAA receptor-mediated (GABAR) postsynaptic currents likely caused by previously reported effects of N2O on GABAA receptors. Despite the effects of N2O on both NMDA and non-NMDA ionotropic receptors, glial glutamate transporter currents and metabotropic glutamate receptor-mediated synaptic depression are not affected. Paired-pulse depression, the frequency of spontaneous miniature excitatory synaptic currents, and high-voltage-activated calcium currents are not affected by N2O. Our results suggest that the effects of N2O on synaptic transmission are confined to postsynaptic targets.  相似文献   

Acetylcholinesterase (AChE) mRNA levels are severalfold higher in fast rat muscles compared with slow. We hypothesized that AChE mRNA levels and AChE activity in the neuromuscular junction depend on a specific nerve-induced pattern of motor unit activation. Chronic low-frequency stimulation, mimicking the activation pattern in slow muscles, was applied to fast muscles in rats. Molecular forms of AChE were analyzed by velocity sedimentation, and AChE mRNA levels were analyzed by Northern blots. AChE mRNA levels in stimulated fast muscles dropped to 10-20% of control after 1 week and became comparable to those in slow soleus muscles. The activity of the junctional A12 AChE form in 35 d stimulated fast muscles decreased to 56% of control value, reaching that in the soleus muscle. Therefore, synaptic AChE itself depends on the muscle activation pattern. Complete inactivity after denervation also decreased the AChE mRNA level in fast muscles to <10% in 48 hr. In contrast, profuse fibrillations observed in noninnervated immature regenerating muscles maintain AChE mRNA levels at 80% of that in the innervated fast muscles. If protein synthesis was inhibited by cycloheximide, AChE mRNA levels in 3-d-old regenerating muscle, still containing myoblasts, increased approximately twofold. No significant increase after cycloheximide application was observed either in denervated mature fast muscles or in normal slow muscles. Low AChE mRNA levels observed in those muscles are probably not caused by decreased stability of AChE mRNA as demonstrated in myoblasts.  相似文献   

Fear and anxiety are common emotional concomitants of acute pain that increase the perception of noxious events as painful. In the present study, 92 patients who were about to undergo various dental treatments (calculus removal, filling, root canal treatment, and extraction) were evaluated comparing the level of their dental anxiety and pain expectation from the intended treatment to their reaction to electric pulp stimulation. The data indicate that patients differ significantly in their dental anxiety levels and in their expectation to experience pain according to the following hierarchy (in descending order): extraction, root canal treatment, filling, and calculus removal. Anxiety and amount of pain expected from treatment correlated significantly with each other, but no simple correlations were found between anxiety and actual pain measures recorded after pulp stimulation.  相似文献   

Previous research on the visual evoked brain response (VEBR) recorded from the occipital scalp indicates that this response shows a high degree of stimulus control. An evoked brain response can also be elicited simultaneously from the vertex response is affected to the same degree by several different aspects of visual stimuli as is the corresponding occipital response. The VEBR was recorded from the vertex of 3 human subjects as a function of changes in stimulus size and intensity. The results showed that the amplitude of the first major positive component of the VEBR was not reliably related to the stimulus parameters. It was concluded that the VEBR recorded at the vertex probably has its source in a distinct cortical generator which is not specifically related to the parameters of visual stimulation.  相似文献   

The interrelationship of the indices of the systolic and diastolic myocardial activity with reference to the cardiac contractions rate was studied in acute experiments in isolated feline hearts. The study had demonstrated that moderate tachycardia (a 30% increase of the cardiac contractions rate) produced a beneficial inotropic effect, and increased the diastolic compliance of the myocardium. Severe tachycardia (a 80--100% increase of the contractions rate) produced a negative inotropic effect decreasing the myocardial compliance. Proceeding from the obtained results a conclusion is drawn that the cardiac contractions rate is an important factor in the regulation of not only the systolic, but also the diastolic myocardial activity.  相似文献   

The present study investigated the effects of the NMDA receptor antagonists dizocilpine (MK-801) and ifenprodil on the appearance of diazepam withdrawal signs caused by discontinuation of long-term diazepam treatment using a drug-admixed food (DAF) method in Fischer 344 rats. The total withdrawal score was significantly decreased by after-withdrawal treatment with dizocilpine or ifenprodil. Dizocilpine, in particular, markedly suppressed the motor withdrawal signs and body weight loss, while ifenprodil suppressed the motor and emotional withdrawal signs. Furthermore, the decrease in the food intake during withdrawal (anorexia) was significantly reduced by dizocilpine, but not by ifenprodil. These behavioral results indicated that the activation of NMDA receptors during withdrawal may play an important role in the appearance of withdrawal signs (in particular motor withdrawal signs) caused by discontinuation of chronic diazepam treatment, and that inhibitory agents for NMDA receptors may be effective in alleviation of the appearance of benzodiazepine withdrawal signs.  相似文献   

Although the skin of babies is very sensitive to irritants and baby baths are widely used in child care, there have been no investigations concerning their efficacy and safety so far. In the presented work we investigate the effect of a baby bath containing 80% and after another 2 weeks of treatment with a whey baby bath. During the study all infants were bathed at a temperature between 35 and 38 degrees C for 5 to 15 min every other day. The results showed a slightly lower skin moisture, a lower skin-pH and after an initial minimal increase a reduction of skin redness values. However, none of the results were statistically significant. The tested baby bath was well tolerated by the babies' skin based on a reduction of skin-pH. In contrast to relatively aggressive soaps we found a protective effect of the tested baby bath on the acid mantle of the skin.  相似文献   

Nine athletes (seven football offensive linemen, one defensive lineman, and one lacrosse player) were found at arthroscopy to have posterior labral detachment from the glenoid. In our series, this lesion is specific to contact athletes who engage their opponents with arms in front of the body. All patients had pain with bench pressing and while participating in their sport, diminishing their ability to play effectively. Conservative measures were ineffective in relieving their symptoms. Examination under anesthesia revealed symmetric glenohumeral translation bilaterally, without evidence of posterior instability. Treatment consisted of glenoid rim abradement and posterior labral repair with a bioabsorbable tack. All patients returned to complete at least one full season of contact sports and weightlifting without pain (minimum follow-up, > or = 2 years). Although many injuries leading to subluxation of the glenohumeral joint occur when an unanticipated force is applied, contact athletes ready their shoulder muscles in anticipation of impact with opponents. This leads to a compressive force at the glenohumeral joint. We hypothesize that, in combination with a posteriorly directed force at impact, the resultant vector is a shearing force to the posterior labrum and articular surface. Repeated exposure leads to posterior labral detachment without capsular injury. Posterior labral reattachment provides consistently good results, allowing the athlete to return to competition.  相似文献   

Cerebroside sulfate activator protein (CSAct or saposin B) is one of a group of heat stable, low-molecular-weight proteins that appear to share a common structural motif. These have been referred to as saposin-like proteins and are thought to share a multiple amphipathic helical barrel structure with a conserved pattern of disulfide linkages. Porcine kidney CSAct was prepared in high purity and consisted of three major glycosylated subforms. The protein was studied by physical-chemical methods and evaluated by various methods for structural prediction. All suggest that CSAct has high amounts of alpha-helical conformation and little if any beta-sheet. Circular dichroism (CD) studies indicate 45-50% helical conformation depending on buffer and temperature. There was only a moderate loss in helical content with increasing temperature and no indication of thermal denaturation. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) measurements on deuterium hydrated self-films also indicated a predominantly helical structure. Helical axis orientation was investigated by both oriented CD and FTIR dichroism, which suggested that the helical axes were roughly parallel and oriented along the axis of the surface on which the self-films had been deposited. One-dimensional nuclear magnetic resonance spectra showed large chemical shift dispersion, indicating a defined tertiary structure with little variation between 6 and 85 degrees C. NOESY spectra failed to show the strong NOE cross peaks expected for a highly helical conformation. This may indicate short-term conformational flexibility within the helices or molecular aggregation at the high protein concentrations employed. These observations are consistent with the 3-4-helix bundle motif suggested for saposin-like proteins by various predictive algorithms.  相似文献   

It has been found that damage to a tissue of a rabbit or a rat, such as results from a skin incision or an incision through the skin and muscles into the abdominal cavity, is followed 24 hr later by a significant increase in the concentration of leucogenenol in the animal's serum. Likewise, loss of approximately one-quarter to one-half of the blood in the circulation of rabbits or rats causes an increase 24 hr later in the animals' serum leucogenenol concentration.  相似文献   

The pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic properties of nonpeptide angiotensin antagonists in humans are reviewed in this paper. Representatives of this new therapeutic class share common features: lipophilia, intermediate bioavailability, high affinity for plasma proteins and liver metabolism; some have active metabolites. Angiotensin II antagonists block the blood pressure response to exogenous angiotensin II in healthy volunteers, decrease baseline blood pressure in both normal and hypertensive patients, produce a marked rise in plasma renin activity and endogenous angiotensin II and increase renal blood flow without altering glomerular filtration rate. These effects are dose-dependent, but their time course varies between the drugs owing to pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic differences. Additionally, the extent of blood pressure reduction is dependent on physiological factors such as sodium and water balance. The characterisation of their pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic relationships deserves further refinement for designing optimal therapeutic regimens and proposing dosage adaptations in specific conditions.  相似文献   

Whether nitric oxide (NO) mediates--or not--the local cerebral blood flow (CBF) increases occurring during functional brain activation is still a controversial issue. In the present study, we sought to determine whether neuronal NO synthase is involved in the cerebrovascular response to activation of the trigeminal pathway in the rat. Local CBF was measured using the autoradiographic [14C]iodoantipyrine technique in control alpha-chloralose anesthetized rats and 30 min following administration of 7-nitroindazole (7-NI), an inhibitor of the neuronal NO synthase. Unilateral whiskers stroking increased local CBF in all six regions of the trigeminal pathway. Under 7-NI, CBF was slightly decreased and the vasodilatatory response to whisker stimulation was unaltered in the four trigeminal nuclei studied. In contrast, no significant vasodilatation was noted in the ventral posteromedial thalamic nucleus and somatosensory cortex. These results suggest that the neuronal NO synthase mediates the hyperemia associated with somatosensory activation in second order relay stations but not in the site of termination of primary afferents.  相似文献   

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