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Savio Fabretti Patrick Thomas Markus Meinert Inga-Mareen Imort Andy Thomas 《Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism》2013,26(5):1879-1882
We fabricated superconducting MgB2 thin films on (001) MgO substrates by magnetron rf and dc co-sputtering on heated substrates. We annealed the samples ex-situ and in-situ at temperatures between 450 °C and 750 °C. The substrate temperature during the sputtering process and the post annealing temperatures play a crucial role in forming MgB2 superconducting thin films. We achieved a critical onset temperature of up to 27.1 K for the ex-situ and 25.6 K for the in-situ annealed samples at a film thickness of 30 nm. The samples shows an out of plane (0002)-Peak which was determined by x-ray diffraction. 相似文献
X. X. Xi X. H. Zeng A. V. Pogrebnyakov A. Soukiassian S. Y. Xu Y. F. Hu E. Wertz Q. Li Y. Zhong C. O. Brubaker Z.-K. Liu E. M. Lysczek J. M. Redwing J. Lettieri D. G. Schlom W. Tian H. P. Sun X. Q. Pan 《Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism》2003,16(5):801-806
The recently discovered superconductor MgB2 with T c at 39 K has great potential in superconducting electronics. In this paper, we review the deposition techniques used for MgB2 thin films in the light of a thermodynamic study of the Mg-B system with the calculation of phase diagrams (CALPHAD) modeling technique. This thermodynamic study identifies a growth window in the pressure–temperature phase diagram, in which the magnesium pressure is very high for likely in situ growth temperatures. A Hybrid Physical–Chemical Vapor Deposition (HPCVD) technique that successfully achieves such a high Mg pressure is shown to produce in situ epitaxial MgB2 thin films with bulk superconducting properties. 相似文献
A. Andreone E. Di Gennaro G. Lamura F. Chiarella R. Vaglio 《Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism》2003,16(5):807-813
The electrodynamic response at 20 GHz of c-axis oriented MgB2 superconducting thin films is reported. Mg-rich Mg-B precursor samples were grown on MgO and Al2O3 single crystal substrates by a d.c. planar magnetron sputtering technique, and subsequently annealed in situ at 800°C for 10 min in a In-sealed Nb box in the presence of saturated Mg vapor. The films were characterized by a variety of structural and electronic techniques including XRD, EDS, STM-AFM analyses, and transport measurements. The dependence of the surface impedance from temperature and radiofrequency (r.f.) field amplitude was measured via a dielectric resonator technique. Temperature data clearly confirm the s-wave nature of the newly discovered superconductor, even if the value of the energy gap is smaller than BCS prediction. An effective two-band model can be applied to quantitatively explain the experimental results. In spite of previous reports claiming the absence of weak link behavior in MgB2, the power dependence show that granularity governs the performance of these films in the microwave region. 相似文献
E. Taylan?Koparan A. Surdu A. Awawdeh A. Sidorenko E. Yanmaz 《Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism》2012,25(6):1761-1767
MgB2 thin films were fabricated on MgO (100) single crystal substrates. First, deposition of boron was performed by rf magnetron sputtering on MgO substrates and followed by a post deposition annealing at 850?°C in magnesium vapor. In order to investigate the effect of FeO nanoparticles on magnetic properties of MgB2 thin films, the films were coated with different concentrations of FeO nanoparticles by spin coating process. The magnetic field dependence of the critical current density $J_{\mathrm{c}}$ was calculated from the M?CH loops and also magnetic field dependence of the pinning force density $f_{\mathrm{p}}(b)$ was determined for the films containing different concentrations of FeO nanoparticles. The values of the critical current density $J_{\mathrm{c}}$ in zero field at 5?K was found to be around 1×106?A/cm2 for pure MgB2 film, 1.4×106 for MgB2 film coated with 25?%, 7.2×105 for MgB2 film coated with 33?%, 9.1×105 for MgB2 film coated with 50?% and 1.1×106?A/cm2 for MgB2 film coated with 100?%. It?was?found that the film coated with 25?% FeO nanoparticles has slightly enhanced critical current density and it can be noted that especially the film coated with 25?% FeO became stronger in the magnetic field. The films coated with FeO were successfully produced and they indicated the presence of artificial pinning centers created by FeO nanoparticles. The superconducting transition temperature of the film coated with 25?% FeO nanoparticles was determined by moment?Ctemperature (M?CT) measurement to be 34?K which is 4?K higher than that of the pure film. 相似文献
Effect of Substrates on Superconducting Properties of MgB2 Thick Films Fabricated by Spraying Method
M. Ozabaci M. A. Aksan M. E. Yakinci 《Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism》2011,24(1-2):357-363
MgB2 thick films have been prepared on Al2O3, MgO and SrTiO3 ceramic substrates using the spray method with two different heat-treatment cycles, 925???C with 10?min (Group?A) and 610???C with 24?h (Group?B). The structural/microstructural (XRD, SEM) and transport (R?CT, MR?CT) properties of the films prepared were investigated. XRD analysis showed that the films in Groups?A and?B consisted mainly of MgB2, but the peaks originating from the substrates were also observed in films fabricated on the Al2O3 substrate. From scanning electron microscopy, it was seen that the surface of MgB2 thick films prepared is not sufficiently homogeneous. Some cracks and heaps with different sizes were observed. The best electrical results were obtained for films in Group?A on Al2O3 substrate. The T c value for films in Group?A was found to be 36.1?K, 36?K and 35?K, for Al2O3, MgO and SrTiO3 substrates, respectively. No superconducting state was reached for films in Group?B on the SrTiO3 substrate. In all the films which showed a superconducting state, the magnetic field strongly affected T c . A?tail in the resistance curves was observed with increasing magnetic field for films in Group?A on the MgO and SrTiO3 substrates. At magnetic fields above 1?T for films in Group?A on the SrTiO3 substrate and above 2?T for films in Group?A on the MgO substrate, the zero-resistance temperature, T 0, was not obtained. 相似文献
S. Wang Y. Zhou Y. Zhu Q. Zhang Z. Chen H. Lu S. Dai G. Yang 《Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism》2003,16(3):585-588
The crystal structure and superconductivity of MgB2 thin films grown on various oxide substrates were investigated by X-ray diffraction and resistance measurement. The films were prepared by a two-step method, in which precursors B films were annealed in Mg vapor at 900○C. The X-ray diffraction shows that the MgB2 films grown on C–AL2O3, R–AL2O3, and MgO (001) are c-axis oriented while the films grown on SrTiO3 (001), LaAlO3 (001), and ZrO2 (001) are aligned with the (101) direction normal to the substrate planes. All the grown films show superconductivity and their transition temperature varies with the substrates in the range of 34–39 K. We think that the transition temperature variation is probably due to the lattice matching between the film and the substrate, as well as the interdiffusion at the film/substrate interface. The experimental results suggest that if there is no severe interdiffusion at the film/substrate interface in the high temperature annealing process, more substrates could be used for the growth of MgB2 films using the two-step method. 相似文献
A. S. Sidorenko V. I. Zdravkov V. V. Ryazanov M. Klemm S. Horn R. Tidecks C. Müller A. Wixforth 《Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism》2004,17(2):211-213
The origin of the resistive transition broadening for superconducting MgB2 films is investigated experimentally. The crucial role of two-dimensional weak and critical fluctuations is demonstrated. 相似文献
W. A. C. Passos P. N. Lisboa-Filho W. N. Kang Eun-Mi Choi Hyeong-Jin Kim Sung-Ik Lee W. A. Ortiz 《Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism》2002,15(5):479-482
Under the influence of a magnetic field applied perpendicularly to its plane, a superconducting thin film develops dendritic patterns of penetrated regions that coexist with Meissner areas. For a thin film of MgB2 submitted to an alternate field of moderate amplitude, the AC susceptibility measured while cooling the sample exhibits a quite unusual behavior, reentering and fluctuating with temperature. The effect is more pronounced at frequencies around 1 kHz. Two plausible explanations for the effect are discussed. 相似文献
E. Taylan Koparan A. Öztürk T. Bayazıt A. Surdu A. Sidorenko E. Yanmaz 《Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism》2013,26(2):267-271
MgB2 thin films were deposited on MgO (100) substrate and r-plane Al2O3 $(1\bar{1}02)$ substrate by ex-situ annealing of boron film in magnesium vapor. The thickness of ex-situ annealed MgB2 films is approximately 600 nm according to data observation by ellipsometer. The magnetic properties of samples were determined using a vibrating sample magnetometer. The magnetic field dependence of the critical current density J c was calculated from M–H loops and also the magnetic field dependence of F p was compared for the different temperature ranges from 5 to 25 K. The critical current density J c was found to be around 1.0×106 A/cm2 and 1.7×106 A/cm2 in zero field at 5 K for MgB2 films deposited on MgO and r-plane Al2O3 substrates, respectively. It was found that the critical current density of the film deposited on MgO became stronger than that of r-plane Al2O3 in the magnetic field. The superconducting transition temperature was determined by ac susceptibility measurement using physical properties measurement system. ac susceptibility measurements for MgB2 films deposited on MgO and r-plane Al2O3 substrates were performed as a function of temperatures at constant frequency and ac field amplitude in the absence of dc bias field. The critical current densities as a function of temperature were estimated from the ac susceptibility data. 相似文献
采用倒筒式直流溅射(ICS)方法,辐射方式加热基片,通过电机带动基片旋转,在两面同时溅射沉积YBCO高温超导双面薄膜。在加热温度为850℃,总压强为35Pa,氧氩比为1∶2,靶基距50mm,基片转速5~40r/min条件下,在20mm×20mm的LaAlO 相似文献
超导薄膜实现布图布线工艺是制备超导电子元件的必要步骤.报道了两种二硼化镁超导薄膜布图布线的湿法刻蚀技术:一种是先利用双氧水( H2O2)刻蚀前驱体硼薄膜,然后将刻蚀的样品放入钽坩埚中在镁蒸气下高温退火,实现了对超导薄膜二硼化镁(MgB2)布图布线的刻蚀;另一种是选用氢氟酸(HF)和硝酸(HNO3)的混合溶液直接在二硼化镁超导薄膜上进行图形刻蚀.通过上述两种方法刻蚀出的MgB2薄膜图形精确度高,超导转变温度Tc都在38K以上,临界电流Ic约为1×106 A/cm2. 相似文献
The time‐dependent irreversible deformation of a thin metal film constrained by a substrate is investigated by a mesoscopic discrete dislocation simulation scheme incorporating information from atomistic studies of dislocation nucleation mechanisms. The simulations take into account dislocation climb along the grain boundaries in the film as well as dislocation glide along slip planes inclined and parallel to the film/substrate interface. The calculated flow stress and other features are compared with relevant experimental observations. The work is focused on deformation of a polycrystalline film without a cap layer, for which diffusive processes play an important role. The dislocation‐based simulations reveal information on the prevailing deformation mechanisms under different conditions and for different film thicknesses. Despite of the limitations of the two‐dimensional dislocation model, the simulations exhibit a film thickness dependent transition between creep dominated and dislocation glide dominated deformation, which is in good agreement with experimental observations. 相似文献
W. N. Kang Kijoon H. P. Kim Hyeong-Jin Kim Eun-Mi Choi Heon Jung Kim Hyun-Sook Lee Sung-Ik Lee 《Journal of Low Temperature Physics》2003,131(5-6):1075-1084
We have measured the Hall resistivity,
, and the longitudinal resistivity,
, in superconducting MgB2 thin films in a mixed-state while changing the magnetic field and the current density. A Hall scaling behavior without the anomalous Hall effect was observed with a exponent of 2.0±0.1 in
. This exponent is observed to be constant, i.e., independent of magnetic field, temperature, and current density. 相似文献
Y. Hikita T. Fukumura T. Ito M. Kawasaki H. Takagi 《Journal of Low Temperature Physics》2003,131(5-6):1187-1191
Superconducting MgB2 thin films have been fabricated on originally prepared boride substrates (AlB2 (0001), ZrB2 (random orientation), CaB6 (0001), Al2O3 (0001)) by pulsed laser deposition (PLD) at room temperature, followed by in-situ annealing process. The highest T
c of 30 K, transition width of 6 K was obtained for Al2O3 (0001). T
s were lowered and no zero resistivity was observed for boride substrates. 相似文献
Hyeong-Jin Kim W. N. Kang Eun-Mi Choi Kijoon H. P. Kim Sung-Ik Lee 《Journal of Low Temperature Physics》2003,131(5-6):1025-1031
From the magnetic hysteresis loops (M-H) and the current-voltage (I-V) relations, we obtained the critical current density (J
c) for c-axis-oriented MgB2 thin films with a transition temperature of 39 K. The temperature dependence of J
c obtained from the M-H and the I-V curves coincide, which indicates the strongly linked nature of the intergrains in these thin films. And, the high value of J
c was estimated to be 4×107 A/cm2 at 5 K and 1×105 A/cm2 at 37 K under a self field, indicating a promising candidate for technological applications. 相似文献
B. B. Jin T. Dahm F. Kadlec P. Kuzel A. I. Gubin Eun-Mi Choi Hyun Jung Kim Sung-Ik Lee W. N. Kang S. F. Wang Y. L. Zhou A. V. Pogrebnyakov J. M. Redwing X. X. Xi N. Klein 《Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism》2006,19(7-8):617-623
The knowledge of the surface resistance R
s of superconducting thin film at microwave and terahertz (THz) regions is significant to design, make and assess superconducting
microwave and THz electronic devices. In this paper we reported the R
s of MgB2 films at microwave and THz measured with sapphire resonator technique and the time-domain THz spectroscopy, respectively.
Some interesting results are revealed in the following: (1) A clear correlation is found between R
s and normal-state resistivity right above T
c, ρ0, i.e., R
s decreases almost linearly with the decrease of ρ0. (2) A low residual R
s, less than 50 μΩ at 18 GHz is achieved by different deposition techniques. In addition, between 10 and 14 K, MgB2 has the lowest R
s compared with two other superconductors Nb3Sn and the high-temperature superconductor YBa2Cu3O7−δ(YBCO). (3) From THz measurement it is found that the R
s of MgB2 up to around 1 THz is lower than that of copper and YBCO at the temperature below 25 K. (4) The frequency dependence of R
s follows ω
, where ω is angular frequency, and n is power index. However, n changes from 1.9 at microwave to 1.5 at THz. The above results clearly give the evidences that
MgB2 thin film, compared with other superconductors, is of advantage to make superconducting circuits working in the microwave
and THz regions. 相似文献
J. Angrik A. Faustein J. Klier P. Leiderer 《Journal of Low Temperature Physics》2004,137(3-4):335-344
We report about our investigations on two-dimensional electron ensembles floating above thin helium films supported by metallic substrates. We found a surprisingly high stability of these electrons, although the substrates were conducting which allows breakthrough at weak spots of the helium film due to roughness peaks. We have measured the electron densities and corresponding relaxation times. By pulling the electrons from the area above the loading electrode to the area above a separate electrode one can enhance the lifetime of these surface state electrons. PACS numbers: 67.70.+n, 73.90.+f, 73.50.-h 相似文献
A high temperature superconducting GdBa2Cu3O7– thin film was characterized using a parallel plate resonator at 5.5 GHz and a dielectric puck resonator at 10 GHz, to observe the dependence of surface resistance on microwave power at the fundamental frequency, and the production of intermodulation products using a two-tone measurement setup, respectively. The electromagnetic field pattern of the dielectric puck-HTS thin film mode was modeled using the commercial software package MAFIA. The intermodulation product was compared with a simple RSJ model. 相似文献