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缪克在  林美  吴建东  陈敬秒 《阀门》2011,(2):13-15,21
分析了影响阀门流量流阻测试装置测量不确定度的主要因素,以及流量系数与流阻系数测量不确定度的求解方法,并通过A类不确定度方法举例计算。  相似文献   

When using a flowmeter to measure unsteady air flow in the pneumatic control system, problems such as high cost and pressure loss are often encountered. It is an available method to measure the unsteady flow rate using isothermal chamber through direct differentiation of pressure signal with a traditional fixed parameter differentiator, but the adaptability of this method is insufficient due to its narrow dynamic range. To this end, an improved adaptive tracking differentiator which can adaptively adjust the control parameters according to the changes of pressure signal and pressure tracking error was proposed for unsteady air flow measurement. The algorithm structure of the adaptive tracking differentiator was designed. Moreover, theoretical simulation and flow measurement experiments under multiple working conditions were carried out. The simulation and experiment results showed that the flow measurement method based on improved adaptive tracking differentiator effectively measured the unsteady flow in a wide dynamic range, and had the advantages of more simplified process and lower cost than traditional method.  相似文献   

In this paper a novel flow measurement device composed of a long throat Venturi tube and a V-cone was proposed to deal with the wet gas flow measurement without separation, and a new metering method was put forward based on the triple differential pressures. The correlations were based on the gas densiometric Froude number, gas–liquid density ratio, and the differential pressure ratios, which were then compared and validated by the laboratory and field tests. The laboratory test results showed that the uncertainty of relative errors for the gas and liquid flow rates were less than 3% and 6%, respectively. The field test results showed that the uncertainty of relative errors for the gas flow rates before correction varied from 5.53% to 11.57%. After correction the uncertainty of relative errors for gas flow rate varied from 1.37% to 3.22% and full-scale error for liquid flow rate was less than ±10%.  相似文献   

严仁兴 《阀门》2011,(2):32-33,40
介绍了车用压缩天然气瓶阀标准(GB17926-2009)和气瓶附件安全技术监察规程(TSG RF001-2009)对限流装置流量的规定。分析了限流装置用试验装置的实际测试过程并对其流阻进行了计算。提出了GB 17926-2009中限流装置的进出气口两端压差为10MPa,限流装置流量应不大于500ml/min条款的不合理性和修订标准的建议。  相似文献   

The characteristics of unsteady cavitation flow under different cavitation numbers are investigated experimentally. An optical test rig is designed to visualize the cavitation flow and the cavity length is defined based on high-speed camera technology. The development of cavitation flow can be divided into inception and fusion region, expansion region and collapse region. Due to the interaction between the re-entrant jet and the cavity interface, the cavitation bubbles near the solid wall collapse earlier than them in the downstream. The cavitation number is also the important factor determining the cavity length pulsation. Further analysis shows that the smaller the cavitation number, the smaller the frequency of cavity length fluctuations and the larger the mean cavity length. The cavitation intensity is stronger at lower cavitation number. Meanwhile, the cycle collapsing frequency of cavitation is around 220–320 Hz. With the decrease of cavitation number, the amplitude of cavitation pulsation increases while the corresponding collapsing frequency decreases.  相似文献   

为解决航空发动机过渡态燃油测量问题,研究了基于层流流量计(LFM)的航空燃油流量动态测量技术.设计了一款量程为0~3 000 mL/min的液体LFM,在小型涡轮喷气式发动机试车台上对其进行了试验,并与科里奥利流量计(CMF)进行了比对,试验结果显示LFM具有优秀的动态特性.当发动机处于稳态时,LFM测量结果与CMF吻...  相似文献   

Axial piston pump with pre-compression volume(PCV) has lower flow ripple in large scale of operating condition than the traditional one. However, there is lack of precise simulation model of the axial piston pump with PCV, so the parameters of PCV are difticult to be determined. A finite element simulation model for piston pump with PCV is built by considering the piston movement, the fluid characteristic(including fluid compressibility and viscosity) and the leakage flow rate. Then a test of the pump flow ripple called the secondary source method is implemented to validate the simulation model. Thirdly, by comparing results among the simulation results, test results and results from other publications at the same operating condition, the simulation model is validated and used in optimizing the axial piston pump with PCV. According to the pump flow ripples obtained by the simulation model with different PCV parameters, the flow ripple is the smallest when the PCV angle is 13~, the PCV volume is 1.3 ~ I0-4 m3 at such operating condition that the pump suction pressure is 2 MPa, the pump delivery pressure 15 MPa, the pump speed 1 000 r/min, the swash plate angle 13~. At the same time, the flow ripple can be reduced when the pump suction pressure is 2 MPa, the pump delivery pressure is 5 MPa,15 MPa, 22 MPa, pump speed is 400 r/min, 1 000 r/rain, 1 500 r/rain, the swash plate angle is ll~, 13~, 15~ and 17~, respectively. The finite element simulation model proposed provides a method for optimizing the PCV structure and guiding for designing a quieter axial piston pump.  相似文献   

高精度露点仪是一种高准确度的湿度测量仪器是国家湿度量值传递和国际比对通用的传递标准。而双压法湿度发生器能够连续输出恒湿气体,也是传递湿度量值的标准设备。本文讨论了高精度露点仪与双压法湿度发生器配套使用时,标准装置产生测量不确定度的多种因素。从双压法湿度发生器的工作原理出发,建立数学模型,并统一采用露点温度的形式,对本湿度标准装置的测量不确定度进行了评定。  相似文献   

针对目前绝对直线场式时栅无法满足全闭环数控系统要求的增量式直线位移反馈的问题,采用测量基准转换方式从时间域的角度处理绝对直线场式时栅的空间位移信息,运用时间序列算法分析绝对式时栅采样数据序列的内在相关性,建立自适应递推算法。通过时间触发采样将时栅传感器过去的测量数据作为样本集,递推时栅下一个采样时刻的位移,在下一个采样周期内将直线时栅的绝对位移代表的增量式时间脉冲通过脉宽调制的方式连续发出,实现绝对式直线时栅到增量式直线时栅位移传感器的转换设计。实验表明在76.604 mm的范围内增量式直线时栅位移传感器达到±2μm的测量精度。此研究可将原绝对式直线时栅位移传感器运用于全闭环增量式直线运动数控系统,具有重要现实意义。  相似文献   

随着海洋工程的发展及其装备的深入研究,需要更多的实验来模拟,实验水槽成为重要的实验场地。随着对实验流速的要求越来越高,实验水槽原设计流速已不能满足需要,需要辅助装置来达到预想的流速条件。整流装置是一种理想的辅助装置,可以根据预想流速条件,设计相应的整流装置,从而达到实验工况的条件。本文基于ADINA有限元分析软件,来验证整流装置在实际中的应用,有一定的参考价值和借鉴意义。  相似文献   

标准节流装置测量中流量计算所用的是设计工况对应的系数。随着工况不断变化。这些系数必然变化。产生测量误差。本文提出了基于RBF(radial basis function)神经网络的标准节流装置流量测量方法,测得的流量在全量程范围内有较高的精度。仿真实验表明。与传统的测量方法相比。流量测量的精度有较大提高。流量测量的最大相对误差为0.27%。而传统方法最大相对误差为9.59%。  相似文献   

针对制备衍射光栅时刻划平台倾斜导致的光栅槽型误差,提出了一种基于图像清晰度检测与电动倾斜台调节的光栅刻划平台在线调平装置。建立了图像清晰度与光栅刻划平台倾角间关系的模型,应用该模型,控制光栅刻划平台在一定范围内实现了闭环动态调平。对上述理论研究进行了试验验证。试验结果表明,该调平装置简单可行;对于50mm×50mm的光栅毛胚,调平装置可控制刻划平台的水平倾角在4″以内,满足光栅刻划对平台定位精度的要求。该装置既可用于刻划前的调平准备,也可推广应用于光栅刻划过程中的实时检测。  相似文献   

The 3D laser-interferometric CT measurement of the unsteady flow field induced by shock wave discharging from a circular nozzle next to a short columnar object in a shock tube experiment is presented as an extension of previous work of 3D measurement of open flow field. The 3D density distribution around the object is reconstructed with FBP (filtered back projection) and MLEM (maximum likelihood expectation maximization) algorithm from the incomplete projection data caused by the obstruction of the observation light for interferometry with an object in a test section. The 3D density-gradient distributions are also evaluated from the resultant 3D density distribution, we demonstrate that laser-interferometric CT measurement of interaction field of shock waves and an object come to sight.  相似文献   

为了对阀门电动装置的质量参数进行检测,设计了基于ARM的阀门电动装置测试系统,可对电动装置的转矩、行程、转速等性能参数进行精确检测。对测试系统的硬件结构与软件功能进行了研究。该测试系统已在实际测试过程中得到应用,经过实际运行,证明该系统性能稳定,达到了预期的效果。  相似文献   

复杂油气藏的开采面临严重的溢流、漏失等钻井事故风险,实时监测近钻头环空流量信息可以在事故早期发现工况异常,有效降低井控风险。对钻井过程中的环空流量电磁测量方法进行了研究,首先对基于法拉第电磁感应定律的井下环空流量电磁测量方法的测量原理进行了研究;其次分析了井下环空流量电磁测量系统设计思路,详细推导了其虚电流密度分布及其机械结构力学模型;然后,通过有限元仿真软件进行励磁线圈结构优化及主体力学分析得到测量系统的最优结构;最后,搭建井下环空流量电磁测量地面原理样机并进行实验测试验证。实验结果表明,电磁测量原理样机测量精度在1%左右且安全系数大于9,可以满足井下环空流量测量的需要。本文完成的井下环空电磁测量方法,对于后续井下环空流量测量方法的实现以达到早期井控的目的,继而降低钻井风险具有指导意义。  相似文献   

气体流量测量广泛应用于呼吸监测、管道运输等领域。本研究细致分析了MEMS量热式传感器温度一维分布模型中的热边界层参数,进行了相应的经验修正。并且在温度一维分布模型的基础上,针对具有两对上下游测温电阻芯片结构的MEMS量热式传感器,提出了一种新的传感器输出电压关于气体流量的半修正理论模型。该理论模型能够适用于不同类型的单介质气体。同时,开展了N2、CO2流量测量实验,与理论模型进行对比,证明所提出的理论模型可以正确预测不同气体介质的流量,其中针对CO2测量介质的均方根误差为0.15%。此外,结合理论分析,提出了一种高精度,拟合形式简单、针对确定气体适用性更好的测量模型,其中针对CO2测量介质的均方根误差为0.05%。  相似文献   

基于互相关理论的超声波气体流量测量电路系统   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
介绍一种基于互相关理论的超声波流量测量电路系统。该系统以数字信号处理器(DSP)为核心,通过采集上、下游流动信号并做互相关运算,计算出互相关函数峰值对应的渡越时间,间接测出流量。采用抛物线插值计算互相关函数峰值,减少测量误差。它对流场不敏感,测量精度高,在气体的测量实验中,取得了比较理想的效果。  相似文献   

电磁流量测量在工业生产过程中扮演着重要角色,但易受流体中气泡的影响导致测量结果出现波动进而影响测量精度,因此通过技术手段实现测量精度的优化十分关键。针对电磁流量测量精度受气泡影响的测量优化问题,本文首先从权重函数角度入手,建立了气泡对电磁流量测量影响的理论模型;其次,通过有限元仿真研究了气泡对权重函数的影响,并根据仿真结果提出了一种基于图像采集与处理技术的优化方法降低气泡对电磁流量测量的影响;最后,为了验证优化方法的可行性,开发了气泡图像处理算法,并搭建气液两相流流体电磁流量测量实验平台进行实验验证。实验结果表明,采用优化方法补偿后的电磁流量测量系统受气泡影响的敏感程度得到有效降低,误差降低幅度均在82.63%以上,最大误差降低幅度可达91%,优化后气泡存在时的测量误差在±3.03%以内。研究有效降低了电磁流量测量受气泡影响产生的误差,为进一步提高气泡影响下的电磁流量测量精度和实现气液两相流电磁测量提供技术支持。  相似文献   

Many NMIs (National Measurement Institute) and calibration laboratories are using a mercury sealed piston prover as calibration system for gas flow meter. But it has problems in deciding measuring volume, traveling time of piston and generating low flow rate below 10 cc/min. In this study, a new structure of a piston prover is designed and its flow measurement uncertainty is evaluated according to ISO/IEC 17025. A laser interferometer, instead of optical sensors used in a typical piston prover, is employed to measure testing time and moving distance of the piston, accurately. A new material of the piston is used to eliminate contaminated particles from the material of the piston body. Uncertainty is calculated by evaluating various uncertainty factors which have influence on gas flow measurement. The expanded uncertainty of the piston prover is 0.11% at the confidence level of 95%. The uncertainty evaluation procedure of this study would be useful in flow measurement uncertainty determination of other types of gas flow measurement systems.  相似文献   

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