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王颂康 《兵工学报(弹箭分册)》1991,(2):80-84,108
论述了灵巧弹药的地位,末敏弹和未制导炮弹的关系,是优先发展“铜斑蛇”还是优先发展 “萨达姆”,同时,对爆炸成形弹丸战斗部的特点,要解决的关键技术以及发展前景,根据国外弹药发展的经验教训和我国国情,提出了一些初步看法和建议。 相似文献
主要介绍美国、俄罗斯以及欧洲各国灵巧弹药的最新发展情况:美国主要发展传感器引爆弹药和末制导子弹药;俄罗斯除继续发展半主动激光制导炮弹外还在研制其它制导模式的子弹药;法国、德国、英国和瑞典子弹药的发展与美国的基本相同,但通常走联合研制的道路。 相似文献
正现代战争战场环境日趋复杂,从以前的单一途径对抗发展到舰船、战机、导弹、电磁干扰、网络攻击、定向能武器等相结合的复杂体系对抗,既有各类导弹的相互攻击,也有各类舰机的直接对抗,还有复杂电磁环境和电子攻击等信息对抗,甚至面临激光、高功率微波等定向能武器的非对称打击。战斗模式更加多维化,从以前的海、陆、空独立作战的低维模式到海、陆、空、天立体交叉打击多维模式发展,许多大型的高价值作战平台应运而生。同时,弹药毁伤巨能化、高效化,打击精准 相似文献
1 IntroductionThe development and fielding of Insensitive Munitions(IM)has been occurring over the last 30 years.Thehigh profile accidents on the USN aircraft carriers Oriska-ny,Forrestal and Enterprise spurred the US Navy to ac-tion.The toll that these accidents took in terms of loss ofhuman life,and loss of platforms,impressed upon the Na-vy the critical importance of taking into account not onlythe performance of munitions but also their vulnerability toaccidental initiation.However,t… 相似文献
The development of Insensitive Munitions (IM) has been progressing for over three decades. Ever since the highly publicized US Navy aircraft carrier accidents in the 1960s to 1980s, there has been a growing recognition of the value of IM. Reminders of the need for IM have been provided all too often in the form of accidents, such as experienced by the US Army at Camp Doha and the prevalence of attacks on military installations around the world.
The process for developing IM has improved over the years as technology for mitigating the consequences of accidental initiation has emerged. Early IM developments were based upon replacement of the traditional TNT-based explosives, with their high vulnerability, with reduced vulnerability PBXs. This led to significant improvements, such as that observed with the replacement of H-6 with PBXN-109 in the US Navy Mk82 GP bomb. From the early 1990s, the use of a complete systems approach was highlighted as the optimum method to achieve IM compliance while maintaining or enhancing operational performance. The use of a systems approach has resulted in the fielding of a number of munition systems with significant IM properties. The challenge for the future is to continue the development and fielding of improved performance IM munitions with limited funding for research and the high cost of introducing new ingredients into energetic formulations. A key development to allow continued progress to occur is the introduction of improved versions of current explosive ingredients. The attention focused in the past few years on forms of RDX with reduced shock sensitivity has highlighted the possibility of improving well-known materials. In the near future, the application of materials technology may provide improved versions of other important crystalline energetic materials currently in production or advanced development, including HMX, NTO, CL-20 and ADN and help advance the development of further explosive ingredients such as FOX-7 and LLM-105. Advances in the development and application of computer modeling must be made if we are to move forward from our current reliance on a limited number of canonical tests that are held to be representative of the hazards likely to be encountered. The availability of verified and validated models describing the response of energetic materials to various thermal and mechanical threats will enable us to perform parametric studies on systems. This will allow us to estimate their response to hazards that are characteristic of the specific environment experienced by that system, and so to tailor the materials and packaging to minimize risk and maximize performance. 相似文献
在第一次世界大战中,各交战国所用的炸药主要是苦味酸。由于苦味酸腐蚀弹壳生成较敏感的苦味酸铁,容易发生意外爆炸事故,后在二战中被TNT取代。TNT的优点是价廉、感度低,装药工艺简单,但缺点是爆轰能量低。所以西方国家后来就用能量高的B炸药(TNT/RDX)装填榴弹、破甲弹、航弹、地雷及导弹战斗部,大幅提高毁伤威力。据称B炸药的产量曾经占以HMX、RDX为主要成份的混合炸药总量的90%。但是装B炸药的弹头安全性能差,在受到子弹、破片、射流撞击和火焰烧烤时容易发生爆轰,也容易被殉爆。越南战争期间,美国Forrestal航空母舰上的弹药发生… 相似文献
针对子母弹抛撒子弹环境的特殊性,设计了一种存储遥测系统,用于完成子母弹子弹抛撒实验参数的实时采集与无线传输。避免了繁重的装置装卸和数据读取工作,并提高了实验时的安全系数。文中给出了系统的总体设计方案,阐述了系统各组成部分的工作原理,实现了多量程测试、多存储模式,并进行了相应的实弹测试试验。经实验表明,该系统在抛撒实验时很好的完成了数据存储和无线传输的功能,误码率很低,完全符合实验标准。 相似文献