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城市绿地能够为城市提供重要的生态系统服务功 能。鸟类作为城市生态系统的重要指示物种,了解影响鸟类群 落多样性的城市绿地特征对于指导城市绿地规划和提升城市生 物多样性有重要意义。然而,多种城市绿地特征如何共同影响 鸟类多样性尚不完全明确。选取重庆市悦来国际会展城为研究 区域,采用样点法调查了49个绿地样地4个季节的鸟类资源数 据,并获取了样地的植被特征、环境特征及人为干扰特征等19 个城市绿地特征。使用广义线性模型、信息论模型选择及差异 性分析方法探析了城市绿地特征对鸟类α多样性的影响,阐述 了研究区鸟类α多样性的基本特征。结果显示:乔木层盖度、 乔木丰富度、灌木层盖度、灌木多度、草本层盖度、草本层多 样性、植被生境类型、环境噪声、距建设用地距离等因素对鸟 类α多样性有显著影响。鸟类α多样性特征在不同植被生境类 型及季节之间存在显著差异。麻竹生境的鸟类多度显著低于其 余多种生境,冬季鸟类α多样性指标偏低。在城市绿地的建设 中,根据显著影响鸟类的各种城市绿地特征,提出增强鸟类α 多样性的针对性建议,如控制乔木盖度,补充灌木层,以乡土 食源树种作为植被生境中的优势种,对冬季休眠植被进行分区 保留管理等。研究结果可以为地区城市生物多样性保护及城市 生态系统优化提供重要参考。  相似文献   

Natural links: naturalistic golf courses as wildlife habitat   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Worldwide, there are over 25,000 golf courses. In the United States, there are approximately 15,000, with developers building about 350 new courses each year. Japan, Taiwan, China, and other countries are experiencing a similar golf boom. Some developers regard golf course development as one of the fastest growing types of land development in the world. Typically considered by ecologists to be an environmental problem, scientists are now reexamining golf courses to assess their potential to be wildlife habitat. Can naturalistic courses (those with substantial amounts of native wildlife habitat) actually benefit wildlife populations, especially birds, and still be attractive to golfers? My ecological research with a well-known naturalized links-style golf course in Kansas suggests that a naturalistic golf course can support significant numbers of birds, including many threatened species. When compared to a nearby natural area, the golf course equaled the natural area in total bird species richness but not in the relative abundance of specific kinds of birds. Naturalistic golf courses, while not natural areas, can complement biological reserves, military reservations, greenbelts, parks, farms, backyards and other units of the regional habitat mosaic. The large amount of habitat on naturalistic courses also reduces water runoff, irrigation, and chemical inputs. Furthermore, raising the profile of naturally landscaped golf courses can engage thousands of additional people in wildlife habitat preservation issues. Naturalistic courses are growing in popularity and the golfing community is responsive to aesthetic and environmental concerns. With the involvement of ecologists, this burgeoning interest in natural habitats on golf courses may significantly increase the amount of wildlife habitat, especially if designers build these kinds of courses in urban areas and on degraded landscapes such as landfills, quarries, and eroded lands.  相似文献   

S.C.  J.-M.  J. 《Landscape and urban planning》2007,79(3-4):323-337
The conservation value of suburban golf courses was assessed in southeast Queensland, Australia, by investigating their capacity to support urban-threatened birds, mammals, reptiles and frogs. Terrestrial vertebrate assemblages were compared between golf courses and nearby eucalypt fragments and with suburban bird assemblages. Biotic diversity varied among golf courses. While some had conservation value (supporting high densities of regionally threatened vertebrates), most failed to realise that potential, supporting only common urban-adapted species. Golf courses were generally a better refuge for threatened birds and mammals than for threatened reptiles and amphibians. Reasons for the relative absence of threatened herpetofauna are currently unclear but could be attributed to increased sensitivity to isolation, exposure to herbicides or greater disruption of ground-level habitats. While species-specific studies are required to identify the ecological role played by habitats on golf courses and the potential for long-term viability, the results confirm that suburban golf courses can have local conservation value for threatened vertebrates. Given their ubiquity, golf courses present a significant opportunity for urban wildlife conservation. Thus while the golf industry is making genuine attempts to improve its environmental management standards, it is important to ensure those efforts target the needs of regionally threatened species. Legislation may be required to ensure ecological criteria are incorporated in new golf developments. Ongoing research is investigating the effect that golf course design and management practices have on the local diversity of threatened vertebrates.  相似文献   

It has been suggested that golf courses can serve as wildlife habitat, provided key landscape features are present. Breeding bird communities were characterized on six golf courses and six green spaces in the Montreal area, Quebec, Canada. Landscape variables were measured to see which were the best correlates of avian species richness within and across sites. While there was no difference in the mean number of bird species (golf: 31 ± 2.4 SE; green: 33 ± 4.5 SE), golf courses supported fewer total species (golf: 55; green: 66). However, most of the species contributing to the green spaces’ higher cumulative total were found at one site. Species composition differed between golf courses and green spaces, and was most correlated with site size, housing density surrounding the site, and extent of coniferous tree, grass, and vegetated water cover. Our results support the work of others, and suggest that golf course architects can improve habitat quality by: (1) increasing deciduous and coniferous tree cover; (2) increasing native vegetation within and surrounding all water bodies; (3) reducing the amount of highly managed grass area; (4) ensuring large, undeveloped buffers are maintained to prevent a shift in avian community composition with increasing urban sprawl; and (5) ensuring sites are planned as large as possible.  相似文献   

Biodiversity relationships in urban and suburban parks in Flanders   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Urban and suburban parks can play an important role in the conservation of biodiversity, especially in a strongly urbanised region like Flanders (Belgium). A previously developed method for monitoring biodiversity was applied to 15 parks in Flanders. This method took both habitat and species diversity into account and resulted in 13 biodiversity indicators. The results show that urban and suburban parks can have a high species richness, especially if they consist of different more or less semi-natural habitats. The relationships between the biodiversity indicators and the ecological factors affecting the biodiversity were examined using multivariate analyses and correlation techniques. Park area was the main factor explaining the variation in biodiversity indicators, so larger parks could contribute more to the conservation of biodiversity than small ones. A biodiversity score based on habitat diversity and species richness was proposed to summarise and evaluate the biodiversity. This score is not correlated with the park area and is therefore considered as a reliable indicator for comparing biodiversity in parks of different area.  相似文献   

J. A.  R.  J. 《Landscape and urban planning》2005,71(2-4):91-103
Current governmental policy in Ireland is encouraging afforestation, 80% of which is likely to consist of exotic conifer species, in low-lying agricultural areas. Whereas most studies of bird diversity in forest/farmland mosaic landscapes have focused on high quality woodland remnants in a hostile agricultural matrix, this study has considered the influence of man-made plantations in a less intensively farmed context. Bird communities of three lowland agricultural landscapes (each 2000 ha in area) with intermediate or low levels of coniferous forest cover (33% or 8% approximately) were sampled in winter and summer. Though total abundance and species richness of birds of farmland habitats in the partially forested and open sites did not differ, the presence of trees in the surrounding landscape did influence abundance of some common species such as Blue Tit Parus caeruleus, Robin Erithacus rubecula and Blackbird Turdus merula. In winter, species composition of farmland habitats with and without hedgerow trees differed between forested and open landscapes. Also, the abundance of certain species varied between farmland adjacent to and remote from forest edges, in both seasons. In these landscapes, coniferous plantations did not greatly affect the mainly generalist farmland bird community, either positively or negatively. However, if the proportion of land-use occupied by forestry were to increase, reducing the available hedgerow habitat and forest edge/area ratio, diversity and abundance of declining farmland bird species might be negatively affected.  相似文献   

Large urban parks can support a diverse bird community. However, the effects of variability among habitats and of park management on bird assemblages are poorly understood. We studied bird communities within the Yarkon Park, Tel Aviv, the largest urban park in Israel. We examined species richness, abundance and community composition across 20 locations that differ in levels of park management to identify habitat variables responsible for variation in bird richness and composition. Of 91 recorded bird species, 13 were aliens (14%), 4 were urban exploiters (4%), 54 were urban adapters (60%) and 20 were migrants (22%). Management had a significant effect on native bird richness and bird community structure varied among areas with different management regimes. Species richness of all the above species’ groups was lowest in intensively managed areas. Areas with intermediate levels of management had higher or equal richness compared to unmanaged areas. The majority of urban exploiters were found at all locations within the park reaching their highest abundances in intensively managed areas. Species richness of alien birds did not vary across levels of management. Bird species richness was negatively associated with lawn cover and with distance from nearest water source and was positively associated with the number of woody plant species. We suggest that urban parks should be designed such that the heterogeneity of native vegetation is preserved, if we aim to maintain native bird species diversity and minimize urban exploiter and alien species. When lightly managed or unmanaged, urban parks can retain large remnants of sub-natural habitats and can serve as important contributors to the conservation of native biodiversity within a large urban metropolis.  相似文献   

梁新悦  游桂璇  祝珊  胡远东 《中国园林》2023,39(12):138-144
自生植物是城市生物的重要组成部分,是城市生态系统可持续发展的重要保障。运用均匀网格布样法,结合典型生境取样法,调查并分析了哈尔滨10所高校校园绿地自生植物的物种多样性及其生境特征。结果表明:1)共记录到自生植物146种,隶属于42科108属;2)教学科研与行政办公区、学生生活区以及微生境类型中的乔-草生境、行道树池绿地生境、灌草生境及人工草坪生境是自生植物的主要生存空间;3)生活史周期较短和可塑性高的世界广布性自生植物对高频度和高强度的人为干扰具有很强的适应性。研究成果将为探索城市生物多样性保护与维持策略提供依据,也为低成本校园植物景观建设与养护、自生植物生境设计与营造及生物多样性保护与维持提供参考。  相似文献   

Urban environments are not considered areas with conservation importance. However greenspaces in cities have been previously identified as areas with significant avian biodiversity. We investigated the distribution and diversity of birds in what are increasingly considered as Metropolitan Manila's last greenspaces; the University of the Philippines campus, military cemeteries and two government operated parks. Using species–area analysis, abundance and diversity indices, TWINSPAN ordination and logistic regression to determine important landscape features for species presence, we describe the distribution of bird communities and diversity in Metropolitan Manila. Two major bird community groupings were observed. These are the urban exploiters and the urban adaptable with the former occurring in high abundances and the latter in low abundances in greenspaces. The number of built and natural spatial entities determines abundances. Species area analysis suggests that the greenspaces are distinct habitats that preserve faunal uniqueness whereas urbanization tends to decrease diversity. These observations suggest that greenspaces harbor significant avian biodiversity as well as the presence of endemic and threatened species. As the greenspaces possess remnant wetland and wooded habitat we recommend that they be preserved and maintained by ensuring that these habitats are incorporated in any urban development plan.  相似文献   

The paper reports the first study of diversity and distribution of freshwater macrophytes in the wedian (plural of wadi = seasonal river) of the northern Al Hajar Mountain range in Oman. Fifteen lentic habitats in the wedian were surveyed. The number of species, their growth forms and abundance were recorded in the studied habitat of each wadi. In all, 41 species belonging to 14 families and 32 genera were collected. Of these 37 species were emergent and four were submergent. Poaceae was the most diverse emergent family with 17 species. Phragmites australis was the most common emergent followed by Typha domingensis. Among submerged macrophytes, Chara vulgaris had higher frequency of occurrence with low abundance followed by Potamogeton distinctus with relatively high abundance. Floristic diversity was estimated using species richness (Margalef’s D), general diversity (Shannon–Wiener H′), evenness (Pielous’s EH), and dominance (Berger–Parker d) indices for each study habitat. Principal component analysis was used to evaluate the variability using four indices. PC1 and PC2 explained 98.18% of the variability. Some habitats in different watersheds exhibited similar species diversity, but some in the same watershed were different. Baseline data on the freshwater macrophytes in northern Oman are provided here.  相似文献   

目前国内对海绵生境生物多样性方面的研究还较为欠缺,有蓄水功能的塘类海绵生境可作为鸟类觅食及栖息之地。为了探究塘类海绵生境的鸟类特征,以及生境中的设计与环境因子是如何影响鸟类群落多样性特征的,对重庆悦来会展城的干塘与湿塘进行调查,采集生境中的鸟类、植被、面积特征与环境干扰特征数据。采用聚类分析的方法明确鸟类群落组成特征,通过构建结构方程模型,探究塘类海绵生境特征因子对鸟类群落多样性特征的影响。经过四季监测实地调研,总共观测到64种鸟类,可划分为4种鸟类集团,整体鸟类群落多样性特征受到生境面积、蓄水层面积、乔木多样性、灌木多样性、乔木胸径、乔木盖度、噪声、距林地距离和距非绿地建设用地距离的显著影响。通过合理的设计策略可以提升塘类海绵生境鸟类多样性特征。本研究对于探索城市绿地小微生境的生物多样性效益,促进海绵城市精细化营建具有重要价值。  相似文献   

林敏 《山西建筑》2011,37(29):182-184
针对国内山地高尔夫球场彩色树种选择和绿化问题进行了探讨,分别介绍了彩叶树种的分类及其在高尔夫球场中的作用,并结合相关原则,具体阐述了彩叶树种在高尔夫球场设计中的应用,以期指导实践。  相似文献   

Urban expansion and human migration from rural to urban locations have complex relationships with environmental change. Habitat fragmentation, loss of biodiversity and vegetation changes are some of the most common impacts of urbanisation. In many Indian cities, the urban core is characterised by historical human settlements with narrow lanes and packed commercial establishments, while urbanisation that occurred after 1970s preferred spacing between the dwellings with more greenery or urban forestry. As urbanisation progresses, the urban fringes have more scope for incorporating environmental concerns and conservation. In this study, we measured species richness and abundance of birds within varied urban habitats and landscapes along the urban–rural gradient in Tiruchirappalli, India. We also tried to determine the linkage between bird diversity and landscape attributes including anthropogenic factors. Our observations showed that within urban areas, certain landscapes favoured species richness while many habitats are unfriendly for species but encouraged homogenisation. As we move from urban core towards rural gradient, the species richness increased; however, it is not uniform in all peripheral directions. Interestingly, the urban fringes at certain pockets had richness equivalent to rural locations. Species richness positively correlated with vegetation cover while built cover, noise, vehicular movement and pedestrians had negative impacts. As the urban fringes are in various stages of development, they have more scope for integrating ecological and biodiversity considerations and in this aspect wetlands, riverine farmlands and urban forests may play a crucial role in retaining native birds and also supporting migratory bird species.  相似文献   

刘俊男  陈航  高凯 《中国园林》2022,38(10):32-37
生物多样性是人类赖以生存和发展的重要基础,城市生物多样性是其重要组成部分。鸟类是城市生物多样性的指示物种和伞护物种,具有重要研究价值。基于城市生物多样性保护的目的,利用MaxEnt模型预测识别滇池沿岸鸟类适宜生境,完成生境制图,并利用最小成本距离模型和电路理论构建及优化鸟类生境网络。结果表明:1)MaxEnt模型识别环滇池湖滨水陆相交区域为鸟类高适宜区生境,距滇池一级保护区距离与植被覆盖度是影响鸟类生境适宜性的主要因子;2)生境制图结果显示,高适宜区生境以湿地与林地为主,两者占比分别为39.34%和28.67%;3)基于最小成本距离模型构建了滇池沿岸及昆明城市范围内的鸟类生境网络;4)基于电路理论识别了生境网络的生态“夹点”和“障碍点”,改进网络的连通性。研究成果形成鸟类生境识别和网络构建的系统方法,为城市生物多样性保护提供科学依据与参考。  相似文献   

F.  A.  Y. R.  N. 《Landscape and urban planning》2004,67(1-4):195
Understanding the dynamics of biodiversity in changing agricultural landscapes is a goal for nature conservation and agricultural policies. Agriculture operates at several spatio-temporal levels from field to landscape, and induces differential response of communities according to their ecological traits. Reactions of several taxa to landscape and agricultural changes was conducted along landscape gradients in northern Brittany (France) gathering 14 sites. Landscapes ranged from fine grained areas, with a large proportion of permanent grasslands, wood and hedgerows, to coarse grained ones dominated by crops. Response of communities were either loss of species along the gradient (as for Diptera Chironomidae and Empididae), replacement (Coleoptera Carabidae) and no change in species composition (small mammals). In this paper, we present why these taxa react in such different ways according to their life history traits, their mobility patterns and to which parameters of landscape structure or agriculture intensification they are sensitive. Density of hedgerow networks, and permeability of individual hedgerows determine the spatial distribution of adults Diptera according to their flying ability. Mean body size of carabid beetles significantly decreases along the gradient of agricultural intensification, small species adapted to disturbance replacing large ones that are characteristic of stable habitats. The same small mammal species are found all along the two gradients, but their relative abundance is linked to the importance of crops versus more stable habitats in the landscape.We concluded that species survival in those fine grained agricultural landscapes depends on processes operating at the site scale and defining habitat quality, and processes operating at the landscape and/or metapopulation scale such as landscape modifications in connectivity and habitat availability.  相似文献   

Species richness and species diversity are classic concepts in ecology. What is new in the science of biodiversity after the Convention on Biological Diversity is: (1) that the emphasis has moved from the species to the ecosystem; (2) that the functional significance of biodiversity has been stressed. Thus, population and community ecology along with landscape ecology, should offer the best theoretical framework to analyse what can be called ‘biodiversity dynamics’.Some promising pathways and areas are emphasized and the very concept of functional diversity is discussed. Species richness, genetic variability and extinction probability are closely linked with landscape traits such as habitat diversity, structural heterogeneity, patch dynamics and perturbations. Thus, it is suggested that landscape ecology hold a central role, since it will allow the response to biodiversity issues in the framework of environmental heterogeneity and patchiness.  相似文献   

Since urbanisation and fragmentation result in a decrease in larger forests, the importance of isolated trees as habitat in urban landscapes is increasing. This study investigated the contribution of trees in urban landscapes to the abundance and variety of arthropod taxa. Ants and other arthropods were surveyed on the bark of 341 trees in three types of arrangement: isolated trees, trees in linear corridors and trees in patches. Ant species and other arthropods were identified and the numbers on each tree were counted. In order to determine the effects of host tree properties (size and plant species) and the surrounding environment (arrangement of trees, surrounding land cover), an analysis of covariance was conducted. Tree species was the most important influence, followed by tree size, on ants and other arthropods in the urban landscape, with little effect from the arrangement of trees. Thus, in order to increase arthropod diversity in urban landscapes, it is important to select tree species that attract a large number of arthropod taxa.  相似文献   

宗教对生物多样性保护有重要作用。道教和佛教在 中国是主要宗教派别,二者的起源和核心思想有较大差异, 目前对道教和佛教的生物多样性保护功能及其对树种的选择 偏好的研究有限。实地调查了我国最大的山地城市——重庆 主城区所有的道观(11个)和佛寺(39个)及其周围植被的树 种组成,对比了二者树种的组成特征与地理来源间的差异, 并分析了区域环境对寺观树种多样性的影响。研究发现: 1)重庆主城区寺观及其周围植被保存有树种82科193属329 种,包含32种珍稀濒危树种和214种乡土树种;2)道观及 其周围植被的宗教树种比例(16.0%±0.96)显著低于佛寺 (42.0%±0.17);3)道观宗教树种的地理来源热点区域为四 川、湖北和浙江,佛寺则为四川、贵州、云南和广东;4)道 观内部的树种相似性低于佛寺,但道观内外部的树种相似性显 著高于佛寺;5)道观树种多样性与城市化率为负相关关系, 佛寺树种多样性与佛寺面积和建成时间为正相关关系。以上结 果表明:1)重庆主城区寺观园林具有重要的生物多样性保护 价值;2)道教倾向于选择与周边植被相融合的树种,佛寺则 倾向于固定的(符合佛教教义的)佛教树种;3)道观树种多样 性主要与城市化率相关,佛寺则主要与其本身的面积和建成时 长相关。  相似文献   

城市化进程的不断加快影响了城市绿色空间的生境质量,城市生物多样性受到极大威胁。构建城市范围内的多物种综合生境网络能够整合现有的城市绿色空间格局,促进生物多样性保护与发育。以北京市丰台区为例,面向生物多样性保护与城市绿色空间发展提出了基于In VEST-MCR复合模型的城市绿色空间生境网络格局构建方法体系:即以生境类型为导向选取区域内生物多样性保护的焦点物种,通过大数据选取焦点物种的栖息源地,基于In VEST模型生境质量模块选取潜在栖息地(汇)并生成生境网络构建阻力面,采用最小累计阻力模型(MCR)构建丰台区城市绿色空间生境网络。研究结果明确了丰台区的生境质量现状与未来生境网络发展脉络,为城市绿色空间生境网络构建提供了新方法,为丰台区绿地空间格局规划与生物多样性保护提供了参考框架。  相似文献   

Landscapes, tourism, and conservation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
One key aspect of global change is a decrease in ecological integrity as more and more landscapes are developed, leaving a mosaic of intact refuges and degraded patches that may not be sufficient for conserving biodiversity. While increases in human population and shifts in the distribution of people affect land use, the temporary movement of people can have major implications for conservation and biodiversity. Three examples are presented where recreation/tourism can enhance the conservation of land on a landscape scale, leading to habitat protection and biodiversity preservation: (1) Shorebirds often require a matrix of different habitat types during migratory stopovers, and ecotourism can serve as a catalyst for landscape scale protection of habitat. (2) Riparian habitats can serve as corridors to link diverse habitat patches, as well as serving as biodiversity hotspots. (3) Remediation and rehabilitation of contaminated lands, such as those of the US Department of Energy, aimed at developing recreational activities on the uncontaminated portions, can be the most economical form of re-development with no increase in human or ecological risk. Since large areas on many DOE sites have been undisturbed since the Second World War, when they were acquired, they contain unique or valuable ecosystems that serve an important role within their regional landscapes. In all three cases the judicious development of recreational/tourist interests can encourage both the conservation of habitats and the wise management of habitats on a landscape scale. While some species or habitats are too fragile for sustained tourism, many can be managed so that species, ecosystems and ecotourists flourish. By contributing to the economic base of regions, ecotourists/recreationists can influence the protection of land and biodiversity on a landscape scale, contributing to ecosystem management. The human dimensions of land preservation and biodiversity protection are key to long-term sustainability, and ecotourists/recreationists can be one management option.  相似文献   

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