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The dispersion characteristics of a class of closed dielectric waveguides are investigated by themethod which combines the building-block approach of multimode network theory with the rigorous modematching procedure.Several numerical examples for difrerent guiding structures have been given by the ap-proach.The same structures are also analyzed with the finite element method and the EDC method forcomparison.The calculations show that the present approach yields as highly accurate results as the finite ele-ment method while almost retaining the simplicity of the EDC method,and justify the utility of the presentmethod.  相似文献   

Based on the polarization current integral equation with the modified Green's Function as ker-nel, the scattering properties of the E-plane. uniform dielectric posts in rectangular waveguide arenumerically analyzed by the moment method. These posts are of arbitrary cross section and post-numberThe calculation accuracy and speed are remarkable improved by segmenting the dielectric region into manysmall rectangular oells and applying local analytic integration. The higher-order modes are considered in cal-culation, improving the computation accuracy and providing the scattering information of all modes excitedas well.  相似文献   

In this paper,the eigenvalue problem of a multilayer dielectric waveguide consisting of arbitrarynumber of layers is solved by the microwave network method.A general program with the function of com-puter graphics has been developed for analyzing the dispersion characteristics and the electromagnetic fielddistributions of an N layer dielectric waveguide.As an example of practical applications,the procedure ofmode conversion and mode separation in dielectric branching waveguides is vividly demonstrated throughanalyzing the field distributions of asymmetric multilayer dielectric structures and the general rules of modeconversion are discussed.  相似文献   

I. Introduction The characteristics of the eigen modes in guid ing-wave structure filled with chiral media (named as chirowaveguide) have been extensively investi gated since 1989[1]. The chirowaveguides exhibit in teresting features in propagation of guided wave such as modal bifurcation and modal coupling effec which make them, be of the potential applications in microwave, millimetre wave and optical-wave engi neering[2]. For example, chirowaveguide can be used as waveguide mode transformer…  相似文献   

A matrix method used in multilayer stack of dielectric films is applied-to planar dielectric optical waveguides. A simple and applicable method for obtaining characteristic equation is presented.  相似文献   

New concepts of reducible independent cutset and reducible independent loop are developedthrough an analysis of the ladder network.A new analytic method,named structural analysis method,is pres-entod.It evaluates the controllability and observability of a network based on its structure rather than onits state equation.Some problems in the conventional network analysis can be solved using this method.Re-sults obtained by this method are in good agreement with those obtained by that of state space analysis,butthis method is much simpler in use.A practical example is given.  相似文献   

Performance analysis of an asynchronous frequency hopping packet radio network and numerical results are given. The network has mixed traffic, one type of packet needs an Acknowledgement(Ack), the other type does not need, the background of such a network is tactical missile systems. A reasonable network model is given, based on which the effect of various parameters under multiaccess interference is investigated. The performance curves of throughput and average packet delay is given in this paper.  相似文献   

The E-plane waveguide branch directional couplers are analyzed by a method which combines the multimode network theory with rigorous mode-matching approach. The electromagnetic field components are expanded by the superposition of LSEx modes rather than TE and TM modes in the mode-matching procedure. Meanwhile, the electromagnetic problem is transferred into the network problem through the mode-matching treatment. It is shown that the present method has the advantages of simplicity and less computation without affecting the accuracy of the calculation.  相似文献   

The dispersion characteristics of a circular dielectric waveguide with periodic metal-lic strips are analyzed by the Galerkin's method.After obtaining the rigorous dispersion equation,the dispersion curves for both TE_(01)and TM_(01)modes are calculated by the improved Newton'smethod.The variations of the normalized center frequency,width and maximum attenuation con-stant of the stopband with the normalized width of the metallic strips are given.The convergenceproperties of numerical solutions are also discussed.On the basis of the analysis,some usefulguidelines for filter design are thereby suggested.  相似文献   

This paper derives the Lindell formula based on the generalized variational principle.For the complex dielectric constant measurement of a small lossy dielectric rod with Rayleigh-Ritz method, an accurate variational analysis is given. The concept of complex frequency isintroduced in general, and the stability of the solution is discussed. Comparing with the resultof perturbation method, it is concluded that the deviation of perturbation algorithm should betaken into consideration.  相似文献   

The equivalent filter modeling of a rectangular dielectric post in a rectangular waveguide is obtained through the variational expression of input impedance. The reflection coefficient expressed in components of network is in good agreement with the results given by K. Siakavara, et al. (1991), The method can be applied to design filter.  相似文献   

The matrix D describing relations of the loops to the nodes in the graph and also the setsof branches based on the independent loops and their matrix Q are defined.The theorem in whichthe product of the loop-node matrix D multiplied by the incidence matrix A_a is equal to matrix Qis put forward and proved.The admittance matrix Y_(lc) of the sets of the branches is defined and it isassumed that the vector V_(lc) of voltage of the sets of branches to be a calculative quantity.The equa-tion of the sets of branches is derived and the analysis method of the sets of branches based on theindependent loops in the electric network is presented.  相似文献   

In this paper,the formula given by S.Roberts and A.Von Hippel (1946) has been extended.We make a program for calculating the phase transmission constant of the tested material which is put into thewavegoide and for obtaining the multi-value solutions.Tbe method for,determining ε_r and tanδ of a testedmaterial does not need special equipments,but it can meet the accuracy requirement for testing ordinarymaterials.  相似文献   

This paper introduces the concept of the primary subgraph of a composite graph associated with alinear active network,and presents a new and efficient topological method,called the primary subgraphmethod,for linear active network analysis.This method is an improvement and unification of the completetree method and directed tree method.It thoroughly solves the sign evaluation problem and cancellationterm problem.  相似文献   

The complex parameters of dielectric slabs can be reconstructed according to thescattered field data if the slabs are illuminated by a harmonic electromagnetic wave and thescattered field is measured.This paper describes a method for reconstruction of the parametersof single or double inhomogeneous lossy dielectric slabs.The numerical results are demonstrated.  相似文献   

The concepts of complementary cofactor pairs, normal double-graphs and feasible torn vertex seta are introduced. By using them a decomposition theorem for first-order cofactor C(Y) is derived. Combining it with the modified double-graph method, a new decomposition analysis-modified double-graph decomposition analysis is presented for finding symbolic network functions. Its advantages are that the resultant symbolic expressions are compact and contain no cancellation terms, and its sign evaluation is very simple.  相似文献   

In this paper,the wave impedance of the dielectric image line as a function of geometrydimensions and frequency is analysed.Both necessity and possibility of matching impedance is studied.An optimal matching element is put forward.The bandwidth with VSWR≤1.10 can reach 10.5 GHz.  相似文献   

By way of employing a multimode method together with the multimode transmission matrixtechnique based on the theory of planar circuits, the paper presents computer-aided design and optimized de-sign of bandpass fllters with dielectric resonators, and their sample was tested. The experimental result ofthe sample shows a reasonable agreement with the designed one.  相似文献   

Some new experimental results of optically controlled dielectric resonator oscillators (DROs) are presented. A very stable X-band DRO was found to be optically tunable up to 17.5 MHz with modulation rate of 1.17 MHz/mW with red light illumination. And an even higher modulation rate of 2.24 MHz/mW with illumination of violet light was obtained. Instead of a drop in optically controlled DRO output power, a little rise of output power was achieved.  相似文献   

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