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《Trends in Food Science & Technology》2000,11(11):410-418
The transfer of contamination through the airborne route is significant in the assembly area of high-care food factories preparing products such as sandwiches, prepared salads and chilled meals. This paper describes equipment designs that have been proposed to restrict such contamination and maintain low air temperatures around the food whilst allowing higher factory temperatures. Designs based on uni-directional flows, open troughs, semi-closed and closed tunnels are described. The uni-directional flow systems have been applied successfully in the chilled food industry although they require higher air flows than the other systems. Troughs offer good maintenance of temperature and low airborne counts around the food. Tunnels are more expensive and there are concerns about clean-ability of the equipment and, with the closed tunnels based on glove-box technology, potential problems of operator comfort. 相似文献
1991年,以美国里海(Leigh)大学的Dr.Roger和Dr.Rick Dove为首的百余名专家在美国国防部及13家著名企业的支持下,向国会提交了《21世纪制造企业战略》的报告,在报告中首次提出了“敏捷制造”的概念。敏捷制造的基本思想是围绕着新产品或新经营机遇的产品过程,通过建立动态联盟(VO-Virtual Organization)来进行产品的经营、开发、生产和销售。动态联盟(VO)是敏捷制造的核心组成部分。动态联盟一经提出,就引起了全球的密切关注,被认为是21世纪的企业组织模式。美国、日… 相似文献
前脂质体技术在食品原料包埋的应用 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Jean Pierre Arnaud 《中国食品工业》1997,(12):36-37
<正> 长期以来,脂质体大都应用于化妆品和医药领域中,直至近年才在农业和食品工业上,显示出巨大的应用潜力。借助于前脂质体技术(Pro-Liposome Approach)的应用,生产商可以采用脂质体包埋许多不同种类的化合物,如酶、香精、矿物质和维生素等,有助提高产率和产品的质量。 前脂质体技术包埋原理 前脂质体技术的开发,为脂质体的形 相似文献
Mourad Ben Othmane Michel Havet Evelyne GehinCamille Solliec George Arroyo 《Journal of food engineering》2011,105(3):400-407
The quality of air within factory buildings is controlled by many food manufacturers. Ventilation system hygiene must be regularly cleaning to prevent the build up of dust, product or condensate that may provide a focus for microbial growth. In the present study we predict the particle deposition velocity in ventilation ducts of three different food factories. At these locations, during several days, aerosol particle number and mass size distribution were measured using optical particle counter and cascade impactor, respectively. The concentration of particulate matter of aerodynamic diameters in the size range 0.3-20 μm varied from 0.2 to 1.7 μg m−3. The measured mass concentration and the predicted particle deposition velocity were used to calculate the deposited particle mass flux (DMF) in the ventilation ducts of each site.The results indicate that the DMF at the floor is about 2-20 times larger than that at vertical walls. Thus, the deposited particle mass on the floor is sufficient to check whether a ventilation duct should be cleaned. According to the chosen cleaning initiation criteria for ducts, ventilation systems would take approximately 1-9 years to meet the cleaning time. So, cleaning procedures and maintenance intervals are strongly influenced by several parameters, such as flow conditions, particle concentration, characteristics of the ventilation duct and the filter efficiency. The modeling approach combined with mass concentration measurements enables the analysis and the quantification of the influence of these parameters. 相似文献
P. W. GOODENOUGH 《International Journal of Food Science & Technology》1995,30(2):119-139
In this review I briefly indicate how the present state of knowledge allows proteins to be mutated to increase or decrease stability. I discuss experiments on both model proteins and those of relevance to the food industry and show how hydrophobic forces are a major driving force for folding as well as having a major role in thermostability. I also indicate the large contribution that hydrogen bonding, electrostatic interactions and, in a less well predicted way, disulphide bridges make to thermostability. 相似文献
<正> 目前,我国会展业的年产值约为40亿元人民币,占国民生产总值8.9万亿元人民币的0.044%,仅为发达国家的20%左右。入世后,随着国内生产总值的不断增长以及服务贸易的不断发展,我国会展业的发展空间十分巨大。市场大潮把会展业托出了水面,而会展业又为国际经济的发展提供了大展身手的舞台。 本文就外商眼中的中国展会这一课题,在不同场所对部分外商进行了专访。 相似文献
R. Ward R. Crevel I. Bell N. Khandke C. Ramsay S. Paine 《Trends in Food Science & Technology》2010,21(12):619-625
Allergenic foods have become recognised as a food safety hazard over the last two decades. Over the same period, knowledge about the biology and clinical characteristics of food allergy has grown, together with information that can be used to assess the risk more accurately. While current practices in allergen management have increased the safety of food products to allergic consumers, the standards applied by different manufacturers remain divergent in the absence of agreed approaches to risk assessment. This has been reflected in a considerable expansion of precautionary labelling and a concomitant reduction in consumers’ trust, resulting in risk-taking. To address these issues, this paper advocates a risk management approach based on a common agreed set of principles, leading to consistent and well-understood management action levels across the food industry. The approach also recognises that minimising the risk from allergenic foods is a shared responsibility of all the stakeholders involved. Action levels, by permitting a consistent use of precautionary labelling and clear communication of the allergen status of a food, will play a crucial role in ensuring that risks from allergenic foods are reduced as far as possible. 相似文献
P. J. Cullen A. P. Duffy C. P. O'Donnell D. J. O'Callaghan 《Trends in Food Science & Technology》2000,11(12):451-457
Real-time monitoring and control of food processing applications have grown significantly over the past decade. Food processors are increasingly demanding automated and real-time techniques, which are capable of withstanding the process environment coupled with meeting sanitary requirements. As a result new process monitoring techniques are emerging and traditional techniques are being modified to meet these demands. Commercial instrument designs are reviewed specifically for the food industry with a focus on their advantages and limitations combined with novel modifications developed to overcome such limitations. Emerging technology, which has potential within the food industry, is also discussed. 相似文献
Solutions of sorbic acid are unstable in the presence of sulphur dioxide and light. At pH 2·1 in the presence of excess sulphur dioxide, sorbic acid was totally degraded in 8 days. Sorbic acid was also unstable in solutions of dilute sulphuric acid. Two volatile products from the degradation in sulphur dioxide solution and in dilute sulphuric acid were identified as α-angelica lactone and 2-methyl-5-acetylfuran. 相似文献
食品工业“十五”期间主要目标和发展重点 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
<正> 按照我国“十五”国民经济发展总体规划目标要求,根据食品消费市场的预测,中国食品工业协会对“十五”期间食品工业的发展提出了以下的主要目标建议: 相似文献
<正> 食品工业是我国国民经济的支柱产业,2001年总产值达到9,000多亿人民币,发展速度领先国民经济的平均增长速度。但近年来却有一个大问题,使得上至中央领导,下至黎民百姓都为之担忧,这就是食品安全。 相似文献
法国在人们的心目中是个浪漫、充满诗意的国家,迷幻梦影般的时装,别具古风的建设,神秘而又令人沉迷的香水,想起就食指大动的法式大餐,更有那千变万化、在浓郁中释放着醇香的葡萄美酒。但是,除了这些点滴印象,我们真正对现在法国的情况了解多少?法国的食品工业是怎样的?有什么先进、独到之处?相信很多人都不能说出个所以然。为此,本刊记者采访了法国驻我国大使毛磊(Pierre MOREL)先生,请他为我们揭开法国的“神秘面纱”。 相似文献
我国食品工业的集成创新策略 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
集 成 创 新 是 各 种 创 新 、创 业 资 源 的 创 造 性 融 合 过 程 ,已 成 为 科 学 研 究 、技 术 开 发 、经 营 管 理 、生 产 销 售 、宏 观 调 控 等 方 面 实 施 创 新 的 主 要 模 式 。 本 文 在 剖 析 了 集 成 创 新 框 架 下 国 际 产 业 发 展 新 特 点 和 我 国 食 品 工 业 发 展 现 状 的 基 础 上 ,从 宏 观 调 控 、产 业 发 展 、科 学 研 究 三 个 层 面 初 步 提 出 了 我 国 食 品 工 业 集 成 创 新 的 发 展 策 略 。 相似文献