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引言目前人们普遍承认现代的板块构造过程始于元古代;而许多研究者不断提出的问题是太古代板块构造的适用性。正如 Burke 等所提出的,尽管太古代地体和晚期地体之间存在很多地层、构造、岩石学和地球化学的差  相似文献   

众所周如,西藏地区是研究地球深部结构和构造的窗口,是研究大陆板块学说的重要场所,也是寻找热源和其它矿产资源的有利地区.因此,世界各国地学科学家都希望在本地区进行科学研究工作,或与我国科学工作者协作共同探索这一重要地区.中国和法国的地质、地球物理科学家经商讨共同组成“中法喜马拉雅山地质研究队”,对西藏中部广大地区进行地质、地球物理的科学研究工作.深部地震探测是地球物理研究中的重要内容.中法双方共同决定,在中国西藏南部的日喀则地区至北边的那曲地区作地震探测工作.为了探测地壳上地幔的结构,1981年在西藏的南部佩枯错至普莫雍错500公里的喜马拉雅山北麓——雅鲁藏布江地区进行了人工爆炸地震探测工作.本文是中法地质研究队合作的深部地震探测资料的解释结果.  相似文献   

在构造上必须把被动大陆边缘看作是活动的;它们经厉了变薄、沉降,以及引张等过程,这些形式影响着上覆沉积层,也为上覆沉积盖层的类型所影响。在中大西洋和特提斯洋张开期间沉积在南特提斯大陆边缘上的中生代和早第三纪的碳酸盐。对沉降作用作了很好的记录。由于极其广大的地区在逾150百万年的时间里持续沉降,而且在此期间除了正断层作用外,显然再无其它的构造活动,故这种沉降很可能是地壳变薄的一种均衡反应。采用适当密度进行的均衡研究表明,可用下述公式求得某特定时间里的地壳厚度 t'c:t'c=t_C-4.6t'_W,-1.8t'S式中,t_C 为原始地壳厚度,t'_W、t'_S分别为水深和沉积厚度。根据亚平宁的地层层系计算,意大利陆壳在深海盆地下变薄了40%左右,在碳酸盐台地下则为20%。我们认为,这种变薄也许是由Bott 1971年提出的机制引起的地壳引张造成的。根据这种机制,即便地壳处于均衡平衡的状态,在不同厚度地壳间的接触部位也应存在不平衡的横向压力。南特提斯边缘的引张和变薄影响到宽达数百公里的地带,我们认为这是发生于侏罗纪大洋裂谷作用之前的三迭纪陆内裂谷作用的影响所致。在陆内裂谷作用时期,形成了许多个纽瓦克(Newark)型的盆地,与它们有关的地壳不连续则可能为 Bott的横向流机制提供了一系列场所。亚平宁地壳的厚度目前至少是正常的,这表明它又重新增厚过;这种增厚可能发生在第三纪碰撞造山作用时期,Helwig 1976年提出的东阿尔卑斯造山运动亦发生在此时期。Helwig 增厚模式的一个重要方面是,它排除了在碰撞造山过程中有巨大体积的轻浮陆壳俯冲的必要性。  相似文献   

研究区概况本文探讨了软流圈表现得最为完善的太平洋活动边缘深部构造和表层构造相互关系的地质问题。确立了弗.弗.别洛乌索夫在大陆范围内建立的内生作用的活动性和软流圈之间的相关性。在新生代构造形成阶段,软流圈的活  相似文献   

研究岛弧系具有特殊意义,因为这些构造位于地球最大的地貌构造单元——海洋和陆地的交接带,是解决一系列现代大地构造基础问题的关键。在该区发生着最活跃的构造岩浆作用,表现为极强的地震活动、现代地壳运动和火山作用。不久前,在过渡带海域内完成了大量工作,其成果都已发表。但岛弧系的主要组成部分之一——岛弧,实际上仍然是个空白点。这是由于即使采用最能提供准确信息的构造地球物理方法,即各种众所周知的地震方法,研究岛弧的深部结构亦非常困难。该情况可以用海岛  相似文献   

根据近期获得的重磁电资料及其反演结果,并结合岩石物性和区域地质资料分析认为,松潘-若尔盖地区的基底属陆壳基底性质,三叠系覆盖区发育厚度较大、分布稳定的古生界陆棚边缘-台地相碎屑岩-碳酸盐岩沉积地层;根据地质调查和地层剖面含油性研究,该区寒武系和志留系发育以泥质和碳质页岩为主的优质烃源层,石炭系和二叠系发育台地相的碳酸盐岩和碎屑岩多类型储层,三叠纪为一套区域分布的复理石相沉积盖层,纵向上构成良好生储盖层配置,具有一定油气勘探前景。  相似文献   

了解日本列岛周边的海底地壳结构对于研究千岛、东北日本、西南日本、伊豆-小笠原和琉球五大俯冲带的结构具有特别重要的意义。因此,自六十年代后半期以来,在日本列岛周边进行了长期的海底地壳结构勘探。进入八十年代以后,勘探手段有了更新,普遍采用了海底地震仪(简称OBS,下同),使地壳结构调查的精度得以飞跃提高,并逐步阐明了日本周边各岛弧系的构造特征。本文主要讨论最近约10年间采用OBS折射法地震勘探对日本列岛周边海区的地壳调查。  相似文献   

准噶尔盆地基底构造与地壳分层结构   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
基于4 条盆地转换波剖面、1 条人工地震深反射-折射剖面和重磁反演以及相关深部探测结果,将准噶尔盆地地壳结构划分为3 个构造层,即沉积盖层、古生界褶皱基底层和结晶地壳层,确定了B、G、C1(或G1)、C 和M 界面及其参数特征。盆地具褶皱基底与结晶基底的“双层基底”构造特征,为陆壳性质。现今总体表现为东侧、北侧和西侧埋深较浅,盆地中部由北往南呈倾斜加深;褶皱基底北厚南薄,三个泉凸起带以北厚度为4~10 km,以南为0~4 km,昌吉凹陷一带最薄,为0~1 km. 盆地的莫霍面存在卡拉麦里-乌伦古北西西向上地幔隆起区、卡拉麦里-帐北和加依尔-四棵树南北向上地幔隆起区以及由此分割的凹陷区和斜坡带。  相似文献   

原油产量是油田的基本生产指标.影响原油产量的因素很多。文章从原油产量动态、原油商品产量变化、按不同标志分组分析原油产量结构,采用因素分析的方法对原油产量的变动及变动啄因进行了分析,其分析结果对油田合理安排生产.提高油井生产利用率和采节适宜的增产措施.具有重要的指导意义。  相似文献   

原油产量及其结构变化分析方法研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
原油产量是油田的基本生产指标,影响原油产量的因素很多。文章从原油产量的构成和影响因素的角度,从原油产量动态、原油商品产量变化、按不同标志分组分析原油产量结构等方面采用因素分析的方法对原油产量的变动及变动原因进行了分析,其分析结果对油田合理安排生产,提高油井生产利用率和采用最恰当的增产措施,具有重要的指导意义。  相似文献   

本文探讨了国内外深部地壳构造与某些大油气田的关系,得出上地幔隆起区与中新生代油气田区相对应的结论,并讨论了其机制问题。认为上地幔隆起所产生的张应力可以形成大断层(特别是产生一系列正断层),因而形成坳陷盆地或“地洼盆地”,并有较厚的沉积物。其中的有机物质在合适的温度、压力、化学及构造条件下,可以形成石油和天然气。因此,可以根据:(1)有大的莫霍界面隆起区;(2)有巨厚的分布范围广的沉积层;(3)有宜于生油的温度、压力、化学条件及合适的储油构造来预测油田远景区.文中给出了预测实例。  相似文献   

The nature and tectonic setting of the Eastern Mediterranean Basin are analyzed from geological and geophysical points of view. Palaeozoic and Mesozoic stratigraphy and palaeo-biogeography suggest that epicontinental Africa, Apulia and Arabia were united almost continuously during the entire Phanerozoic eon, prior to and after the Early Triassic opening of the Mesozoic Tethys. The allochthonous ophiolite-bearing terranes, that were thrust over the edges of the Gondwanan plate, fit well within a palinspastic model of a single Tethys ocean, north of the African-Apulian-Arabian palaeo-edge.
Seismic reflection and refraction studies, together with magnetic and gravimetric measurements of the present Eastern Mediterranean Levantine crust, have revealed a sedimentary succession 13–14 km thick, which presumably includes Palaeozoic-Early Mesozoic strata overlying crust 8–12 km thick.
Geological and geophysical re-evaluation suggests that the enormously thick sedimentary succession of the Levantine Basin covers a thinned crust of continental origin. The latter consists of Panafrican terranes, possibly including Infracambrian ocean-crust relics. Its "oceanic"-like nature is presumably due to subcrustal thermal erosion. The possible existence of a western palaeo-high offshore the Levant Coast calls for reassessment of hydrocarbon exploration in the Eastern Mediterranean. The previously proposed "hinge belt" along the Levant Coast may merely represent the transition from the eastern platform to a graben that separates the eastern (onshore) from the western (offshore) highs.
The passive extensional regime of the Gondwanan Eastern Mediterranean plate during most of the Phanerozoic eon ended with Late Cretaceous-Palaeogene Alpine compression of its margins, and the activation of the on-and offshore Levantinid Syrian Arc fold system.  相似文献   

In the first part of this presentation published in July(7, (3), 341–350), the Author proposed a scheme for the structural and tectonic evolution of the southern Himalayas. He now considers the model's constraints. The conclusions and references refer to both parts of the paper.  相似文献   

四川盆地东北缘含气藏构造分析   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
四川盆地周边冲断褶皱变形带内有很大的含天然气前景.然而,气藏的分布是非均一的.通过对川东北构造变形带的平衡地质剖面研究,结合对构造演化过程中有机质成熟历史和油气产出特征的分析,认为川东北气藏的形成主要受构造变形过程中天然气的二次运移造成在有利的构造圈闭中富集;特别是在生储盖条件类同的前提下,气藏的分布主要受发育在弱能干层中台阶状逆断层所控制的具有一定高宽比的相关褶皱中.据此,对川东北区天然气藏的靶区进行了分析和预测.  相似文献   

To outline lthe process of formation of the Tethys Ocean and its developemt from teh Late Carboniferous (Hercynian) epeirogenic phase until teh end of the Cretaceous, (when this ocean started vanishing), an earlier proposed model, involving lithospheric uplift, stretching and developmetn f anastomosing normal faults, which was suggested to explain the thermotectonic evolution of the lKashmir basin, is extended to cover the region from Kashmir to Kempa Dzong (NE Silkkim). Basement subsidence curves show an overall exponential trend in agreement with teh common behaviour of passive margins. The anomalour Late Jurassic - early Creataceous uplift of the marigin is difficult to explain wiht the available data; however, it seems likely to be related to the very restricted ocean-floor spreading phase in early Late Creataceous time. The well preserved continental margin suggests a width of <500 km for the Tethys Ocean. The model and the inferred limited width of the Tethys Ocean have several implications for the evolution of the himalayas. For example: (1) the Main Central Thrust and Main Boundary Thrust are reactivated normal listric faults, which reversed their direction fo move, emt during the closing phase of the Tenthys Ocean; (2) the gravity high along the entire Higher Himalayas is due to the presence of transitional-zone basic material, intruded during the rift phase; and (3) the limited width fo the Tethys Ocena does not support alleged large-scale subduction along this belt. Finally, a few date (known and model-derived) and conceptual constraints are pointed out. These must be considered in the evolultion of the Himalayas in general, and before in voing subduction in the Himalayas in particular. They include: the time required for passive margins to change to fracture boundaries; the north ward movement of India indicated by paleomagnetic data; th sinistral movement between norhtern and soutehrn continents; the p0osition of the Ladakh batholity within the Indus-Tsansgpo Suture Zone; the 235+-13Ma†age of a section fo this batholith; the occurrence of radiolarian chert within underformed beds; the suggested involvement of the Earth's rotational forces in plate-tectonic driving mechanisms; and the possibility of many changes in teh spin velopcity of the Earth during the lifetime of Tethys.  相似文献   

作者通过热模拟试验及各种分析实验,对干酪根的结构进行了研究。研究结果表明,(1)富氧类型的干酪根具有内催化作用,这种内催化作用超过了粘土矿物的催化作用;(2)干酪根的原生结构在时间-空间地质历史过程中,发生了老化和变蚀,使干酪根脱去大量的杂原子桥链,热降解反应速度也随之减低。这就为干酪根热降解机理的研究提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

四川盆地川东北地区上二叠统长兴组生物礁、滩型气藏和下三叠统飞仙关组鲕粒生物滩型气藏勘探在普光、毛坝取得重大突破之后,很多研究者从沉积相研究出发,都认为这些礁滩是沿广旺海槽、城口-鄂西海槽以及梁平-开江海槽坡折带分布的丘形体,油气富集与海槽相关。然而,叠加上覆燕山、喜山期的构造形迹分析则发现,这些礁滩型气藏在油气成藏运移过程中还与扭动构造体系相关,特别是与各类扭动构造体系的砥柱密切相关。据此观点进行研究进而预测:巴中、仪陇莲花状构造,中台山、绵阳旋扭构造体系的砥柱与下伏地层地震剖面丘形体叠置处有望获得重大的礁滩型油气藏发现。  相似文献   

羌塘盆地是发育在前泥盆结晶基底和上古生界浅变质褶皱基底之上以中生界海相沉积为主体的复合型残留盆地。它由北羌塘坳陷带、中央隆起带和南羌塘坳陷带3个二级构造单元组成,主要发育三叠系和侏罗系两套生储盖组合。北羌塘坳陷带内,三叠系及侏罗系组合发育良好;中央隆起带内基本没有侏罗系组合,三叠系组合也仅分布于倾伏部位;南羌塘坳陷带内,三叠系组合发育良好,局部范围内也有较好的侏罗系组合。青藏高原的油气勘探实践表明,该区含油远景取决于构造运动的强弱及保存条件的好坏。结合生储盖组合情况,羌塘盆地可分为3类含油气远景区:北羌塘坳陷带有利区、南羌塘坳陷带有利区和中央隆起带次有利区。  相似文献   

覃长清  张宝泉 《石化技术》1999,6(4):233-234,245
介绍了引进的缩聚装置后缩圆盘反应器轴封结构工作原理, 分析了该轴封结构的优缺点,并提出了改进措施。  相似文献   


A better understanding of colloidal macrostructure of the heavy petroleum products and their complex fractions is of great importance in the context of industrial problems that arise during the crude oil production, refining and transport. Much effort has been devoted to the chemical structure studies, but there is a need for more precise data regarding parameters that characterize those complex systems. For instance, the molecular weight of heavy molecules, the composition and size of aggregates formed during the industrial processing and their evolution upon the variation of temperature, pressure and with the addition of solvent have not been well known. In this paper we present new results obtained using several powerful techniques. Scattering methods (using X-rays and neutrons) are applied to study both the fractionated products (asphaltene and resin solutions in more or less good solvents) and the real systems (Safaniya vacuum residue). The lamellar structural model for asphaltenes and resins is confirmed and the molecular weight of these species determined using a polydisperse size distribution. Discussion is presented concerning the specificity of X-ray and neutron scattering : X-ray experiments are more sensitive to the aromatic-rich regions, whereas the neutron scattering data provide information about all the particle volume. Viscosimetry measurements provide information on the molecular shape of asphaltene and confirm the disk-like model. Critical micellar concentration has been obtained using Vapour Pressure Osmometry (VPO) for asphaltene suspensions in toluene and in pyridine. The resin molecules are smaller than asphaltenes, and appear to be a good solvent for asphaltenes. One of the major conclusions of this work is the wide-spread presence of density heterogeneities in diluted solutions of asphaltenes and resins as well as in the pure product (Safaniya vacuum residue). This was deduced from the scattering experiments and cryo-scanning electron microscopy data. The heating effects. were studied: a temperature increase leads to the decrease of molecular weight, but heterogeneities remain present. The structure of vacuum residue exhibits large density fluctuations which are thermally stable. These dense regions remain connected into a network up to 393°K and determine the yield value of the rheological behaviour.  相似文献   

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