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原空调系统能耗高,运行噪声大,人工调节控制,影响正常工作;经过变风量改造后,系统运行稳定可靠,能耗降低约1/2,机组A声级噪声均小于60dB,改造投资在2—3年内即可回收。 相似文献
分析了现有吸附式除湿空调系统存在的问题,详细阐述了一种新型吸附式除湿空调系统的构造、运行原理、性能特性,并对实验结果进行了讨论,为该空调系统的应用提供基础数据及设计指南。 相似文献
以采用变质量能量转换及储存技术和氯化锂溶液的开式蓄能除湿空调系统为研究对象,介绍了系统的工作循环和流程,建立了系统充、释能过程动态模型。以我国南方高湿地区具有独立新风系统的办公建筑除湿空调工况为例,对该蓄能系统按全量蓄能策略运行时的工作过程进行了数值模拟,得到了系统运行参数和工作特性及各设备工作特性参数随运行时间和外部条件的变化关系。 相似文献
以某办公楼改造工程为例,介绍和分析了空调系统设计改造中遇到的一些比较普遍的问题,提出了相应的解决措施,通过这些改造措施的实施,从而确保了工程质量,取得了较为满意的效果。 相似文献
某办公楼空调系统故障分析及调试 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
针对某办公楼出现的室内相对湿度过高、新风量不足、空气有异味等问题,分析了设计资料进行现场调研,采取降低冷水机组供回水温度、调节风机盘管风速、适当关闭风机盘管台数、清洗在等措施,基本解决了室内空气品质问题。探讨了该工程空调系统设计中不足之处和运行管理中应注意的问题。 相似文献
The main functions of the heat-pump air conditioning system driven by gas engine (GEHPAC) are to maintain the room temperature and control the humidity of the room. In summertime, the air can be reheated by the waste heat water from the gas engine, while the air can be reheated and humidified by the waste heat water in winter. Reducing or displacing electrical heating requirements can achieve the greatest opportunity for significant energy savings. This paper, therefore, aims to improve the energy performance of the AC system by using the waste heat from the gas engine. The mathematical model for the second heat exchanger, the sprayed room, the mixed air, was used to research the GEHPAC. Explicitly, we investigated the influence of various factors including the outdoor air temperature and humidity in summer and winter. Results from the analysis show that the GEHPAC can save more energy than the electricity engine heat pump. The GEHPAC runs beautifully in part load mode. PERx is higher in winter than in summer. The maximum PERx is over 1.6 in summer, while over 1.9 in winter. The GEHP which can control the room humidity can be used in more areas than the common GEHP. 相似文献
介绍了变风量系统的计算基础、节能效果,以一办公楼为例,详细介绍了变风量系统的系统设置、新风量确定、气流组织、控制方式。 相似文献
Existing desiccant cooling systems reduce the temperature of process air either by adopting evaporative coolers or incorporating vapor compression systems. While the former is restricted by inaccurate control, the latter still consumes certain quantity of electric power. To solve this problem, a thermally driven air conditioning system, which combines the technologies of rotary desiccant dehumidification and regenerative evaporative cooling, has been proposed and investigated. In addition to dehumidification, the system is capable of producing chilled water, thereby realizing separate temperature and humidity control without increasing electrical load. To find out the characteristics of produced chilled water and evaluate the feasibility and energy saving potential of this novel system, a mathematical model has been developed. Case studies have been conducted under Air conditioning and Refrigeration Institute (ARI) summer, ARI humid and Shanghai summer conditions. It is found that the system can achieve a thermal COP higher than 1.0 and an electric COP about 8.0. The temperature of chilled water produced by the system is around 14–20 °C. This chilled water can be used with capillary tube mats for radiant cooling. It is suggested that the system can also be designed as a standalone chilled water plant. As a desiccant dehumidification-based chilled water producing technology, this would expand desiccant cooling to a boarder niche application. The effects of chilled water flow rate, air distribution ratio, inlet air conditions and regeneration temperature have been analyzed in detail. Reachable handling regions, which will be helpful to system design and optimization, have been obtained. 相似文献
该工程地处典型的热带气候地区,办公楼采用多联机空调系统辅以新风换气热回收系统;官邸采用分体空调系统。 相似文献
某办公室的小型中央空调交付使用后,制冷量不足,室内空调温度未下降。通过改善空调室外机的散热,调整空调区域的风量平衡,减少空调系统的同时使用率等改造后,达到较为满意的空调效果。 相似文献
根据对某办公楼全年电耗的调查结果及当地当年的气象资料,得到了该办公楼多联机空调系统全年能耗数据,分析了该空调系统低能耗的主要原因——机组部分负荷性能系数IPLV值较高,空调自控效果好。以该办公楼为例,计算了多联机空调系统与集中空调系统的能耗,结果表明,多联机空调系统能耗的计算值接近实测值,且略低于集中空调系统能耗;建议在评估空调系统的能耗时应采取理论计算与类似建筑实测值验证结合的做法。 相似文献