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This article investigates the active fault‐tolerant consensus problem for Lipschitz nonlinear multiagent systems under detailed balanced directed graph and actuator faults. First, a fault detection filter for each agent is designed, and all agents can be divided into two categories: healthy agents and possibly faulty agents. Second, fully distributed adaptive fault‐tolerant consensus protocols for healthy and possibly faulty agents are proposed to achieve state consensus. Third, based on the fault detection method and fault‐tolerant consensus protocols, active fault‐tolerant consensus algorithms are given. Simulation examples are presented to verify the effectiveness of the proposed active fault‐tolerant algorithms.  相似文献   

In this work, a fault tolerant control scheme is proposed for a class of nonlinear system with actuator faults. In this fault tolerant control strategy, an estimator is designed to estimate both the system states and the fault signal simultaneously. Based on these estimations, the control law is constructed to achieve the fault tolerant control for the nonlinear system considered. It is shown that the estimation error and the system state can be guaranteed to be bounded. The obtained theoretic results have been verified through the simulation examples on the three‐tank system.  相似文献   

This paper proposes an integrated fault estimation and fault‐tolerant control (FTC) design for Lipschitz non‐linear systems subject to uncertainty, disturbance, and actuator/sensor faults. A non‐linear unknown input observer without rank requirement is developed to estimate the system state and fault simultaneously, and based on these estimates an adaptive sliding mode FTC system is constructed. The observer and controller gains are obtained together via H optimization with a single‐step linear matrix inequality (LMI) formulation so as to achieve overall optimal FTC system design. A single‐link manipulator example is given to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the problem of fault‐tolerant control (FTC) for a class of nonlinear uncertain systems against actuator faults using adaptive logic‐based switching control method. The uncertainties under consideration are assumed to be dominated by a bounding system which is linear in growth in the unmeasurable states but can be a continuous function of the system output, with unknown growth rates. Several types of common actuator faults, e.g., bias, loss‐of‐effectiveness, stuck and hard‐over faults are integrated by a unified fault model. By utilizing a novel adaptive logic‐based switching control scheme, the actuator faults can be detected and automatically accommodated by switching from the stuck actuator to the healthy or even partly losing‐effectiveness one with bias, in the presence of large parametric uncertainty. In particular, two switching logics for updating the gain in the output feedback controllers are designed to ensure the global stability of the nominal (fault‐free) system and the boundedness of all closed‐loop signals of the faulty system, respectively. Two simulation examples of an aircraft wing model and a single‐link flexible‐joint robot are given to show the effectiveness of the proposed FTC controller. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Fault estimation for classical nonlinear Lipschitz systems has been subject to several research works. So far, much less interest has been given to the more generalized class of systems, namely, one‐sided Lipchitz systems. Dealing with component faults and actuator faults, only very few works have been done to reconstruct these types of faults for this new class of systems. A major limitation of the previous works is that the fault vector to be estimated there does not give any information about the actual faulty physical parameters of the system, so component faults and actuator faults are not distinguishable. In this paper, a set of possible faulty parameters in the system is estimated. Component faults and actuator faults are separated and distinguished. The effectiveness of the proposed method is shown through simulations for a numerical example.  相似文献   

This article synthesizes a recursive filtering adaptive fault‐tolerant tracking control method for uncertain switched multivariable nonlinear systems. The multivariable nonlinear systems under consideration have both matched and mismatched uncertainties, which satisfy the semiglobal Lipschitz condition. A piecewise constant adaptive law generates adaptive parameters by solving the error dynamics with the neglection of unknowns, and the recursive least squares is employed to minimize the residual error by categorizing the total uncertainty estimates into matched and mismatched components. A filtering control law is designed to compensate the actuator faults and nonlinear uncertainties such that a good tracking performance is delivered with guaranteed robustness. The matched component is canceled directly by adopting their opposite in the control signal, whereas a dynamic inversion of the system is performed to eliminate the effect of the mismatched component on the output. By exploiting the average dwell time principle, the error bounds are derived for the states and control inputs compared with the virtual reference system which defines the best performance that can be achieved by the closed‐loop system. Both numerical and practical examples are provided to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed switching recursive filtering adaptive fault‐tolerant tracking control architecture, comparisons with model reference adaptive control are also carried out.  相似文献   

In this paper, the L2‐gain fault tolerant control for a class of singular systems in the presence of Lipschitz nonlinearity and actuator saturation is investigated. Both fixed‐gain controller and adaptive controller are designed such that the closed‐loop system is regular, impulse‐free, and stable. In contrast with our previous work where the saturation avoidance method is adopted, here we resort to the saturation allowance approach to tackle this issue. As a result, the obtained criterion guaranteeing the regularity, impulse‐free, and stability properties does not involve information about the initial state a prior comparing with our previous results. Moreover, the structural constraint on the feedback control gain is removed. An optimization algorithm is formulated to find the largest disturbance tolerance capability. In addition, the L2‐gain performance of the closed‐loop system is also addressed based on the aforementioned results. An example is given to validate the theoretical results. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In order to counteract actuator faults in formation flight of multiple unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), this paper presents a fault‐tolerant formation control (FTFC) design methodology, in which the reference generator and the finite‐time convergence of FTFC gains are explicitly considered. Feasible references in response to actuator faults can be generated by considering the health and mission conditions of an overall team of UAVs. Moreover, by applying an auxiliary integrated regressor matrix and vector method, FTFC gains can converge within a finite amount of time to facilitate the fault accommodation process. Thus, the negative effects resulting from failed actuators can be compensated by the healthy/redundant actuators in UAVs. Simulation studies of UAV formation flight are carried out to exemplify the effectiveness of this design approach. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper presents an integrated robust fault estimation and fault‐tolerant control technique for stochastic systems subjected to Brownian parameter perturbations. The augmented system approach, unknown input observer method, and optimization technique are integrated to achieve robust simultaneous estimates of the system states and the means of faults concerned. Meanwhile, a robust fault‐tolerant control strategy is developed by using actuator and sensor signal compensation techniques. Stochastic linear time‐invariant systems, stochastic systems with Lipschitz nonlinear constraint, and stochastic systems with quadratic inner‐bounded nonlinear constraint are respectively investigated, and the corresponding fault‐tolerant control algorithms are addressed. Finally, the effectiveness of the proposed fault‐tolerant control techniques is demonstrated via the drivetrain system of a 4.8 MW benchmark wind turbine, a 3‐tank system, and a numerical nonlinear model.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the passivity‐based control problem for a class of time‐varying delay systems subject to nonlinear actuator faults and randomly occurring uncertainties via fault‐tolerant controller. More precisely, the uncertainties are described in terms of stochastic variables, which satisfies Bernoulli distribution, and the existence of actuator faults are assumed not only linear but also nonlinear, which is a more general one. The main objective of this paper is to design a state feedback‐reliable controller such that the resulting closed‐loop time‐delay system is stochastically stable under a prescribed mixed and passivity performance level γ>0 in the presence of all admissible uncertainties and actuator faults. Based on Lyapunov stability method and some integral inequality techniques, a new set of sufficient conditions is obtained in terms of linear matrix inequality (LMI) constraints to ensure the asymptotic stability of the considered system. Moreover, the control design parameters can be computed by solving a set of LMI constraints. Finally, two examples including a quarter‐car model are provided to show the efficiency and usefulness of the proposed control scheme. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper studies the decentralized event‐triggered control of large‐scale nonlinear systems. We consider a class of decentralized control systems that are transformable into an interconnection of input‐to‐state stable subsystems with the sampling errors as the inputs. The sampling events for each subsystem are triggered by a threshold signal, and the threshold signals for the subsystems are independent with each other for the decentralized implementation. By appropriately designing the event‐triggering mechanisms, it is shown that infinitely fast sampling can be avoided for each subsystem and asymptotic regulation is achievable for the large‐scale system. The proposed design is based on the ISS small‐gain arguments, and is validated by a benchmark example of controlling two coupled inverted pendulums.  相似文献   

This article studies the fault‐tolerant control problem for unknown nonlinear strict‐feedback systems subject to actuator failures yet with dynamic redundancies. The prescribed performance control methodology is newly combined with a modification‐based supervisory switching strategy to solve the problem. To implement failure detection, the performance function is properly modified to synthesize a monitoring function to supervise the behavior of an error variable. Once a failure is detected, the current actuator is shut down and the backup actuator is switched in to execute the reconfigured control command. Compared with the existing results, (1) the postfailure and postswitching tracking performance is improved, other than uniform ultimate boundedness and (2) the dependence on extra robust control schemes (eg, adaptive or approximating structures) to deal with model uncertainties or the need to compute analytic derivatives of virtual control signals in the backstepping design is eliminated.  相似文献   

In this paper, an adaptive decentralized tracking control scheme is designed for large‐scale nonlinear systems with input quantization, actuator faults, and external disturbance. The nonlinearities, time‐varying actuator faults, and disturbance are assumed to exist unknown upper and lower bounds. Then, an adaptive decentralized fault‐tolerant tracking control method is designed without using backstepping technique and neural networks. In the proposed control scheme, adaptive mechanisms are used to compensate the effects of unknown nonlinearities, input quantization, actuator faults, and disturbance. The designed adaptive control strategy can guarantee that all the signals of each subsystem are bounded and the tracking errors of all subsystems converge asymptotically to zero. Finally, simulation results are provided to illustrate the effectiveness of the designed approach.  相似文献   

The objective of this paper is to develop performance‐based fault detection (FD) and fault‐tolerant control (FTC) schemes for a class of nonlinear systems. To this end, the representation forms of nonlinear systems with faults and the controller parameterization forms are studied first with the aid of the nonlinear factorization technique. Then, based on the stable kernel representation and the stable image representation of the faulty nonlinear system, the stability performance of the closed‐loop system is addressed, respectively. The so‐called fault‐tolerant margin is defined to evaluate the system fault‐tolerant ability. On this basis, two performance‐based FD schemes are developed aiming at detecting the system performance degradation caused by system faults. Furthermore, to recover the system stability performance, two performance‐based FTC strategies are proposed based on the information provided by the FD unit. In the end, a numerical example and a case study on the three‐tank system are given to demonstrate the proposed results.  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with the problem of H fuzzy controller synthesis for a class of discrete‐time nonlinear active fault‐tolerant control systems (AFTCSs) in a stochastic setting. The Takagi and Sugeno (T–S) fuzzy model is employed to exactly represent a nonlinear AFTCS. For this AFTCS, two random processes with Markovian transition characteristics are introduced to model the failure process of system components and the fault detection and isolation (FDI) decision process used to reconfigure the control law, respectively. The random behavior of the FDI process is conditioned on the state of the failure process. A non‐parallel distributed compensation (non‐PDC) scheme is adopted for the design of the fault‐tolerant control laws. The resulting closed‐loop fuzzy system is the one with two Markovian jump parameters. Based on a stochastic fuzzy Lyapunov function (FLF), sufficient conditions for the stochastic stability and H disturbance attenuation of the closed‐loop fuzzy system are first derived. A linear matrix inequality (LMI) approach to the fuzzy control design is then developed. Moreover, a suboptimal fault‐tolerant H fuzzy controller is given in the sense of minimizing the level of disturbance attenuation. Finally, a simulation example is presented to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed design method. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper aims to study the problem of input‐to‐state stability (ISS) for nonlinear discrete impulsive systems with time delays. Razumikhin‐type theorems, which guarantee ISS – asymptotically ISS and exponentially ISS – for the discrete impulsive ones with external disturbance inputs, are established. As applications, numerical examples are given to illustrate the effectiveness of the theoretical results. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the containment control problem of uncertain nonlinear strict‐feedback systems in the presence of actuator faults. The communication topology among the agents is directed, and there exists at least one leader that has a directed path to each follower. Based on fuzzy logic systems and the dynamic surface control technique, a fault‐tolerant containment control scheme is developed to guarantee that the outputs of all followers converge to the convex hull spanned by multiple dynamic leaders with bounded containment errors. The result is extended to a fault‐tolerant containment control with prescribed performance, such that the error surfaces are confined to predefined bounds regardless of actuator faults. Simulation results are provided to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed methods. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper is devoted to the design of a novel fault‐tolerant control (FTC) using the combination of a robust sliding‐mode control (SMC) strategy and a control allocation (CA) algorithm, referred to as a CA‐based sliding‐mode FTC (SMFTC). The proposed SMFTC can also be considered a modular‐design control strategy. In this approach, first, a high‐level SMC, designed without detailed knowledge of systems' actuators/effectors, commands a vector of virtual control signals to meet the overall control objectives. Then, a CA algorithm distributes the virtual control efforts among the healthy actuators/effectors using the real‐time information obtained from a fault detection and reconstruction mechanism. As the underlying system is not assumed to have a rank‐deficient input matrix, the control allocator module is visible to the SMC module resulting in an uncertainty. Hence, the virtual control, in this scheme, is designed to be robust against uncertainties emanating from the visibility of the control allocator to the controller and imperfections in the estimated effectiveness gain. The proposed CA‐based SMFTC scheme is a unified FTC, which does not need to reconfigure the control system in the case of actuator fault or failure. Additionally, to cope with actuator saturation limits, a novel redistributed pseudoinverse‐based CA mechanism is proposed. The effectiveness of the proposed schemes is discussed with a numerical example.  相似文献   

In this work, we present a novel adaptive finite‐time fault‐tolerant control algorithm for a class of multi‐input multi‐output nonlinear systems with constraint requirement on the system output tracking error. Both parametric and nonparametric system uncertainties can be effectively dealt with by the proposed control scheme. The gain functions of the nonlinear systems under discussion, especially the control input gain function, can be not fully known and state‐dependent. Backstepping design with a tan‐type barrier Lyapunov function and a new structure of stabilizing function is presented. We show that under the proposed control scheme, finite‐time convergence of the output tracking error into a small set around zero is guaranteed, while the constraint requirement on the system output tracking error will not be violated during operation. An illustrative example on a robot manipulator model is presented in the end to further demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed control scheme. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this work, by incorporating a tan‐type barrier Lyapunov function into the Lyapunov function design, we present a novel adaptive fault‐tolerant control (FTC) scheme for a class of output‐constrained multi‐input single‐output nonlinear systems with actuator failures under the perturbation of both parametric and nonparametric system uncertainties. We show that under the proposed adaptive FTC scheme, exponential convergence of the output tracking error into a small set around zero is guaranteed, while the constraint requirement on the system output will not be violated during operation. In the end, two illustrative examples are presented to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed FTC scheme. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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