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The wolf Canis lupus is a major terrestrial predator in eastern Europe and, as a top carnivore, may be exposed to high concentrations of contaminants that are readily transferred through the food chain. Despite this, there are few published data on pollutant and pesticide levels in wolves. This study utilised tissues from animals legally killed by hunters for other reasons (animals were not killed for the purposes of this study) to carry out the only detailed investigation of contaminants in wolves in Europe and the first in animals from Eastern Europe. The livers of 58 wolves from the Tver and Smoliensk regions of northwest Russia (54°N 31°E to 57°N 35°E) were analysed for seven organochlorine pesticides, 24 PCB congeners, Aroclor 1254-matched summed PCBs (ΣPCBs), total mercury, cadmium and lead. Cadmium, most of the organochlorine pesticides and many PCB congeners were not detectable in any of the wolves. Hexachlorobenzene, alpha-HCH, pp′DDE, PCB congeners 118, 138, 149 and 156 and lead were detected in up to 6% of livers. Dieldrin, PCB congeners 153, 170 and 180, ΣPCBs and mercury were detected more frequently. Contaminant levels were generally low; maximum wet weight concentrations of any of the organochlorine pesticides, ΣPCBs and mercury were less than 0.1, 1 and 0.25 μg g−1, respectively. PCB congeners 153, 170 and 180 accounted for 41% of the ΣPCBs. Dieldrin, ΣPCBs and mercury concentrations did not vary significantly between males and females nor between adult and juvenile (<12 months old) wolves apart from the ΣPCB concentration, which was on average five times higher in adults than juveniles. Liver residues were generally below the level normally associated with adverse effects except for lead levels which exceeded the critical 5 μg g−1 dry wt. concentration in three of the 58 animals examined.  相似文献   

Spatial and temporal variations in polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) concentrations were studied in precipitation at 11 sampling-sites over a period of 1 year and compared with PCB concentrations in the air. The study was carried out in a region of southern Sweden approximately 11 000 km2 in area. The PCB concentration in precipitation ranged between 1.18 and 81.4 ng l(-1). Two of the sampling sites showed concentrations that were approximately 30 times higher than at the rest of the sites. The variation in concentration between sites may be explained by location as well as by differences in weather conditions and particle content in the air. Wind direction played an important role for PCB concentration in precipitation in coastal areas, while at the inland sites this variable seemed to have a minor influence. We found no seasonal trends in PCB concentration in precipitation or any dependence on air temperature. To examine the intensity of precipitation scavenging, the total washout ratios (Wt) were calculated. There was a large variation in Wt over time, and the highest ratios were observed at the two sites where PCB concentration in the air was high. Furthermore, high concentrations of PCB in precipitation correlated with a high-chlorinated pattern, as shown by principal component analysis. For most of the sites there was a significantly negative relationship between PCB concentration and rain volume.  相似文献   

Concentrations of polychorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and other organochlorine contaminants (OCs) were measured in blubber collected from live bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) at three sites along the United States Atlantic coast. Dolphins were sampled via surgical biopsy during capture-release studies near Charleston, South Carolina and Beaufort, North Carolina. Additional animals were sampled using remote biopsy techniques in estuarine waters near Charleston and from the Indian River Lagoon, Florida. Overall concentrations of major contaminant groups were found to vary between sites and mean concentrations of most OCs from male dolphins in the Indian River Lagoon were less than half of those measured from Charleston and Beaufort males. Geometric mean total PCB concentrations were 30, 27 and 14 microg/g lipid for male dolphins sampled in Beaufort, Charleston and the Indian River Lagoon, respectively. Significant variation related to sex- and age-class, as well as geographic sampling location, was seen in the PCB congener profiles. The measured PCB concentrations, although lower than those reported for stranded animals from the 1987/1988 epizootic along the United States mid-Atlantic coast, are sufficiently high to warrant concern for the health of dolphins from the sampled populations, particularly the animals near Charleston and Beaufort.  相似文献   

Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and organochlorine pesticides like dichloro-diphenyl-trichloroethane (DDTs), hexachlorocyclohexanes (HCHs), aldrin, dieldrin and trace elements (Cd, Cu, Se, Pb, Zn and Hg) were analysed in the muscle of European sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) sampled in Atlantic coastal regions near several important European river mouths (Gironde, Charente, Loire, Seine and Scheldt). High contamination levels were measured in the muscles of European sea bass sampled in the coastal regions near those river mouths (e.g. Σ ICES PCB = 133-10,478 μg kg− 1 lw and Hg = 250-2000 μg kg− 1 dw).The Scheldt and the Seine are still among the most contaminated estuaries in Europe. Each region presented their specific contamination patterns reflecting different sources due to the input of the respective rivers. As fish and fishery products are the main contributors of the total dietary intake of organochlorinated pollutants, regular consumption of European sea bass with the reported contamination levels may represent a significant exposure route for the general human population.  相似文献   

The Southern Bight of the North Sea is particularly exposed to anthropogenic contamination, due to heavy urbanisation and industrialisation of its catchment area. The present work focuses on polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) and metal contamination of the marine environment along and off the Belgian coast. Its objectives were to compare the concentrations of seven PCB congeners and four heavy metals in the sediments (a repository for anthropogenic contaminants) and in the asteroid Asterias rubens (a recognized bioindicator species). Nineteen sampling stations were considered between the mouth of the Scheldt Estuary and the southern limit of the Belgian coast (asteroids were found in 10 out of the 19 stations). PCB and metal concentrations measured in sediments and asteroids were in the range of values reported in previous studies. Stations under direct influence of the Scheldt were the most impacted by the considered contaminants. Metal concentrations varied according to the grain-size fraction considered. In asteroids, PCBs and metals were found to be selectively distributed among body compartments, and pyloric caeca were found to most efficiently discriminate between sampling stations contamination levels. PCB and metal analysis of sediments provided a physicochemical evaluation of the contamination, whereas analysis of asteroids introduced a biological dimension to the approach by taking into account bioavailability of the contaminants.  相似文献   

Sediments from the Mersey Estuary were analysed for polycylic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs). Total PAH concentrations ranged from 626 to 3766 microg/kg and total PCB concentrations ranged from 36 to 1409 microg/kg. These concentrations are intermediate in comparison to other U.K estuaries with similar histories of industrialisation and urbanisation. The distribution of individual PAHs were consistent throughout the Mersey Estuary, this together with molecular indices suggests mainly pyrolitic inputs, augmented by a variety of industrial petrogenic sources. Comparison of tri-to-hepta PCB congeners revealed multiple sources and inputs throughout the estuary. A sediment core collected in close proximity to Garston Docks revealed the take-off, peak pollutant input and recent decline of PCB pollution. However, a second depth profile of sediments at Ellesmere Port showed little change in total or individual PCB concentrations due to extensive sediment reworking and mixing.  相似文献   

This study contributed to identifying the current levels of organochlorine pollutants in four Greek wetlands of international importance (the Evros and Axios Deltas, and Kerkini and Prespa Lakes), using the cormorant Phalacrocorax carbo sinensis as a suitable bioindicator in a region where such information is scarce. Residue levels of eight polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) congeners and 13 organochlorine pesticide (OC) compounds were measured in cormorant eggs. Most PCBs and OCs (except dieldrin and endrin) were found in at least some of the study areas. Median concentrations of five PCBs (IUPAC 8, 20, 52, 138, 180) and of six OCs (alpha-BHC, beta-BHC, lindane, heptachlor, 4,4'-DDE and 4,4'-DDT) differed significantly among the areas. The median totals of the PCBs were highly significant among the areas, being unexpectedly highest in Prespa Lake (68.43 ppb), despite its remoteness, and lowest in Evros Delta samples (12.17 ppb). Aldrin that was found in samples from Evros, Axios and Prespa probably accumulated in wintering grounds. In all of the areas, the relative proportions of alpha-BHC and 2,4'-DDD were the highest of all OCs. Fingerprint and cluster analyses illustrated overall differences in the PCB patterns, being greatest between the deltas than between the lakes, but, inversely, for OCs the differences were smaller in the deltas. Differences were attributed to large variations in the cormorants' diet between areas and different regimes of pollutant management in the two types of wetland. Correlations of pollutants varied considerably among areas and they were more diverse in OCs. The sum of OCs/ sum of PCBs ratio indicates agrochemical pollution in all areas. An important finding was that levels of both pollutant groups were too low to have any biological implications on the cormorants and, additionally, suggest that they have a negligible impact on the environment of the wetlands studied.  相似文献   


The impact of the anthropogenic environment on the fecundity of the bat is poorly understood. Therefore, in this study we chose the parti-coloured bat Vespertilio murinus – synanthrope, which is known to produce 1–4 pups, to assess that association. We compared the litter sizes of V. murinus among synanthropous maternity colonies associated with urban and rural habitats. Two colonies were examined from the city and two colonies in suburbs, with a total of 144 individuals. Larger litter size (2.7–2.9 pups per female) was observed in urban colonies, compared to 1.8 in rural colonies. We hypothesise that specific micro- and mesoclimatic conditions along with artificial light could predict that difference, and thus could reduce the time spend in estivation, stimulate higher milk production in lactating females and accelerate juvenile growth. Artificial urban light may secure abundant and affordable food for females, producing larger offspring.  相似文献   

Concentrations of Al, As, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Hg, Mo, Ni, Pb, V and Zn were analysed in the moss Abietinella abietina (Hedw.) Fleisch. to estimate atmospheric heavy metal depositions. Samples were taken at five comparable sites within a radius of 25 m four times during the year 2000 (July 3rd, August 3rd, September 7th, October 3rd). The samples were taken by means of a PVC-tube (r=10 cm) and could therefore be related to aboveground growth and aerial deposition. The investigation showed significant differences between the various sampling times for concentrations of all heavy metals in total but not between concentrations of a single metal. For Cu, Hg, Mo, Pb and Zn temporal variation (=variation between the four times of sampling) was larger than spatial variation (=variation of concentrations between sub-samples at a single sampling time). Growth rates of the mosses differed significantly between sampling times, which reflects the low precipitation at the beginning of the season. Biomass increase, dust and precipitation influenced the metal concentrations. The calculation of deposition rates, which takes growth rates into account, showed significant differences between the various sampling times for Al, Cd, Cr, Cu and Ni, which is controversial to the results obtained from concentrations of these elements. Additionally, the calculation of atmospheric deposition rates showed a constant increase of metal depositions throughout the investigated period, which can not be seen by considering the concentrations only.  相似文献   

Trace metal (Cu, Pb, Fe, Mn, Zn, Cd) concentrations were determined in water, sediments, various fin fish species and a bivalve (Mutela spekei) from Lake Tanganyika using an atomic absorption spectrophotometer. Integrated water samples to depths of 10 m were collected using a pre-rinsed flexible plastic pipe. Sediment samples were collected using a ponar mud sampler. Fish samples were obtained using a variety of fishing techniques. No differences in trace metal concentrations were observed in both inshore and offshore waters. Levels in inshore sediments were much higher than for the offshore ones. Sediment input through run-off may have been the cause for the differences. However, the levels were much lower than those reported for Lake Malawi sediments. The concentrations in the fish tissue were within ranges reported elsewhere for Lake Tanganyika fish species. The centrapomid Lates stappersii and the clupeids Limnothrissa miodon and Stolothrissa tanganicae are the most important commercial species in the lake followed by Lates marie. Lead and cadmium are of concern to human health. The mean concentrations of the two metals in the commercial fish species were as follows: L. stappersii (5.03 microg Pb/g, 0.28 microg Cd/g); L. marie (4.96 microg Pb/g, 0.25 microg Cd/g); L. miodon (4.64 microg Pb, 0.38 microg Cd); and S. tanganicae (4.96 microg Pb/g, 0.39 microg Cd/g). Levels of lead and iron in the bivalve species were exceptionally very high, being 11.08 and 6.54 mg/g, respectively.  相似文献   


Research into the basic qualitative characteristics (phens), their distribution and combinations (morphotypes) was undertaken in order to reveal the genetic diversity with respect to section Stenopoa in Asian Russia. About one and half thousands occurrences have been revealed, using herbarium samples and literature data, 1144 were involved in analysis. Four key characters have been used as phonetic markers: the presence or absence of the tuft of hairs on the lemma callus, rachilla surface, ligule length, and lemma surface between veins. Based on these characters and taking into account their xeromorphic level (4 character states), 46 different morphotypes among 96 possible ones were found; 24 morphotypes among 46 (56.5%) are suggested to be of hybrid origin, and 239 (20.89%) among 1144 investigated individuals seem to be of hybrid origin as well. High phenetic diversity of Stenopoa bluegrass indicated indirectly their high genetic diversity in Asian Russia. The highest morphological diversity and phenotypic richness were found in Altai-Sayan mountain systems and in the Baikal region.  相似文献   

The developmental changes in the concentration of 8 essential and non-essential heavy metals (Ag, Cd, Cu, Co, Fe, Pb, V, Zn) in the tissues (digestive gland, cuttlebone and whole animal) of the common cuttlefish Sepia officinalis collected in the bay of the river Seine were monitored from the end of the embryogenesis until the adult reproductive stage. Compared to embryos, juveniles after hatching displayed much higher concentrations of Ag, Cu, Fe and Zn, suggesting an efficient incorporation from seawater. Conversely, the amounts of Cd, Pb and V in hatchlings remained constant suggesting that these metals are barely bioavailable for juveniles. Once the juveniles start to feed, the digestive gland appears to play a major role in the storage of all metals. After only one month of benthic life, the digestive gland already contains up to 90% of the total metal body burden, indicating that it plays a major role in the storage and presumed detoxification of the selected metals. Metal concentrations in the digestive gland increase in a logarithmic fashion with age during the entire life of cuttlefish, except for Ag, which decreases as soon as cuttlefish migrate to open sea. This strongly suggests that (1) Ag is excreted from the digestive gland in relation to presumably lower exposure in less contaminated environments compared to coastal waters and (2) the digestive gland of cephalopods could be a very good indicator of Ag contamination in the marine environment.  相似文献   

At Angleur (eastern Belgium), a 53,000 m3 dump site, related to former Zn extraction, contains high concentrations of heavy metals and arsenic associated with minerals such as arsenopyrite (FeAsS), franklinite (ZnFe2O4) and willemite (Zn2SiO4). Eight representative samples were investigated by means of a modified availability test, which pointed towards a considerable availability of Cd, Pb and Zn. In addition a detailed analysis of leaching behaviour as a function of pH was performed by means of a pH(stat) leaching test. The results of this test were supported by modelling predictions with MINTEQA2. pH(stat) titration results also allowed determination of the acid neutralising capacity, making it possible to predict heavy metal release upon acidification, assuming a worst-case scenario. On a short- to medium-long term (+/-100 years) a release of 900 mg/kg Zn has to be expected upon assumed natural acidification. However, a leaching test performed at the natural pH (i.e. pH 8 for the sample studied) indicates that heavy metal release is very limited and far below the European limit values for slag material on dumps category 1. Therefore, despite the elevated total heavy metal and As concentrations on the site, leaching is relatively low under present environmental conditions. Moreover, the slag material has a rather elevated pH (6.5-8) and no acid mine drainage is produced. Glass phases seem very important in controlling heavy metal mobility since potential reactive minerals that are locked up in a silicate matrix are protected against leaching.  相似文献   

After sampling over regular intervals from 1985 to 1987 the heavy metals Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn were quantitatively determined by atomic emission spectrometry/inductively coupled plasma in above-ground parts of the moss Polytrichum formosum (Hedw.). All metals present a typical summer-winter oscillation (seasonal variation), which is much greater than the "inter-stand" variation of Polytrichum formosum within the forest ecosystem under investigation. To obtain comparable results on a regional or global scale it is suggested to collect all samples of Polytrichum formosum for biomonitoring purposes in the last week of September.  相似文献   

Concentrations of the heavy metals Cd, Cu, Fe Mn, V and Zn have been measured in the principal tissues of the red mullet, Mullus barbatus (L.), during a complete sexual cycle. By comparison of metal levels during the reproductive and non-reproductive periods, it was found that concentrations as well as total amounts of Cu, Mn and Zn in liver and gonads of male and female mullets were dependent upon the stage of the sexual cycle. No relationship with the sexual cycle was noted for these metals measured in muscle, kidney, spleen or pyloric caecum. Because of the observed variation in liver and gonad metal concentrations, these tissues appear to be poor indicators of ambient levels of metals in the surrounding waters. However, muscle may prove useful as an indicator tissue owing to its apparent independence of effects of the sexual cycle.  相似文献   

The environment around metal industries, such as smelters, is often highly contaminated due to continuous deposition of metals. We studied nest box breeding populations of pied flycatchers (Ficedula hypoleuca) in a well-studied pollution gradient from a sulfide ore smelter in Northern Sweden, after reduced aerial metal emissions (by 93-99%) from the smelter. The deposition of arsenic, cadmium, copper and zinc (based on moss samples) reflected the reduced emissions fairly well. However, nestling pied flycatchers had similar concentrations of these elements and mercury in tissues (bone, liver and blood) and feces in the 2000s, as in the 1980s, when the emissions were substantially higher. The exposure to high metal concentrations in the close vicinity of the smelter resulted in inhibited ALAD activities, depressed hemoglobin and hematocrit levels and increased mortality of nestlings. Our results indicate that in the highly contaminated environment around the smelter, nestlings reflected the slowly cycling soil pool, rather than the atmospheric deposition, and the concentration in soils plays an important role for the response of pied flycatchers to reduced atmospheric deposition.  相似文献   

We investigated the organochlorine accumulation (p,p'-DDE and sigmaPCB) and stable isotope ratios (N and C) in a migrating salmon (Salmo salar) population in the Baltic Sea. delta15N in the entire population ranged from 11.7 to 13.7 per thousand and delta13C ranged from -22.0 to - 19.6 per thousand. In the entire population, delta15N were weakly related to p,p'-DDE and sigmaPCB concentrations (r2 = 0.20 and 0.14, respectively). However, lipid content was a better predictor of organochlorine (OC) concentrations (r2 = 0.48 and 0.50, respectively). Lipid adjusted sigmaPCB concentrations were not related to delta15N, and lipid adjusted p,p'-DDE concentrations were only weakly related (r2 = 0.12). We divided the salmon population into three groups representing reproductive strategies: small males < 5 kg (SM); large males > 5 kg (LM); and females (F). delta15N varied between the three reproductive strategies. The mean delta15N for SM was 12.7+/-0.3 per thousand, for F was 12.9+/-0.3 per thousand, and for LM equalled 13.2+/-0.3 per thousand. Lipid adjusted OC concentrations differed between the three reproductive strategies, with the females having the highest concentrations. We conclude that the delta15N varied between reproductive strategies indicating differences in prey choice, but the lipid content was better able to predict OC concentrations than the trophic position of the salmon.  相似文献   

Severe arsenic poisoning from drinking water has been documented in Northern Chile. However, the Elqui River, which provides water for approximately 200,000 people in this region, is poorly studied and no data on contaminants have been published to date. In this study, trace elements and the main aqueous constituents were monitored for approximately 2 years in the entire river system. Aqueous species of trace elements were determined via thermodynamic equilibrium calculations, and two operationally-defined suspended fractions were analyzed. Chalco- and arsenopyrite deposits in the upper Andes, in conjunction with mining and geothermal activity, were identified as exclusive point sources of heavy metals and arsenic. The annual input to the river system was approximately (t year(-1)): Fe 600, Mn 110, Cu 130, Zn 35 and As 2.0. The confluence with pH-buffered waters in the upper river system caused collapse of iron hydroxide colloids and coprecipitation of all heavy metals, e.g. dissolved copper concentrations decreased from approximately 100 to approximately 0.2 micromol l(-1), which is still of ecotoxic concern. The heavy metal enriched suspended solids settled only in the lower Elqui River. Arsenate did not adsorb to suspended solids and behaved strictly conservatively, exceeding the WHO guideline value for drinking water (0.13 micromol l(-1)) in the entire river system. Decontamination may be accomplished with reasonable efforts upstream in direct vicinity to the sources via coprecipitation, settling and appropriate pH adjustment for arsenate adsorption.  相似文献   

Meadow soils, feeding-stuffs and foodstuffs from the alluvial plain of the river Elbe were analyzed in respect of PCDD/Fs, DL-PCBs and mercury with a view to assessing the consequences of the extreme flood of August 2002. The PCDD/F concentrations in the soils range from 3 to 2100 ng WHO-TEQ/kg dm, and for the DL-PCBs the range was 0.32 to 28 ng WHO-TEQ/kg dm. On the basis of established threshold values >40% of the areas are only fit for restricted usage. Mercury concentrations range from 0.11 to 17 mg/kg dm, whereby the action value of 2 mg/kg dm is exceeded in about 50% of the soil samples. A cumulative memory effect from past floods rather than a recent contamination from August 2002 is documented. Soils taken from behind broken dykes showed significantly lower concentrations. Grass, hay and grass silage originating from pasture land in Lower Saxony were taken before and immediately after the flooding. PCDD/Fs range from 0.29 to 16 ng WHO-TEQ/kg, the maximum permitted value of 0.75 ng WHO-TEQ/kg was exceeded in about 50% of the samples. Muscle-tissue from cattle, sheep, lamb and a roe deer as well as untreated milk from individual cows returned values ranging from 0.76 to 5.9 pg WHO-PCDD/F-TEQ/g fat, and 10% of the samples returned values higher than the permitted maximum of 3 pg WHO-PCDD/F-TEQ/g fat. The action value of 2 pg WHO-PCDD/F-TEQ/g fat was exceeded in 33% of the samples. No direct connection between these results and the effects of the flood could be established. A major input path for PCDD/Fs is the tributary Mulde, which discharges contaminated sediments from its catchment area into the Elbe.  相似文献   

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