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Twelve cervical tumors showing morphologic evidence of neuroendocrine differentiation and lesional cells larger than those of typical small cell carcinoma are reported in women 21 to 62 (mean 34) years of age. The patients presented with an abnormal Papanicolaou smear or vaginal bleeding. Two tumors were stage Ia2, nine were stage Ib, and one was stage IIa. All patients were treated by radical hysterectomy, and most received adjuvant chemotherapy. Seven of 10 patients with > 1 year of follow-up died of tumor 6 to 24 months after hysterectomy. The tumors had insular, trabecular, glandular, and solid growth patterns and contained medium to large cells with moderate to abundant cytoplasm; eosinophilic cytoplasmic granules were present in nine cases. The tumors were mitotically active, and necrosis was present in 10 of them. Nine of 10 tumors were argyrophilic, and all 12 were immunoreactive for chromogranin. Individual cells containing somatostatin, serotonin, or glucagon were identified in four of eight cases. Adenocarcinoma in situ was present adjacent to the tumor in eight cases; invasive adenocarcinoma of non-neuroendocrine type was present in three of these tumors. Using diagnostic criteria established for pulmonary neuroendocrine tumors, the 12 tumors were classified as large cell neuroendocrine carcinomas. Cervical large cell neuroendocrine carcinomas are distinctive cervical carcinomas that are frequently misdiagnosed and have an unfavorable outcome, similar to that of small cell carcinoma.  相似文献   

Occurrence of primary squamous cell carcinoma of the thymus gland in a 65-year-old man with myasthenia gravis is reported. Histologic and immunohistochemical studies confirmed the diagnosis of a differentiated squamous cell carcinoma. Extensive clinical investigations ruled out another primary site for the tumor. The patient made a full recovery postoperatively. Only three cases of primary squamous cell carcinoma of the thymus gland in association with myasthenia gravis have been reported in the literature.  相似文献   

Merkel cell carcinoma is a neuroendocrine primitive tumor of the skin. We report a case who develops node and visceral metastasis, and dead. The clinical presentation, diagnosis, histology, immunocytochemistry, treatment and prognosis of this tumor will be discussed.  相似文献   

Small cell neuroendocrine carcinomas (SNECs) of the sinonasal tract are extremely uncommon tumors. We reviewed the clinicopathologic features of six cases of this neoplasm. There was no sex preponderance with three females and three males and a mean age at presentation of 51 years (range, 38 to 68). Two patients had disease limited to the nasal cavity, and in four the tumor involved the nasal cavity and maxillary or ethmoid sinuses. Involvement of the orbit was present in two patients. Surgery was the primary treatment. After a mean follow-up of 37 months, one patient died of local disease and liver metastases, four were alive with recurrent or metastatic disease, and one died of unrelated causes. The tumors were composed of sheets, nests, and trabeculae with extensive areas of necrosis and hemorrhage. The individual cells were small to intermediate in size and had scanty cytoplasm. The nuclei were oval or round and hyperchromatic with absent or inconspicuous nucleoli. Nuclear molding and crush artefact were present in five cases. All tumors had a high mitotic rate with frequent abnormal mitotic figures. All cases stained for Cam 5.2, neuron-specific enolase, and chromogranin. Five cases were positive for AE1:AE3, and four for synaptophysin. No case stained for S-100 protein, or neurofilaments. O-13 stained one case. No case contained EBV-RNA. SNECs of the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses are aggressive tumors with pathological features similar to those of anaplastic small cell carcinomas of the lung. They exhibit morphological and immunophenotypic features different from olfactory neuroblastoma and should be distinguished from this tumor.  相似文献   

An attempt to achieve problem-based examining by the structured assessment of presentations is described. Students can choose to participate in the scheme in teams and then elect to use their awarded mark instead of part of the formal examination assessment. The element of choice of the study or examination method is seen as being a valuable element of the scheme. The scheme can be introduced without radical revision of existing curricula or substantial investment of staff time, and meets some of the expressed desires of the UK General Medical Council in terms of the introduction of novel methods of assessment.  相似文献   

A case of small-cell neuroendocrine carcinoma of the uterine cervix associated with squamous cell carcinoma and adenocarcinoma in situ is reported. The tumor consisted mainly of uniform small cells with a population of intermediate cells that resembled carcinoid tumor cells. Foci of micro-invasive squamous cell carcinoma and adenocarcinoma in situ were recognized separately, adjacent to the main tumor. Both Grimelius stain and immunostaining of serotonin were positive for small-cell and intermediate-cell carcinoma. Neurosecretory granules were demonstrated by electron microscopy. Microacini with positive mucin staining and microvilli-like structures suggested glandular or exocrine differentiation of the tumor. Three distinctive types of differentiation, neuroendocrine, exocrine and squamous characteristics, were expressed in the tumor.  相似文献   

This is the first reported case of a laryngocoele developing after laryngeal trauma. A 26-year-old man sustained a shotgun injury to his larynx. A large number of shotgun pellets was removed from his left vestibular fold. He subsequently developed a left-sided laryngocoele, probably due to fibrosis around the neck of the saccule. The laryngocoele was removed by an external approach.  相似文献   

In mice, peritoneal B cells are composed of a unique B-1 cell population which can repopulate the intestinal lamina propria with IgA-producing cells, as well as contribute to the majority of serum IgM. In this study, peritoneal lymphocytes from patients starting continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD) and from women undergoing bilateral tubal ligation (BTL) were analysed for the presence of a B-1 cell population as well as the expression of potential homing receptors. Up to 63% of the peritoneal B cells express surface antigen CD5, and most peritoneal lymphocytes express the mucosal homing receptors, alpha4 beta7 and alphaE beta7. When analysing serial samples collected from patients from the beginning of dialysis to 1 year, no marked changes were observed in serum or salivary immunoglobulin levels, although the peritoneal lymphocyte population was reduced by 50%. These data suggest that the phenotype of human peritoneal B-1 cells is similar to that of mice, but the contributions to the immune system may differ.  相似文献   

FF-6 is a transplantable squamous cell carcinoma which originally arose in the facial skin of a DA rat. It was established after maintaining the tumor in the subcutaneous tissue or peritoneal cavity of DA rats conventionally for over 30 generations. When the soybean-sized original FF-6 tumor was transplanted subcutaneously, it became an oval, hard, whitish, solitary and thumb-head-sized nodule within one month. After intraperitoneal transplantation of FF-6, it formed many nodules ranging from miliary to thumb-head size, which adhered and/or metastasized to many abdominal organs. When FF-6, cut into small pieces, was injected into the lower lip, the tumor grew bigger in situ, and metastasized to regional lymph nodes. Histologically, FF-6 was characterized as a well-differentiated squamous cell carcinoma, showing positive staining with anti-keratin, anti-laminin, anti-collagen type IV, anti-fibronectin and UB-14 antibodies. This transplantable tumor may be useful for analyzing the mechanisms of proliferation and metastasis of squamous cell carcinoma in vivo, and the host defence mechanism in rats, as well as being a suitable model of human squamous cell carcinoma.  相似文献   

A frequency determination of the T cell precursors in murine adult and fetal thymuses as well as in the bone marrow and fetal liver was made. Cells were serially diluted and injected into deoxyguanosine-treated fetal thymus lobes with a microinjector, and the lobes were cultured for 12 to 21 days. The lobes in which T cell development did not occur were discriminated from those in which T cells developed, and the precursor frequency was determined by Poisson probability distribution analysis. The precursor cell frequencies in adult bone marrow cells (2.4 x 10(-5)) and fetal liver cells (1.7 x 10(-4)) were comparable to those determined previously in in vivo intrathymus transfer experiments. The present study further shows that only a small fraction of fetal thymus cells (0.9-5.0 x 10(-2)), CD4-8- adult thymocytes (1.6 x 10(-2)), and Thy-1 low positive adult thymocytes (3.3 x 10-4)) retain the precursor activity.  相似文献   

We report what to our knowledge is the first case in the English-language literature of a primary, pure, undifferentiated large-cell neuroendocrine carcinoma of the urinary bladder. To date, only one case of a large-cell neuroendocrine carcinoma was reported, and it was associated with an adenocarcinoma most likely of urachal origin. On the other hand, slightly more than 100 cases of undifferentiated small-cell carcinoma of the urinary bladder were reported, approximately one-half of which were associated with poorly differentiated transitional-cell carcinoma of the conventional type. The patient in our case was a 73-year-old man with a history of prostatic cancer treated with radiation therapy. He presented with hematuria, leading to the discovery of a solitary tumor on the dorsal wall of the urinary bladder. A diagnosis of large-cell neuroendocrine carcinoma was made, supported by immunohistochemical reactivity for chromogranin, neuron-specific enolase, and synaptophysin; a variety of other hormonal markers of neuroendocrine tumors were negative. The radical cystoprostatectomy and bilateral pelvic lymphadenectomy specimen showed a transmurally invasive tumor, without regional lymph node metastases. The patient died 2 months after surgery, and the autopsy revealed disseminated metastases histologically identical to the urinary bladder neoplasm. Awareness of the occurrence of large-cell neuroendocrine carcinoma of the urinary bladder seems to be important because of the possible aggressive outcome associated with this tumor and because of differential diagnostic considerations, which include malignant lymphoma and metastasis from another primary, especially in tumors occurring in a pure form.  相似文献   

Estrogen blocks early T cell development in the thymus   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
PROBLEM: Pregnancy and estrogen are known to suppress B lymphopoiesis as well as lead to thymic involution in the mouse. Additionally, estrogen deficiency by oophorectomy reportedly causes a selective increase in the B220+ B cells in the murine bone marrow. The purpose of this study was to determine if estrogens played a regulatory role in T cell development. METHODS: The first experimental group consisted of 5-6-week-old Balb/c mice that received subcutaneous pellets of placebo, estriol, estradiol, or progesterone. The thymus glands were examined 2-4 weeks after treatment. The second group consisted of 6-week-old Balb/c mice who underwent either bilateral oophorectomy or a sham procedure. Two weeks after the surgery, extensive phenotypic characterization of the thymus and spleen cells was performed by flow cytometry using monoclonal antibodies to surface markers of T cell subsets. RESULTS: Estrogen treatment causes a dramatic reduction of thymic size and cellularity. All defined T cell subsets of CD4 and CD8 were reduced, with a disproportionate loss of CD4+CD8+ double positive cells. Examination of the triple negative (CD3-CD4-CD8-) subset revealed a striking loss of TN developmental progression of the early precursor cells. Based on the expression of CD44 (pgp-1) and CD25 (IL-2R alpha) markers, the TN thymic compartment was composed almost entirely of the earliest population (CD44+, CD25-), with the remaining maturational stages (CD44+, CD25+; CD44-, CD25+; CD44-, CD25-) depleted. In contrast, all T cell developmental stages in the thymus were found to be in normal proportions in the oophorectomized mice, with no differences in the splenic T and B cell subsets. CONCLUSIONS: The study demonstrates that estrogen but not progesterone blocks T cell development in the thymus. However, contrary to our expectation, estrogen deprivation by oophorectomy does not enhance T cell development.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Neuroendocrine small cell carcinoma of the cervix (NSC) is cytologically identical to its counterparts at other sites, such as the lung, and can be suspected on a cervical cytologic smear. It has to be distinguished from poorly differentiated nonkeratinizing squamous small cell carcinoma, adenocarcinoma with carcinoid features, embryonal neuroblastoma, embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma, stromal sarcoma and non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. CASE: An 18-year-old woman had invasive NSC. Exfoliative cytology of the cervix showed tumor cells, single or in small clusters and files, with darkly staining nuclei. The chromatin pattern was coarse, with small, prominent chromocenters, and the nuclei were often invisible. The cytoplasm was so reduced as to be barely discernible. Mutual molding of adjacent nuclei was frequent. Immunohistochemistry showed positive staining for pancytokeratin and neuron-specific enolase. Flow cytometry showed aneuploidy, with a DNA index of 1.93. CONCLUSION: The cytologic appearance of NSC in a cervical cytologic smear is characteristic. The diagnosis, nevertheless, has to be proven by the identification of neuroendocrine differentiation.  相似文献   

The authors present an account on their first experience with treatment of central serous chorioretinopathy (CSCHR) by beta-blocking agents. In 21 patients with CSCHR Trimepranol (metipranololum) a beta non-selective blocker, 2 x 10 mg/day for two to three months was used. In 30 patients with CSCHR Vasocardin (Metoprololi tartas) was used i.e. a beta-1 selective blocking agent, 2 x 50 mg/day for two to three months. In all patients remission of the disease occurred, on average 4.5 to 4.8 weeks after the onset of treatment. During treatment of CSCHR by beta-blocking agents no significant difference was found in the action of beta selective and non-selective blockers regardless of the duration of the disease before onset of treatment and the number of relapses.  相似文献   

Biochemical and pharmacological characterization of small synaptic vesicle (SSV) membrane proteins and genetic studies of yeast secretion mutants led to the identification of an exocytotic fusion complex. The S?llner-Rothman SNARE hypothesis has led to remarkable progresses in the understanding of the molecular mechanisms of neurotransmitter release, endocrine and exocrine cell secretion.  相似文献   

1. Luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone (LHRH), synthesized in specialized neurons in the hypothalamus, is the prime regulator of reproduction. In its absence, reproductive development is arrested and disorders of LHRH secretion result in several reproductive dysfunctions. 2. The LHRH neuronal network plays a paramount role in the regulatory loop controlling gonadal homeostasis. LHRH input to the pituitary gland maintains gonadotropin secretion, which, in turn, is responsible for gonadal trophism. Steroidal and peptidergic hormones from the gonad close the regulatory system by establishing negative (male and females) and positive (females) feedback loops. 3. Interestingly, LHRH input to the pituitary is intermittent rather than continuous. In fact, continuous exposure to LHRH results in paradoxical hypogonadism. Several studies in animals have provided direct evidence for episodic secretion of LHRH into the hypophyseal portal system. However, the nature of the system(s) responsible for the generation of the LHRH pulsatile profile is not currently known. The recent observation that immortalized LHRH neurons secrete LHRH in a pulsatile manner suggests that the pulse generating mechanism resides within the LHRH neuronal network. 4. In this overview, we compile several lines of evidence supporting this notion and put this characteristic of LHRH neurons in perspective with gonadal influences both internal and external to the LHRH neuronal network. Some recent data regarding the site of action of gonadal steroids on the LHRH neuronal system, the functional significance of galanin colocalization with LHRH, and the role of nitric oxide in the pulse generating mechanism are also discussed.  相似文献   

Neurons and neuroendocrine cells share a variety of common characteristics. Cell and molecular biological studies in recent years have improved our understanding of physiological and pathophysiological processes such as cellular growth, adhesion, and secretion of neuroendocrine cells. Here we review current findings from the area of basic research and from current clinical research relevant to improving the diagnosis and therapy of neuroendocrine tumors of the gastroenteropancreatic system.  相似文献   

We show that automated external defibrillation training of emergency medical technicians (EMTs) is less time consuming than manual defibrillation training, and hypothesize that both improve survival from sudden cardiac death. Data on 91 cardiac arrests over 27 months among five basic life support services was collected before EMT-defibrillation (EMT-D) training. Subsequently, seven BLS services were trained in EMT-D using either manual difibrillation or automated external defibrillation technology, and 55 sudden cardiac death patients were entered after training. Manual defibrillation required 11 more hours per student in initial training. Survival to hospital discharge improved from two of 91 patients (2.2%) in the series before EMT-D training to nine of 55 patients (16.4%) after EMT-D training (P = .001). Improved survival was correlated with shorter prehospital defibrillation times, 8.84 minutes, when EMTs performed defibrillation versus 16.3 minutes before training when EMTs awaited advanced life support defibrillation (P < .001). To enhance equipment familiarity we allowed EMTs to apply three-lead electrode monitors to all medical/cardiac patients during transport (surveillance). There were six emergency medical service-witnessed "surveillance" arrests and three arrests survived to hospital discharge (50% survival). This group represented 33% of all survivors in the series. We recommend automated external defibrillation training for EMTs. Improved survival in sudden cardiac death cases in well-run emergency medical service systems should result from EMT-D training. Finally, we recommend that routine "surveillance" of high-risk patients during transport by defibrillation-capable EMTs be considered in EMT-D programs, rather than limiting EMT-D only to units capable of rapid "man-down" response.  相似文献   

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