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The purpose of this study is to explore the possibility of applying research collaboration as a new way of measuring research performance in Korean universities. In this study, we examine whether the activeness of research collaboration between university–government–industry can also enact as a way to measure the research performance aside from the typical indicators such as number of published articles or citations resulted from universities. Also this study focuses to analyze whether such performance differs according to universities’ characteristics and disciplines. For the analysis of the study, we gathered publication and citation data (2000–2009) of 46 Korean universities that are actively involved in research and analyzed their science citation index-expanded and the social sciences citation index (SSCI) data. Notable findings include (1) Several low ranked universities have shown rapid improvement with their research performance despite the rigid hierarchical characteristic of Korean higher education system, (2) Although universities in Korea are involved in various kinds of collaboration methods, it was evident that such dynamic is not necessarily reflected in existing hierarchy structure, (3) Academic relations with education oriented universities and research oriented universities have different dynamics and patterns in research collaboration, (4) In terms of the collaborative publication rate, private universities collaborate more actively amongst university sector whereas public universities collaborate more with government and industry. (5) Due to the nature of the social science subject itself, it was found that the research in SSCI is inevitably more based on the researcher’s independence, hence more international collaboration was found amongst researchers in natural science and engineering subjects.  相似文献   

Raman spectroscopy has been exploited to characterize the diffusion properties of solutes in hydrogels. Raman active vibrations were used as intrinsic probes of the solute concentration along gel cylinders. The resulting one-dimensional solute distribution, characterized as a function of both time and space, could be analyzed with a model based on Fick's diffusion law, and the mutual-diffusion coefficient (Dm) was then determined. To illustrate the potential of this approach, we measured the Dm of two polyethylene glycols (PEG) in Ca-alginate gels. In this case, the intensity of the CH stretching band was used to obtain the concentration profiles of PEGs, whereas the OH stretching band of water was used as an internal intensity standard. In addition to providing a straightforward approach to measuring diffusion coefficients, the Raman profile analysis provides information relative to the accessibility of gels to large molecules. As an example, it was found that the PEG penetration in Ca-alginate gels was restricted, a phenomenon that was dependent on PEG size. The Raman technique presented here effectively characterizes transport properties of solutes in gels, and such characterization is required for developing several technical applications of gels, such as their use as materials for controlled release of drugs.  相似文献   

Emerging scientific fields are commonly identified by different citation based bibliometric parameters. However, their main shortcoming is the existence of a time lag needed for a publication to receive citations. In the present study, we assessed the relationship between the age of references in scientific publications and the change in publication rate within a research field. Two indices based on the age of references are presented, the relative age of references and the ratio of references published during the preceding 2 years, and applied thereafter on four datasets from the previously published studies, which assessed eutrophication research, sturgeon research, fisheries research, and the general field of ecology. We observed a consistent pattern that the emerging research topics had a lower median age of references and a higher ratio of references published in the preceding 2 years than their respective general research fields. The main advantage of indices based on the age of references is that they are not influenced by a time lag, and as such they are able to provide insight into current scientific trends. The best potential of the presented indices is to use them combined with other approaches, as each one can reveal different aspects and properties of the assessed data, and provide validation of the obtained results. Their use should be however assessed further before they are employed as standard tools by scientists, science managers and policy makers.  相似文献   

In this study, we aim to evaluate the global scientific production of stem cell research for the past 16 years and provide insights into the characteristics of the stem cell research activities and identify patterns, tendencies, or regularities that may exist in the papers. Data are based on the online version of SCI, Web of Science from 1991 to 2006. Articles referring to stem cell were assessed by many aspects including exponential fitting the trend of publication outputs during 1991–2006, distribution of source title, author keyword, and keyword plus analysis. Based on the exponential fitting the yearly publicans of the last decade, it can also be calculated that, in 2,011, the number of scientific papers on the topic of stem-cell will be twice of the number of publications in 2006. Synthetically analyzing three kinds of keywords, it can be concluded that application of stem cell transplantation technology to human disease therapy, especially research related on “embryonic stem cell” and “mesenchymal stem cell” is the orientation of all the stem cell research in the 21st century. This new bibliometric method can help relevant researchers realize the panorama of global stem cell research, and establish the further research direction.  相似文献   

Absorption spectra of aqueous solution of 'chaotropes' (structure maker) and 'kosmotropes' (structure breaker) have been recorded in the mid-infrared (MIR) and terahertz (THz) spectral region. A different impact of the two groups of solutes on the absorption spectrum of water was found in the recorded THz spectra. A concentration-dependent increased absorption across the investigated THz spectral region (0.04-2 THz, 1.3-66 cm(-1), respectively) has been recorded for all studied chaotropic solutions, whereas the opposite has been obtained for kosmotrope containing solutions. In the case of ionic solutes a further increase in absorption towards higher frequencies was measured. The distinction between chaotrope and kosmotrope solutes was, as expected, also possible in the MIR spectral region. Depending on the structure-forming effect of the solute the OH stretch vibration of the water (around 3400 cm(-1)) was slightly shifted. A red shift has been observed for solution of kosmotropes, whereas a blue shift was observed in the case of solutions containing chaotropes. Compared to the MIR spectral region the structure influencing effect of solutes can be more efficiently studied in the THz spectral region, which provides information from interactions between neighboring water molecules.  相似文献   

Based on new comparison principles that take into account both the volume of scientific production and its impact, this paper proposes a method for defining reference classes of universities. Several tools are developed in order to enable university managers to define the value system according to which their university shall be compared to others. We apply this methodology to French universities and illustrate it using the reference classes of the best ranked universities according to several value systems.  相似文献   

The stresses at transducer contacts were estimated from accurate particle velocity measurements by using a laser Doppler vibrometer (LDV). We then evaluated the performance of LDV for ultrasonic waveform measurements in physical model experiments that are employed for modeling seismic observations. For such experiments, the characteristics of the source and detector should be exactly known. Discshaped compression and shear-mode piezoelectric transducers were attached on a flat surface of a steel semicircular column, and ultrasonic waves were excited by single-shot sine waves with 0.25, 0.5, and 1 MHz frequencies. Radial and transverse components were measured by LDV at a distance of 150 mm from the source. The maximum amplitudes of waves with respect to radiation angle give a radiation pattern of a transducer. Each observed radiation pattern was fitted to the calculated radiation pattern by assuming a harmonically oscillating stress distributed uniformly on a flat circular area. The observed radiation patterns show fairly good agreement with the calculated radiation patterns for both radial and transverse components when the source frequencies are 0.25 and 0.5 MHz. Because the best-fit stress values were independently estimated from the radial and the transverse radiation patterns, the 2 stress values should be equal for each source and frequency. The discrepancy between the estimated radial and transverse stress values becomes larger as the source frequency increases. Provided that coincidence of the 2 stress values indicates the validity of waveform measurements, the results suggest that LDV is applicable for measuring the 3-D particle-velocity at frequencies up to 0.5 MHz.  相似文献   

R. Plomp 《Scientometrics》1994,29(3):377-393
In the first part of the paper the citations in 1986 and 1987 of 3938 papers published in 1985 by 324 research groups in the faculties of science and of medicine of eight universities in the Netherlands are analyzed. Because of the large statistical spread of (1) the number of short-term citations of papers cited equally frequently over a long period, and (2) the number of citations over a long period of papers by the same author, short-term citation scores appear to be an unreliable indicator of a research group's contribution to science. In the second part of the paper an alternative approach is presented, based on a subdivision of the 3938 papers in papers authored by professors with 0–2, 3–8, or 9 highly cited papers (HCPs, 25 citations) to their name. Very large citation score differences were found for the three categories. For example: for papers first-authored by a professor, the average number of citations per person in 1986 and 1987 for 1985 papers was for 161 professors with 9 HCPs a factor 14 larger than for 575 professors with only 0–2 HCPs; for papers co-authored by professors, this factor was 6.6. These findings justify the conclusion that the number of HCPs scored by the professors (and other senior scientists) during their entire career is a much more reliable predictor of the performance of a research group than the number of short-term citations of the articles published by the group within a short period. A research group's contribution to science is primarily determined by the individual scientifictalents of its members.  相似文献   

The Earth's climate is undoubtedly changing; however, the time scale, consequences and causal attribution remain the subject of significant debate and uncertainty. Detection of subtle indicators from a background of natural variability requires measurements over a time base of decades. This places severe demands on the instrumentation used, requiring measurements of sufficient accuracy and sensitivity that can allow reliable judgements to be made decades apart. The International System of Units (SI) and the network of National Metrology Institutes were developed to address such requirements. However, ensuring and maintaining SI traceability of sufficient accuracy in instruments orbiting the Earth presents a significant new challenge to the metrology community. This paper highlights some key measurands and applications driving the uncertainty demand of the climate community in the solar reflective domain, e.g. solar irradiances and reflectances/radiances of the Earth. It discusses how meeting these uncertainties facilitate significant improvement in the forecasting abilities of climate models. After discussing the current state of the art, it describes a new satellite mission, called TRUTHS, which enables, for the first time, high-accuracy SI traceability to be established in orbit. The direct use of a 'primary standard' and replication of the terrestrial traceability chain extends the SI into space, in effect realizing a 'metrology laboratory in space'.  相似文献   

A MALDI QqTOF mass spectrometer has been used to identify proteins separated by one-dimensional or two-dimensional gel electrophoresis at the femtomole level. The high mass resolution and the high mass accuracy of this instrument in both MS and MS/MS modes allow identification of a protein either by peptide mass fingerprinting of the protein digest or from tandem mass spectra acquired by collision-induced dissociation of individual peptide precursors. A peptide mass map of the digest and tandem mass spectra of multiple peptide precursor ions can be acquired from the same sample in the course of a single experiment. Database searching and acquisition of MS and MS/MS spectra can be combined in an interactive fashion, increasing the information value of the analytical data. The approach has demonstrated its usefulness in the comprehensive characterization of protein in-gel digests, in the dissection of complex protein mixtures, and in sequencing of a low molecular weight integral membrane protein. Proteins can be identified in all types of sequence databases, including an EST database. Thus, MALDI QqTOF mass spectrometry promises to have remarkable potential for advancing proteomic research.  相似文献   

In the present work, high-resolution magic angle spinning (hr-MAS) NMR spectroscopy is applied as a straightforward nondestructive technique to quantify unreacted methacrylamide functionalities in cross-linked gelatin hydrogels. By adjusting several cross-linking parameters including the ultraviolet (UV) irradiation time and the photo-initiator concentration, the cross-linking degree can be easily varied. Remarkably, under all experimental conditions typically applied for hydrogel development, no more than 40% of the methacrylamide moieties present have reacted. The hr-MAS based approach to determine the cross-linking efficiency is shown to provide an innovative and more convenient alternative to the well-established classical techniques. In addition, the results obtained are in good correlation with mechanical analysis data.  相似文献   

This study developed a comparative bibliometric profile of multidisciplinary health research at South African universities over a 30-year period (1984–2013), based on two measures of multidisciplinarity. The first measure used article co-authorship as a proxy for collaboration between authors with health and non-health addresses, and the second measure focussed on articles published in journals with both health and non-health subject categories. The article overlap between the two measures was 25%, meaning that one measure would exclude 75% of articles identified by the other. Both showed an increase in the percentage contribution of multidisciplinary health research to health research over time, and both generated similar profiles of the national institutions that contribute to multidisciplinary health research. Both measures also provided evidence of a sustained increase in the percentage international co-authorship in health research although the second measure gave a markedly lower estimate of the percentage international co-authorship. These preliminary results would need to be followed up with more advanced bibliometric approaches, and possibly qualitative analyses to investigate the degree of integration between disciplines, pointing to interdisciplinary or even transdisciplinary health research.  相似文献   

This paper presents the possibility of applying maximum dynamic errors to establish a hierarchy of measuring systems intended for dynamic measurements. To determine maximum errors, it is necessary to apply strictly defined calibrating signals. The shape analysis and necessary and sufficient conditions for such signals to exist are presented with the integral-square-error criterion as an example. Moreover, limitations imposed on calibrating signals depending on the low-pass, high-pass, or bandpass types of calibrated systems are also discussed. The values of the maximum errors determined by means of the signals mentioned above make it possible to create accuracy classes and the resulting hierarchy of dynamic accuracy, valid regardless of the measured signal shape. The solutions presented in the paper refer to both measuring analog systems and systems with analog-to-digital (A/D) conversion  相似文献   

Scientometrics - This integrative review reports on methodological questions about the Shanghai Ranking as a tool for the evaluation of universities, questions that are extensible to other...  相似文献   

Nanotechnology has been intensively investigated by bibliometric methods due to its technological importance and expected impacts on economic activity. However, there is less focus on nanobiotechnology, which is an emerging research domain in nanotechnology. In this paper, we study the current status of the former, with our primary focus being to reveal the structure and research domains in nanobiotechnology. We also examine country and institutional performance in nanobiotechnology. It emerged that nanostructures, drug delivery and biomedical applications, bio-imaging, and carbon nanotubes and biosensors are the major research domains, while the USA is the leading country, and China has also made substantial contribution. Most institutions having a major impact in the area of nanobiotechnology are located in the USA.  相似文献   

The use of common tasks and rating procedures when assessing the communicative skills of students from highly diverse linguistic and cultural backgrounds poses particular measurement challenges, which have thus far received little research attention. If assessment tasks or criteria are found to function differentially for particular subpopulations within a test candidature with the same or a similar level of criterion ability, then the test is open to charges of bias in favour of one or other group. While there have been numerous studies involving dichotomous language test items (see e.g. Chen and Henning, 1985 and more recently Elder, 1996) few studies have considered the issue of bias in relation to performance based tasks which are assessed subjectively, via analytic and holistic rating scales. The paper demonstrates how Rasch analytic procedures can be applied to the investigation of item bias or differential item functioning (DIF) in both dichotomous and scalar items on a test of English for academic purposes. The data were gathered from a pilot English language test administered to a representative sample of undergraduate students (N= 139) enrolled in their first year of study at an English-medium university. The sample included native speakers of English who had completed up to 12 years of secondary schooling in their first language (L1) and immigrant students, mainly from Asian language backgrounds, with varying degrees of prior English language instruction and exposure. The purpose of the test was to diagnose the academic English needs of incoming undergraduates so that additional support could be offered to those deemed at risk of failure in their university study. Some of the tasks included in the assessment procedure involved objectively-scored items (measuring vocabulary knowledge, text-editing skills and reading and listening comprehension) whereas others (i.e. a report and an argumentative writing task) were subjectively-scored. The study models a methodology for estimating bias with both dichotomous and scalar items using the programs Quest (Adams and Khoo, 1993) for the former and ConQuest (Wu, Adams and Wilson, 1998) for the latter. It also offers answers to the practical questions of whether a common set of assessment criteria can, in an academic context such as this one, be meaningfully applied to all subgroups within the candidature and whether analytic criteria are more susceptible to biased ratings than holistic ones. Implications for test fairness and test validity are discussed.  相似文献   

Fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS) is an ideal tool for measuring molecular diffusion and size under extremely dilute conditions. However, the power of FCS has not been utilized to its best to measure diffusion and size parameters of complex chemical systems. Here, we apply FCS to measure the size, and, most importantly, the size distribution and polydispersity of a supramolecular nanostructure (i.e., microemulsion droplets, MEDs) in dilute solution. It is shown how the refractive index mismatch of a solution can be corrected in FCS to obtain accurate size parameters of particles, bypassing the optical matching problem of light scattering techniques that are used often for particle-size measurements. We studied the MEDs of 13 different W(0) values from 2 to 50 prepared in a ternary mixture of water, sodium bis(2-ethylhexyl) sulfosuccinate (AOT), and isooctane, with sulforhodamine-B as a fluorescent marker. We find that, near the optical matching point of MEDs, the dynamic light scattering (DLS) measurements underestimate the droplet sizes while FCS estimates the accurate ones. A Gaussian distribution model (GDM) and a maximum-entropy-based FCS data fitting model (MEMFCS) are used to analyze the fluorescence correlation curves that unfold Gaussian-type size distributions of MEDs in solution. We find the droplet size varies linearly with W(0) up to ~20, but beyond this W(0) value, the size variation deviates from this linearity. To explain nonlinear variation of droplet size for W(0) values beyond ~20, we invoke a model (the coated-droplet model) that incorporates the size polydispersity of the droplets.  相似文献   

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