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暖通空调系统的计算机控制管理──第4讲 建筑设备自动化系统 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
介绍商业建筑中的建筑设备自动化系统(BAS),先简单列出BAS可能包括的各个子系统应具有的功能,接着讨论了为实现这些功能所要求的系统配置,其中包括通讯网络、综合布线以及中央管理机,最后着重讨论了BAS的各种管理功能及实现方法。 相似文献
从新风机组的控制开始,至全空气定风量系统、变风量系统,逐渐深入地讨论各种空调系统的计算机监测控制,讨论的内容涉及控制系统应具备的功能,实现这些功能所要求的硬件设备,控制方案实际的运行效果及可能出现的问题。 相似文献
顺序介绍了供暖用热水锅炉房,蒸汽-水和水-水换热站及小区热网的监测控制及大中规模的供电联产集中供系统的监测控制与管理。每部分内容中先讨论其测控管理要求,然后讨论与此要求相适应的测控点及相应的硬件配置,最后再探讨实现这些功能的一些软件算法。 相似文献
介绍了某数据中心的暖通空调系统设计,包括主要室内设计参数、冷热源、冷水和冷却水系统、空调风系统、通风排烟系统、自动控制系统等.探讨了该系统的节能环保措施. 相似文献
通过对自动控制的研究发现,暖通空调系统的实际应用一方面提高了自控系统的实际应用能力,另一方面也能提高空调的使用性能,二者的结合能够促进暖通空调系统的发展和研究,为国内自动化暖通空调系统的发展提供借鉴。 相似文献
Improving the control strategy of building HVAC (heating, ventilation, and air-conditioning) systems can lead to significant energy savings while preserving human comfort requirements. This paper focuses on the analysis of the optimal control strategy of the whole HVAC system itself (such as set point value curves for different parts, number control curves of different components) and the followed operating curves of each equipment and device. In order to have a better understanding of the optimal control strategy, performances of the conventional control strategies widely used in China are also shown in this paper. 相似文献
暖通空调系统的计算机控制管理第3讲 冷热源及水系统的监测控制 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
首先介绍冷冻站、热交换站和空调水系统的计算机控制管理系统的监测控制内容、传感器、执行器及相应的计算机和通讯网的配置。在此基础上较详细地讨论了水系统及冷热源的控制方案,其中包括常规的控制策略,特别讨论了在计算机通讯网的基础上充分利用各热用户运行状况信息的优化控制策略。鉴于冰蓄冷技术开始在我国推广,最后一节专门探讨了冰蓄冷系统的计算机控制与管理 相似文献
以美国一大学建筑物性能测试中心的智能工作区间为例,说明了暖通空调和照明系统的计算机控制系统,以及应用设备和软件流程图,介绍了智能建筑的控制系统结构和控制策略。 相似文献
从系统设计、设备的选择、系统的优化、运行费用、投资回收期和系统的安全可靠性等方面,详细分析了上海某IT企业研发中心大楼数据中心的空调系统设计及节能优化. 相似文献
针对暖通空调系统设计中出现的主机容量大,冷热源选择不恰当,设备管道配置不合理等经济性问题进行了分析,分别阐述其原因,并结合影响暖通空调专业经济性设计的外部环境,提出了该专业经济性设计控制策略,以供专业技术人员参考。 相似文献
《Energy and Buildings》1995,23(1):19-31
This paper presents a comprehensive analysis on the optimal control protocol to minimize the daily operating cost of an air-conditioning system in a 33 600 m2 office building. The system consists of two chillers, one designated for cold storage charging, the other for direct cooling, an air-handling unit, a cooling tower, and water pumps. This analysis determines the optimal protocol for indoor temperature and humidity control as well as operating point settings for the chiller control considering two thermal storage sources: (i) the thermal capacitance of the building, and (ii) a cold storage facility. The analysis is based on the thermodynamic modeling of the air-conditioning system including the thermal response of the building structure. A discussion of operating cost savings is presented for several outdoor conditions and electricity rates. Furthermore, the load shift potentials are discussed for each storage source. The results of this analysis indicate significant savings can be achieved by precooling the building during hours of low electricity rates. The resulting load shifting can be augmented by utilizing cold storage equipment. The results are discussed in detail for Seattle climatic conditions and electric rates. A regional comparison of the results for the four US locations, Seattle, WA; Phoenix, AZ; San Diego, CA; and the island of Hawaii, is given. 相似文献
Guillermo Escrivá-Escrivá Isidoro Segura-Heras Manuel Alcázar-Ortega 《Energy and Buildings》2010,42(11):2258-2267
The significant and continuous increment in the global electricity consumption is asking for energy saving strategies. Efficient control for heating, ventilation and air-conditioning systems (HVAC) is the most cost-effective way to minimize the use of energy in buildings. In this framework, an energy management and control system (EMCS) has been developed to schedule electricity end-uses in the campus of the Universidad Politécnica de Valencia (UPV), Spain. This paper presents an evaluation performed by using the EMCS of different control strategies for HVAC split systems. It analyzed the effect of different schedules for a common air-conditioning device and demand response strategies are tested in several situations. The economic saving is calculated taking into account the electricity contract clauses. Finally, a test is made for the control of a group of similar devices in order to reduce the maximum peak power in consumption and to obtain a flexible load shape with the HVAC loads. The studies are then extrapolated to a larger system, the whole University campus, for which energy and economic savings are quantified. 相似文献
论述了暖通空调系统的节能问题,明确了在暖通空调领域节能的重要意义,分析了现行暖通空调系统在节能方面存在的主要问题,提出了在暖通空调领域节能的方法与途径,从而实现大幅度节能,产生显著的环境效益和社会效益。 相似文献
对计算机监测与控制系统的组成、分类及其系统的选型进行了简要的介绍,并详细叙述了计算机监测与控制系统的电气设计方法、步骤,提出了计算机控制系统在供电电源设计、外部设备接口设计、外部电缆设计、电气安全与保护设计中应注意的问题。 相似文献
分析了当前我国集中供热的现状及其将来的发展趋势,介绍了集中供热系统的监测与控制系统,并研究了该系统所具有的节约能源、减少环境污染、改善人民生活质量、便于用户调节控制热能等方面的优点。 相似文献
暖通空调系统是建筑能耗的主要组成部分,要减少建筑能耗,必须从暖通空调系统着手。通过分析和讨论暖通空调系统设计的依据和影响因素,分析了可再生能源在暖通空调系统上的研究成果,提出了目前暖通空调节能设计的难点和解决办法,并对未来研究做出了展望。 相似文献
The paper gives an overview of heating, ventilation and air-conditioning (HVAC) system modeling and simulation. The categorization of tools for HVAC system design and analysis with respect to which problems they are meant to deal with is introduced. Each categorization is explained and example tools are given. Further, the paper summarizes current approaches used for modeling (i) HVAC components, (ii) HVAC control and (iii) HVAC systems in general. After giving an overview of solution techniques for HVAC system simulation, the paper provides suggestions on how one should select an HVAC modeling approach relative to the simulation objective at hand. 相似文献
分析了该市场暖通空调及防排烟系统的设计难点。介绍了为解决暖通空调及防排烟系统设计对大型市场商位布置及经营环境影响较大的问题所采取的措施,包括将服务于首层的空调机房设于地下室、服务于2层及以上各层的空调机房设于建筑周边并用设备走廊与商铺分隔,合理设置疏散通道,适当采用竖向排烟系统及通透式吊顶等。取得了较好的应用效果。 相似文献