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What is the effect of an increase in the stock of human capital due to skilled immigration on the innovative performance of recipient economies? Combining firm‐level micro‐data with area‐level labour force information, this paper investigates the impact of skilled international migration inflows on firms' product and process innovation in British local labour market areas. The paper supports the evidence in favour of a causal link between immigration and innovation. Results also show that the nature of the innovative process and the typology of innovative activities performed by local firms play a key role in the relation between immigration and innovation.  相似文献   

This paper uses input-output analysis to study some aspects of of growth pole theory with special reference to the role of a propulsive firm in the development process of a growth pole in the State of Minas Gerais (Brazil). The empirical results of three simple linear models related to a very detailed input-output table built for that growth pole are analysed. In its first part, the results of a comparison between the production structures of the State and those of the country are also shown to emphasize once more that we should be very careful in using national technical coefficients when studying the economies of areas in a country with large regional growth disparities.The research for this article was made possible by means of a Ford Foundation grant to Cedeplar. The author wishes to thank Jacques Schwartzman, Márcio Olympio Guimarães and Arthur Silvers for reading the first draft of this paper and Haydn Pimenta for his help with the English version of this text.  相似文献   

Morrill R 《环境与规划A辑》1994,26(11):1,699-1,710
"This author examines patterns of age-specific migration between 1980 and 1990 for a small, growing region, the Pacific Northwest of the U.S.A., with the purpose of assessing the degree of geographic diversity in experience. A simple typology of the expected spatial and structural pattern of age-specific migration is proposed. Cluster analysis is used to group counties on the basis of age-specific rates of net migration. Even this fairly small region is found to exemplify most of the patterns that might be expected to occur in the nation as a whole."  相似文献   

This study is a departure from the classic analysis of the effect of international migration on human capital. Using original data from a nationally representative survey in Moldova, we employ discrete choice and count-data models to evaluate the effect of international migration on the likelihood that “left-behind” household members with tertiary education migrate domestically. Thus, we propose an original framework of identifying a causal relationship between international and internal migration. The main findings support the hypothesis that international migration leads to an increase in the preference for urban jobs of tertiary-educated left-behind household members with peripheral rural origins.  相似文献   

Ma Z 《环境与规划A辑》1999,31(5):783-802
"A new approach to migration in developing countries is used in this paper, which integrates into the migration process the experiences of moving to cities, working in urban areas, and returning to the countryside. As a result, rural labor migration is directly linked to rural development through remittances, as well as through physical and human capital brought back by return migrants. Migration information is mainly drawn from China's 1995 1% National Population Survey.... It has been found that patterns of temporary migration are mainly shaped by the magnetic force of the growth-pole region. Job opportunities created there in labor-intensive industries have attracted large numbers of migrants, first from the surrounding rural areas and then from the peripheral regions, enhancing migration propensity in both areas."  相似文献   

Abstract.  The focus of the Japanese local telecommunications policy is shifting towards solving the problem of the digital divide that accompanies the spread of high-speed and broadband services. The article estimates a translog cost function of two outputs – the standard telephone service and the leased circuit service – and measures the regional gap of those stand-alone costs and incremental costs. The main point we make is that the cost gap for the leased circuit service is larger than that for the standard telephone service among the 11 Nippon Telegraph and Telephone (NTT) regional offices.  相似文献   

郭丽娟 《山西建筑》2014,(34):205-207
深入挖掘了黑龙江省的地域文化特色,并从地形、植物、景观小品、道路铺装和建筑等五个方面出发,分析了黑龙江省园林景观地域文化特色的表达手法,探讨了园林景观更深层次的价值,以期为黑龙江省园林景观建设提供有价值的参考。  相似文献   

This paper aims to investigate the entrepreneurial migrants' preferences for a location for business activities in developing countries. In the modelling framework six socio-economic and six socio-cultural variables are used in this study to investigate the migrants' propensity to stay at a particular region. The empirical research was carried out in East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia. It appears that the presence of a supporting informal network is the most critical factor that attracts and keeps the entrepreneurial migrants in a particular region. Socio-cultural variables like experience and education play a less significant role in the migrants' decision to stay in a given region. RID="*" ID="*" Kees Gorter passed away in October 2001.  相似文献   

In this article we study the effect of interregional migration on gross income of labour. The empirical analysis is based on Swedish household data for the period 1994 to 1995. We are primarily concerned with the allocation effect of migration on economic growth in an economy where the incentives for migration may be hampered by relatively high income taxes and transfers. A treatment-effect model for migration and income is estimated. The results indicate significant income gains from migration for the unemployed as well as for those who were employed prior to migration. The estimation results also indicate negative correlation between errors in the migration function and the income function. The hypothesis of no self-selection can be rejected.Received: 26 March 2003, Accepted: 29 October 2003, JEL Classification: J61, R23We acknowledge helpful comments by Karl-Gustaf Löfgren, Department of Economics, Umeå University, Kent Eliasson, Swedish Institute for Growth Policy Studies (ITPS), and three anonymous referees. Assistance by Roger Jacobsson, the Computer Centre of the University of Umeå (UMDAC) is appreciated.  相似文献   

Modelling regional migration in China: estimation and decomposition   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Shen J 《环境与规划A辑》1999,31(7):1,223-1,238
"In this paper I consider the issue of identifying the effects of spatial structure and the origin and destination attributes on interregional migration. A decomposition approach is developed based on migration models. The interprovincial migration data in China over the period 1985-1990 are used to estimate a gravity migration model, an extended gravity model, a Poisson gravity model, and a multilevel Poisson model, which are then used to decompose the various effects on migration in China."  相似文献   

We present the comparison of atmospheric concentrations of eleven currently used pesticides (HCB, alpha-HCH, gamma-HCH, trifluraline, mecoprop, phosalone, atrazine, carbofuran, carbaryl, diuron and isoproturon) measured in remote (Aubure), rural (Colmar) and urban (Strasbourg) areas of Alsace and Vosges regions (cast France). Pesticides samples were collected simultaneously on two of the three sites during the summer season of 1993 and 1994, using a Hi-Vol sampler with Whatman filter paper and XAD-2 resin. The particle and gas phases were collected separately during 24 h. The relative importance of local emissions and local, regional and long distance transport on the contamination of the atmosphere in the three environments (remote, rural and urban) were investigated. To facilitate the interpretation of the results, the alpha/gamma-HCH ratio was used as a tracer of pesticide emissions.  相似文献   

以成都生物产业功能区为例,对创新型产业生态圈构建及空间组织进行研究,提出了创新型产业生态圈引领的产业功能区规划的两大重点及实现策略,以凸显产业生态圈创新特质,激发产业功能区创新能力,支撑城市形成核心竞争力。  相似文献   

"In this paper the impacts of structural changes in local industries on interregional gross migration in Japan for 1974-85 are empirically examined. Structural changes in local industries, which are represented by a simple index of local employment growth dispersion across sectors, induce interregional migration, as well as intraregional migration. The estimation results with pooled data support this hypothesis. The impacts of structural changes in local industries are different across gross migration flows (rural-urban, urban-rural, urban-urban, and rural-rural migration), as are the impacts of other determinants of migration such as earnings differentials, aggregate employment growth, national unemployment, distance, and age structure."  相似文献   

The concept of local development is defined as a particular form of regional development, one in which endogenous factors occupy a central position. A stages model of local development is proposed: 1) the emergence of local entrepreneurship; 2) the take off of local enterprises; 3) the expansion of these enterprises beyond the local region; and 4) the achievement of a regional economic structure that is based upon local initiatives and locally created comparative advantages. The theoretical and empirical foundations of this model are examined, with particular emphasis upon the roles of the entrepreneur and of human capital in the process of economic growth, and upon the spatial effects of the expansion of the firm.This paper was originally written and presented in French under the title of Le concept de développement local en sciences régionales: voies de réflexion et de recherche.  相似文献   

The developed land area of the US increased by 14.2 million hectares between 1982 and 2003. Along with a projected US population increase to more than 360 million individuals by 2030 is an expected continuation of expanding rural land development. Related to population growth, rural land development and the associated loss of rural open space are expected to have a number of social, economic, and ecological implications. To gain greater insight into land development patterns, we used US Census Bureau and National Resources Inventory data to quantify per-housing-unit rates of land development during recent decades and to model future land development to 2030 for states and regions in the US. Based on these data, 0.50 ha of additional land were developed for each additional housing unit in the US. The numbers of hectares of newly developed land per additional housing unit were greatest in the South Central and Great Plains regions and least in the Pacific Coast and Rocky Mountain regions of the country. Combining population projections and trends in people per housing unit with development indices, we projected that developed area in the US will increase by 22 million hectares between 2003 and 2030, with the greatest absolute increases projected to occur in the Southeast and South Central regions of the US. We used sensitivity analysis to examine the impacts of changes in population migration patterns and per housing unit development patterns on increases in projected developed area.  相似文献   

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