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用测氡法探测煤矿地下火源位置和范围   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

为充分发挥物探方法在探测地下采空区的优势,查明山西省灵石县英武乡某煤矿地下采空区分布。根据测区场地条件,本文提出了地震勘探和氡气测量相结合的综合物探方法,利用反射波地震勘探的多次覆盖技术具有较高的探测精度,既能准确查明地下采空区分布的优势,又可弥补氡异常无法判断裂隙带产状及其地下延伸情况的不足;利用氡气测量受地形影响小、可准确圈定采空区边界和断裂构造位置的优势等优点,既可对地震勘探成果起到佐证作用,又可避免或减少其多解性。从而实现两种物探方法的优势互补作用,取得了较好的探测效果,该组合模式可为同类场地条件下探测地下煤层采空区提供有意义的借鉴。  相似文献   

为了得到气溶胶变化后对氡子体产生的影响,实验通过气溶胶粒径谱仪SMPS测试氡室内不同浓度气溶胶,分析气溶胶的变化情况,根据AlphaGUARD测氡仪以及AlphaPM子体仪测试变化的氡浓度不同气溶胶下子体变化情况。实验结果表明:在两个NaCl浓度的气溶胶条件下,气溶胶的总量随着气溶胶发生器中的NaCl浓度的增大而变大,由于氡子体结合态随气溶胶浓度改变,氡子体浓度也随气溶胶浓度的增大而增大。并且在相同气溶胶浓度情况下,氡子体的浓度随着氡浓度的增大而增大。  相似文献   

测氡法探测地下气化燃烧区及移动速度研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
煤炭地下气化技术是抛弃了全部庞大的、笨重的采煤设备与地面气化设备,并将传统的地面气化转化为地下有控制的气化新技术.其具有安全性好、投资少、效率高、污染小、效益高等优点.为了使煤的燃烧和气化得到有效的控制,监测燃烧区的范围和火焰工作面移动速度是致关重要的.在分析了测氡法应用于确定燃烧区范围和移动速度可行性的基础上,本文提出了采用测氡法对急倾斜煤层中煤炭地下气化燃烧区范围和移动速度进行监测的有益探索.现场试验研究表明,该方法能够较好地探测燃烧区的范围和移动速度.  相似文献   

关于浅层地震勘探和测氡定位隐伏断裂的初步探讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
分别介绍了浅层地震勘探和测氡定位隐伏断裂的基本原理和工作方法。对其各自在测试和解释中的一些影响因素进行了简单研究,并对两种方法的可行性及其前景做了初步探讨。  相似文献   

以某在建高速公路隧道施工过程中遇到的采空区处理为依托,探讨了隧道穿越采空区的探测与处理技术。对探地雷达应用于隧道施工过程中的采空区探测技术进行了系统的总结;利用ANSYS软件对2种预备的支护方案进行数值模拟和分析,推荐了具体的支护方案;分析了采空区对隧道的影响,给出了具体的设计方案和施工原则;将施工过程中监控量测的数据信息和仿真模拟数值进行对比分析,对处理的结果进行了评价。结果表明:在经济上合理、技术方面可行而又满足施工进度要求的情况下采用钢拱架和墩台对采空区进行支护,并用轻型材料填充的处理方法,能较好地控制隧道的变形和位移。  相似文献   

文章描述了NRBP用于测量居室和工作场所氡浓度的径迹蚀刻剂量学体系,并考虑了适用于大规模评价吸入室内空气中氡的衰变子体所致危险度的理想氡剂量学体系所应该满足的原则。NRPB现用的径迹蚀刻剂量学体系满足这样理想体系的要求,对筛选测量的原则进行了简要描述,例如,为了弄清某一房间是否存在氡子体的危险水平,而又不需要给出它的长期真实平均值的测量。  相似文献   

基于RAD-7型连续测氡仪对南宁市地铁1号线25个地铁站进行测量.测量结果显示:25个地铁站全年平均氡浓度为9.68 Bq/m~3,变化范围为3.82~26.00 Bq/m~3.冬季平均氡浓度10.38 Bq/m~3高于夏季8.98 Bq/m~3;没有观察到地下一层和地下二层氡浓度水平的显著差异;没有观察到各地铁站之间氡浓度的显著差异.  相似文献   

There were differences between real boundary and blast hole controlling boundary of irregular mined-out area in underground metal mines. There were errors in numerical analysis of stability for goaf, if it was analyzed as regular 3D mined-out area and the influence of coupling stress-seepage-disturbance was not considered adequately. Taking a lead zinc mine as the background, the model was built by the coupling of Surpac and Midas-Gts based on the goaf model precisely measured by CMS.According to seepage stress fundamental equations based on the equivalent continuum mechanical and the theory about equivalent load of dynamic disturbance in deep-hole blasting, the stability of mined-out area under multi-field coupling of stress-seepage-dynamic disturbance was numerically analyzed. The results show that it is more consistent between the numerical analysis model based on the real model of irregular 3D shape goaf and the real situation, which could faithfully reappear the change rule of stress–strain about the surrounding rock under synthetic action of blasting dynamic loading and the seepage pressure. The mined-out area multi-field coupling formed by blasting excavation is stable. Based on combination of the advantages of the CMS,Surpac and Midas-Gts, and fully consideration of the effects of multi-field coupling, the accurate and effective way could be provided for numerical analysis of stability for mined-out area.  相似文献   

采空区的治理在国内外都是一件比较棘手的事情,通过对国内外采空区处理及抗变形建筑研究现状的分析,总结各行各业的采空区地基处理经验,提出采空区的抗变形措施,结合线路的特点,探讨可行的地基处理方案,并对处理效果进行了初步评价,以指导类似工程.  相似文献   

Dynamic analysis steps and general flow of fast lagrangian analysis of continua in 3 dimensions (FLAC3D) were discussed. Numerical simulation for influence of excavation and blasting vibration on stability of mined-out area was carried out with FLAC3D. The whole analytical process was divided into two steps, including the static analysis and the dynamic analysis which were used to simulate the influence of excavation process and blasting vibration respectively. The results show that the shape of right upper boundary is extremely irregular after excavation, and stress concentration occurs at many places and higher tensile stress appears. The maximum tensile stress is higher than the tensile strength of rock mass, and surrounding rock of right roof will be damaged with tension fracture. The maximum displacement of surrounding rock is 4.75 mm after excavation. However, the maxi- mum displacement increases to 5.47 mm after the blasting dynamic load is applied. And the covering area of plastic zones expands obviously, especially at the foot of right upper slope. The analytical results are in basic accordance with the observed results on the whole. Damage and disturbance on surrounding rock to some degree are caused by excavation, while blasting dynamic load increases the possibility of occurrence of dynamic instability and destruction further. So the effective supporting and vibration reducing measures should be taken during mining.  相似文献   

The engineering and geological characteristics of a steep slope consisting of coal gangue, rock and soil medium in Huating coal mine have been comprehensively investigated. Owing to humid weather, heavy rainfall, vegetation and porous characteristics of the soil and rock mass, the steep slope will be destabilized and induce mud-rock flow or derive hazard easily. Firstly, based on the classical slope reinforcement theory, some regularity between the shear and displacement in the destabilized zone of the slope with or without root strength contribution is presented. Then, based on the experimental and statistical analysis of root strength, hydrological characteristics and stability status, etc., some possible biotechnical techniques for reinforcement of the steep slope have been suggested. These methods are important for quantitative analysis of destabilization of the slope and design of the biotechnical reinforcement.  相似文献   

The phase difference change is random in the discrete fuzzy area by considering the limit of device resolution, which the device can not stably capture, and the precision of the measured value only reaches the level of ns, but the phase difference change in the concentrated fuzzy area is step by step, and the device can stably capture the change of ps. By using the fuzzy area conversion technology, a high precision frequency measurement is designed. Through computer control and frequency synthesis,the discrete fuzzy area is converted to the concentrated fuzzy area, the ps stability properties of phase difference change on the border of the concentrated fuzzy area is used, the precision can be improved two or three orders of magnitude, and the high precision measurement in a wide range is achieved.  相似文献   

陵甘宁盐环定扬黄灌区是由宁夏、甘肃、陕西三省(区)共用工程和三省(区)专用工程两部分组成,属电力提水灌溉灌区。目前,存在着干渠泵站厂房渗积水、灌区地下水位上升、土地盆渍化等问题。解决的对策是要在该灌区内建立地下水位观测井和土壤水分量测站,为灌区的防渗、防盐渍化、防沙等问题提供科学依据;同时,采取井渠结合的灌溉模式,引导灌区调整种植结构和推广节水灌溉技术。近年来,逐步寻找出一条“量测促管理,管理出效益,效益保测量”的良性循环发展路于。盐环定扬黄灌区在改进、完善和提高量测技术的同时,坚持量测技术和用水管理相结合,统筹兼顾,科学规划,初步做到了合理地利用地下水资源。  相似文献   

The surface subsidence is a common environmental hazard in mined-out area. Based on careful analysis of the regularity of surface subsidence in mined-out area, we proposed a new time function based on Harris curve model in consideration of the shortage of current surface subsidence time functions. By analyzing the characteristics of the new time function, we found that it could meet the dynamic process, the velocity change process and the acceleration change process during surface subsidence. Then its rationality had been verified through project cases. The results show that the proposed time function model can give a good reflection of the regularity of surface subsidence in mined-out area and can accurately predict surface subsidence. And the prediction data of the model are a little greater than measured data on condition of proper measured data quantity, which is safety in the engineering. This model provides a new method for the analysis of surface subsidence in mined-out area and reference for future prediction, and it is valuable to engineering application.  相似文献   

当目标体规模较小时,高密度电阻率法勘探较常规电阻率法有较大的优越性。通过一个煤田采空区勘探的实例,介绍了高密度电阻率法的外业工作方法,详细介绍了应用surfer和RES2DINV图件定性、定量的资料解释过程,同时在结语中指出原始数据的可靠性和准确性是最重要的,并且资料解释过程应结合实际的地质情况。  相似文献   

以平煤六矿新建斜井巷道穿越采空区为工程背景,采用数值计算分析、现场监测等方法研究了采空区覆岩破断及其矿压显现特征。针对斜井穿越采空区段围岩破碎的特点,提出了金属网+全断面U型钢+反底拱连锁梁+浇筑混凝土+壁后注浆的支护方案,其通过"双壳支护"形成的内外承载结构能在很大程度上提高采空区破碎岩体的整体性。现场监测表明:斜井穿越采空区段巷道两帮的移近量为26 mm,顶底板移近量为47 mm,达到了有效控制巷道围岩变形的目的。  相似文献   

To identify the instability on large scale underground mined-out area in the metal mine effectively, the parameters of radial basis function were determined through clustering method and the improved fuzzy radial basis function neural network (FRBFNN) model of instability identification model about large scale underground mined-out area in the metal mine was built. The improved FRBFNN model was trained and tested. The results show that the improved FRBFNN model has high training accuracy and generalization ability. Parameters such as pillar area ratio, filling level and the value of rock quality designation have strong influence on instability of large scale underground mined-out area. Correctness of analysis about the improved FRBFNN model was proved by the practical application results about instability discrimination of surrounding rock in large-scale underground mined-out area of a metal mine in south China.  相似文献   

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