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The effects of storage intervals and of milling procedures on dissipation of deltamethrin residues in post-harvest treated wheat grain were studied with the aim to obtain scientific data on compliance of the processed products with the safety requirements concerning baby foods. The insecticide formulation was applied on stored wheat at a recommended rate of active ingredient of 0.5 mg kg-1 and at a higher rate of 4 mg kg-1, performing the highest protective effect. The dissipation of residues and their distribution in different fractions of the milled grain were studied after various storage intervals, from 7 to 270 days after treatment. Eight fractions—bran, semolina, three types of groats, and three types of flour—were collected after milling of grain and analysed for determination of pesticide residues. The residues were determined by gas chromatography characterized by the limit of determination of 0.005 mg kg-1, low enough for enforcement of the maximum residue level of 0.01 mg kg-1 established by the European Commission Directive for any pesticide in cereal-based foods. Deltamethrin applied post-harvest on wheat as grain protectant was distinguished by low rate of degradation on the grain under practical storage conditions. One hundred and eighty days after treatment at an application rate of 0.5 mg kg-1, the residues were between 0.03 and 0.2 mg kg-1 in the various types of flour. Two hundred and seventy days after treatment at a rate of 4 mg kg-1, the residues in the flour were in the range of 0.4-1.5 mg kg-1.  相似文献   

Peaches containing added residues of chlorpyrifos-methyl, fenitrothion, procymidone and vinclozolin were used for simulated industrial processing in the manufacture of baby food puree. Residues were determined in raw material, in intermediate products at crucial steps of the processing procedure and in final products. Determination of residues was performed by an analytical method, distinguished by high sensitivity, based on acetone extraction, a two-step clean-up/pre-concentration on graphitized carbon and SAX/PSA sorbent, and GC-ECD. The results of the study were interpreted with respect to enforcement of the stringent Maximum Residue Limit (MRL) of 0.01 mg kg-1 established by the European Commission (EC) for any pesticide in baby food. Peeling was identified as the most effective procedure in reducing residues. Thermal treatment (concentration and sterilisation) substantially reduced organophosphate (chlorpyrifos-methyl, fenitrothion) residues, whereas procymidone and vinclozolin residue levels were increased in peach puree.  相似文献   

Apples represent the main component of most fruit-based baby food products. Since not only fruit from organic farming, but also conventionally grown fruit is used for baby food production, the occurrence of pesticide residues in the final product is of high concern. To learn more about the fate of these hazardous compounds during processing of contaminated raw material, apples containing altogether 21 pesticide residues were used for preparation of a baby food purée both in the household and at industrial scale (in the baby food production facility). Within both studies, pesticide residues were determined in raw apples as well as in final products. Intermediate product and by-product were also analysed during the industrial process. Determination of residues was performed by a sensitive multi-detection analytical method based on liquid or gas chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry. The household procedure involved mainly the cooking of unpeeled apples, and the decrease of residues was not extensive enough for most of the studied pesticides; only residues of captan, dithianon and thiram dropped significantly (processing factors less than 0.04). On the other hand, changes in pesticide levels were substantial for all tested pesticides during apple processing in the industrial baby food production facility. The most important operation affecting the reduction of residues was removal of the by-products after pulping (rest of the peel, stem, pips etc.), while subsequent sterilisation has an insignificant effect. Also in this case, captan, dithianon and thiram were identified as pesticides with the most evident decrease of residues.  相似文献   

目的建立固相萃取-气相色谱法测定小麦籽粒中吡氟酰草胺、氟噻草胺和呋草酮3种农药的残留量。方法粉碎的小麦籽粒样品经丙酮浸泡提取,蒸出丙酮后用二氯甲烷萃取并浓缩,用石油醚置换二氯甲烷后,经Florisil-SPE小柱净化,采用气相色谱仪HP-5(30 m×0.25 mm×0.25μm)色谱柱分离,电子捕获检测器检测,以外标法定量。结果吡氟酰草胺、氟噻草胺和呋草酮3种农药可有效分离,线性范围分别为0.025~1.0、0.005~0.2和0.05~2.0μg/mL,标准曲线方程分别为Y=22319X+79.149,Y=56242X-26.653和Y=3285.1X-11.295,相关系数均大于0.999。最低检出浓度分别为0.01、0.005、0.02 mg/kg,平均回收率为77.0%~106.3%,相对标准偏差2.3%~10.6%。结论该方法简便、快速、准确、重现性好,能够在同时检测吡氟酰草胺、氟噻草胺和呋草酮3种除草剂成分。  相似文献   

蒸汽爆破技术是一种安全高效的纤维预处理技术,主要应用于木质纤维素原料的预处理。近年来作为一种新兴的麸皮预处理技术在全谷物加工领域得到关注,该技术对谷物膳食纤维改性和功能性成分提取取得显著的进展。本文综述了蒸汽爆破技术的工作原理以及在全谷物加工当中的研究进展,重点介绍其在降低麸皮的颗粒度、增加膳食纤维的溶解性、提高酚酸和游离氨基酸含量、钝化内源酶等方面的影响,以及蒸汽爆破后麸皮的微观结构和分子结构的变化,进一步分析了其在全谷物食品加工领域的应用前景,并对其在全谷物领域中的发展进行总结和展望。  相似文献   

农药残留对我国食品安全的影响及相应对策   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
中国加入WTO以后,面对国际市场上众多的“绿色壁垒”,我国的农产品出口因农药残留问题而遭受了巨大损失,在国内也引发了严重的食品安全问题。从人们对食品安全的认识出发,论述了我国由农药残留超标引发的食品安全危机,系统分析了食品中农药残留超标的主要原因,最后,有针对性地提出确保食品安全的对策。  相似文献   

啤酒糟是啤酒酿造的最主要副产物,含有丰富的蛋白质和非淀粉多糖.随着啤酒原料中小麦芽使用量的增加(≥40%),啤酒糟中膳食纤维和蛋白质的含量明显增加.目前啤酒糟主要用作饲料或工业原料出售,但在食品加工中的应用研究较少.本文通过概述啤酒糟的营养、加工处理方法及其在国内外食品加工领域中的研究利用情况,为高蛋白膳食纤维啤酒糟食品的进一步开发提供了参考.  相似文献   

Furan is generally produced during thermal processing of various foods including baked, fried, and roasted food items such as cereal products, coffee, canned, and jarred prepared foods as well as in baby foods. Furan is a toxic and carcinogenic compound to humans and may be a vital hazard to infants and babies. Furan could be formed in foods through thermal degradation of carbohydrates, dissociation of amino acids, and oxidation of polyunsaturated fatty acids. The detection of furan in food products is difficult due to its high volatility and low molecular weight. Headspace solid-phase microextraction coupled with gas chromatography/mass spectrometer (GC/MS) is generally used for analysis of furan in food samples. The risk assessment of furan can be characterized using margin of exposure approach (MOE). Conventional strategies including cooking in open vessels, reheating of commercially processed foods with stirring, and physical removal using vacuum treatment have remained unsuccessful for the removal of furan due to the complex production mechanisms and possible precursors of furan. The innovative food-processing technologies such as high-pressure processing (HPP), high-pressure thermal sterilization (HPTS), and Ohmic heating have been adapted for the reduction of furan levels in baby foods. But in recent years, only HPP has gained interest due to successful reduction of furan because of its nonthermal mechanism. HPP-treated baby food products are commercially available from different food companies. This review summarizes the mechanism involved in the formation of furan in foods, its toxicity, and identification in infant foods and presents a solution for limiting its formation, occurrence, and retention using novel strategies.  相似文献   

热管低温储粮技术对小麦品质的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为研究热管低温储粮技术在储粮方面的实际应用效果,设计建造了基于热管原理的低温储粮仓,研究了储藏过程中粮食温度、水分减量、电导率值、过氧化氢酶活动度、脂肪酸值的变化情况;结果发现:在一年(2012年9月到2013年9月)的试验周期内,试验仓粮食降温速度和低温时间明显高于对照仓,在小麦品质方面:试验仓水分、过氧化氢酶活动度分别下降了0.12%、14 mg H2O2/g,比对照仓低0.11%、39.13%;脂肪酸值和电导率值分别增加7.65 mg KOH/100 g、5.1μS/cm,比对照仓低42.48%、45.16%,证明该低温储粮技术蓄冷效果明显,同时具有降低粮食水分减量、抑制脂肪酸值升高、保持籽粒活性,防止粮食劣变陈化的效果,为该储粮技术的大规模应用和推广提供理论参考。  相似文献   

原粮的品质对于粮食加工企业生产出高质量的产品至关重要,在调研收集资料、归纳分析和关键技术环节实验验证的基础上总结出我国粮食加工企业在原粮接收、清理、烘干和储存中的几种不同节能模式——南方稻谷加工企业节能烘干收储模式、中原小麦加工企业分布式多渠道收储模式和北方玉米加工企业通风降温就仓干燥收储模式,并进行了分析.这几种技术...  相似文献   

食品安全关系国泰民生,党和国家高度重视食品安全。食品抽检工作逐渐突显为食品安全监管的重要手段之一。正确的食品分类是抽检工作准确的基础、先决条件。然而在实际工作中发现不同法规标准中的食品分类不同,给食品抽检工作甚至是监管工作都带来一定的挑战和困难。为进一步规范粮食加工品的食品分类,提高市场监管部门开展的食品安全抽检工作的质量,助推食品安全抽检工作高质量发展,本文梳理粮食加工品的相关法规标准、总结近年来参与食品抽检工作的经验,对粮食加工品的抽检工作中食品四级分类以及判定注意事项进行比较说明,旨在能够成为市场监管体系下食品安全抽检工作的技术指导。  相似文献   

The combining and quantifying effects of food processing on pesticide residues in fruits were analysed by a meta-analysis approach. Data were collected from many publications and used to calculate response ratios, confidence intervals and intra-assay coefficients of variation. The response ratios for washing by tap water, boiling and sun drying were 0.59, 0.71 and 0.65, respectively, indicating that they could reduce the pesticide residues effectively. Peeling and juicing, where response ratios were 0.11 and 0.14, respectively, showed they could reduce the pesticide residues to a very small extent. An increase of pesticide residues was indicated by oven drying with a response ratio of more than 1. Oven drying and sun drying indicated both a reduction and an increase at the 99.5% confidence interval. The response ratios given by a meta-analysis approach could be used as processing factors in food safety risk assessment and as a guide for consumers on how to reduce pesticides effectively in fruit.  相似文献   

Three hundred kilograms of durum wheat of two cultivars ‘primadur’ (small kernel) and ‘ardente’ (large kernel) treated with pirimiphos-methyl (PMM) at 10 mg kg−1 were processed into fractions under standard conditions of milling to evaluate the fate and distribution of the residues in the milling fractions. Half the quantity of each variety was processed 7 d after the treatment, and the second half was stored for 127 d in controlled conditions before milling. The residue content in treated grain just before milling as well as in the final 18 milling fractions was determined by GC–MS analysis carried out on crude methanol extracts. During the 127-d storage period, nearly 65% of the PMM initial content was degraded. With the first sub-sample (7 d after treatment), the amount of residue in the processed fractions compared to the total amount in grain prior to milling was reduced by 12.3% and 26.5% for primadur and ardente varieties, respectively. With the 2nd sub-sample (127 d after treatment), the residue losses induced by the milling operations were 21.8% and 24.6%, respectively. Between 79.5% and 74.5%, respectively, of the total amount of recovered residues after milling was concentrated in the bran layers 7 d after treatment and 79.5% and 80.2% after 127 d. The translocation of the residues during milling from the bran-coat to the inner endosperm was significant in all cases: a fraction from 14% to 20% of the total residue content was drawn into the semolina. An interaction between the milling operations and the residue translocation was observed. The greater translocation observed with the ardente cultivar was related to the specific characteristics of the bran-coat structure of this durum variety. With the grain batch held for the longer term, a lower rate of translocation was observed as the level of PMM fell to about a third of that at 7 d. A scenario of the behaviour of the residues during milling in relation to processing and grain conditions was proposed for the assessment of the maximum amount of PMM residues in the premium semolina fractions. The impact for consumer's health of this residual contamination of semolina used for food purposes is discussed.  相似文献   

人体肠道上皮附着着数以亿计的菌群,它们是人体健康和生理功能实现的参与者,也是大健康概念所涵盖的一个重要靶点。到目前为止,补充益生元仍是调节肠道菌群和促进有益菌群生长的有效手段之一。粮油加工副产物产量大,种类丰富,且其中很多成分可被寄居人体的肠道菌群利用,是优质益生元的来源之一,亦是"微生物群导向型食品"开发中重要的物质基础与原料来源。  相似文献   

为全面了解我国小麦加工研究现状,从小麦及小麦粉品质、小麦粉制品加工及小麦深加工等方面综述了近2年小麦加工研究概况。总结了我国在小麦品质、加工工艺、质量控制、优质馒头和面条加工等研究所取得成效,并提出未来小麦加工研究进一步发展具体建议,以期为小麦生产、加工、科研以及政策制定等提供参考。  相似文献   

粮食加工品中呕吐毒素快速检测产品的评价与质量分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 评价市售的18种呕吐毒素快速检测产品的性能指标及在现场快检中的适用性, 为基层在粮食加工品监管领域中呕吐毒素快检产品的选择与应用提供指导, 同时建立了一种食品快速检测试产品的评价方法。方法 以玉米粉为基质, 采用自然染菌的方式制备盲样, 对18个厂家的呕吐毒素快速检测产品进行测试, 以检测限、假阳性率、假阴性率、灵敏度、特异性、相对准确度为性能指标, 同时考察快检产品的在现场快检中的适用性。结果 本次评价的18种快检产品中, 有8种呕吐毒素快检产品符合标准要求, 在现场快检中的适用性良好, 合格率为44.4%。结论 呕吐毒素胶体金快速检测产品具有快速、准确、方便、灵敏高等特点, 可在粮食加工品的质量监管与质量控制中使用, 但仍有部分产品达不到标准要求, 因此在快检产品使用前, 有必要对其进行评价。  相似文献   

Because rapid rancidities of lipids in unpolished grains, such as brown rice and whole grain wheat, are often problematic, Suppressions of their lipid degradations during postharvest therefore important for their further utilization. In this study, effect of oxygen absorber on lipid deterioration in unpolished grain during storage was investigated. Kernels and flours of brown rice, rice with germ and whole grain wheat were stored for eight weeks at 4 °C and 26 °C, with and without oxygen absorber. Free fatty acids (FFAs) accumulation in the unpolished grains during storage was accelerated by polishing, milling and storage at high temperature (26 °C), because these storage conditions stimulated activities of their lipid hydrolyses. When oxygen absorber was added and the storage system was sealed, additional FFAs accumulations in these unpolished grains. Decreases both in absolute amounts of linoleic acids of the lipids and in total tocochromanols contained in these unpolished grains were depressed by addition of oxygen absorber to the storage system, which was confirmed by an anti-oxidative effect of oxygen absorber. These results suggested that introduction of oxygen absorber into the storage system of unpolished grains would be effective under the condition where their hydrolytic activities of lipids are suppressed.  相似文献   

The assessment of acute and chronic dietary exposure to contaminants in baby foods is needed to ensure healthy infant growth. Monthly European Union market baskets of commercial baby foods were designed for the first 9 months of life by the ‘babyfood’ study group of the CASCADE Network of Excellence for the specific purpose of assessing exposure to potentially toxic substances in infants fed with such foods. The present paper reports the different steps that led to the preparation of monthly pooled samples of commercial baby foods (‘Infant formulae and follow-on formulae’ and ‘Other baby foods’) that may constitute the extreme case of the diet for an infant who would not be breast fed at all. Several market baskets were generated for an ‘average European Union infant’ and for infants of four selected countries (Italy, Sweden, Spain, and the Slovakia), fed with either milk infant formulae, soy infant formulae or hypoallergenic infant formulae and weaned (at the fifth month) with commercial baby foods and beverages available on the European Union market. Market share data for 2007 for baby foods were used to design the baskets. Holding companies and the name of all their products were identified. Monthly diets for European Union infants were elaborated in terms of food categories (e.g. infant cereals) of typologies of products (e.g. infant cereals without gluten) and of a specific product. The number of baskets generated was 30 for ‘Infant formulae and follow-on formulae’ (including 62 products) and 13 for ‘Other baby foods’ (including 35 products). These market baskets were designed to be used for the determination of certain contaminants and nutrients in the diet of European Union infants and for the assessment of their effects on infant health.  相似文献   

目的 研究贮藏和加工工艺对猪、牛、羊、鸡和鸭畜禽产品中氟喹诺酮类药物残留风险的影响。 方法 预先对新鲜畜禽样品中氟喹诺酮类残留进行检测,选取阴性样品为实验样品,然后添加入氟喹诺酮类药物标准品后进行冷藏、冷冻、烤制、炸制、煎制、蒸制、煮制、炖制、干制和腌制实验后测定其药物残留量和清除率,从而比较风险影响的差异性。结果 冷藏和冷冻后,鸡肉和鸭肉中沙拉沙星和氟甲喹的清除率最高,平均为6~9%;脂肪(或皮脂)、肝和肾中恩诺沙星、二氟沙星和达氟沙星未发生显著清除;炸制(或煎制)4min后清除率明显,平均为5%~28%;蒸制、煮制、炖制和干制后平均清除率为8~13%。腌制后平均清除率为12~18%;脂肪(或皮脂)、肝和肾中恩诺沙星、二氟沙星和达氟沙星的平均清除率为5~15%。 结论 冷藏和冷冻对鸡肉中沙拉沙星、氟甲喹、恩诺沙星、二氟沙星和达氟沙星的风险影响不显著(P<0.05);加工工艺、组织部位、药物种类对畜禽产品中氟喹诺酮类药残留风险影响显著(P<0.05)。  相似文献   


In order to determine the baseline levels of perchlorate in major brands of baby food, 200 baby food products were collected from retail stores in Ottawa, Canada and analysed for perchlorate in 2010. The seven food groups tested were fruit, juices, vegetables, meat, yogurt, mixed (vegetable mixed with meat) and other (e.g. vegetable mixed with meat and cereal, cheese, egg,). Samples were extracted with a mixture of methanol and 1% acetic acid (4:1, v/v). Determination was conducted by stable isotope dilution ion chromatography tandem mass spectrometry (ID-IC-MS/MS). The complexity of different food matrices required additional method validation. The perchlorate levels in 46 samples were found to be lower than the quantification limit (0.2 ng g?1). The perchlorate levels in the other 154 baby food samples were also low; about 96.7% of the baby foods had perchlorate levels less than 10 ng g?1 (ranged from 0.2 to 22.4 ng g?1, median1.35 ng g?1); only 5 samples had perchlorate levels higher than 10 ng g?1. Dietary exposure to perchlorate from analysed baby food was conservatively estimated to range from 0.007 to 0.121 µg/kg bw/d based on the mean intake for children (1–5 years old).  相似文献   

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