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Twenty-one OCD sufferers with washing/contamination concerns took part in a controlled treatment trial at the Anxiety Disorders Clinic, University of Sydney. Eleven of the subjects received danger ideation reduction therapy (DIRT) over eight, 1 h weekly group sessions conducted by the second author. Ten subjects were placed on a wait list and did not receive DIRT or any other treatment. DIRT procedures were solely directed at decreasing danger-related expectancies concerning contamination and did not include exposure, response prevention or behavioral experiments. Components of DIRT include attentional focusing, filmed interviews, corrective information, cognitive restructuring, expert testimony, microbiological experiments and a probability of catastrophe assessment task. All subjects were assessed at pre-treatment, post-treatment and three-month follow-up using the Maudsley Obsessional-Compulsive Inventory, Leyton Obsessionality Inventory, Beck Depression Inventory and a Self Rating of Severity Scale. Changes from pre-treatment to after treatment (post-treatment and follow-up scores averaged) were significantly greater in the DIRT condition than in the control condition for all measures. No significant differences were obtained between groups on post-treatment to follow-up change on any measure. The implications of these findings for theoretical models of OCD and its management are discussed.  相似文献   

Fifty patients with elevated blood pressure were classified according to 3 sub-groups as follows: 11 with borderline hypertension, 8 with systolic hypertension, and 31 with diastolic hypertension. So far, they have been observed for one year while being treated with an antihypertensive preparation containing pargyline hydrochloride and methyclothiazide. Response to treatment depended in large measure upon the type of hypertension; the borderline type was virtually unchanged; in the systolic type there was some diminution in the systolic, but less in the diastolic pressure; and in the diastolic type there was a reduction in both systolic and diastolic pressures. Side effects (faintness, nervousness, mouth dryness, insomnia, genitourinary disturbances and elevated blood uric acid level), when they occurred, were usually relieved by appropriate alteration of the antihypertensive drug dosage, by a change in the time of administration, or by adding medication directed at treatment of the side effect. Evaluation of cardiac output before and after therapy showed no change in this parameter. The results suggest: (a) that the antihypertensive effect probably was achieved by diminishing the peripheral resistance rather than by reducing the cardiac output, and (b) that there was no deterioration of myocardial efficiency, as measured by cardiac output, during the one-year period of antihypertensive therapy. More knowledge of the natural history of hypertension in each of the 3 sub-groups is required for better assessment of the influence of antihypertensive therapy on the outcome of the disease. Judgment as to the desirability of initiating therapy can in some measure be based on the classification of patients into appropriate sub-groups.  相似文献   

Pilot data on mood and anxiety changes in 15 Parkinson's disease patients with motor fluctuations are described based on ratings every 30 min for 5 h bracketing a 2-h constant-rate levodopa infusion. Robust mood and anxiety effects slightly preceded but temporally paralleled fluctuations in motor tapping scores. Research nurse ratings blind to patient ratings corroborated the changes. The magnitude of changes in mood and anxiety scores did not correlate with the magnitude of changes in tapping scores. The findings of this uncontrolled study suggest mood and anxiety fluctuations may be a common and potentially important component of levodopa-induced fluctuations.  相似文献   

This retrospective study examined the clinical course of 18 prepubertal boys (aged 6 to 12) who had dual diagnoses of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and conduct disorder and who received clonidine on an inpatient basis after failed trials of conventional drug therapy, consisting predominantly of psychostimulants. The effects of clonidine were assessed during inpatient treatment and after discharge at intervals of 1 to 2 months. Eleven (61%) of the children had marked improvement as measured by clinical impression. Transient sedation lasting 2 to 3 days occurred after initial administration or dosage increase; otherwise, clonidine was well tolerated. Our findings suggest that clonidine may prove to be an alternative treatment of comorbid attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and conduct disorder.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study is to describe the neuroimaging (CT and MR imaging) findings in liver transplant patients who develop severe neurologic side effects during immunosuppressive therapy with tacrolimus and to correlate these findings with clinical signs and tacrolimus levels in blood. SUBJECTS AND METHODS: Brain CT and/or MR imaging was performed on six patients who developed neurologic symptoms while receiving tacrolimus in the post-transplant period. All patients were evaluated by the neurology staff, and imaging studies were independently interpreted by three neuroradiologists. Trough tacrolimus levels in blood were measured with the IMX immunoassay and were correlated with neurologic symptoms and imaging findings. RESULTS: Imaging abnormalities were observed in five of six patients during the course of their neurologic illnesses. For each patient, neurologic symptoms began when the tacrolimus level in blood was at a peak, exceeding the therapeutic limit in all but one case. In five patients, neurologic symptoms eventually resolved after the tacrolimus dose was reduced or after the drug was stopped. Multifocal low attenuation of white matter was the predominant finding seen on CT images, and matching hyperintense white matter foci were observed on long-TR MR images. In three patients, clinical recovery was accompanied by reversal of the white matter abnormalities seen on CT and MR images. CONCLUSION: Immunosuppressive therapy with tacrolimus may produce neurologic side effects that are associated with brain CT and MR imaging abnormalities. Resolution of symptoms and reversal of imaging findings occur when the tacrolimus dose is reduced.  相似文献   

Incidence, causes and results of permanent ICA clipping during arterial cerebral aneurysm surgery were analyzed in randomized group of 470 patients. Permanent ICA clipping was performed in 6 cases (1.3% of all surgeries). The causes of permanent ICA clipping were ICA wall rupture in 4 (0.9%) cases, bleeding from aneurysms of the ophthalmic segment of the internal carotid artery (ICA) in 2 (0.4%). Atherosclerotic changes of ICA were found and verified by biopsy in all cases of ICA rupture. Two variants of rupture were identified. ICA aneurysm avulsion from the artery in the area of aneurysmal neck with vascular wall defect development in 2 (0.6%) cases; in the second variant, ICA rupture was caused by frontal lobe traction. In the study group aneurysms of ophthalmic segment of ICA were found in 19 cases: intraoperative bleeding rate was 31% (6 cases). ICA was clipped in 33% of all cases of intraoperative bleeding. Among 6 patients with permanent ICA clipping, 5 died. Deaths were caused by cerebral infarction in 4 cases and acute blood loss in 1 case.  相似文献   

The kinetics of aqueous arsenic (III) reduction to amorphous arsenic with cadmium metal are presented. Two reaction mechanisms are observed in this system. With arsenic concentrations greater than approximately 0.2 gm/1 in solutions containing one molar sulfuric acid, the reduction of arsenyl ion on the cadmium surface is rate controlling. When arsenic concentrations are less than this value, reaction rate is mass-transport controlled. The reduction of arsenic (III) with cadmium powder at pH 2 is also presented.  相似文献   

Cerebro-oculo-facial-skeletal (COFS) syndrome is a rare autosomal recessive disorder with microcephaly, severe mental retardation, and death in childhood. The pathogenesis is unknown. Neuropathological features of 8 children with COFS syndrome are presented. Seven of the children, ranging in age from 36 weeks gestation to 5 years 8 months, are of North American aboriginal background from Manitoba, Canada. The eight child is a 3-year-old Caucasian male. In all children there was severe microencephaly and mild ventriculomegaly. Cerebral myelination appeared to be delayed in one infantile case. Swollen ubiquitinated granular cells appeared in the white matter shortly after birth. Older children displayed cortical neuron loss, patchy or diffuse absence of myelin and gliosis in the white matter, and pericapillary and parenchymal mineralization in the globus pallidus and to a lesser extent the putamen and cerebral cortex. The cerebellum of older children exhibited severe degenerative changes involving the internal granular layer and Purkinje cell layer. The neuropathological changes, previously not well documented, suggest that COFS syndrome is associated with a degenerative process that begins in utero and affects many brain cell types. Similarities to Cockayne syndrome are discussed.  相似文献   

Sorghum and corn breeding lines were grown in soil in field and greenhouse experiments with and without an inoculum of N2-fixing in Spirillum strains from Brazil. Estimated rates of N2 fixation associated with field-grown corn and sorghum plants were less than 4 g of N2/ha per day. The mean estimated N2-fixation rates determined on segments of roots from corn inoculated with Spirillum and grown in the greenhouse at 24 to 27 degrees C were 15 g of N2/ha per day (16 inbreds), 25 g of N2/ha per day (six hybrids), and 165 g of N2/ha per day for one hybird which was heavily inoculated. The corresponding mean rates determined from measurements of in situ cultures of the same series of corn plants (i.e., 16 inbreds, six hybrids, and one heavily inoculated hybrid) were 0.4, 2.3, and 1.1 g of N2/ha per day, respectively. Lower rates of C2H2 reduction were associated with control corn cultures which had been treated with autoclaved Spirillum than with cultures inoculated with live Spirillum. No C2H2 reduction was detected in plant cultures treated with ammonium nitrate. Numbers of nitrogen-fixing bacteria on excised roots of corn plants increased an average of about 30-fold during an overnight preincubation period, and as a result acetylene reduction assays of root samples after preincubation failed to serve as a valid basis for estimating N2 fixation by corn in pot cultures. Plants grown without added nitrogen either with or without inoculum exhibited severe symptoms of nitrogen deficiency and in most cases produced significantly less dry weight than those supplied with fixed nitrogen. Although substantial rates of C2H2 reduction by excised corn roots were observed after preincubation under limited oxygen, the yield and nitrogen content of inoculated plants and the C2H2-reduction rates by inoculated pot cultures of corn, in situ, provided no evidence of appreciable N2 fixation.  相似文献   

A case of hilar lung adenocarcinoma was treated by superselective bronchial arterial infusion therapy with cisplatin and epirubicin hydrochloride, mitomycin C-iohexol-Lipiodol emulsion (EMILE) using Tracker -18 infusion catheter. The tumor size was reduced on follow-up CT scans. However, EMILE was also distributed to nontumorous lung tissues around the tumor, and a shrinkage of the right upper lobe and elevations of the right hilus and diaphragm followed. No major complaints and clinical complications during and after the treatment occurred. This therapy was safe and effective for local tumor reduction in a case of hilar lung adenocarcinoma.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The Scandinavian Simvastatin Survival Study (4S) demonstrated pronounced reductions in mortality and major coronary events in a cohort of patients with established coronary heart disease (CHD). The present study provides a detailed, post hoc assessment of the efficacy and safety of simvastatin therapy in the following subgroups of 4S patients: those > or = 65 years of age, those < 65 years of age, women, and men. METHODS AND RESULTS: The 4S cohort of 4444 CHD patients included 827 women and 1021 patients > or = 65 years of age. Total cholesterol at baseline was 5.5 to 8.0 mmol/L with triglycerides < or = 2.5 mmol/L. Patients were randomized to therapy with simvastatin 20 to 40 mg daily or placebo for a median follow-up period of 5.4 years. End points consisted of all-cause and CHD mortality, major coronary events (primarily CHD death and nonfatal myocardial infarction), other acute CHD and atherosclerotic events, hospitalizations for CHD and cardiovascular events, and coronary revascularization procedures. Mean changes in serum lipids were similar in the different subgroups. In patients > or = 65 years of age in the simvastatin group, relative risks (95% confidence intervals) for clinical events were as follows: all-cause mortality, 0.66 (0.48 to 0.90); CHD mortality, 0.57 (0.39 to 0.83); major coronary events, 0.66 (0.52 to 0.84); any atherosclerosis-related event, 0.67 (0.56 to 0.81); and revascularization procedures, 0.59 (0.41 to 0.84). In women, the corresponding figures were 1.16 (0.68 to 1.99); 0.86 (0.42 to 1.74), 0.66 (0.48 to 0.91), 0.71 (0.56 to 0.91), and 0.51 (0.30 to 0.86), respectively. CONCLUSIONS: Cholesterol lowering with simvastatin produced similar reductions in relative risk for major coronary events in women compared with men and in elderly (> or = 65 years of age) compared with younger patients. There were too few female deaths to assess the effects on mortality in women. Because mortality rates increased substantially with age, the absolute risk reduction for both all-cause and CHD mortality in simvastatin-treated subjects was approximately twice as great in the older patients.  相似文献   

The abnormal prepartum ultrasonic scan in a case of fetal cystic lymphangioma is presented. A large intrauterine cystic mass adjacent to a 23-week-old fetus was identified by ultrasound. After delivery, this was proved to be a cystic lymphangioma extending from the fetal neck and supraclavicular region.  相似文献   

Controlled studies indicate that cognitive-behavioral therapy eliminates panic attacks in greater than 80% of patients who suffer from panic disorder. However, because most of the screening procedures used in those studies called for excluding patients who were depressed, a question arises as to the extent to which these results apply to patients who are clinically depressed in addition to having panic attacks. An attempt was made in the present study to determine whether or not panic patients who are clinically depressed could be treated as successfully as those who are not clinically depressed. Two multiple baseline A-A–1-A-B across-Ss designs were used, 1 to test 8 panic Ss with major depression and the 2nd to test 7 panic Ss without major depression. In baseline (A), Ss monitored their panic attacks daily. During the A–1 phase, a program of information on panic attacks presented as psychotherapy was instituted to assess the effects of nonspecific factors, followed by a 2nd baseline phase (A). Cognitive-behavioral therapy (B) was then introduced. Results showed that cognitive-behavioral therapy was significantly superior to information-based therapy in the reduction of panic attacks. No significant differences were found between depressed and nondepressed patients. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Three cases of juvenile laryngeal papillomatosis were treated at our hospital between 1984 and 1994. Papillomas were excised in all patients because of upper airway obstruction. Two were given alpha interferon as complementary treatment. Two patients are asymptomatic after years of follow-up and one is still taking alpha interferon.  相似文献   

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