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汪定伟  王娜 《工业工程》2013,(1):45-49,85
提出多项目集中采购或大型工程项目招标的逆向组合拍卖中的标的物打包优化的问题和数学模型。由于该优化问题实质上是一种自变量为集合的、非解析的多目标优化问题,提出一种基于量子进化算法的求解方法。方法中采用基于价格互补系数矩阵中非零变量的0-1编码,以及一种有利于好的量子位(Q-bit)胜出的β-旋转门。大量数值例子的对比计算的结果表明,β-旋转门明显优于现有的α-旋转门;而对比遗传算法这种新算法对于中小规模的打包优化问题有明显的计算优势。  相似文献   

童峰  许肖梅  方世良 《声学技术》2007,26(2):301-306
为了实现稀疏水声信道的快速高效估计,提出一种新的基于有效抽头的信道参数模型降低运算复杂性,并采用进化算法以最小二乘误差为适应度函数对信道响应中有效抽头的阶数、位置和权重同时进行进化操作寻优,避免了有色输入造成的相邻抽头耦合导致的性能下降。仿真实验结果表明:与传统LMS算法及基于有效抽头检测的稀疏信道估计方法相比,该算法在有色输入信号下具有更优越的估计性能和收敛速度,为稀疏水声信道处理提供了一类新方法。  相似文献   

进化规划算法中变异是唯一的操作,因此变异算子对进化规划算法的性能有决定性的影响。文中以高斯变异算子为例,研究了变异算子在进化进程的作用,分析了进化规划算法不收敛的原因以及变异算子与进化代数、收敛精度间的关系。对传统进化规划算法和多群进化规划算法的性能进行了仿真研究,仿真结果表明了分析结果的正确性。  相似文献   

 设计任务书通常由许多相关的参数构成。因此设计者必须选代地前进并且依靠他的经济知识,以便得到很好的解。可是这样的过程不一定导致最佳的结果,为了能完整地描述设计任务,可以借助进行算法进行优化。  相似文献   

朱字航  伏楠 《硅谷》2012,(17):169-170
针对TSP问题,提出一种改进的差分进化算法:利用贪心算法产生初始种群,定义特有的编码匹配函数进行变异操作,排序法修复变异个体,并采用顺序交叉,在变异操作之后,加入新的选择机制,防止交叉操作破坏变异出的优良个体,实验结果表明改进后的差分进化算法能够高效地解决TSP问题,体现良好的优化性能。  相似文献   

形位误差的进化算法   总被引:20,自引:4,他引:20  
刘永超  陈明 《计量学报》2001,22(1):18-22
在分析以往形位误差评价方法的基础上,提出了一种基于遗传进化理论的形位误差评价的智能方法。中以平面度误差为例,详细地介绍了进化模型的建立及计算方法。最后,通过不同评价方法对一平面的平面度误差进行对照实验,结果证明该方法是正确可行的。  相似文献   

杨晨 《硅谷》2012,(15):91-92
演化硬件的实现可大大提高电子系统的可靠性及可用性,对需要在特殊工作环境中长期工作的电路设备具有重大意义。在阐述计算机硬件进化的概念与意义后,对遗传演化算法进行探究,最后分别对硬件的演化应用方式进行分析和讨论。  相似文献   

以量子技术特征的第四次科技革命,对我们普通老百姓来说,简直是个新鲜事物,将来,量子技术将改变我们的生活。  相似文献   

李艳 《高技术通讯》1994,4(3):43-44
人造量子结构美国科学家理查德·费因曼曾在题为“广阔的微观世界”的演讲中提出了他的科学设想,他指出,人们可按照预定的方式,对原于逐个逐个地进行排列,从而得到具有各种美妙特性的物质。近几年来,随着扫描隧道显微镜(STM)应用和有关扫描探测技术的发展,这种...  相似文献   

基于群论框架研究量子纠错码 ,给出对五量子比特编一量子比特的量子纠错码的 192种不同形式的码  相似文献   

Metamaterials, artificially structured electromagnetic (EM) materials, have enabled the realization of many unconventional EM properties not found in nature, such as negative refractive index, magnetic response, invisibility cloaking, and so on. Based on these man‐made materials with novel EM properties, various devices are designed and realized. However, quantum analog devices based on metamaterials have not been achieved so far. Here, metamaterials are designed and printed to perform quantum search algorithm. The structures, comprising of an array of 2D subwavelength air holes with different radii perforated on the dielectric layer, are fabricated using a 3D‐printing technique. When an incident wave enters in the designed metamaterials, the profile of beam wavefront is processed iteratively as it propagates through the metamaterial periodically. After roundtrips, precisely the same as the efficiency of quantum search algorithm, searched items will be found with the incident wave all focusing on the marked positions. Such a metamaterial‐based quantum searching simulator may lead to remarkable achievements in wave‐based signal processors.  相似文献   

We consider an arbitrary mapping f: {0, …, N − 1} → {0, …, N − 1} for N = 2n, n some number of quantum bits. Using N calls to a classical oracle evaluating f(x) and an N-bit memory, it is possible to determine whether f(x) is one-to-one. For some radian angle 0 ≤ θ ≤ π/2, we say f(x) is θconcentrated if and only if e2πif(x)/N ? ei[ψ0?θ,ψ0+θ] for some given ψ0 and any 0 ≤ xN − 1. We present a quantum algorithm that distinguishes a θ-concentrated f(x) from a one-to-one f(x) in O(1) calls to a quantum oracle function Uf with high probability. For 0 < θ < 0.3301 rad, the quantum algorithm outperforms random (classical) evaluation of the function testing for dispersed values (on average). Maximal outperformance occurs at θ=12sin11π0.1620 rad.  相似文献   

徐扬  黄迎久  李海荣 《包装工程》2018,39(7):180-186
目的提出将量子Logistic混沌映射与三维Arnold混沌映射相结合的图像加密算法,以提高图像加密的复杂度。方法首先利用量子Logistic混沌映射生成置乱用的伪随机序列与明文进行整体置乱,再利用三维Arnold混沌映射生成一个整数序列,与置乱后的密文进行扩散运算。结果通过仿真实验,加密图像的相关性系数接近于0,密钥敏感性的NPCR和UACI的测试值分别约等于99.60和33.4,信息熵的测试结果约等于7.999,都非常接近于理论值。结论加密算法充分体现了量子混沌映射高复杂度的非线性力学特性。通过仿真实验测试可知,加密算法具有密钥空间大、敏感性强、安全性好的特点。  相似文献   

申翠香  张晓宇 《计量学报》2018,39(2):242-245
提出采用量子遗传算法,以提高圆度测量精度。首先用最小二乘法拟合获得建模数据中圆度图像的圆心坐标和半径;再通过圆度计算剔除不符合要求的圆度;然后用量子遗传算法进行多进制编码,量子旋转门非固定步长调整更新;最后给出圆度误差测量流程。实验仿真显示该算法获得了精确的测量数值,与三坐标测量机测量结果误差相差小于0.005 8 mm,半径相对误差小于0.19%,测量最大误差均在0.01%以内,同时最大误差波动比较平稳,测量不确定度比其它方法值较低。  相似文献   

In order to enable two parties to exchange their secret information equally, we propose a controlled quantum dialogue protocol based on quantum walks, which implements the equal exchange of secret information between the two parties with the help of the controller TP. The secret information is transmitted via quantum walks, by using this method, the previously required entangled particles do not need to be prepared in the initial phase, and the entangled particles can be produced spontaneously via quantum walks. Furthermore, to resist TP’s dishonest behavior, we use a hash function to verify the correctness of the secret information. The protocol analysis shows that it is safe and reliable facing some attacks, including intercept-measure-resend attack, entanglement attack, dishonest controller’s attack and participant attack. And has a slightly increasing efficiency comparing with the previous protocols. Note that the proposed protocol may be feasible because quantum walks prove to be implemented in different physical systems and experiments.  相似文献   

Quantum states are inherently fragile, making their storage a major concern for many practical applications and experimental tests of quantum mechanics. The field of quantum memories is concerned with how this storage may be achieved, covering everything from the physical systems best suited to the task to the abstract methods that may be used to increase performance. This review concerns itself with the latter, giving an overview of error correction and self-correction, and how they may be used to achieve fault-tolerant quantum computation. The planar code is presented as a concrete example, both as a quantum memory and as a framework for quantum computation.  相似文献   

Security and privacy issues have attracted the attention of researchers in the field of IoT as the information processing scale grows in sensor networks. Quantum computing, theoretically known as an absolutely secure way to store and transmit information as well as a speed-up way to accelerate local or distributed classical algorithms that are hard to solve with polynomial complexity in computation or communication. In this paper, we focus on the phase estimation method that is crucial to the realization of a general multi-party computing model, which is able to be accelerated by quantum algorithms. A novel multi-party phase estimation algorithm and the related quantum circuit are proposed by using a distributed Oracle operator with iterations. The proved theoretical communication complexity of this algorithm shows it can give the phase estimation before applying multi-party computing efficiently without increasing any additional complexity. Moreover, a practical problem of multi-party dating investigated shows it can make a successful estimation of the number of solution in advance with zero communication complexity by utilizing its special statistic feature. Sufficient simulations present the correctness, validity and efficiency of the proposed estimation method.  相似文献   

Semiconducting quantum dots (QDs) have recently triggered a huge interest in constructing efficient hydrogen production systems. It is well established that a large fraction of surface atoms of QDs need ligands to stabilize and avoid them from aggregating. However, the influence of the surface property of QDs on photocatalysis is rather elusive. Here, the surface regulation of CdSe QDs is investigated by surface sulfide ions (S2?) for photocatalytic hydrogen evolution. Structural and spectroscopic study shows that with gradual addition of S2?, S2? first grows into the lattice and later works as ligands on the surface of CdSe QDs. In‐depth transient spectroscopy reveals that the initial lattice S2? accelerates electron transfer from QDs to cocatalyst, and the following ligand S2? mainly facilitates hole transfer from QDs to the sacrificial agent. As a result, a turnover frequency (TOF) of 7950 h?1 can be achieved by the S2? modified CdSe QDs, fourfold higher than that of original mercaptopropionic acid (MPA) capped CdSe QDs. Clearly, the simple surface S2? modification of QDs greatly increases the photocatalytic efficiency, which provides subtle methods to design new QD material for advanced photocatalysis.  相似文献   

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