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Background and Aims: The evolution of seed tannins in three grape varieties grown in the same vineyard was followed from preveraison to harvest, to determine their pattern of accumulation. Also, to elucidate whether the use of 70% acetone as extracting solvent overestimate what will occur during fermentation, seed tannins were extracted throughout the ripening period with a method that involved a 3 days extraction with aqueous 12.5% ethanol and the results compared with the acetone extraction method. Methods and Results: For both methods, the extracted tannins were analysed following acid‐catalysis in the presence of excess of phloroglucinol. Seed tannins reached a maximum around veraison and decreased towards maturity, the mean degree of polymerization (mDP) varying only slightly during the studied period. When tannins were extracted with 12.5% ethanol, their concentration was much higher during the first part of the maturation than using acetone but was significantly lower at harvest. Conclusions: The decrease in extractable seed tannins during ripening was observed with both solvents. The differences observed in the concentration of tannins with both solvents could be due to the histochemical changes occurring in seeds during maturation. Significance of the Study: The differences observed in tannin concentration with the two different methods may indicate that when pulp maturity is reached before seeds are ripe, the fermenting solution will extract more tannins than the acetone method. These results point to the importance of extraction methodology when monitoring seed maturity for the prediction of seed tannins in wine.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The present article reports the anthocyanin content in the berry skin and wine of the Italian red grape cultivar Aglianico (clone VCR11 grafted onto 1103 Paulsen), one of the most ancient vines and famous for its deep‐red colour. Anthocyanins were extracted from frozen berry skin in an acidified methanol solution. The extraction mixtures, monitored for 120 h, were analysed by high‐performance liquid chromatography. RESULTS: The extraction from berry skin of delphinidin, petunidin and malvidin appeared to be a time‐independent process, whereas the concentration of peonidin increased linearly with time. Peonidin‐O‐acetyl‐glucoside was transferred from skin more slowly than petunidin‐O‐acetyl‐glucoside and malvidin‐O‐acetyl‐glucoside. The anthocyanin composition of the resulting wine showed that the total anthocyanin content was about one‐tenth of the corresponding berry skin content. The ratio acetyl/coumaroyl anthocyanins in the wine was sharply higher than the value in berry skin (0.85 and 0.10, respectively), indicating an enrichment of acetyl derivatives in the wine. CONCLUSION: Levels of single anthocyanins in wine were not always correlated with those detected in grapes, as they were affected by winemaking. The high values of some anthocyanins in Aglianico wine could ameliorate its quality, increasing the chromatic properties, aging stability and product acceptance. Copyright © 2011 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

Background and Aims: Changes in different polyphenol families during grape ripening and vinification were determined in Tannat grapes. This was done to establish a polyphenol profile for Tannat grapes during ripening and for young wines. Methods and Results: We demonstrated, by high‐performance liquid chromatography with diode array detection and mass spectrometry (HPLC‐DAD‐MS) analysis, that the content of flavan‐3‐ols in Tannat seeds was higher than that reported for a large number of other grape varieties analysed. Forty per cent of the total flavan‐3‐ols in seeds were galloylated compounds, whereas the flavan‐3‐ol profile in skins was characterised by the absence of galloylated forms. Prodelphinidins in skins ranged between 30 and 35% with very low values for epigallocatechin. Epicatechin gallate was not detected in Tannat wine and galloylated forms represented a low percentage of total flavan‐3‐ols. Tannat grapes had very high concentrations of anthocyanins in skins with levels increasing during ripening. Eleven phenolic acids were identified in Tannat grape skins and wines, but only gallic and protocatechuic acids were found in the seeds. Conclusions: Tannat wines were shown to have one of the highest levels of phenolic compounds reported for vinifera grape varieties. The profiles for different polyphenol families present in Tannat grapes (skins and seeds) and wines were determined. Significance of the Study: The results presented will help to better understand the phenolic winemaking potential of this variety and its functional properties within food chemistry.  相似文献   

Background and Aims: The aim of the study was to investigate anthocyanin composition and accumulation in grape berries in response to the partial rootzone drying (PRD) irrigation technique.
Method and Results: The experiment was on Vitis vinifera cv. Cabernet Sauvignon, wherein PRD had a 40% water deficit relative to the control treatment. PRD decreased berry weight compared with the control, but did not influence total anthocyanin concentration. A significant increase in glucosides of delphinidin, cyanidin, petunidin and peonidin was found in response to PRD from the onset of anthocyanin accumulation (veraison), while malvidin-glucosides were unaffected by the irrigation treatment. The PRD treatment did not cause changes in the proportions of acetyl-, 3- p -coumaroyl- and monoglucoside anthocyanins. Wines produced from the treatments showed no difference in total monomeric anthocyanin, but relative increases (15%) in wine colour density, total tannin and polymeric pigment occurred in response to the PRD treatment. The anthocyanin composition of the wines reflected the response shown in the grapes, where the relative contribution of non-malvidin anthocyanins to total anthocyanins was significantly increased in wines from the PRD treatment.
Conclusions: The differences in anthocyanin composition observed in response to PRD could not be accounted for by changes in bunch microclimate, and most likely reflect differences in the methylation step of anthocyanin synthesis.
Significance of the Study: The observed changes in anthocyanin composition under the PRD irrigation system have not been previously reported in response to water deficit, and may reflect a unique response to within-vine signalling induced by PRD.  相似文献   

Background and Aims: This study investigated flavonoid composition and C13-norisoprenoids (β-damascenone and β-ionone) in Shiraz grapes and wines, their relationships and links to wine sensory properties. Methods and Results: Differences in the grape berry flavonoid profile were created by exposing bunches to varying levels of sunlight intensity through canopy manipulation. Grapes were harvested at similar maturity and three replicate wines were made for each treatment in both vintages. Grapes produced under shaded canopy conditions had reduced anthocyanins and skin tannins, but little effect on seed tannins was observed. Pigmented polymers and tannins in wines were related to berry flavonoid composition (anthocyanins, skin and seed tannins, and their ratios). In grapes and wines, no significant effects were observed in response to canopy manipulation for two hydrolytically released C13-norisoprenoids, β-damascenone and β-ionone. Relationships were established for wine flavonoid composition, wine colour density, sensory perception of the astringency-related mouth-feel attributes and a quality scale. A positive relationship between wine quality score and hydrolytically released β-damascenone in both berries and wines was found, but not for free β-damascenone or any quantified forms of β-ionone. Conclusion: Higher concentrations of anthocyanins and skin tannins in berries, coupled with a lower concentration of seed tannins were associated with higher wine quality. The ratio anthocyanins*skin tannins/seed tannins is proposed as an indicator of wine flavonoid composition, wine colour and wine quality. Excessive canopy shade was detrimental to berry and wine composition and intensified sensory detection of ‘straw’ and ‘herbaceous’ characters in the wines. Significance of the Study: This study increases the understanding of the balance and composition of flavonoid compounds and C13-norisoprenoids in berries and their relationship with wine composition and wine sensory properties, but also highlights the importance of a canopy microclimate assessment.  相似文献   

Studies on the effect of light exposure on specific phenolic compounds of berries from Shiraz vines grown in a hot climate are reported. Berries that had developed on bunches receiving high levels of ambient light generally had the highest relative levels of quercetin-3-glucoside and a lower proportion of their malvidin anthocyanins as the coumarate derivative, compared to berries that had developed on bunches in shaded canopy conditions. The response of total anthocyanin levels to treatment conditions was variable and depended on the degree of bunch shading and the resultant berry temperature. It appears that a high degree of bunch exposure in hot climates is not conducive to optimal anthocyanin accumulation in berries. The interactive effects of light and temperature on berry phenolic content and concentration are discussed.  相似文献   

避雨栽培对蛇龙珠果实及葡萄酒质量影响研究初报   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
研究避雨栽培对酿酒葡萄果实采收期、果实品质和葡萄酒质量的影响,为酿酒葡萄避雨栽培技术的实施提供理论依据.以蛇龙珠(Vitis vinifera L cv.Cabernet Gernischt)为材料,采用简单避雨方式和露地栽培(对照),在果实转色期后监测果实糖酸变化,并测定成熟果实还原糖、总酸、花色素、总酚和单宁等指标;采用小容器酿造工艺酿制蛇龙珠干红葡萄酒,测定葡萄酒的颜色、花色素、总酚和单宁等指标.结果表明:(1)避雨栽培推迟了蛇龙珠果实的成熟期;(2)避雨栽培对蛇龙珠果实花色素、葡萄果皮中单宁含量影响极显著,对其他指标没有显著影响;(3)避雨栽培对蛇龙珠干红葡萄酒花色素含量及颜色影响极显著,对总酚和单宁含量无显著影响.  相似文献   

Polyphenols extracted from the seeds of Vitis vinifera L. cv. Shiraz berries were monitored during berry development. Initially seeds were green, plump and had pliable seed coats, but beginning at veraison the seeds browned in colour, became desiccated and the seed coats hardened. Isolated polyphenols consisted of flavan-3-of monomers ((+)-catechin, (-)-epicatechin and (-)-epicatechin-3-O-gallate) and procyanidins. The procyanidins were maximal in the 3 weeks prior to veraison, increasing little during this period. The amounts of flavan-3-ol monomers increased 5-fold during this same period of time, indicating that the procyanidins and the flavan-3-ol monomers accumulate at different stages. Beginning at veraison, amounts of all polyphenols declined and changed in composition. The decrease in amount followed second-order kinetics. Polyphenol changes after veraison could be explained by oxidation and therefore, electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy was used to follow the potential development of radical species in the developing seeds. Spectra consistent with a phenoxyl radical were observed in the developing seeds. The concentration of radicals remained low until veraison but then increased, reaching a maximum three weeks later, declining slowly thereafter. Changes in radical intensity together with other documented changes in the seed are consistent with an oxidative event occurring during fruit ripening.  相似文献   

A new method for quantitative evaluation of the microbial load of cork and cork stoppers, coded CORA (Cork Activity Assay) is described. It is based on measurement by gas chromatography of dimethylsulfide (DMS) evolving from the reduction of dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) by microbial activity. The method is accurate, gives results within 48 h and can be automated. Test results for various types of cork, sampled before, during and after the manufacturing process of bottle closures, are provided. The use of CORA as a tool for the development of better production processes to limit cork infection by micro-organisms and for advanced microbiological quality control is discussed.  相似文献   

Anatomical studies on the movement of a xylem tracer dye were combined with functional studies on changes in grape berry volume during final stages of berry ripening to gauge xylem effectiveness. Movement of a xylem tracer dye into pre-veraison fruit was compared with movement into post-veraison fruit by feeding a solution of acid fuchsin to excised shoots with bunches still attached, and then sectioning fruit for photo-microscopy. Those comparisons confirmed published studies showing an apparent blockage to dye movement along major vessels within the brush tissue of post-veraison fruit. However, our functional approach yielded a different impression of vascular activity. A continuation of xylem transport in ripening fruit was inferred from comparisons of berry volume where pedicels were either girdled (phloem interrupted, but xylem intact) or excised (both phloem and xylem interrupted). Volume changes in manipulated berries were compared with immediately adjacent intact control berries within the same bunch. Control fruit lost volume subsequent to 78 days after flowering (DAF) while manipulated fruit lost volume from the first day of treatment at 67 DAF. By harvest time at 95 DAF, both control fruit and girdled fruit had fallen to 91% and excised fruit to 46% of maximum volumes recorded around 78 DAF. Berry volume loss in girdled fruit was further enhanced by deficit irrigation. We conclude that xylem flow into those Shiraz berries must have continued beyond veraison despite dye evidence of a vessel blockage within the brush region of analogous post-veraison fruit.  相似文献   

Background and Aims: Commercial winemakers observed differences in wine sensory properties among wines produced from vines of three different pruning treatments in a single vineyard. To clarify the relationships between berries and wine quality, this study examined berry size and berry composition and the quality rating for wines produced from the pruning treatments. Methods and Results: The study was conducted over three seasons. Berries from Machine‐, Cane‐ and Spur‐pruned vines were sampled at commercial harvest for analysis of berry size and berry phenolic composition. Wines made from each treatment were assessed for quality by a panel of winemakers. Machine berries were lighter and had higher concentrations of anthocyanins, tannins and total phenolics than Cane or Spur. Machine wines had the lowest quality scores. Comparing vintages, berries from 2004 were lighter, but did not always differ in phenolic composition to other vintages, and wines from 2004 had lower quality scores than the other vintages. Vintage effects were generally stronger than pruning effects. Conclusions: In this study, high berry anthocyanins, total phenolics and tannin concentration measures were not good indicators of wine quality scores. Changes in vineyard treatments and, in particular, vintage influences, produce incremental, but potentially important, changes to berry size and composition and to wine quality. Significance of the Study: This study is unique in its focus on the commercial reality of producing wines to a specific style and quality, while bringing scientific rigour to investigating the relationships between berries and wine quality in this vineyard over a number of vintages.  相似文献   

吡效隆和赤霉素对红双味葡萄果实膨大及品质的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
以四川地区栽培的红双味葡萄为试材,在盛花期进行一次处理,研究不同浓度毗效隆(CPPU)和赤霉素(GA3)对其果实膨大和品质的影响.结果表明:经药剂处理后红双味葡萄果拉大小和品质都发生了一定程度的变化,各处理都能使其果粒得到显著膨大.从综合性状来看,红双味葡萄药剂处理的最佳浓度为CPPU l0mg/L + GA3 100m/L.  相似文献   

为研究赤霞珠葡萄果实发育过程中不同组织(果皮、果肉和种子)内源激素的含量变化及其与果实成熟的关系,用高效液相色谱-质谱联用技术测定果实发育过程中果皮、果肉以及种子中脱落酸(abscisic acid,ABA)、生长素(indole acetic acid,IAA)、赤霉素(gibberellin A_3,GA_3)、茉莉酸(jasmonic acid,JA)和水杨酸(salicylic acid,SA)的含量。结果发现,在葡萄果实生长发育过程中,葡萄果皮和果皮中ABA含量呈双S型变化,花后20 d左右,ABA含量较高,随着果实膨大开始下降,随后开始上升,至转色中期达到最大值,随着果实的成熟缓慢下降;果皮、果肉和种子中GA_3含量均是从果实膨大期开始上升,膨大后期下降,随后在转色初期又开始上升,随后下降;JA含量的变化与GA_3类似;果皮和果肉中IAA含量首先略微下降,在果实快速生长期迅速上升,并达到峰值,随着果实进入转色期,含量逐渐下降并保持稳定,果实膨大期之前,种子中IAA含量较高,随着果实膨大降低,并维持在较低水平,SA含量的变化与IAA类似。结论:ABA、GA_3、JA含量与赤霞珠果实成熟有关,IAA、GA_3、SA、JA含量与赤霞珠果实生长有关。  相似文献   

Extractability in various solvents of grape skin proteins from cv Palomino, the most abundant and characteristic grape in the sherry zone, was studied. The greatest extractability was obtained in NaOH solutions. Amino acid analysis of the various protein extracts showed that the most abundant amino acid was glutamic acid and the limiting ones were tryptophan and the sulphur-containing amino acids, methionine and cystine.  相似文献   

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