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A novel method is given for content‐aware video resizing, i.e. targeting video to a new resolution (which may involve aspect ratio change) from the original. We precompute a per‐pixel cumulative shrinkability map which takes into account both the importance of each pixel and the need for continuity in the resized result. (If both x and y resizing are required, two separate shrinkability maps are used, otherwise one suffices). A random walk model is used for efficient offline computation of the shrinkability maps. The latter are stored with the video to create a multi‐sized video, which permits arbitrary‐sized new versions of the video to be later very efficiently created in real‐time, e.g. by a video‐on‐demand server supplying video streams to multiple devices with different resolutions. These shrinkability maps are highly compressible, so the resulting multi‐sized videos are typically less than three times the size of the original compressed video. A scaling function operates on the multi‐sized video, to give the new pixel locations in the result, giving a high‐quality content‐aware resized video. Despite the great efficiency and low storage requirements for our method, we produce results of comparable quality to state‐of‐the‐art methods for content‐aware image and video resizing.  相似文献   

Content‐aware image retargeting is a technique that can flexibly display images with different aspect ratios and simultaneously preserve salient regions in images. Recently many image retargeting techniques have been proposed. To compare image quality by different retargeting methods fast and reliably, an objective metric simulating the human vision system (HVS) is presented in this paper. Different from traditional objective assessment methods that work in bottom‐up manner (i.e., assembling pixel‐level features in a local‐to‐global way), in this paper we propose to use a reverse order (top‐down manner) that organizes image features from global to local viewpoints, leading to a new objective assessment metric for retargeted images. A scale‐space matching method is designed to facilitate extraction of global geometric structures from retargeted images. By traversing the scale space from coarse to fine levels, local pixel correspondence is also established. The objective assessment metric is then based on both global geometric structures and local pixel correspondence. To evaluate color images, CIE L*a*b* color space is utilized. Experimental results are obtained to measure the performance of objective assessments with the proposed metric. The results show good consistency between the proposed objective metric and subjective assessment by human observers.  相似文献   

Studying transformation in a chemical system by considering its energy as a function of coordinates of the system's components provides insight and changes our understanding of this process. Currently, a lack of effective visualization techniques for high‐dimensional energy functions limits chemists to plot energy with respect to one or two coordinates at a time. In some complex systems, developing a comprehensive understanding requires new visualization techniques that show relationships between all coordinates at the same time. We propose a new visualization technique that combines concepts from topological analysis, multi‐dimensional scaling, and graph layout to enable the analysis of energy functions for a wide range of molecular structures. We demonstrate our technique by studying the energy function of a dimer of formic and acetic acids and a LTA zeolite structure, in which we consider diffusion of methane.  相似文献   

In this work we present a point classification algorithm for multi‐variate data. Our method is based on the concept of attribute subspaces, which are derived from a set of user specified attribute target values. Our classification approach enables users to visually distinguish regions of saliency through concurrent viewing of these subspaces in single images. We also allow a user to threshold the data according to a specified distance from attribute target values. Based on the degree of thresholding, the remaining data points are assigned radii of influence that are used for the final coloring. This limits the view to only those points that are most relevant, while maintaining a similar visual context.  相似文献   

Cluster analysis is a useful method which reveals underlying structures and relations of items after grouping them into clusters. In the case of temporal data, clusters are defined over time intervals where they usually exhibit structural changes. Conventional cluster analysis does not provide sufficient methods to analyze these structural changes, which are, however, crucial in the interpretation and evaluation of temporal clusters. In this paper, we present two novel and interactive visualization techniques that enable users to explore and interpret the structural changes of temporal clusters. We introduce the temporal cluster view, which visualizes the structural quality of a number of temporal clusters, and temporal signatures, which represents the structure of clusters over time. We discuss how these views are utilized to understand the temporal evolution of clusters. We evaluate the proposed techniques in the cluster analysis of mixed lipid bilayers.  相似文献   

We present an algorithm for robust and efficient contact handling of deformable objects. By being aware of the internal dynamics of the colliding objects, our algorithm provides smooth rolling and sliding, stable stacking, robust impact handling, and seamless coupling of heterogeneous objects, all in a unified manner. We achieve dynamicsawareness through a constrained dynamics formulation with implicit complementarity constraints, and we present two major contributions that enable an efficient solution of the constrained dynamics problem: a time stepping algorithm that robustly ensures non-penetration and progressively refines the formulation of constrained dynamics, and a new solver for large mixed linear complementarity problems, based on iterative constraint anticipation. We show the application of our algorithm in challenging scenarios such as multi-layered cloth moving at high velocities, or colliding deformable solids simulated with large time steps.  相似文献   

CG character animations, in which CG characters engage in conversations, are widely used in multimedia contents such as videos and games. In constructing such an animation, we should consider about many factors, such as the content of the utterance and the state of conversation, which necessitates a large amount of time and labor. To deal with this problem, this paper proposes a method, which generates the head-eye movements of the CG characters synchronized with the conversation. In this method, so as to generate a composite head-eye movement, the view line direction is divided into the head, eye and body rotations by sharing motion mechanism dynamically adjusted according to the view line direction. And letting the two modules generating the head and the eye movements share the same conversation state, head and eye movements synchronized with the conversation are generated. Finally, we apply the proposed method to the conversation scenes, and show that natural animation can be produced easily.  相似文献   

For surgical planning, the exploration of 3D visualizations and 2D slice views is essential. However, the generation of visualizations which support the specific treatment decisions is very tedious. Therefore, the reuse of once designed visualizations for similar cases can strongly accelerate the process of surgical planning. We present a new technique that enables the easy reuse of both medical visualization types: 3D scenes and 2D slice views. We introduce the keystates as a concept to describe the state of a visualization in a general manner. They can be easily applied to new datasets to create similar visualizations. Keystates can be shared between surgeons of one specialization to reproduce and document the planning process for collaborative work. Furthermore, animations can support the surgeon on individual exploration and are also useful in collaborative environments, where complex issues must be presented in a short time. Therefore, we provide a framework, where animations can be visually designed by surgeons during their exploration process without any programming or authoring skills. We discuss several transitions between different visualizations and present an application from clinical routine.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose an online motion capture marker labeling approach for multiple interacting articulated targets. Given hundreds of unlabeled motion capture markers from multiple articulated targets that are interacting each other, our approach automatically labels these markers frame by frame, by fitting rigid bodies and exploiting trained structure and motion models. Advantages of our approach include: 1) our method is an online algorithm, which requires no user interaction once the algorithm starts. 2) Our method is more robust than traditional the closest point-based approaches by automatically imposing the structure and motion models. 3) Due to the use of the structure model which encodes the rigidity of each articulated body of captured targets, our method can recover missing markers robustly. Our approach is efficient and particularly suited for online computer animation and video game applications.  相似文献   

When creating transfer functions for time-varying data, it is not clear what range of values to use for classification, as data value ranges and distributions change over time. In order to generate time-varying transfer functions, we search the data for classes that have similar behavior over time, assuming that data points that behave similarly belong to the same feature. We utilize a method we call temporal clustering and sequencing to find dynamic features in value space and create a corresponding transfer function. First, clustering finds groups of data points that have the same value space activity over time. Then, sequencing derives a progression of clusters over time, creating chains that follow value distribution changes. Finally, the cluster sequences are used to create transfer functions, as sequences describe the value range distributions over time in a data set.  相似文献   

A hidden‐picture puzzle contains objects hidden in a background image, in such a way that each object fits closely into a local region of the background. Our system converts image of the background and objects into line drawing, and then finds places in which to hide transformed versions of the objects using rotation‐invariant shape context matching. During the hiding process, each object is subjected to a slight deformation to enhance its similarity to the background. The results were assessed by a panel of puzzle‐solvers.  相似文献   

Smoke animations are hard to art‐direct because simple changes in parameters such as simulation resolution often lead to unpredictable changes in the final result. Previous work has addressed this problem with a guiding approach which couples low‐resolution simulations – that exhibit the desired flow and behaviour – to the final, high‐resolution simulation. This is done in such a way that the desired low frequency features are to some extent preserved in the high‐resolution simulation. However, the steady (i.e. constant) guiding used often leads to a lack of sufficiently high detail, and employing time‐dependent guiding is expensive because the matrix of the resulting set of equations needs to be recomputed at every iteration. We propose an improved mathematical model for Eulerian‐based simulations which is better suited for dynamic, time‐dependent guiding of smoke animations through a novel variational coupling of the low‐ and high‐resolution simulations. Our model results in a matrix that does not require re‐computation when the guiding changes over time, and hence we can employ time‐dependent guiding more efficiently both in terms of storage and computational requirements. We demonstrate that time‐dependent guiding allows for more high frequency detail to develop without losing correspondence to the low resolution simulation. Furthermore, we explore various artistic effects made possible by time‐dependent guiding.  相似文献   

Crowds by Example   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
We present an example-based crowd simulation technique. Most crowd simulation techniques assume that the behavior exhibited by each person in the crowd can be defined by a restricted set of rules. This assumption limits the behavioral complexity of the simulated agents. By learning from real-world examples, our autonomous agents display complex natural behaviors that are often missing in crowd simulations. Examples are created from tracked video segments of real pedestrian crowds. During a simulation, autonomous agents search for examples that closely match the situation that they are facing. Trajectories taken by real people in similar situations, are copied to the simulated agents, resulting in seemingly natural behaviors.  相似文献   

In this paper we investigate low-bitrate compression of scalar textures such as alpha maps, down to one or two bits per pixel. We present two new techniques for 4 × 4 blocks, based on the idea from ETC to use index tables. We demonstrate that although the visual quality of the alpha maps is greatly reduced at these low bit rates, the quality of the final rendered images appears to be sufficient for a wide range of applications, thus allowing bandwidth savings of up to 75%. The 2 bpp version improves PSNR with over 2 dB compared to BTC at the same bit rate. The 1 bpp version is, to the best of our knowledge, the first public 1 bpp texture compression algorithm, which makes comparison hard. However, compared to just DXT5-compressing a subsampled texture, our 1 bpp technique improves PSNR with over 2 dB. Finally, we show that some aspects of the presented algorithms are also useful for the more common bit rate of four bits per pixel, achieving PSNR scores around 1 dB better than DXT5, over a set of test images.  相似文献   

This paper describes a model for example-based, photo-realistic rendering of eye movements in 3D facial animation. Based on 3D scans of a face with different gaze directions, the model captures the motion of the eyeball along with the deformation of the eyelids and the surrounding skin. These deformations are represented in a 3D morphable model.
Unlike the standard procedure in facial animation, the eyeball is not modeled as a rotating 3D sphere located behind the skin surface. Instead, the visible region of the eyeball is part of a continuous face mesh, and displacements of the iris as well as occlusions by the lids are modeled in a texture mapping approach. The algorithm avoids artifacts that are widely encountered in 3D facial animation, and it presents a new concept of handling occlusions and discontinuities in morphing algorithms.  相似文献   

Interactive computation of global illumination is a major challenge in current computer graphics research. Global illumination heavily affects the visual quality of generated images. It is therefore a key attribute for the perception of photo‐realistic images. Path tracing is able to simulate the physical behaviour of light using Monte Carlo techniques. However, the computational burden of this technique prohibits interactive rendering times on standard commodity hardware in high‐quality. Trying to solve the Monte Carlo integration with fewer samples results in characteristic noisy images. Global illumination filtering methods take advantage of the fact that the integral for neighbouring pixels may be very similar. Averaging samples of similar characteristics in screen‐space may approximate the correct integral, but may result in visible outliers. In this paper, we present a novel path tracing pipeline based on an edge‐aware filtering method for the indirect illumination which produces visually more pleasing results without noticeable outliers. The key idea is not to filter the noisy path traced images but to use it as a guidance to filter a second image composed from characteristic scene attributes that do not contain noise by default. We show that our approach better approximates the Monte Carlo integral compared to previous methods. Since the computation is carried out completely in screen‐space it is therefore applicable to fully dynamic scenes, arbitrary lighting and allows for high‐quality path tracing at interactive frame rates on commodity hardware.  相似文献   

Realistic terrain models are required in many applications, especially in computer games. Commonly, procedural models are applied to generate the corresponding models and let users experience a wide variety of new environments. Existing algorithms generate landscapes immediately with view‐dependent resolution and without preprocessing. Unfortunately, landscapes generated by such algorithms lack river networks and therefore appear unnatural. Algorithms that integrate realistic river networks are computationally expensive and cannot be used to generate a locally adaptive high resolution landscape during a fly‐through. In this paper, we propose a novel algorithm to generate realistic river networks. Our procedural algorithm creates complete planets and landscapes with realistic river networks within seconds. It starts with a coarse base geometry of a planet without further preprocessing and user intervention. By exploiting current graphics hardware, the proposed algorithm is able to generate adaptively refined landscape geometry during fly‐throughs.  相似文献   

Recent advances in physically‐based simulations have made it possible to generate realistic animations. However, in the case of solid‐fluid coupling, wetting effects have rarely been noticed despite their visual importance especially in interactions between fluids and granular materials. This paper presents a simple particle‐based method to model the physical mechanism of wetness propagating through granular materials; Fluid particles are absorbed in the spaces between the granular particles and these wetted granular particles then stick together due to liquid bridges that are caused by surface tension and which will subsequently disappear when over‐wetting occurs. Our method can handle these phenomena by introducing a wetness value for each granular particle and by integrating those aspects of behavior that are dependent on wetness into the simulation framework. Using this method, a GPU‐based simulator can achieve highly dynamic animations that include wetting effects in real time.  相似文献   

The morphable model has been employed to efficiently describe 3D face shape and the associated albedo with a reduced set of basis vectors. The spherical harmonics (SH) model provides a compact basis to well approximate the image appearance of a Lambertian object under different illumination conditions. Recently, the SH and morphable models have been integrated for 3D face shape reconstruction. However, the reconstructed 3D shape is either inconsistent with the SH bases or obtained just from landmarks only. In this work, we propose a geometrically consistent algorithm to reconstruct the 3D face shape and the associated albedo from a single face image iteratively by combining the morphable model and the SH model. The reconstructed 3D face geometry can uniquely determine the SH bases, therefore the optimal 3D face model can be obtained by minimizing the error between the input face image and a linear combination of the associated SH bases. In this way, we are able to preserve the consistency between the 3D geometry and the SH model, thus refining the 3D shape reconstruction recursively. Furthermore, we present a novel approach to recover the illumination condition from the estimated weighting vector for the SH bases in a constrained optimization formulation independent of the 3D geometry. Experimental results show the effectiveness and accuracy of the proposed face reconstruction and illumination estimation algorithm under different face poses and multiple‐light‐source illumination conditions.  相似文献   

In the visualization of flow simulation data, feature detectors often tend to result in overly rich response, making some sort of filtering or simplification necessary to convey meaningful images. In this paper we present an approach that builds upon a decomposition of the flow field according to dynamical importance of different scales of motion energy. Focusing on the high‐energy scales leads to a reduction of the flow field while retaining the underlying physical process. The presented method acknowledges the intrinsic structures of the flow according to its energy and therefore allows to focus on the energetically most interesting aspects of the flow. Our analysis shows that this approach can be used for methods based on both local feature extraction and particle integration and we provide a discussion of the error caused by the approximation. Finally, we illustrate the use of the proposed approach for both a local and a global feature detector and in the context of numerical flow simulations.  相似文献   

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