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由于方面化中间件平台DCAM的方面内核实现机制没有提供对分布式环境下方面构件通信的支持,扩展了DCAM中方面内核的方面调用机制,提出了分布式方面构件模型以及分布式环境下方面构件的协同框架。扩展后的DCAM平台不仅保持了原平台对POJO的支持,同时通过对分布式协同框架的引入,使平台在分布式环境下具有更好的可扩展性和容错性,满足了按需计算的需求。最后通过应用实例对DCAM的分布式模型进行了可行性验证并给出了性能分析。  相似文献   

With the globalization of commercial practices and advances in information and communication technologies, increasing numbers of enterprises and workers are establishing cross-functional, geographically distributed virtual project teams (VPTs) to maximize competitive advantage from limited labor and resources. One of the major challenges for workers in VPT is developing trust. Trust is a particularly crucial issue for VPT success because numerous project tasks are interdependent, making team members reliant on the functional expertise of their partners. The challenge to develop trust is particularly complex because trust should consider various factors into different assessments made during different phases of a VPT. This study first introduces a previously proposed trust evaluation model for evaluating trust over the lifecycle of VPTs. The original method, which comprises a method for evaluating trust between two VPT workers and a method for evaluating worker reliability, in which direct, indirect and negative trust relationships are considered in calculating trust between workers. This study aims to improve this method and then design an advanced multi-phase trust evaluation model, which comprises calculus-based, contribution-based and affective-based trust evaluation sub-models for evaluating trust during three different VPT phases (early, middle and late project phases). The advanced multi-phase trust evaluation model is a more appropriate means of assessing degree of trust among coworkers than the original model. Therefore, using the three sub-models during different project phases can assist VPT workers in making more accurate decisions regarding secure resource sharing with other coworkers.  相似文献   

In this paper we describe an effort investigating the feasibility and utility of cognitively diagnostic assessment of problem solving when training for distributed team tasks. We utilized computer-based knowledge elicitation methods to assess both relational problem solving, requiring the semantic integration of concepts, and dynamic problem solving, requiring the ability to integrate and apply these concepts. Additionally, we addressed how metacognitive processes interact with learning outcomes when training for complex synthetic task environments. We find first, that multiple methods of assessing problem solving performance are diagnostic of knowledge acquisition for a complex synthetic team task, and second, that general metacomprehension predisposition is related to metacomprehension accuracy in synthetic task environments.  相似文献   

Studying the collaborative behavior of online learning teams and how this behavior is related to communication mode and task type is a complex process. Research about small group learning suggests that a higher percentage of social interactions occur in synchronous rather than asynchronous mode, and that students spend more time in task-oriented interaction in asynchronous discussions than in synchronous mode. This study analyzed the collaborative interaction patterns of global software development learning teams composed of students from Turkey, US, and Panama. Data collected from students’ chat histories and forum discussions from three global software development projects were collected and compared. Both qualitative and quantitative analysis methods were used to determine the differences between a group’s communication patterns in asynchronous versus synchronous communication mode. K-means clustering with the Ward method was used to investigate the patterns of behaviors in distributed teams. The results show that communication patterns are related to communication mode, the nature of the task, and the experience level of the leader. The paper also includes recommendations for building effective online collaborative teams and describes future research possibilities.  相似文献   

异地分布式信息系统开发(GDISD)团队间协作关系是动态发展的,根据组织间信任演进理论,分析分布式开发团队协作关系的发展过程,构建GDISD团队动态协作信任演进的理论模型.从生态学种群增长的视角,运用logistic方程对GDISD团队协作信任演化进行数理分析,使用Jacobi矩阵对方程改进,通过仿真对演化模型进行模拟分析.研究发现,GDISD团队形成与建立的初期,协作方自身信任度的建立对协作信任的发展具有积极作用,并且对信任度的感知积极影射给对方,会加速GDISD团队协作信任的动态演化.研究结果对于分布式团队的管理具有显著的意义.  相似文献   

The work presented in this paper describes the design for Graduation Project eCoordination System in our department. The proposed eCoordinator provides effective team–team, supervisor–team and coordinator–supervisors–teams collaboration. eCoordinator is an attribute based framework that serves evolving an object oriented software system into agent oriented software system. Nowadays, agent-oriented software development technologies have evolved rapidly; it is emerging as a new paradigm for constructing intelligent more autonomous software systems. Therefore, several methodologies are available and it is difficult to determine the most appropriate methodology for specific project within different domains. This is especially occurs when re-engineering current object oriented software system. The case study is going to be rebuilding a virtual graduation project coordinator in Information Technology Department at King Saud University.  相似文献   

A significant body of literature has addressed trust in distributed teams. However, several important issues such as 1) trust in distributed software development teams, 2) the evolution of cognitive trust, and 3) the role of communication media in trust development have not been adequately addressed. The objective of this paper is to address the void discussed above by conducting a longitudinal study to examine the evolution of cognitive trust among distributed software development teams from USA and Norway or Switzerland. The results suggest that cognitive trust develops in accordance with the tenets of the Punctuated Equilibrium Model (PEM). Additionally, our study also suggests that different factors are important for trust building during the different stages of a software development project. The findings contribute to the body of trust research and to practice by identifying stages in a software development project during which managerial intervention can help elevate trust levels.  相似文献   

The objective of this article is to review the attributes that influence distributed collaboration groups engaged in engineering tasks in order to guide the research into the development of new tools and methods to support engineering groups. Three comprehensive areas of literature that describe the cognitive, social, and environmental factors influencing collaboration are covered including task characteristics, collaborative technology, and group/individual development. A model is proposed that can contribute to the understanding of the engineering collaboration process, distributed group interaction, and the role of the task within this environment. The relationships between the attributes included in the model are hypothesized to affect the distributed collaboration process. This article discusses the attributes and suggests that further research is required to validate the model's relationships. © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

The study focuses on the implementation of information technology (IT) for supporting collaboration in distributed organizations, i.e. organizations consisting of two or more semi-autonomous units in different geographical locations. Six case studies of IT implementation projects have been conducted, focusing on the challenges in the implementation process as seen from the perspective of the implementation team. Being of an exploratory nature, the study has identified a large number of issues that have influenced the different stages in the implementation process. The implementation context studied is found to imply several additional challenges for the implementation team, compared to ‘traditional’ intra-organizational IT implementation. This is a result of greater autonomy among the participating units, heterogeneous technological platforms and logistical barriers in the implementation activities. Resistance from the organizational units, technological incompatibility and lack of incentives for adopting new work practices, are identified as major barriers in the implementation. In general, the implementation is found to require a process of maturation, where implementers and adopters gradually develop an understanding of how the technology can support the organizational needs.  相似文献   

Distributed work structure has increased the importance of group work. Consequently, the usage of collaboration systems that support group work has increased exponentially. However, limited research exists on why collocated group members use collaborative system and how their perceptions about the system change from project initiation to project completion. The study proposes resource management support, coordination support, and evaluation support as key aspects based on which collocated users form beliefs about collaboration system value. Based on technology acceptance model and expectancy disconfirmation theory, we propose a model that examines the evolution of user beliefs from pre to post-adoption stage. Further, we argue that users may engage in different information processing strategies as part of the belief change process. The research model was examined based on longitudinal data collected from student groups working on a software application development project over a three month period. The results show that users deemed all features to be valuable at the pre-adoption stage. However, at the post-adoption stage evaluation support was the only factor that had a direct influence on collaboration system usefulness. While the impact of other support factors was mediated through the confirmation process. Further, users engaged in high information processing in revising their beliefs about collaboration system features, when they experienced a high level of dissonance. On the contrary, a dual information processing approach was visible in the context of support features that required adjustment or update to beliefs from pre to post-adoption stage. The study provides three core areas around which designers can structure collaboration system features to make it more useful. It also provides theoretical insights into the process through which user cognitions about collaboration system value change over time.  相似文献   

In this case study, wiki technology was applied to the development of an introductory academic textbook on information systems. While the development, production and distribution of traditional textbooks are influenced by commercial interests, the wikitextbook was developed collaboratively by faculty and by students, and was made available online free of charge. After about two years of activity, the wikitextbook accumulated 564 sub-chapters, co-authored by undergraduate and graduate students in more than 20 classes offered by seven academic departments across three Israeli universities. We discuss the potential of wikitextbooks as vehicles of empowerment to students, teachers, and the discipline. This type of collaborative online technology intimates an influence on the status-quo in academic education in favor of less empowered stakeholders. However, caution is advised in drawing premature conclusions from results reported here. The implementation of wikitextbook should be augmented by a careful study of cultural, societal, behavioral and pedagogic variables.  相似文献   

文章分析了当前流行的分布式入侵检测系统的特征以及协作方式,提出了一种基于逻辑环形协作算法的分布式入侵检测系统,以解决目前分布式入侵检测系统中各系统间协作效率低、检测响应慢的缺陷。  相似文献   

This paper explores the role of transactive memory in enabling knowledge transfer between globally distributed teams. While the information systems literature has recently acknowledged the role transactive memory plays in improving knowledge processes and performance in colocated teams, little is known about its contribution to distributed teams. To contribute to filling this gap, knowledge‐transfer challenges and processes between onsite and offshore teams were studied at TATA Consultancy Services. In particular, the paper describes the transfer of knowledge between onsite and offshore teams through encoding, storing and retrieving processes. An in‐depth case study of globally distributed software development projects was carried out, and a qualitative, interpretive approach was adopted. The analysis of the case suggests that in order to overcome differences derived from the local contexts of the onsite and offshore teams (e.g. different work routines, methodologies and skills), some specific mechanisms supporting the development of codified and personalized ‘directories’ were introduced. These include the standardization of templates and methodologies across the remote sites as well as frequent teleconferencing sessions and occasional short visits. These mechanisms contributed to the development of the notion of ‘who knows what’ across onsite and offshore teams despite the challenges associated with globally distributed teams, and supported the transfer of knowledge between onsite and offshore teams. The paper concludes by offering theoretical and practical implications.  相似文献   

Decision-making in virtual teams creates challenges for leaders to structure team processes and provide task support. To help advance our knowledge of leadership in virtual teams, we explore the interaction effects between leadership styles and media richness on task cohesion and cooperative climate, which in turn influence team performance in decision-making tasks. Results from a laboratory study suggest that transactional leadership behaviors improve task cohesion of the team, whereas transformational leadership behaviors improve cooperative climate within the team which, in turn, improves task cohesion. However, these effects of leadership depend on media richness. Specifically, they occur only when media richness is low. Our results also suggest that task cohesion leads to group consensus and members’ satisfaction with the discussion, whereas cooperative climate improves discussion satisfaction and reduces time spent on the task.  相似文献   

This study aims to investigate individual's trust development for semi-virtual collaboration teams with multicultural and unicultural background. We aim to explore whether the trust levels in multicultural and unicultural semi-virtual groups will be the same, how trust develops over time and what the corresponding factors to the trust development are. In order to answer the questions, a longitudinal case study was conducted in unicultural and multicultural teams. We have taken survey for 144 participants over three stages, as well as interviewed 64 participants. Results of the analysis of the survey data firstly show that no significant difference exists between multicultural and unicultural groups. Then, two factors, collaboration process and clear task help explain this phenomenon. However, the trust development of multicultural groups shows instability and keeps decreasing over time, while unicultural groups behave differently. We found that language, values and habitual behavior lead to the differences in these two types of groups.  相似文献   

在软件设计中,设计模式已被大量采用,以提高系统的可扩展性、可重用性和可维护性.从使用设计模式应用的实际例子出发,研究设计模式在实际的应用中会遇到的协作方面的问题.从系统的可扩展性角度讨论了设计模式协作的度量准则,从中提出了设计模式协作的友好性分类,并通过设计模式的应用的实例来分析设计模式协作的友好性分类准则的使用方式,对设计模式的协作使用提出了指导性的意见和建议.  相似文献   

In this study, we explored team roles in virtual, partially distributed teams, or vPDTs (teams with at least one co-located subgroup and at least two subgroups that are geographically dispersed but that collaborate virtually). Past research on virtual teams emphasizes the importance of team dynamics. We argue that the following three roles are particularly important for high functioning virtual teams: Project Coordinator, Implementer and Completer-Finisher. We hypothesized that the highest performing vPDTs will have 1) a single Project Coordinator for each subgroup, 2) multiple Implementers within the team, and 3) fewer Completer-Finishers within the team. A sample of 28 vPDTs with members working on two different continents provides support for the second and third hypothesized relationships, but not the first.  相似文献   

We propose a computer-based framework for the formal verification of collaboration patterns in healthcare teams. In this, the patterns are constructed diagrammatically as compositions of keystones that are viewed as abstract processes. The approach provides mechanisms for ensuring that safety properties are enforced and exceptional events are handled systematically. Additionally, a fully verified, executable model is obtained as an end product, enabling a simulation of its associated collaboration scenarios.  相似文献   

Managing global software development teams is not an easy task because of the additional problems and complexities that have to be taken into account. This paper defines VTManager, a methodology that provides a set of efficient practices for global virtual team management in software development projects. These practices integrate software development techniques in global environments with others such as explicit practices for global virtual team management, definition of skills and abilities needed to work in these teams, availability of collaborative work environments and shared knowledge management practices. The results obtained and the lessons learned from implementing VTManager in a pilot project to develop software tools for collaborative work in rural environments are also presented. This project was carried out by geographically distributed teams involving people from seven countries with a high level of virtualness.  相似文献   

This paper presents the design, implementation and evaluation of EVE Community Prototype, which is an educational virtual community aiming to meet the requirements of a Virtual Collaboration Space and to support e-learning services. Furthermore, this paper describes the design and implementation of an integrated platform for Networked Virtual Environments, called EVE Platform, which supports the afore-mentioned educational community. This platform supports stable event sharing and creation of multi-user three dimensional (3D) places, H.323-based voice over IP services integrated in 3D spaces as well as multiple concurrent virtual worlds. Christos Bouras obtained his Diploma and PhD from the Department Of Computer Engineering and Informatics of Patras University (Greece). He is currently an Associate Professor in the above department. Also he is a scientific advisor of Research Unit 6 in Research Academic Computer Technology Institute (CTI), Patras, Greece. His research interests include Analysis of Performance of Networking and Computer Systems, Computer Networks and Protocols, Telematics and New Services, QoS and Pricing for Networks and Services, e-Learning Networked Virtual Environments and WWW Issues. He has extended professional experience in Design and Analysis of Networks, Protocols, Telematics and New Services. He has published 200 papers in various well-known refereed conferences and journals. He is a co-author of seven books in Greek. He has been a PC member and referee in various international journals and conferences. He has participated in R&D projects such as RACE, ESPRIT, TELEMATICS, EDUCATIONAL MULTIMEDIA, ISPO, EMPLOYMENT, ADAPT, STRIDE, EUROFORM, IST, GROWTH and others. Also he is member of experts in the Greek Research and Technology Network (GRNET), Advisory Committee Member to the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), Member of WG3.3 and WG6.4 of IFIP, Task Force for Broadband Access in Greece, ACM, IEEE, EDEN, AACE and New York Academy of Sciences. Eleftheria Giannaka obtained her Diploma from the Informatics Department of the Aristotelian University of Thessaloniki (Greece) and her Masters Degree from the Computer Engineering and Informatics Department of Patras University. She is currently a PhD Candidate of the Department of Computer Engineer and Informatics of Patras University. Furthermore, she is working as an R&D Computer Engineer at the Research Unit 6 of the Computer Technology Institute in Patra (Greece). Her interests include Computer Networks, Virtual Networks, System Architecture, Internet Applications, Electronic Commerce, Database Implementation and Administration, Virtual Reality applications, Performance Evaluation and Programming. Alexandros Panagopoulos was born in Pyrgos, Greece, 1981. He obtained his Diploma, from the Computer Engineering and Informatics Department of Patras University (Greece). In 2000 he became a member of Research Unit 6 of the Computer Technology Institute (CTI). His interests include Computer Networks, Multiuser Virtual Environments, Telematics, and C/C++ and Java programming. Dr. Thrasyvoulos Tsiatsos obtained his Diploma, his Master's Degree and his PhD from the Computer Engineering and Informatics Department of Patras University (Greece). He is currently an R&D Computer Engineer at the Research Unit 6 of Computer Technology Institute, Patras, Greece. His research interests include Computer Networks, Telematics, Distributed Systems, Networked Virtual Environments, Multimedia and Hypermedia. More particular he is engaged in Distant Education with the use of Computer Networks, Real Time Protocols and Networked Virtual Environments. He has published nine papers in journals and 30 papers in well-known refereed conferences. He has participated in R&D projects such as OSYDD, RTS-GUNET, ODL-UP, VES, ODL-OTE, INVITE, VirRAD and EdComNet.  相似文献   

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