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Conclusions Despite the accumulated evidence, many of the investigators as of quite recently have failed to understand that behavioral strategy or decision rules can be inherited and evolve and that they are subject to certain constraints that cannot be surmounted other than by natural selection. For example, in [9, p. 422] we read: The evolutionary pressure cannot act upon the relative contents of social interactions favoring certain individuals over others. The present study shows that the following scheme of conflict, which favors those individuals that conform to it with a better accuracy, can be evolutionary stable. On the basis of the information they receive, the partners estimate the role situation and the equilibrium pair of elementary strategies and use their strategies. If the role situations of the partners are coordinated, the partners cooperate in reducing the conflict and define its result according to AIS. If AIS are not coordinated, they cooperate in reducing the conflict if its expected loss for each is greater than the expected payoff; they escalate the against those that have a lesser set of elementary strategies but also against those that have a less accurate mechanism of AIS recognition. A poor accuracy of recognition mechanism would replace a strictly equilibrium ESS with a mixed strategy.From the point of view of behavioral control, the multilevel conflict model shows that generally for controlling the choices at a certain level actions of an equally high level are necessary. It is impossible, for example, to accomplish certain economic choices by using only informational actions.Translated from Kibernetika, No. 1, pp. 90–98, January–February, 1988.  相似文献   

A resolution proof of an unsatisfiable propositional formula in conjunctive normal form is a Davis-Putnam resolution proof iff there exists a sequence of the variables of the formula such thatx is eliminated (with the resolution rule) beforey on any branch of the proof tree representing the resolution proof, only ifx is beforey in this sequence. Davis-Putnam resolution is one of several resolution restrictions. It is complete.We present an infinite family of unsatisfiable propositional formulas and show: These formulas have unrestricted resolution proofs whose length is polynomial in their size. All Davis-Putnam resolution proofs of these formulas are of superpolynomial length. In the terminology of [4, definition 1.5]: Davis-Putnam resolution does notp-simulate unrestricted resolution.  相似文献   

In this study the planning process is applied to a conflict resolution problem by structuring a well known conflict (the Northern Ireland problem) using the levels of a conceptual hierarchy. The parties to the conflict form the first level, the objectives of these parties form the second level, and possible political solutions to the problem are at the third and final level.This present model is an update of an earlier analysis, carried out in 1976 and 1977, in which it was shown that the outcome which would to the greatest possible extent satisfy the aspirations of all parties would be legislative independence for Northern Ireland. The current analysis takes into account changes which have taken place since the earlier work was performed. It is shown that the most satisfactory outcome is still one of legislative independence. However, the results suggest a short-term compromise solution. An assembly, subordinate to the British government, would also satisfy most of the basic needs of the parties, provided that such an Assembly is given a wide range of powers and a large measure of autonomy.The method used here, the Analytic Hierarchy Technique (Saaty, 1977, 1980), is easy to understand and to use, and provides an efficient method for evaluating possible solutions to a conflict.  相似文献   

This paper presents a simulation study of several conflict-handling methods in shared-memory vector processors. These methods differ with respect to (1) the way memory sections are accessed, (2) the types of conflicts that may occur, (3) whether a conflict halts the vector stream or not, and (4) buffering of pending requests. In the first method, access privilege to a particular section of memory is exclusively granted to each vector stream in its own time phase. This static control strategy prevents contention in the memory interconnect at the expense of a limited capability to adapt to dynamic situations. Two dynamic methods are also considered, in which simultaneous bank conflicts and line conflicts may occur and are resolved at run time. A fourth method helps to identify the relative contribution of the different types of memory conflicts. We also study linked conflicts that occur due to buffering in the time-phased strategy.  相似文献   

Norms (permissions, obligations and prohibitions) offer a useful and powerful abstraction with which to capture social constraints in multi-agent systems. Norms should exclude disruptive or antisocial behaviour without prescribing the design of individual agents or restricting their autonomy. An important challenge, however, in the design and management of systems governed by norms is that norms may, at times, conflict with one another; e.g, an action may be simultaneously prohibited and obliged for a particular agent. In such circumstances, agents no longer have the option of complying with these norms; whatever they do or refrain from doing will lead to a social constraint being broken. In this paper, we present mechanisms for the detection and resolution of normative conflicts. These mechanisms, based on first-order unification and constraint solving techniques, are the building blocks of more sophisticated algorithms we present for the management of normative positions, that is, the adoption and removal of permissions, obligations and prohibitions in societies of agents. We capture both direct and indirect conflicts between norms, formalise a practical concept of authority, and model conflicts that may arise as a result of delegation. We are able to formally define classic ways for resolving conflicts such as lex superior and lex posterior.  相似文献   

基于自适应移动多跳Ad Hoc网络,针对其DSR协议的路由缓存机制,分析不足之处,探索对现有的路由缓存机制的优化方法.提出了缓存路由有效期的概念,为网络中节点的路由表添加一个用于反馈的“缓存路由跳数”参数,节点选择此参数值最小者的路由信息.仿真实验表明,经过改进的缓存机制有效地避免了响应冲突问题,实现了路由的最短优化,在平均传输延迟、分组投递率、吞吐量性能方面都有提高.  相似文献   

复制/缓存技术是为移动应用提供数据可用性的有效技术,但是,也存在数据大量冗余以及数据冲突等问题.以数据的语义片段为管理单位,将不同客户需要复制的数据进行合并管理,大大地减少了数据被复制的次数.同时,模拟传统数据库中锁的机制,提出了事务协调器方案,避免和解决数据冲突问题.  相似文献   

Distributed conflict resolution among cooperating expert systems   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Abstract: Cooperating experts approach attempts to integrate and coordinate the activities of multiple specialised problem solvers that come together to solve complex tasks such as design, medical diagnosis, business management and so on. Due to the different goals, knowledge and viewpoints of agents, conflicts may arise at any phase of the problem-solving process. Managing diverse expertise requires well-organised models of conflict resolution. In this paper, a model for cooperating experts is described which openly supports multi-agent conflict detection and resolution. The model is based on the idea that each agent has its own conflict knowledge which is separated from its domain level knowledge, and each agent has its own conflict resolution knowledge which is not accessible and known by others. Furthermore, there are no globally known conflict resolution strategies. Each agent involved in a conflict chooses a resolution scheme according to its self interest. The model is described by using an example in the domain of office design and it is compared with other systems.  相似文献   

The production of wire-wrap schedules by hand is extremely tedious and error prone. This paper discusses a program which has been developed to generate an easy-to-follow, cross-referenced wiring schedule from a simply-formatted data file. The program also provides extensive checking of the input data. The language used was SIMULA, and was found to be an ideal vehicle for implementing the requirements of wire-wrap schedule generation. The class concept, in particular, was found to be most useful.  相似文献   

This paper presents a model for intention maintenance.It assumes that an intention is associated with a means network,and intention maintenance is a conflict resolution upon means networks.The difference between the viewpoints of AI planning and intention maintenance is explained first,then a model of intention,the conditions under which conflicts between the means occur and the algorithms for determining the influence of removing a means away from a means network are presented.  相似文献   

策略冲突的解决是基于策略的网络管理系统正常运行的前提之一。论文提出了一种基于网元的策略冲突解决方法,以网元为单位构造策略优先级关系矩阵,用以解决与该网元相关的策略冲突问题。该方法避免了大矩阵的计算处理,从而减少了基于策略的网络管理系统的计算成本。经实验验证,该方法可以有效地解决基于策略的网络管理系统中存在的策略冲突问题。  相似文献   

For fulfilling customer requests, enterprises are increasingly part of collaboration networks with peers. Such collaborations, also known as virtual enterprises (VE), are governed by pre-defined contracts that restrict the behaviour of each participating enterprise. However, since each enterprise is autonomous, the potential arises for conflicts during collaboration. In this paper, we extend our earlier work on virtual-enterprise modelling and address the existing gap of conflict modelling, management and resolution in VEs. Our approach works as follows: first, to detect a conflict by analysing the exceptions reported during execution; second, to uncover the conflict type, origin and impact of an exception; and third, depending on the nature of an exception, to implement the appropriate conflict negotiation and resolution strategy among the participating entities of a VE. Crucial to this approach, and serving as one of the key contributions of this paper, is the conflict ontology. This ontology helps to model conflict types along with related exceptions, negotiation and resolution strategies, thereby enabling conflict management and resolution. Throughout this paper, we illustrate our ideas with a running example and also present a detailed evaluation based on a case study from the automotive production domain.  相似文献   

Relevant to the design of multiple access protocols is the problem of finding the largest of N i.i.d. numbers X1,…,XN uniformly distributed over [0,1] using the minimum number of questions of the following type. We pick a set A(1) [0, 1] and ask which Xi ε A(1). Depending on the response, we pick another subset A(2) and ask which Xi ε A(2), and so on, until we identify the largest Xi. It is shown that the optimum sequence of questions must be of the type A(k) = (a(k), 1]; the best sequence {a(k)} can then be determined by dynamic programming following the work of Arrow, Pesotchinsky and Sobel.  相似文献   

Planning methods for effective manipulation of single or multiple redundant arm systems must take account of DOF, the task, constraints, and joint drifts. Here, a new approach to redundancy resolution and obstacle avoidance for cooperative robot arms is proposed. In this development, a relative Jacobian and a relative dexterity measure for cooperative robot arms are derived. A nonlinear programming method is used to optimize the relative dexterity while satisfying cooperative task requirements, limits on joint angles, and obstacle avoidance. With this approach, it is not necessary to balance the weightings between the cost term to be optimized and the penalty from constraints. Configuration jumps over obstacles are avoided. Further, since globally optimal joint configurations are produced, drifts in joint configurations will be absent from the resulting configurations. This article includes several illustrative examples to demonstrate the effectiveness and usefulness of this approach. Results have indicated the benefits of both the relative dexterity and the sum of individual arm dexterities in planning of cooperative tasks. ©1999 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

邻居发现的速度影响着整个网络组网和通信的效率,现有的邻居发现协议未考虑多个节点同时发送信标时,产生信标冲突的情况。针对这个问题,提出了一种有效避免信标冲突的快速邻居发现机制,即在发送信标前,采用载波侦听机制去侦听信道状态,从而减少信标冲突,提高发现效率。同时又采用动态增加唤醒时隙来减少发现时延,加快邻居发现。仿真结果表明,采用该机制无论在占空比对称还是非对称的情况下,都能有效加快现有协议发现速度。  相似文献   

针对动态非结构化环境下多机器人之间存在的空间冲突问题,提出了一种基于情绪量的多机器人冲突消解方法。该方法可以使机器人根据情绪量自主判定对其他机器人的躲避半径,无须预先设定固定的避碰优先级或进行机器人之间的协商。仿真结果表明该方法是一种有效的多机器人冲突消解方法。  相似文献   

为实现ECA策略冲突的自动、灵活消解,提出一种利用基数约束规则编程的新方法。基数约束规则编程是一种基于稳态模型语义的非单调逻辑编程技术,具有解决组合及其优化问题的良好性质。先后完成了ECA策略的逻辑编程表示、用于检测和防止冲突的行动约束定义、具有组合特征的冲突性质分析和用于冲突消解的基数约束规则程序建立。该方法不仅具有逻辑严谨、自动化程度高和结构层次分明等优点,更重要的是,还扩展了被消解冲突的域。  相似文献   

Preference uncertainty in the graph model for conflict resolution   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A new preference structure is introduced into the graph model for conflict resolution. This structure can handle a decision-maker's (DM) strict preference for one state or scenario over another, equal preference for states, and uncertain or unknown preference in the comparison of two states. Built upon this preference structure, four types of solution definitions modeling human behavior under conflict are extended to accommodate uncertainty in preferences. Four distinct ways to consider uncertain preference information are identified, producing sixteen extended stability definitions. Interrelationships of these definitions within and across the four definition sets are investigated. Illustrative examples of two-DM and multi-DM conflict models are presented to show how the new solution concepts can be applied in practice.  相似文献   

改进蚁群算法在飞行冲突求解问题中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
改进的蚁群算法可以用于空中交通飞行冲突问题的求解.对空中交通飞行冲突问题的研究背景以及研究现状进行系统概述,简要介绍了人工势场法和蚁群算法.建立了相关的数学模型,将空中交通飞行冲突问题转化为有约束的非线性整数规划问题,并且把人工势场法和蚁群算法相结合,设计了将人工势场法的规划结果作为蚁群优化算法先验知识的求解思路.最后的仿真计算表明了该方法能加快蚁群算法的收敛速度,在短时间内提供理想的冲突解决方案.  相似文献   

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