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为推动CAE软件产业建设,从体制、机制和法制的角度分析具有共性发展规律的创新模式,提出以循序渐进的方式形成有我国特色的体制创新、机制建设和法制观念增强的创新模式,在国家层面实现自主CAE软件产业模式的资源整合,促进共性关键技术的规范化、规模化和产业化,形成自主CAE软件产业基地建设的规划和对策. 相似文献
以工程师计算机辅助工程(Computer Aided Engineering,CAE)软件系统应用能力培养为出发点,介绍CAE软件技术发展的三个进程,提出发展自主可控的工程类应用软件系统是关系到技术创新能力可持续发展和高质量产品产出的根本. 相似文献
为从国家战略的视角讨论自主计算机辅助工程(Computer Aided Engineering,CAE)软件产业的发展,从工程科学的数值模拟技术与CAE应用技术以及三大产业(CAE软件产业、先进制造业和生产性服务业)的结合等方面进行论述,提出发展自主CAE软件产业的建议与对策. 相似文献
计算科学被称作科学探索的第3大支柱,与实验、理论相并列.软件产业是最能全面体现理论创新能力和科技成果水平的载体.我国要从加工制造业发展到制造业强国,不能缺少计算机辅助工程(Computer Aided Engineering,CAE)软件系统的自主开发和成熟发展.满足以装备制造业发展需求为导向的自主CAE软件产业,不仅是现代服务业和先进装备制造业产业结构调整的需要, 相似文献
加强以装备制造业发展需求为导向的自主CAE软件产业建设 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
优先发展先进装备制造业作为提升综合卖力的重要举措,CAE技术的推广应用和自主发展作为信息化带领工业化的战略任务得到越来越多的重视。结合公共服务平台的实践,探讨共性专业技术在适应社会需求变化的过程中,实现以企业为主的发展可能性。 相似文献
The mechanical product development process uses many different software systems to virtually simulate the behaviour of a design. The present work deals with flexible and efficient integration using object‐oriented mediator technology that provides transparent access to distributed engineering systems. The use of mediator technology is investigated for semi‐automatically integrating engineering information resident in computer aided design systems with a Common Object Request Broker Architecture based application programming interface. The purpose is to provide engineering analysis applications access to computer aided design system information and computational methods through a declarative query language. We conclude that the use of a declarative query language for developing engineering applications shows great potential in terms of flexibility, development productivity, performance, and ease of use, compared with using a procedural programming language. The work also shows new use of mediator technology, declarative queries, and active rules within engineering information integration that traditionally is accomplished using procedural programming. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
计算机辅助工业设计技术与中设系统简介 总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4
文中详细论述了计算机辅助工业设计技术的基本原理和特征,工业设计与工程设计的相互关系及其在产品开发过程中的定位研究,计算机辅助工业设计系统的基本框架和实现方法;并介绍了一种典型的CAID软件系统。 相似文献
独立学院计算机专业综合实践课程教改探讨 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
本文分析了某独立学院计算机专业综合实践能力培养方面的现状,建议独立学院开设专业综合实践课程。通过介绍综合实践课程的课程目标、教学内容、组织形式、教学实施和教学效果评价等情况,指出在课程教学实施过程中存在的问题及对策。实践表明,开设专业综合实践课程教学能够有效地增强计算机专业学生的综合实践能力。 相似文献
产品需求建模辅助工具系统的研究与开发 总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4
介绍了一种面向并行设计的产品需求获取、分析与管理的工具系统。该系统包括基于需求拓扑结构的需求获取与拓展模块、以模糊需求分析为核心的需求信息分析处理模块、以质量功能展开矩阵为纲领的需求信息映射处理模块、设计过程规划与重组模块以及需求建模过程回溯模块,对该系统的有效性,结合石油管道外涂层缠绕机设计,进行了实例应用与验证。 相似文献
Knowledge acquisition and capitalization to solve problems concerning artefact evolution, still called inventive design, has a certain quantity of specific characteristics. It needs the choice of certain pieces of knowledge that may induce evolutions; it leads to reformulating the initial problem to build an abstract model of the artefact. The theoretical approach we are interested in, called TRIZ (the Russian acronym for Theory for Inventive Problem Solving), when translated into a methodological procedure, has not been fully formalized yet. This article proposes an ontology of the main notions of the concepts associated to knowledge acquisition in this framework. This ontology, beyond the clarification it brings to the involved notions, will be the support of a software architecture for implementing the method for knowledge acquisition and problem formulation. 相似文献
In this paper we present the state of the art in the field of computer aided innovation (CAI) from a new product development (NPD) perspective. Based on a holistic understanding of the innovation process and its support by ICT, we provide an overview of the emerging issue of CAI in the NPD field. In particular, the latest research on the concept of CAI, its categorization, potential benefits of CAI, trends in the CAI supply, and issues of CAI usage and implementation are discussed and summarized in this article. Current publications indicate that the emerging field of CAI has recently been getting more attention in the NPD area, but this research needs to integrate further the insights from other research areas in the CAI field. It must also make a better distinction between generic ICT and CAI to achieve a more specific and holistic perspective on CAI in the future. 相似文献
本文针对国外在使用计算机辅助软件工程(CASE)工具时存在的CASE无用现象原因的分析,结合我国的具体情况,提出了一些相应的对策以将CASE工具在我国软件行业应用时的问题减少到最小。 相似文献
This article introduces the system and application of teaching software Of 《Key to theExercises of Mechanical Drawing》 (will soon be published by the High Education publishingHouse). In general, CAI software is intended to be used for watching and listening, but can't beoperated personally. In order to improve the teaching effect, we introduce interactive capabilities intothe software, give students the opportunities of doing hands-on practice, increase the informationcontent of teaching in unit time, and leave more thinking face for students. 相似文献