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We consider the following problem: Given an unsorted array of n elements, and a sequence of intervals in the array, compute the median in each of the subarrays defined by the intervals. We describe a simple algorithm which needs O(nlogk+klogn) time to answer k such median queries. This improves previous algorithms by a logarithmic factor and matches a comparison lower bound for k=O(n). The space complexity of our simple algorithm is O(nlogn) in the pointer machine model, and O(n) in the RAM model. In the latter model, a more involved O(n) space data structure can be constructed in O(nlogn) time where the time per query is reduced to O(logn/loglogn). We also give efficient dynamic variants of both data structures, achieving O(log2n) query time using O(nlogn) space in the comparison model and O((logn/loglogn)2) query time using O(nlogn/loglogn) space in the RAM model, and show that in the cell-probe model, any data structure which supports updates in O(logO(1)n) time must have Ω(logn/loglogn) query time.Our approach naturally generalizes to higher-dimensional range median problems, where element positions and query ranges are multidimensional—it reduces a range median query to a logarithmic number of range counting queries.  相似文献   

A sweepline algorithm for Voronoi diagrams   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Steven Fortune 《Algorithmica》1987,2(1-4):153-174
We introduce a geometric transformation that allows Voronoi diagrams to be computed using a sweepline technique. The transformation is used to obtain simple algorithms for computing the Voronoi diagram of point sites, of line segment sites, and of weighted point sites. All algorithms haveO(n logn) worst-case running time and useO(n) space.  相似文献   

In this paper, we introduce the fuzzy Voronoi diagram as an extension of the Voronoi diagram. We assume Voronoi sites to be fuzzy points and then define the Voronoi diagram for this kind of sites, then we provide an algorithm for computing this diagram based on Fortune's algorithm which costs O(nlogn) time. Also we introduce the fuzzy Voronoi diagram for a set of fuzzy circles, rather than fuzzy points, of the same radius. We prove that the boundary of this diagram is formed by the intersection of some hyperbolae, and finally we provide an O(n3logn)-time algorithm to compute the boundary.  相似文献   

We present a number of positive and negative results for variants of the matroid secretary problem. Most notably, we design a constant-factor competitive algorithm for the “random assignment” model where the weights are assigned randomly to the elements of a matroid, and then the elements arrive on-line in an adversarial order (extending a result of Soto, SODA 2011, pp. 1275–1284, 2011). This is under the assumption that the matroid is known in advance. If the matroid is unknown in advance, we present an O(logrlogn)-approximation, and prove that a better than O(logn/loglogn) approximation is impossible. This resolves an open question posed by Babaioff et al. (SODA 2007, pp. 434–443, 2007). As a natural special case, we also consider the classical secretary problem where the number of candidates n is unknown in advance. If n is chosen by an adversary from {1,…,N}, we provide a nearly tight answer, by providing an algorithm that chooses the best candidate with probability at least 1/(H N?1+1) and prove that a probability better than 1/H N cannot be achieved (where H N is the N-th harmonic number).  相似文献   

Given a list of n items and a function defined over sub-lists, we study the space required for computing the function for arbitrary sub-lists in constant time.For the function mode we improve the previously known space bound O(n2/logn) to O(n2loglogn/log2n) words.For median the space bound is improved to O(n2loglog2n/log2n) words from O(n2⋅log(k)n/logn), where k is an arbitrary constant and log(k) is the iterated logarithm.  相似文献   

We present an algorithm for computingL 1 shortest paths among polygonal obstacles in the plane. Our algorithm employs the “continuous Dijkstra” technique of propagating a “wavefront” and runs in timeO(E logn) and spaceO(E), wheren is the number of vertices of the obstacles andE is the number of “events.” By using bounds on the density of certain sparse binary matrices, we show thatE =O(n logn), implying that our algorithm is nearly optimal. We conjecture thatE =O(n), which would imply our algorithm to be optimal. Previous bounds for our problem were quadratic in time and space. Our algorithm generalizes to the case of fixed orientation metrics, yielding anO(n??1/2 log2 n) time andO(n??1/2) space approximation algorithm for finding Euclidean shortest paths among obstacles. The algorithm further generalizes to the case of many sources, allowing us to compute anL 1 Voronoi diagram for source points that lie among a collection of polygonal obstacles.  相似文献   

A sweepline algorithm for Voronoi diagrams   总被引:26,自引:2,他引:24  
We introduce a geometric transformation that allows Voronoi diagrams to be computed using a sweepline technique. The transformation is used to obtain simple algorithms for computing the Voronoi diagram of point sites, of line segment sites, and of weighted point sites. All algorithms haveO(n logn) worst-case running time and useO(n) space.  相似文献   

Rectangles in a plane provide a very useful abstraction for a number of problems in diverse fields. In this paper we consider the problem of computing geometric properties of a set of rectangles in the plane. We give parallel algorithms for a number of problems usingn processors wheren is the number of upright rectangles. Specifically, we present algorithms for computing the area, perimeter, eccentricity, and moment of inertia of the region covered by the rectangles inO(logn) time. We also present algorithms for computing the maximum clique and connected components of the rectangles inO(logn) time. Finally, we give algorithms for finding the entire contour of the rectangles and the medial axis representation of a givenn × n binary image inO(n) time. Our results are faster than previous results and optimal (to within a constant factor).  相似文献   

LetQ = {q1, q2,..., qn} be a set ofn points on the plane. The largest empty circle (LEG) problem consists in finding the largest circleC with center in the convex hull ofQ such that no pointq i εQ lies in the interior ofC. Shamos recently outlined anO(n logn) algorithm for solving this problem.(9) In this paper it is shown that this algorithm does not always work correctly. A different approach is proposed here and shown to also result in anO(n logn) algorithm. The new approach has the advantage that it can also solve more general problems. In particular, it is shown that if the center ofC is constrained to lie in an arbitrary convexn-gon, an0(n logn) algorithm can still be obtained. Finally, an0(n logn +k logn) algorithm is given for solving this problem when the center ofC is constrained to lie in an arbitrary simplen-gonP. wherek denotes the number of intersections occurring between edges ofP and edges of the Voronoi diagram ofQ andk ?O(n 2).  相似文献   

We present an improved algorithm for all pairs shortest paths. For a graph of n vertices our algorithm runs in O(n3(loglogn/logn)5/7) time. This improves the best previous result which runs in O(n3(loglogn/logn)1/2) time.  相似文献   

We disprove a conjecture of López-Ortiz by showing that the Element Distinctness Problem for n numbers of size O(logn) can be solved in O(n2(logn)3/2(loglogn)1/2) steps by a nondeterministic one-tape Turing machine. Further we give a simplified algorithm for solving the problem for shorter numbers in time O(n2logn) on a deterministic one-tape Turing machine and a new proof of the matching lower bound.  相似文献   

Given a directed, non-negatively weighted graph G=(V,E) and s,tV, we consider two problems. In the k simple shortest paths problem, we want to find the k simple paths from s to t with the k smallest weights. In the replacement paths problem, we want the shortest path from s to t that avoids e, for every edge e in the original shortest path from s to t. The best known algorithm for the k simple shortest paths problem has a running of O(k(mn+n2logn)). For the replacement paths problem the best known result is the trivial one running in time O(mn+n2logn).In this paper we present two simple algorithms for the replacement paths problem and the k simple shortest paths problem in weighted directed graphs (using a solution of the All Pairs Shortest Paths problem). The running time of our algorithm for the replacement paths problem is O(mn+n2loglogn). For the k simple shortest paths we will perform O(k) iterations of the second simple shortest path (each in O(mn+n2loglogn) running time) using a useful property of Roditty and Zwick [L. Roditty, U. Zwick, Replacement paths and k simple shortest paths in unweighted directed graphs, in: Proc. of International Conference on Automata, Languages and Programming (ICALP), 2005, pp. 249-260]. These running times immediately improve the best known results for both problems over sparse graphs.Moreover, we prove that both the replacement paths and the k simple shortest paths (for constant k) problems are not harder than APSP (All Pairs Shortest Paths) in weighted directed graphs.  相似文献   

This paper revisits the problem of indexing a text for approximate string matching. Specifically, given a text T of length n and a positive integer k, we want to construct an index of T such that for any input pattern P, we can find all its k-error matches in T efficiently. This problem is well-studied in the internal-memory setting. Here, we extend some of these recent results to external-memory solutions, which are also cache-oblivious. Our first index occupies O((nlogkn)/B) disk pages and finds all k-error matches with O((|P|+occ)/B+logknloglogBn) I/Os, where B denotes the number of words in a disk page. To the best of our knowledge, this index is the first external-memory data structure that does not require Ω(|P|+occ+poly(logn)) I/Os. The second index reduces the space to O((nlogn)/B) disk pages, and the I/O complexity is O((|P|+occ)/B+logk(k+1)nloglogn).  相似文献   

LetG(V,E) be a simple undirected graph with a maximum vertex degree Δ(G) (or Δ for short), |V| =nand |E| =m. An edge-coloring ofGis an assignment to each edge inGa color such that all edges sharing a common vertex have different colors. The minimum number of colors needed is denoted by χ′(G) (called thechromatic index). For a simple graphG, it is known that Δ ≤ χ′(G) ≤ Δ + 1. This paper studies two edge-coloring problems. The first problem is to perform edge-coloring for an existing edge-colored graphGwith Δ + 1 colors stemming from the addition of a new vertex intoG. The proposed parallel algorithm for this problem runs inO3/2log3Δ + Δ logn) time usingO(max{nΔ, Δ3}) processors. The second problem is to color the edges of a given uncolored graphGwith Δ + 1 colors. For this problem, our first parallel algorithm requiresO5.5log3Δ logn+ Δ5log4n) time andO(max{n2Δ,nΔ3}) processors, which is a slight improvement on the algorithm by H. J. Karloff and D. B. Shmoys [J. Algorithms8 (1987), 39–52]. Their algorithm costsO6log4n) time andO(n2Δ) processors if we use the fastest known algorithm for finding maximal independent sets by M. Goldberg and T. Spencer [SIAM J. Discrete Math.2 (1989), 322–328]. Our second algorithm requiresO4.5log3Δ logn+ Δ4log4n) time andO(max{n2,nΔ3}) processors. Finally, we present our third algorithm by incorporating the second algorithm as a subroutine. This algorithm requiresO3.5log3Δ logn+ Δ3log4n) time andO(max{n2log Δ,nΔ3}) processors, which improves, by anO2.5) factor in time, on Karloff and Shmoys' algorithm. All of these algorithms run in the COMMON CRCW PRAM model.  相似文献   

TheDelaunay diagram on a set of points in the plane, calledsites, is the straight-line dual graph of the Voronoi diagram. When no degeneracies are present, the Delaunay diagram is a triangulation of the sites, called theDelaunay triangulation. When degeneracies are present, edges must be added to the Delaunay diagram to obtain a Delaunay triangulation. In this paper we describe an optimalO(n logn) plane-sweep algorithm for computing a Delaunay triangulation on a possibly degenerate set of sites in the plane under theL 1 metric or theL metric.  相似文献   

A novel reconfigurable network referred to as the Reconfigurable Multi-Ring Network (RMRN) is described. The RMRN is shown to be a truly scalable network, in that each node in the network has a fixed degree of connectivity and the reconfiguration mechanism ensures a network diameter of O(log2N) for an N-processor network. Algorithms for the 2-D mesh and the SIMD n-cube are shown to map very elegantly onto the RMRN. Basic message passing and reconfiguration primitives for the SIMD RMRN are designed which could be used as building blocks for more complex parallel algorithms. The RMRN is shown to be a viable architecture for image processing and computer vision problems via the parallel computation of the Hough transform. The parallel implementation of the Y-angle Hough transform of an N × N image is showed to have a asymptotic complexity of O(Y log2Y + log2N) on the SIMD RMRN with O(N2) processors. This compares favorably with the O(Y + log2N) optimal algorithm for the same Hough transform on the MIMD n-cube with O(N2) processors.  相似文献   

We present the first in-place algorithm for solving Klee's measure problem for a set of n axis-parallel rectangles in the plane. Our algorithm runs in O(n3/2logn) time and uses O(1) extra words in addition to the space needed for representing the input. The algorithm is surprisingly simple and thus very likely to yield an implementation that could be of practical interest. As a byproduct, we develop an optimal algorithm for solving Klee's measure problem for a set of n intervals; this algorithm runs in optimal time O(nlogn) and uses O(1) extra space.  相似文献   

It is well known that, using standard models of computation, Ω(n logn) time is required to build a Voronoi diagram forn point sites. This follows from the fact that a Voronoi diagram algorithm can be used to sort. However, if the sites are sorted before we start, can the Voronoi diagram be built any faster? We show that for certain interesting, although nonstandard, types of Voronoi diagrams, sorting helps. These nonstandard types of Voronoi diagrams use a convex distance function instead of the standard Euclidean distance. A convex distance function exists for any convex shape, but the distance functions based on polygons (especially triangles) lead to particularly efficient Voronoi diagram algorithms. Specifically, a Voronoi diagram using a convex distance function based on a triangle can be built inO (n log logn) time after initially sorting then sites twice. Convex distance functions based on other polygons require more initial sorting.  相似文献   

It is shown that the order-k Voronoi diagram of n sites with additive weights in the plane has at most (4k?2)(n?k) vertices, (6k?3)(n?k) edges, and (2k?1)(n?itk) + 1 regions. These bounds are approximately the same as the ones known for unweighted order-k Voronoi diagrams. Furthermore, tight upper bounds on the number of edges and vertices are given for the case that every weighted site has a nonempty region in the order-1 diagram. The proof is based on a new algorithm for the construction of these diagrams which generalizes a plane-sweep algorithm for order-1 diagrams developed by Steven Fortune. The new algorithm has time-complexityO(k 2 n logn) and space-complexityO(kn). It is the only nontrivial algorithm known for constructing order-kc Voronoi diagrams of sites withadditive weights. It is fairly simple and of practical interest also in the special case of unweighted sites.  相似文献   

In this paper a general technique for reducing processors in simulation without any increase in time is described. This results in an O(√logn) time algorithm for simulating one step of PRIORITY on TOLERANT with processor-time product of O(n log logn); the same as that for simulating PRIORITY on ARBITRARY. This is used to obtain anO(logn/log logn + √logn (log logm ? log logn)) time algorithm for sortingn integers from the set {0,...,m ? 1},mn, with a processor-time product ofO(n log logm log logn) on a TOLERANT CRCW PRAM. New upper and lower bounds for ordered chaining problem on an allocated COMMON CRCW model are also obtained. The algorithm for ordered chaining takesO(logn/log logn) time on an allocated PRAM of sizen. It is shown that this result is best possible (upto a constant multiplicative factor) by obtaining a lower bound of Ω(r logn/(logr + log logn)) for finding the first (leftmost one) live processor on an allocated-COMMON PRAM of sizen ofr-slow virtual processors (one processor simulatesr processors of allocated PRAM). As a result, for ordered chaining problem, “processor-time product” has to be at least Ω(n logn/log logn) for any poly-logarithmic time algorithm. Algorithm for ordered-chaining problem results in anO(logN/log logN) time algorithm for (stable) sorting ofn integers from the set {0,...,m ? 1} withn-processors on a COMMON CRCW PRAM; hereN = max(n, m). In particular if,m =n O(1), then sorting takes Θ(logn/log logn) time on both TOLERANT and COMMON CRCW PRAMs. Processor-time product for TOLERANT isO(n(log logn)2). Algorithm for COMMON usesn processors.  相似文献   

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