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目的:研究叶绿素铜钠盐牙膏的抗炎止血效果。方法:以二甲苯致小白鼠耳廓急性炎症肿胀为模型,在急性炎症肿胀耳廓局部涂抹受试物,观察样品对急性炎症肿胀的抗炎效果;用小白兔实质器官肝脏局部创面损伤出血的止血时间为评价指标,观察样品的止血效果。结果:与牙膏空白基质组比较,牙膏试验组的抗炎、止血效果均具有显著性差异。结论:叶绿素铜钠盐牙膏具有较好的抗炎止血效果。  相似文献   

生姜中含有姜醇、姜烯、姜辣素等多种成分,生姜提取物具有抗炎、镇痛、止血、解热等功效,已广泛应用于医药、化妆品、保健品和食品添加剂等领域。含生姜提取物的牙膏具有消炎、镇痛、止血等疗效。  相似文献   

通过体内和体外两种途径对一款自主研发祛痘精华产品的祛痘效果进行研究。首先通过微生物抑菌试验,检验其配方中功效成分对痤疮丙酸杆菌的抑制作用;而后经体外抗炎试验,检验功效成分对炎症的抑制作用;最后通过对该祛痘精华进行人体功效评价,观察其祛痘效果。试验结果表明,此款祛痘精华祛痘效果明显,体内和体外试验两种途径均可作为评价化妆品祛痘功效的手段,二者结合可互相印证。  相似文献   

本文通过VE烟酸酯与甲硝唑复配在牙膏中的应用与测试分析,验证了VE烟酸酯在止血、抗炎、改善微循环等方面的功效,并展望了今后生物制剂在口腔中的应用前景。  相似文献   

<正>2.6牙膏抗牙结石功效评价2.6.1体外试验2.6.1.1菌斑生长与矿化模型通过模拟口腔中菌斑生长钙化过程,测定用牙膏处理后的菌斑钙化水平,以验证牙膏抑制牙结石生长的效果。该法已于20世纪90年代末公开发表,并证实与临床试验有很好的相关性~([10-15])。体外晶体生长抑制实验模型通过模拟晶体生长抑制剂抑制唾液中的磷、钙在牙齿  相似文献   

田七的药理作用及其在日化产品中的应用   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
研究分析了田七在止血、镇痛、抗炎、改善血液微循环、抗肿瘤等方面的药理作用,在牙膏、香皂、漱口水、洗发水等日化产品中的应用,进一步验证了其部分功效,展望了田七在日用化工方面的应用前景。  相似文献   

分析了酶切法制备的超小分子透明质酸的护肤功效,用体内、体外测试方法对超小分子透明质酸的功效进行测试,并测试其安全性。人体测试结果显示,超小分子透明质酸有保湿、抗红斑、增加皮肤弹性、增加皮肤紧致度、降低皮肤粗糙度、减少皮肤皱纹的功效。体外测试结果显示,超小分子透明质酸有保湿、修复、抗炎的功效。乳猪皮透皮吸收测试显示,超小分子透明质酸有一定的透皮吸收性。对超小分子透明质酸进行安全性评估,证实其安全性。  相似文献   

<正>2牙膏的功效评价2.1概述2.1.1牙膏的功效牙膏是辅助刷牙的一种制剂,可增强刷牙的磨擦力,帮助去除食物残屑、软垢和牙菌斑,有助于消除或减轻口腔异味,使口气清新。其基本功能为:清洁口腔、减轻牙渍、洁白牙齿、减少牙菌斑、清新口气、清爽口感、维护保持口腔健康等。如添加功效成分,牙膏还可以具有防龋、抗牙本质敏感、抑制牙菌斑、减轻牙龈炎、除渍增白、抗牙结石、减轻口臭以及完成临床验证的其他功效。2.1.2牙膏功效评价方法牙膏的功效评价一般有临床试验评价和体外试验评价两种方法。临床试验评价是国家轻工行业标准《功效型牙膏  相似文献   

沙棘油的综合开发利用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
沙棘油中含有维生素、三萜、脂类、黄酮类、酚类和微量元素等大量营养和生物活性物质,这些物质对于保护心血管系统、抗肿瘤、抗炎和搞衰老等方面有明显作用。作者根据沙棘油的这些特点,提出了在保健食品、药品和化妆品等方面综合开发和利用沙棘油的建议和意见。  相似文献   

沙棘油的综合开发利用   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
沙棘油中含有维生素、三萜、脂类、黄酮类、酚类和微量元素等大量营养和生物活性物质,这些物质对于保护心血管系统、抗肿瘤、抗炎和搞衰老等方面有明显作用。作者根据沙棘油的这些特点,提出了在保健食品、药品和化妆品等方面综合开发和利用沙棘油的建议和意见。  相似文献   

通过橄榄苦甙在不同牙膏配方中的实验研究确定了橄榄苦甙牙膏的最佳应用方案,产品中橄榄苦甙含量通过高温稳定性进行考察。体外抑菌实验及临床验证结果证明含有一定量橄榄苦甙的牙膏具有良好的抑菌作用,并对加入橄榄苦甙牙膏的药理作用与毒理作用进行了试验研究。  相似文献   

制备了锌沸石牙膏,牙膏小样试验表明,该牙膏质量符合国家标准要求,可以批量生产。牙膏抑菌试验表明,锌沸石质量分数为5%的牙膏样品对金黄色葡萄球菌和大肠杆菌的抑菌率可以达到99.9%以上。牙膏去渍功效和减轻口臭功效的临床试验表明,锌沸石牙膏具有较明显的去渍作用和除口臭效果。  相似文献   

通过抑菌圈试验对救必应药粉的抑菌性能进行了研究,通过抑菌率检测和临床试验对救必应中药牙膏的功效进行了研究。结果表明,救必应药粉对口腔中有害的需氧菌和厌氧菌均有显著的抑制作用;含1%救必应的中药牙膏对变异链球菌、金黄色葡萄球菌、白色念珠菌和大肠杆菌的抑菌率达到99%以上,并具有抑制牙菌斑、减轻牙龈炎和促进复发性口腔溃疡愈合的显著效果。  相似文献   

The therapeutic effect of stroke is hampered by the lack of neuroprotective drugs against ischemic insults beyond the acute phase. Carnitine plays important roles in mitochondrial metabolism and in modulating the ratio of coenzyme A (CoA)/acyl-CoA. Here, we investigate the neuroprotective effects of l-carnitine (LC) and Acetyl-l-carnitine (ALC) pre-treatment on ischemic insults under the same experimental conditions. We used a transient middle cerebral artery occlusion (MCAO) model to evaluate the protective roles of LC and ALC in acute focal cerebral ischemia in vivo and to understand the possible mechanisms using model of PC12 cell cultures in vitro. Results showed that ALC, but not LC, decreased infarction size in SD rats after MCAO in vivo. However, both LC and ALC pretreatment reduced oxygen-glucose deprivation (OGD)-induced cell injury and decreased OGD-induced cell apoptosis and death in vitro; at the same time, both of them increased the activities of super oxide dismutase (SOD) and ATPase, and decreased the concentration of malondialdehyde (MDA) in vitro. Thus, our findings suggested that LC and ALC pre-treatment are highly effective in the prevention of neuronal cell against ischemic injury in vitro, however, only ALC has the protective effect on neuronal cell injury after ischemia in vivo.  相似文献   

采用高效液相色谱法建立川芎牙膏中阿魏酸的含量测定方法,采用薄层色谱对牙膏中的川芎进行定性鉴别。用水煎法制得的中药干浸膏活性成分含量高,制备得到的牙膏止血作用效果好。牙膏薄层鉴别以正己烷-乙酸乙酯(3∶1)为展开剂,供试品与对照品(欧当归内酯A)在紫外光灯(254 nm)下斑点清晰、专属性强,可作为川芎龈养护牙膏定性鉴别的依据;阿魏酸在0.0193~0.4817μg·mL^-1内与峰面积呈良好线性关系,加样回收率为99.5%~101.2%。该法简便、稳定、可靠,可作为川芎龈养护牙膏中阿魏酸的质量控制方法。  相似文献   

We assessed the effect of antioxidant therapy using the Food and Drug Administration-approved respiratory drug N-acetylcysteine (NAC) or sulforaphane (SFN) as monotherapies or duotherapy in vitro in neuron-BV2 microglial co-cultures and validated the results in a lateral fluid-percussion model of TBI in rats. As in vitro measures, we assessed neuronal viability by microtubule-associated-protein 2 immunostaining, neuroinflammation by monitoring tumor necrosis factor (TNF) levels, and neurotoxicity by measuring nitrite levels. In vitro, duotherapy with NAC and SFN reduced nitrite levels to 40% (p < 0.001) and neuroinflammation to –29% (p < 0.001) compared with untreated culture. The treatment also improved neuronal viability up to 72% of that in a positive control (p < 0.001). The effect of NAC was negligible, however, compared with SFN. In vivo, antioxidant duotherapy slightly improved performance in the beam walking test. Interestingly, duotherapy treatment decreased the plasma interleukin-6 and TNF levels in sham-operated controls (p < 0.05). After TBI, no treatment effect on HMGB1 or plasma cytokine levels was detected. Also, no treatment effects on the composite neuroscore or cortical lesion area were detected. The robust favorable effect of duotherapy on neuroprotection, neuroinflammation, and oxidative stress in neuron-BV2 microglial co-cultures translated to modest favorable in vivo effects in a severe TBI model.  相似文献   

目的 研究梅花鹿免疫细胞活性因子拮抗免疫抑制作用。方法 制备环磷酰胺的体外细胞抑制模型及小鼠抑制模型。采用MTT比色法观察梅花鹿免疫细胞活性因子对环磷酰胺造成体外免疫抑制及小鼠抑制模型的调节效应。结果 梅花鹿免疫细胞活性因子能显著地调节环磷酰胺造成的体外抑制,对小鼠抑制模型也具有显著的调节作用。结论 梅花鹿免疫细胞活性因子是一种有效的免疫调节剂。  相似文献   

Self-assembling nanoparticles (SANPs) promise an effective delivery of bisphosphonates or microRNAs in the treatment of glioblastoma (GBM) and are obtained through the sequential mixing of four components immediately before use. The self-assembling approach facilitates technology transfer, but the complexity of the SANP preparation protocol raises significant concerns in the clinical setting due to the high risk of human errors during the procedure. In this work, it was hypothesized that the SANP preparation protocol could be simplified by using freeze-dried formulations. An in-depth thermodynamic study was conducted on solutions of different cryoprotectants, namely sucrose, mannitol and trehalose, to test their ability to stabilize the produced SANPs. In addition, the ability of SANPs to deliver drugs after lyophilization was assessed on selected formulations encapsulating zoledronic acid in vitro in the T98G GBM cell line and in vivo in an orthotopic mouse model. Results showed that, after lyophilization optimization, freeze-dried SANPs encapsulating zoledronic acid could retain their delivery ability, showing a significant inhibition of T98G cell growth both in vitro and in vivo. Overall, these results suggest that freeze-drying may help boost the industrial development of SANPs for the delivery of drugs to the brain.  相似文献   

Anaplastic thyroid cancer (ATC) is an undifferentiated and advanced form of thyroid cancer, accompanied with a high ratio of epigenetic adjustment, which occurs more than genetic mutations. In this study, we aimed to evaluate the synergistic anticancer effect (in vitro and in vivo) of the new combination of N-hydroxy-7-(2-naphthylthio) heptanomide (HNHA) and sorafenib with radiation therapy in pre-clinical models of ATC. The ATC cell lines, YUMC-A1 and YUMC-A2, were isolated from the current patients who were treated with HNHA and sorafenib, either as monotherapy or combination therapy. Synergistic anticancer effect of the combination therapy on the intracellular signaling pathways and cell cycle was assessed via flow cytometry and immunoblot analysis. To examine tumor shrinkage activity in vivo, an ATC cell line-derived mouse xenograft model was used. Results showed that the combination therapy of HNHA and sorafenib with radiation promoted tumor suppression via caspase cleavage and cell cycle arrest in patient-derived ATC. In addition, the combination therapy of HNHA and sorafenib with radiation was more effective against ATC than therapy with HNHA or sorafenib with radiation. Thus, the combination of HNHA and sorafenib with radiation may be used as a novel curative approach for the treatment of ATC.  相似文献   

Porphyrins are of particular interest in a variety of applications ranging from biocatalysis and chemical synthesis to biosensor and electronic technologies as well as cancer treatment. Recently, we have developed a versatile system for the high-level production of porphyrins in engineered E. coli cells with the aim of diversifying substitution patterns and accessing porphyrin systems not readily available through chemical synthesis. However, this approach failed to produce significant amounts of the metalloporphyrin in vivo from overproduced protoporphyrin due to insufficient metal insertion. Therefore, we systematically assessed the activity of the B. subtilis ferrochelatase in vivo and in vitro. A true high-throughput-screening approach based on catalytic in vivo ferrochelatase activity was developed by using fluorescence-activated cell sorting (FACS). This assay was used to screen a library of 2.4 x 10(6) ferrochelatase mutants expressed in protoporphyrin-overproducing recombinant E. coli cells. Several selected protein variants were purified, and their improved catalytic activity was confirmed in vitro. In addition to ferrochelatase activity, metal transport into E. coli was identified as another limitation for in vivo heme overproduction. Overexpression of the metal transporter zupT as part of the assembled pathway increased the overall metalloporphyrin production twofold. This report represents the most exhaustive in vitro evolution study of a ferrochelatase and demonstrates the effectiveness of our novel high-throughput-screening system for directed evolution of ferrochelatases based on their catalytic activity.  相似文献   

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