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A touch screen has been developed which senses finger position by the obstruction of a network of infra-red beams passing in front of the screen. As this system does not use touch sensing per se, it becomes possible to introduce a second level of activation based on finger pressure. The major attraction of the proposed scheme is that it allows the desired item to be located before it is selected; feedback is provided to confirm the location. In addition, the response of the terminal to the selection can be programmed to simplify the driving software, and to provide compatibility with conventional terminals. 相似文献
In this paper, we propose an approach to tangible augmented reality (AR) based design evaluation of information appliances, which not only exploits the use of tangible objects without hardwired connections to provide better visual immersion and support more tangible interaction, but also facilitates the adoption of a simple and low cost AR environment setup to improve user experience and performance. To enhance the visual immersion, we develop a solution for resolving hand occlusion in which skin color information is exploited with the use of the tangible objects to detect the hand regions properly. To improve the tangible interaction with the sense of touch, we introduce the use of product- and fixture-type objects, which provides the feelings of holding the product in his or her hands and touching buttons with his or her index fingertip in the AR setup. To improve user experience and performance in view of hardware configuration, we devise to adopt a simple and cost-effective AR setup that properly meets guidelines such as viewing size and distance, working posture, viewpoint matching, and camera movement. From experimental results, we found that the AR setup is good to improve the user experience and performance in design evaluation of handheld information appliances. We also found that the tangible interaction combined with the hand occlusion solver in the AR setup is very useful to improve tangible interaction and immersive visualization of virtual products while making the user experience the shapes and functions of the products well and comfortably. 相似文献
介绍一种触笔上有按键和滚轮的计算机触摸屏系统的组成原理和工作方法.该系统通过触笔的笔尖碰触触摸屏的触摸板来确定电脑鼠标指针移动的位置.通过按下、抬起触笔上的按键或滚动触笔上的滚轮以实现与电脑鼠标的按键和滚轮相同的功能,实现对传统电脑鼠标的模拟和完全替代.系统在人机交互设备与系统技术领域具有新颖性、创造性和实用性,填补了... 相似文献
We investigate the effect of the metal pattern shape (i.e., square, hexagonal, and random grids) on the starburst phenomenon of touch screen panels (TSPs) based on opaque metallic grids. It is demonstrated that a standalone random metal grid can suppress the starburst phenomenon to a great extent. By way of ray tracing simulation, we have found that specular reflection of light on the gentle slope of the patterned edges of metallic grids contributes to the generation of starburst patterns. It is also addressed that employing a light-absorbing material and increasing metal grid spacing can reduce the intensity of starburst patterns. 相似文献
针对目前触摸屏必须接触式控制的缺陷,提出了一种基于图像处理技术的新型触摸屏系统。该系统以微软VX—6000USB2.0摄像头为图像传感器,由PC机采集图像序列,识别和跟踪定位激光光斑,并对用户的指点控制信息做出相应反应。阐述了该系统结构及定位原理,使用基于OpenCV(open source computer vision library)的图像处理算法辅助开发其软件系统。提出一种基于边界修复的图像二次校正法,通过对训练样本的测量发现,系统拥有很好的指点精度。实验结果表明,所设计触摸屏系统能够初步实现非接触式指点的要求,为大屏幕挂壁式非接触式触摸屏系统的研究提供了有效的思路。 相似文献
Touch screens are becoming more prevalent in everyday environments. Therefore, it is important that this technology is accessible to those with varying disabilities. The objective of the current study was to evaluate performance and touch characteristics (forces, impulses, and dwell times) of individuals with and without a movement disorder during a reciprocal tapping touch screen task. Thirty-seven participants with a motor control disability and 15 non-disabled participants participated. Outcome measures include number of correct taps, dwell time, exerted force, and impulse. Results indicate non-disabled participants had 1.8 more taps than participants with fine motor control disabilities and 2.8 times more than those with gross motor impairments (p<0.05). Additionally, people with gross motor control disabilities demonstrated longer dwell times and greater impulses (p<0.05). The average force used to activate the buttons was 6.2 N, although the button activation force was 0.98 N. Differences in reciprocal tapping and touch characteristics exist between those with and without motor control disabilities. Understanding how people (including those with disabilities) interact with touch screens may allow designers and engineers to ultimately improve usability of touch screen technology. 相似文献
Arun Rakesh Yoganandan P. Pat Banerjee Cristian J. Luciano Silvio H. R. Rizzi 《Virtual Reality》2012,16(1):33-43
Rapid advances in flexible display technologies and the benefits that they provide are promising enough to consider them for
futuristic mobile devices. Current prototyping methods lack facilities to simulate such flexible touch screen displays and
the interaction with them. In this paper, we present a technique that provides product developers a tool to interactively
simulate products featuring flexible displays, using Augmented Reality and Haptics. This GPU-based algorithm is computationally
inexpensive and efficient to deform a polygonal mesh in real time while maintaining an acceptable haptic feedback. The implementation
of the algorithm has been found to be successful when applied to a variety of product simulations. This simulation tool can
enhance or even replace traditional prototyping and facilitate testing of the prototype at various stages of the design cycle. 相似文献
Modern air traffic control (ATC) systems are increasingly using computer generated radar displays to present targets, target information and other general information to control personnel. On the control side the radar operator uses devices such as rolling ball, joystick, keyboard or lightpen. A laboratory demonstration of a new touch sensitive control device in a simulated ATC system is described in some detail together with results. Ergonomic advantages and design problems are also discussed. 相似文献
Tuomo Kujala 《Personal and Ubiquitous Computing》2013,17(5):815-823
Distraction effects of three alternative touch screen scrolling methods for searching music tracks on a mobile device were studied in a driving simulation experiment with 24 participants. Page-by-page scrolling methods with Buttons or Swipe that better facilitate resumption of visual search following interruptions were expected to lead to more consistent in-vehicle glance durations and thus on less severe distraction effects than Kinetic scrolling. As predicted, Kinetic scrolling induced decreased visual sampling efficiency and increased visual load compared with Swipe, increased experienced workload compared with both Buttons and Swipe, as well as decreased lane-keeping accuracy compared with baseline. However, Buttons did not significantly excel Kinetic with any metric but on subjective ratings. Based on the results, we do not recommend the use of kinetic scrolling with in-vehicle touch screen displays in the manner used in the experiment. Instead, page-by-page swiping seems to suit significantly better for in-vehicle displays due to its systematic nature and low levels of pointing accuracy required for scrolling the pages. 相似文献
嵌入式Linux中对触摸屏驱动的设计 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
触摸屏设备需要经过特定的硬件与软件驱动处理后才能够进行连续和稳定的工作.详细介绍了一种用arm9处理器s3c2410和驱动芯片ADS7846构成的触摸屏控制系统.给出了具体的连接方法和工作原理,并在嵌入式Linux系统中,根据SPI的工作时序分析和设计了关键部分的驱动程序.实践证明该方案对输入操作具有响应迅速、采样精确的优点. 相似文献
Since touch screen handheld mobile devices have become widely used, people are able to access various data and information anywhere and anytime. Most user authentication methods for these mobile devices use PIN-based (Personal Identification Number) authentication, since they do not employ a standard QWERTY keyboard for conveniently entering text-based passwords. However, PINs provide a small password space size, which is vulnerable to attacks. Many studies have employed the KDA (Keystroke Dynamic-based Authentication) system, which is based on keystroke time features to enhance the security of PIN-based authentication. Unfortunately, unlike the text-based password KDA systems in QWERTY keyboards, different keypad sizes or layouts of mobile devices affect the PIN-based KDA system utility. This paper proposes a new graphical-based password KDA system for touch screen handheld mobile devices. The graphical password enlarges the password space size and promotes the KDA utility in touch screen handheld mobile devices. In addition, this paper explores a pressure feature, which is easy to use in touch screen handheld mobile devices, and applies it in the proposed system. The experiment results show: (1) EER is 12.2% in the graphical-based password KDA proposed system. Compared with related schemes in mobile devices, this effectively promotes KDA system utility; (2) EER is reduced to 6.9% when the pressure feature is used in the proposed system. The accuracy of authenticating keystroke time and pressure features is not affected by inconsistent keypads since the graphical passwords are entered via an identical size (50 mm × 60 mm) human–computer interface for satisfying the lowest touch screen size and a GUI of this size is displayed on all mobile devices. 相似文献
为避免大屏幕触摸屏中人体遮挡无法识别手指的问题设计了一种虚拟触摸屏系统,由至少两个一维图像采集装置、显示屏和数据处理装置构成。一维图像采集装置可以是一维线性传感器,配合镜头、信号转换和接口电路实现;也可以是市场上易于购得的二维图像采集装置摄像头,使用其一维图像数据。由一维图像采集装置采集手指在虚拟触摸屏上的一维图像数据,根据多个一维坐标点位置与二维虚拟触摸屏上点位置的一一对应关系,由数据处理装置将其转换为手指触摸屏幕上的二维直角坐标,从而完成对应的操作,实现人机交互。 相似文献
In this paper, a new algorithm for image edge detection based on the theory of universal gravity is proposed. The problem is represented by a discrete space in which each image pixel is considered as a celestial body and its mass is considered to be corresponding to the pixel’s grayscale intensity. To find the edgy pixels a number of moving agents are randomly generated and initialized through the image space. Artificial agents move through the space via the forces of celestial bodies that are located in their neighborhood and in this way they can find the promising edge pixels. A large number of experiments are employed to determine suitable algorithm parameters and confirm the legitimacy of the proposed algorithm. Also, the results are compared with conventional and soft computing based methods like Sobel, Canny and ant-based edge detector. As compared to other standard techniques, our algorithm provides more accurate results over 11 test images via Baddeley’s error metric. The visual and quantitative comparisons reveal the effectiveness and robustness of the proposed algorithm. 相似文献
<正>触摸屏诞生于1970年,是一项由Elo TouchSystems公司首先推广到市场的技术,是一种与电脑或其他电子产品最简单、最直接的交互方法。近年来,从iPhone及iTouch的广泛应用,到现如今iPad的风靡全 相似文献
以西门子S7-200PLC和TP170B触摸屏为主要控制元件,实现自动等离子体清洗系统的综合控制和管理。本文详细的阐述了此系统的硬件组成和软件设计。 相似文献