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The fibrinolytic activity of low molecular weight (LMW) single-chain urokinase-type plasminogen activator (scu-PA) lacking the epidermal growth factor domain and the kringle domain was compared with the activity of high molecular weight (HMW) scu-PA. LMW scu-PA was 1-5 times less active than HMW scu-PA in a fibrin plate method, in a purified fibrin clot lysis assay and in a plasma clot lysis assay. Time course experiments in a chromogenic plasminogen activator assay suggested that LMW scu-PA was less sensitive to activation by plasmin than HMW scu-PA. This was confirmed in a scu-PA activation test, which showed that at a concentration of 40 IU/ml LMW scu-PA required a three-fold higher plasmin concentration for 50% activation in 20 min than did HMW scu-PA. Kinetic experiments in the presence of 0.1 M NaCl showed non-standard Michaelis-Menten kinetics for the activation by plasmin of both HMW and LMW scu-PA. In contrast, standard kinetics was observed at 0.15 M NaCl, showing a 2.6-fold lower catalytic efficiency for LMW scu-PA than for HMW scu-PA. It is concluded that the plasmin activation of LMW scu-PA is about three times slower than the activation of HMW scu-PA. This explains, at least partially, the lower fibrinolytic activity of LMW scu-PA in comparison with HMW scu-PA.  相似文献   

Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) in first trimester placental cells is composed of immature alpha- and beta-subunits containing only N-linked high-mannose sugar chains. Intracellular immature intermediates are accumulated in rough endoplasmic reticulum in much greater quantity than mature hCG composed of mature subunits. We have previously shown that this immature hCG might be bound to other protein(s), including an ATP-binding protein, forming high molecular weight-hCG (HMW-hCG), which is not aggregate of immature hCG alone. To identify the ATP-binding protein forming the HMW-hCG in detail, proteins in HMW-hCG preparation were photoaffinity-labeled with 8-azido-[alpha-32P]ATP. Autoradiography followed by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) showed that the labeled protein with M(r) = 78000 was immunoprecipitated with any antibody against alpha-subunit, beta-subunit and hCG, indicating that this protein is bound to immature hCG. Furthermore, to determine whether some other proteins associate to form HMW-hCG, we purified HMW-hCG without breakdown to its components using columns of DE52, Heparin-Sepharose and Sephacryl S-300. As the final step of the purification, HMW-hCG was allowed to adsorb on a column of ATP-agarose and anti-hCG IgG-agarose, respectively. SDS-PAGE analysis of eluted proteins from the columns bound to the respective column via the constituent of HMW-hCG, such as ATP-binding protein or immature hCG, showed four common protein bands with molecular weights of 78000, 43000, 28000 and 20000. The protein with M(r) = 43000 was stained with any antibody against alpha-subunit, beta-subunit and hCG, indicating it to be immature hCG. The protein band with M(r) = 78000, which might correspond to the ATP-binding protein described above, was stained with anti-heat shock protein 70 (HSP70) monoclonal antibody. To confirm the association of immature hCG and HSP70-like protein, immature hCG preparation was incubated with HSP70-like protein purified from placental extracts. The molecular weight change of immature hCG appeared to increase by this incubation and was close to HMW-hCG, but not exactly the same. These results suggest that immature hCG intermediate exists as HMW-hCG containing HSP70-like protein, which has ATP-binding capacity, and two other proteins in first trimester placental cells.  相似文献   

The insulin-like growth factor (IGF)-binding proteins (IGFBPs) carry IGFs in serum and regulate their activity and bioavailability. The main IGFBP in serum, IGFBP-3, is known to form a 150-kDa complex with IGFs and the acid-labile subunit (ALS). We investigated the binding of IGFBP-3 to additional association proteins in human serum (IGFBP-3 APs). Ligand blots, column chromatography, and affinity cross-linking experiments revealed the specific binding of IGFBP-3 to at least three novel serum proteins. These techniques demonstrated the presence of proteins with molecular masses of 70, 100, and 150 kDa that bind IGFBP-3 with high affinity. Serum ALS migrated separately (at 88 kDa) from the novel IGFBP-3 APs (as evident by Western immunoblot), and bound IGFBP-3 weakly (by reverse ligand blots). We also demonstrated that large amounts of one of the IGFBP-3 APs and small amounts of ALS were coimmunoprecipitated with IGFBP-3 from human serum. Similar to ALS, these IGFBP-3 APs are acid labile and lose their IGFBP-3 binding capacity after exposure to low pH. We conclude that there are several serum proteins in addition to ALS and IGFs that bind IGFBP-3 with high affinity. These IGFBP-3 APs may serve as an additional reservoir of IGFBP-3 or modulate its functions.  相似文献   

Protein phosphatase 2A (PP2A) is one of the most important and abundant serine/threonine phosphatases in mammalian tissues and plays a role in gene expression, cell division, and signal transduction. PP2A is activated by ceramide, which is produced by the hydrolysis of membrane sphingomyelin in response to a variety of stress-related stimuli. To further study the role of ceramide-mediated signal transduction in cellular processes such as senescence and apoptosis, we designed and synthesized a series of low molecular weight aromatic compounds, mainly of the isoquinolone and tetralone classes, and evaluated their ability to inhibit enzymes known to be activated by ceramide. Those enzymes studied were ceramide-activated protein kinase, protein kinase C zeta and PP2A. Of these, only PP2A was found to be inhibited. A few of the compounds inhibited both ceramide-activated as well as basal PP2A activity. In addition, several of the compounds activated PP2A by up to 300% above basal enzyme activity, but only in the presence of ceramide. Thus, modulation (both inhibition and activation) of the catatylic activity of ceramide-activated PP2A is demonstrated by certain low molecular weight aromatic compounds.  相似文献   

Trophoblast cells were cultured on microporous membrane filters. After incubation at different times with gold-conjugated ligands, the cells were processed for electron microscopy. Gold particles indicating the presence of both IgG and LDL appeared in a time-dependent manner in coated pits and coated vesicles. LDL-gold appeared primarily within lysosomes whereas approximately 50% of the internalized IgG-gold appeared within vesicles (diameters ranging from 35 to 80 nm) near the basal regions of the cell. These vesicles may be the protective mechanism which prevents IgG breakdown during transcytosis across trophoblast cells, thus allowing transport of the intact molecule to the fetus.  相似文献   

The effects of vasoconstrictors on bile flow and bile acid excretion were examined in single-pass isolated perfused rat livers. Administration of norepinephrine (NE), 4 nmol/min, plus continuous infusion of taurocholate (TC) (1.0 mumol/min) rapidly increased bile flow in 1 min, and from min 5 until the end of NE administration (late period) bile flow remained above the basal level (111.7 +/- 2.2%), as did bile acid output (114.6 +/- 1.8%). Without TC infusion, administration of NE produced no increase in the late period. Administration of NE plus taurochenodeoxycholate (1.0 mumol/min) increased bile flow and bile acid output in the late period to 121.9 +/- 7.0 and 137.1 +/- 6.8%, respectively. With NE plus taurodehydrocholate, the respective values were only 105.4 +/- 1.6 and 104.1 +/- 4.0%. When horseradish peroxidase (HRP) (25 mg) was infused over 1 min with continuous NE, the late peak (20-25 min) of HRP elimination into bile significantly exceeded that of untreated controls (P < 0.01). These observations suggest that vasoconstrictors enhance biliary excretion of more hydrophobic bile acids, in part by stimulating vesicular transport.  相似文献   

We previously reported that cultured mammalian cells are effectively permeabilized by vortex-stirring the cells with a high molecular weight polyacrylic acid. The present study revealed that the efficiency of permeabilization of a non-permeant dye, Lucifer Yellow (LY), was sensitively affected by the pH of the medium. When the cells are vortex-stirred in RPMI 1640 culture medium, the pH of the medium should be adjusted with HEPES and NaOH, instead of NaHCO3, to a pH higher than 7.6 for successful permeabilization; the higher the pH, the better the result obtained. Internalization of LY was near the background level at a pH below 7.4. When phosphate-buffered saline was substituted for RPMI 1640 medium, the optimal pH range was slightly shifted to a more acidic region. This requirement for the pH of the medium is indispensable as a supplement to the standard permeabilization procedure tentatively proposed in the preceding report.  相似文献   

Factor XI and high molecular weight kininogen were found associated in normal human plasma at mol wt 380,000 as assessed by gel filtration on Sephadex G-200. The molecular weight of Factor XI in high molecular weight kininogen-deficient plasma was 175,000, the same value obtained for purified Factor XI. When high molecular weight kininogen-deficient plasma was reconstituted with purified high molecular weight kininogen, all of the Factor XI was then found at mol wt 380,000. Complex formation was also demonstrable upon incubation of Factor XI and highly purified high molecular weight kininogen. This complex was distinct from the prekallikrein-high molecular weight kininogen complex; thus high molecular weight kininogen forms bimolecular complexes with either Factor XI or prekallikrein but does not form a trimolecular complex that includes both Factor XI and prekallikrein. Neither Hageman factor nor plasminogen were found associated with high molecular weight kininogen; binding to high molecular weight kininogen appeared to be a specific property of the Hageman factor substrates.  相似文献   

Endothelial cells of the human umbilical blood vessels are widely cultured in an oxygen tension (21%) far above that in which they exist in vivo (3%). This study investigates the effect of the long term culture (ca. 1 month) of human umbilical artery endothelial cells in a reduced oxygen environment (3%: HUAEC3) in comparison to cells grown in a 'normoxic' environment (21%: HUAEC21). Despite reports of altered metabolic pathways and reduced membrane integrity in other cell types, the characteristics of HUAEC3 were found to be similar to those of HUAEC21 with respect to morphology, immunocytochemical profile and in vitro growth rates. Cellular glutathione was maintained in these cells although ATP levels in HUAEC3 were found to be significantly lower than those observed in HUAEC21. The phosphoinositide responses of the HUAEC3 to a variety of agonists were also found to be of similar magnitude to those observed in HUAEC21. In addition, the pharmacological characteristics of the phospholipase C-linked histamine H1 and P2y2 (P2U) receptors were not changed by culture of cells in a low oxygen environment.  相似文献   

Culture supernatants from channel catfish monocytes exhibit IL-1-like activity for mouse and catfish T cells. Gel filtration analyses of these supernatants indicated that there were at least two forms of IL-1-like activity, i.e. a high molecular weight form (70 kD) active on channel catfish, but not mouse, T cells and a low molecular weight form (approximately 15 kD) with activity for mouse, but not catfish, T cells. Both sizes of catfish IL-1 exhibited alpha and beta determinants as shown by Western blot analyses using antisera to human IL-1 alpha and IL-1 beta. Further evidence for the IL-1 nature of these molecules was obtained by antibody inhibition assays wherein antisera to human IL-1 alpha and IL-1 beta each neutralized approximately 50% of the catfish activities, were additive to some extent, and could be reversed by the addition of the proper human recombinant protein. In culture supernatants of murine P388D1 cells functional activities for catfish and mouse T cells were found only in high and low molecular weight fractions, respectively. Western blots with antiserum to mouse IL-1 alpha revealed IL-1 determinants in both high and low molecular fractions of the mouse cell culture supernatants. These data suggest that catfish and mammalian IL-1 molecules may be quite similar with the caveat being that functional activity for catfish T cells requires a large protein, presented as an aggregate, a polymer, or simply a single chain 70 kD protein. However, only the low molecular weight forms (30 and 15 kD) are active on mouse T cells.  相似文献   

We have conducted a series of studies addressing the chemical composition of silicone gels from breast implants as well as the diffusion of low molecular weight silicones (LM-silicones) and heavy metals from intact implants into various surrounding media, namely, lipid-rich medium (soy oil), aqueous tissue culture medium (modified Dulbecco's medium, DMEM), or an emulsion consisting of DMEM plus 10% soy oil. LM-silicones in both implants and surrounding media were detected and quantitated using gas chromatography (GC) coupled with atomic emission (GC-AED) as well as mass spectrometric (GC/MS) detectors, which can detect silicones in the nanogram range. Platinum, a catalyst used in the preparation of silicone gels, was detected and quantitated using inductive argon-coupled plasma/mass spectrometry (ICP-MS), which can detect platinum in the parts per trillion range. Our results indicate that GC-detectable low molecular weight silicones contribute approximately 1-2% to the total gel mass and consist predominantly of cyclic and linear poly-(dimethylsiloxanes) ranging from 3 to 20 siloxane [(CH3)2-Si-O] units (molecular weight 200-1500). Platinum can be detected in implant gels at levels of approximately 700 micrograms/kg by ICP-MS. The major component of implant gels appears to be high molecular weight silicone polymers (HM-silicones) too large to be detected by GC. However, these HM-silicones can be converted almost quantitatively (80% by mass) to LM-silicones by heating implant gels at 150-180 degrees C for several hours. We also studied the rates at which LM-silicones and platinum leak through the intact implant outer shell into the surrounding media under a variety of conditions. Leakage of silicones was greatest when the surrounding medium was lipid-rich, and up to 10 mg/day LM-silicones was observed to diffuse into a lipid-rich medium per 250 g of implant at 37 degrees C. This rate of leakage was maintained over a 7-day experimental period. Similarly, platinum was also observed to leak through intact implants into lipid-containing media at rates of approximately 20-25 micrograms/day/250 g of implant at 37 degrees C. The rates at which both LM-silicones and platinum have been observed to leak from intact implants could lead to significant accumulation within lipid-rich tissues and should be investigated more fully in vivo.  相似文献   

XN Li  ZW Du  Q Huang  JQ Wu 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1997,40(6):1250-8; discussion 1258-9
OBJECTIVE: To determine the growth-inhibitory and differentiation-inducing activity of dimethylformamide (DMF) on a human glioma cell line (SHG-44). DMF is a type of polar solvent and a potent differentiation-inducing agent in many kinds of human solid tumors, yet its effect on human glioma remains unclear. METHODS: The effects of DMF on cell proliferation using 3-(4,5-dimethyl thiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyl tetrazolium bromide assay, cell cycle distribution (with flow cytometry), colony-forming efficiency in double-layer soft agar, tumorigenicity in athymic nude mice, morphological changes, and glial fibrillary acidic protein expression were studied. RESULTS: At dose ranges of 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, and 1.0%, DMF caused a dose-dependent proliferation inhibitory effect in monolayers and a marked dose-dependent suppression of colony-forming efficiency in double-layer soft agar with a complete loss of colony-forming ability in cells exposed to 0.75 and 1.0% DMF. Accumulation of cells in G0/G1 phases was observed in DMF-treated (0.5 and 1.0%) cells, also in a dose-dependent manner. SHG-44 cells exposed to DMF (0.5 and 1.0%) for 15 days changed morphologically from small spindle-shaped to large polygonal and flattened stellate cells with multiple slender processes. These cells were still tumorigenic in athymic nude mice, but the growth of xenografts was remarkably reduced, especially in the 1.0% DMF-treated group. The expression of glial fibrillary acidic protein was notably increased by DMF (0.5 and 1.0%). Washout experiments revealed that the effects of DMF on cell proliferation and cell cycle distribution were reversible. CONCLUSION: Our results suggest that DMF drove the SHG-44 cells to a more mature phenotype with inhibited growth.  相似文献   

The process of multistage carcinogenesis lends itself to the concept that the effects of carcinogens are mediated through dose-related, multi-hit, linear changes. Multiple in vitro model systems have been developed that are designed to examine the cellular changes associated with the progression of cells through the different stages in the process; however, these systems may have inherent limitations due to the cell lines used for these studies, the manner of assessing the effects of the carcinogens, and the subsequent growth and differentiation of the exposed cells. Each of these variables results in increasing levels of uncertainty relative to the correlation of the events with the actual process of human tumor development. Therefore, the prediction of the ultimate effect of any carcinogen is difficult. Moreover, relationships between individual biological endpoints resulting from carcinogen treatment appear at best to be approximations. The presence of an activated carcinogen inside the cell can give rise to multiple outcomes, only some of which may be critical events. For example, site-specific modification of the 12th and 13th codons of H-ras is different than that in the adjacent 14th and 15th codons. It is interesting to speculate what effect these differences might have on a biological outcome, e.g., transformation to anchorage-independent growth. The use of different model systems to examine the effects of activated carcinogens also creates additional problems. Comparisons of in vitro transformed cells with similar cells isolated from human tumors indicate that the culture environment appears to influence the expression of a particular phenotype, in that human tumor cells in culture express many of the same parameters as those found in cells transformed with carcinogens in vitro. If the process of transformation is linear, then less aggressive phenotypes should progress to a more aggressive transformed stage. However, in carcinogen-transformed human cells, the populations exhibit phenotypic diversity in that many of the transformed cells differentiate and fail to continue to divide in culture. Historically, we have assumed only a limited role for epigenetic modulation of molecular changes that occur during progression; however, our data suggest quite strongly that nonmalignant tumor populations can be converted to a more malignant phenotype without additional mutations taking place and, conversely, malignant populations can be downregulated to a nontumorigenic phenotype. Tumor cell plasticity is not only a fundamental characteristic of diverse types of human tumors, but also appears as an integral characteristic of carcinogen-transformed cells in vitro.  相似文献   

It has been suggested that the immune system is an important target tissue of prolactin (PRL). We therefore investigated several immune parameters in nine patients with chronically elevated serum prolactin concentrations. The immunophenotype of lymphocytes, mitogen-induced lymphocyte proliferation and phagocytic activity of polymorphonuclear cells were determined under high serum prolactin levels and 2 weeks after treatment with dopamine agonists. An increased CD4/CD8 ratio in the hyperprolactinaemic patients could be detected compared with healthy control subjects, which remained high after treatment and did not seem to correlate with serum prolactin concentrations. Peripheral blood B lymphocytes showed an increased expression of CD69 in the treated group but not in untreated patients compared with healthy control subjects. Interleukin 2 receptor, CD45RO, transferrin receptor or HLA-DR expression of CD4 or CD8 cells, as well as oxidative burst and phagocytic activity of granulocytes, were not affected in the patients with prolactinomas. Lymphocyte transformation response to phytohaemagglutinin in vitro was found not to be influenced by elevated prolactin levels except at the highest mitogen concentration tested. These data together with previous reports suggest that, although PRL is required for lymphocyte maturation to achieve normal immune function, elevated PRL levels do not lead to an 'overstimulation' of the immune system in men.  相似文献   

The effect of lead on cellular iron metabolism has been investigated using human erythroleukemia (K562) cells. When the cells were cultured with 100 microM Pb2+ for 48 h, the rate of cellular iron uptake from transferrin decreased to 46% of that in untreated cells. Scatchard analysis of the binding data revealed that this reduction was the result of a decrease in the number of transferrin receptors rather than an alteration in ligand-receptor affinity. The results of immunoprecipitation of transferrin receptors on the cell surface also confirmed the decreased expression of transferrin receptors by lead-treated cells. The down-regulation of transferrin receptors by treatment with lead did not result from a decrease in the total amount of the receptor, as determined by immunoblotting. Moreover, the biosynthesis of the receptor was unaffected by lead treatment. Thus, the down-regulation of surface transferrin receptors in lead-treated cells might be due to a redistribution of receptors rather than an actual loss of receptors from the cell. Using kinetic analysis, it was shown that redistribution of the receptor did not result from the alteration in the rates of transferrin receptor recycling. A comparison of the amounts of transferrin receptor on the cell surface and in the cycling pool revealed that the sequestration of the receptor from normal flow through the cycle might cause down-regulation of the surface receptor.  相似文献   

A high molecular weight inhibitor of calcium oxalate crystal growth in human urine was investigated. Three inhibitors were isolated by DEAE-Sephacel ion-exchange chromatography and, of these, the substance we named "Peak 3 protein" seemed to be the main inhibitor in human urine. Peak 3 protein and several was purified by fast protein liquid chromatography and polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. This substance, with a molecular weight of 30 kDa, did not contain uronic acid and its inhibitory activity decreased after digestion with proteinase. The difference between Peak 3 protein and several inhibitors previously reported was investigated but no clear difference could be found. The fact that it was the protein structure which was responsible for the inhibitory activity and the fact that Peak 3 protein probably possessed many side-chains which did not contribute to the inhibitory activity influenced the outcome of the investigation.  相似文献   

Effects of pectins with different degrees of esterification (DE) and molecular weights (MW) on iron bioavailability were investigated in healthy growing rats by following erythrocyte incorporation of a dose of 58Fe. Rats were fed a control diet for 8 d and then deprived of food for 16 h. Two hours after the start of feeding iron-deficient diets, with or without pectin (80 g/kg diet), a dose of FeSO4 rich in 58Fe (60.28%) was intubated into the stomach; rats were then allowed to feed for an additional 4 h before withdrawal of food for 10 h. Rats were then fed iron-adequate diets for 9 d. The pectins differed in DE and MW, respectively, as follows: P-A (73%, 860,000), P-B (75%, 89,000), P-C (22%, 1,260,000) and P-D (24%, 114,000). Rats fed pectin-free diet with free access to food or restricted to the same quantity consumed by a respective pectin group served as controls. Iron absorption was 48% in the control group and 57% in rats fed P-B. Rats fed P-B had higher (P 2 < or = 0.05) serum iron, transferrin saturation, hematocrit and liver and spleen iron than the control group or the group fed P-C. These indices, except for transferrin saturation, were also higher In rats fed P-A and P-D compared with those fed P-C and controls, but to a lesser extent than in rats fed P-B. The data indicate that bioavailability of dietary non-heme iron was enhanced when pectin of low MW and high DE was added to the diet. This improvement was not evident with pectins having high MW and/or low DE.  相似文献   

The important role of genetic abnormalities in the causation of human male infertility is increasingly recognized. While much remains to be learned in this fast moving field, considerable progress has been achieved over the past years both in the clinical delineation of genetic forms of male infertility and in the characterization of the responsible genes and their mutations. We review the current state of knowledge on monogenic disorders where male infertility is a major and regular feature. Clinical and molecular details are given on a total of seventeen such entities. We restrict our survey to disorders that may actually come to the clinical attention of the reproductive medicine specialist.  相似文献   

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