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讨论一类组合系统的鲁棒观测器的设计及该类系统基于估计状态反馈分形镇定问题。所设计的变结构观测器使得观测误差渐近趋于零,基于估计状态所设计的鲁棒分散控制器确保闭环系统是渐近稳定的,系统的相似结构使得所设计的各个子系统的分散观测器以及控制器在结构上具有一致性,从而简化了系统的设计。 相似文献
考虑一类标称系统存在共同Lyapunov函数的切换系统的鲁棒镇定问题。在不确定性不满足匹配条件下,设计出鲁棒状态反馈控制器,并在给定的切换策略下,确保闭环系统在其平衡点处渐近稳定。仿真结果表明所设计控制器是有效的。 相似文献
讨论一类组合系统的鲁棒观测器的设计及该类系统基于估计状态反馈分散镇定问题.所设计的变结构观测器使得观测误差渐近趋于零,基于估计状态所设计的鲁棒分散控制器确保闭环系统是渐近稳定的,系统的相似结构使得所设计的各个子系统的分散观测器以及控制器在结构上具有一致性,从而简化了系统的设计. 相似文献
提出了切换模糊时滞组合系统模型,并研究了状态和互联项具有时滞情况下的分散镇定问题.当每个互联子系统中的每个切换子系统具有有限个备选的状态反馈控制器,且单一控制器均不能保证系统稳定的情况下,利用多Lyapunov函数方法给出了时滞相关的矩阵不等式条件和分散切换律设计方法,使系统在所提出的分散切换律和分散控制器下渐近稳定.仿真结果表明了所提出方法的有效性. 相似文献
一类受扰动脉冲切换系统鲁棒指数镇定 总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2
提出一类具有边界范数有界扰动的脉冲切换系统在任意切换条件下鲁棒指数镇定问题。应用Lyapunow直接法,导出这类受扰动脉冲切换系统指数稳定的充分条件并且给出线性时不变状态反馈控制律使该受扰动脉冲切换系统指数镇定,最后,给出数值示例说明所得到的结果是有效的。 相似文献
A sufficient condition for the existence of nonfragile state-feedback controllers and a switching law for a class of uncertain switching fuzzy time-delay systems are proposed based on the multiple Lyapunov functions technique, under the assumption that the controller gain to be designed has variations. The corresponding results are all formulated in terms of linear matrix inequalities (LMIs). Simulation results show the effectiveness of the design method. 相似文献
This article studies the exponential stabilization problem for discrete-time switched linear systems based on a control-Lyapunov function approach. It is proved that a switched linear system is exponentially stabilizable if and only if there exists a piecewise quadratic control-Lyapunov function. Such a converse control-Lyapunov function theorem justifies many of the earlier synthesis methods that have adopted piecewise quadratic Lyapunov functions for convenience or heuristic reasons. In addition, it is also proved that if a switched linear system is exponentially stabilizable, then it must be stabilizable by a stationary suboptimal policy of a related switched linear-quadratic regulator (LQR) problem. Motivated by some recent results of the switched LQR problem, an efficient algorithm is proposed, which is guaranteed to yield a control-Lyapunov function and a stabilizing policy whenever the system is exponentially stabilizable. 相似文献
一类切换模糊时滞系统的状态反馈控制 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
针对切换模糊时滞系统,根据平行分布补偿算法,设计了模糊状态反馈控制器.使用切换技术及单Lyapunov函数和多Lyapunov函数方法,给出了这一类切换模糊时滞系统渐近稳定的充分条件及切换律.仿真结果表明了方法的有效性. 相似文献
Stabilizability of switched linear systems does not imply the existence of convex Lyapunov functions
Counterexamples are given which show that a linear switched system (with controlled switching) that can be stabilized by means of a suitable switching law does not necessarily admit a convex Lyapunov function. Both continuous- and discrete-time cases are considered. This fact contributes in focusing the difficulties encountered so far in the theory of stabilization of switched system. In particular the result is in contrast with the case of uncontrolled switching in which it is known that if a system is stable under arbitrary switching then admits a polyhedral norm as a Lyapunov function. 相似文献
Our main purpose in this paper is to further address the global stabilization problem for affine systems by means of bounded feedback control functions, taking into account a large class of control value sets: p, r ‐weighted balls ??m r (p), with 1<p?∞, defined via p, r ‐weighted gauge functions. Observe that p=∞ is allowed, so that m‐dimensional r ‐hyperboxes ??m r (∞)?[?r1?,r1+]×???×[?rm?,rm+], rj±>0 are also considered. Working along the line of Artstein–Sontag's approach, we construct an explicit formula for a one‐parameterized family of continuous feedback controls taking values in ?? r m(p) that globally asymptotically stabilize an affine system, provided an appropriate control Lyapunov function is known. The designed family of controls is suboptimal with respect to the robust stability margin for uncertain systems. The problem of achieving disturbance attenuation for persistent disturbances is also considered. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
S. Battilotti 《国际强度与非线性控制杂志
In this paper, we give sufficient conditions for designing robust globally stabilizing controllers for a class of uncertain systems, consisting of ‘nominal’ nonlinear minimum phase systems perturbed by uncertainties which may affect the equilibrium point of the nominal system (‘biased’ systems). The constructive proof combines a systematic step-by-step procedure, based on H∞ arguments, with a small gain theorem, recently proved for nonliner systems. At each step, one finds two Lyapunov functions, one for a state-feedback problem and the other one for an output injection problem. Combining these two functions, one derives at each step a Lyapunov function candidate for solving an ouptut feedback stabilization problem. This approach allows one to put into a unified framework many existing results on robust output feedback stabilization. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
李飞 《自动化与仪器仪表》2012,(6):9-11
以模糊T-S模型对离散切换组合系统的研究模型进行重新构建,分别利用单Lyapunov函数方法设计出分散切换律和控制器,给出了利用矩阵不等式表达的系统在分散切换律和分散控制器作用下的可镇定条件,仿真结果表明了该方法的有效性。 相似文献