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Developmental research often involves studying change across 2 or more processes or constructs simultaneously. A natural question in this work is whether change in these 2 processes is related or independent. Associative latent transition analysis (ALTA) was designed to test hypotheses about the degree to which change in 2 discrete latent variables is related. The ALTA model is a type of latent class model, which is a categorical latent variable model based on categorical indicators. In the ALTA approach, level and change on 1 variable is predicted by level and change in another. Two types of hypotheses are discussed: (a) broad hypotheses of dependence between the 2 discrete latent variables and (b) targeted hypotheses comparing specific patterns of change between levels of the discrete variables. Both types of hypotheses are tested via nested model comparisons. Analyses of relations between psychological state and substance use illustrate the model. Recent psychological state and recent substance use were found to be associated cross-sectionally and longitudinally, implying that change in recent substance use was related to change in recent psychological state. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This article examines the theoretical status of latent variables as used in modern test theory models. First, it is argued that a consistent interpretation of such models requires a realist ontology for latent variables. Second, the relation between latent variables and their indicators is discussed. It is maintained that this relation can be interpreted as a causal one but that in measurement models for interindividual differences the relation does not apply to the level of the individual person. To substantiate intraindividual causal conclusions, one must explicitly represent individual level processes in the measurement model. Several research strategies that may be useful in this respect are discussed, and a typology of constructs is proposed on the basis of this analysis. The need to link individual processes to latent variable models for interindividual differences is emphasized. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2011 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Cognitive diagnosis models are constrained (multiple classification) latent class models that characterize the relationship of questionnaire responses to a set of dichotomous latent variables. Having emanated from educational measurement, several aspects of such models seem well suited to use in psychological assessment and diagnosis. This article presents the development of a new cognitive diagnosis model for use in psychological assessment--the DINO (deterministic input; noisy "or" gate) model--which, as an illustrative example, is applied to evaluate and diagnose pathological gamblers. As part of this example, a demonstration of the estimates obtained by cognitive diagnosis models is provided. Such estimates include the probability an individual meets each of a set of dichotomous Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (text revision [DSM-IV-TR]; American Psychiatric Association, 2000) criteria, resulting in an estimate of the probability an individual meets the DSM-IV-TR definition for being a pathological gambler. Furthermore, a demonstration of how the hypothesized underlying factors contributing to pathological gambling can be measured with the DINO model is presented, through use of a covariance structure model for the tetrachoric correlation matrix of the dichotomous latent variables representing DSM-IV-TR criteria. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Several studies have recently challenged the accuracy of traditional models of classical conditioning that account for some experimental data in terms of a storage deficit. Among other results, it has been reported that extinction of the blocking or overshadowing stimulus results in the recovery of the response to the blocked or overshadowed stimulus, backward blocking shows spontaneous recovery, extinction of the training context results in the recovery from latent inhibition, interposing a delay between conditioning and testing in latent inhibition increases latent inhibition, and latent inhibition antagonizes overshadowing. An existing neural network model of classical conditioning (N. A. Schmajuk, Y. Lam, & J. A. Gray, 1996), which includes an attentional mechanism controlling both storage and retrieval of associations, is able to quantitatively describe these results. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2011 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Markov models provide a general framework for analyzing and interpreting time dependencies in psychological applications. Recent work extended Markov models to the case of latent states because frequently psychological states are not directly observable and subject to measurement error. This article presents a further generalization of latent Markov models to allow for the analysis of rating data that are collected at arbitrary points in time. This extension offers new ways of investigating change processes by focusing explicitly on the durations that are spent in latent states. In an experience sampling application the author shows that such duration analyses can provide valuable insights about chronometric features of emotions. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Describes a procedure that enables researchers to estimate nonlinear and interactive effects of latent variables in structural equation models. Given that the latent variables are normally distributed, the parameters of such models can be estimated. To do this, products of the measured variables are used as indicators of latent product variables. Estimation must be done using a procedure that allows nonlinear constraints on parameters. The procedure is demonstrated in 3 examples. The 1st 2 examples use artificial data with known parameter values. These parameters are successfully recovered by the procedure. The final complex example uses national election survey data. (14 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

With data from a panel (N?=?4,679) tested in the 7th grade and as young adults as input to the LISREL 8 program, the authors estimated 2 male-female sets of theoretically informed models specifying effects of failure to finish high school on the latent construct "psychological dysfunction" during young adulthood and controlling for psychological functioning in the 7th grade, father's education, race or ethnicity, and other variables. Results suggest a negative effect of not graduating on psychological functioning for both male and female students in the full sample and in the sample of students who did not go on to college (n?=?1,871). This relationship was stronger for female than for male participants in the full sample, but no statistical difference was evident in the non-college-bound subsample. These results are accounted for by the stronger relationship observed between starting college and adult psychological functioning for women than for men. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Mixed models take the dependency between observations based on the same cluster into account by introducing 1 or more random effects. Common item response theory (IRT) models introduce latent person variables to model the dependence between responses of the same participant. Assuming a distribution for the latent variables, these IRT models are formally equivalent with nonlinear mixed models. It is shown how a variety of IRT models can be formulated as particular instances of nonlinear mixed models. The unifying framework offers the advantage that relations between different IRT models become explicit and that it is rather straightforward to see how existing IRT models can be adapted and extended. The approach is illustrated with a self-report study on anger. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

An extended version of the Common Fate Model (CFM) is presented to estimate and test mediation in dyadic data. The model can be used for distinguishable dyad members (e.g., heterosexual couples) or indistinguishable dyad members (e.g., homosexual couples) if (a) the variables measure characteristics of the dyadic relationship or shared external influences that affect both partners; if (b) the causal associations between the variables should be analyzed at the dyadic level; and if (c) the measured variables are reliable indicators of the latent variables. To assess mediation using Structural Equation Modeling, a general three-step procedure is suggested. The first is a selection of a good fitting model, the second a test of the direct effects, and the third a test of the mediating effect by means of bootstrapping. The application of the model along with the procedure for assessing mediation is illustrated using data from 184 couples on marital problems, communication, and marital quality. Differences with the Actor-Partner Interdependence Model and the analysis of longitudinal mediation by using the CFM are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

When the results of a reference (or gold standard) test are missing or not error-free, the accuracy of diagnostic tests is often assessed through latent class models with two latent classes, representing diseased or nondiseased status. Such models, however, require that conditional on the true disease status, the tests are statistically independent, an assumption often violated in practice. Consequently, the model generally fits the data poorly. In this paper, we develop a general latent class model with random effects to model the conditional dependence among multiple diagnostic tests (or readers). We also develop a graphical method for checking whether or not the conditional dependence is of concern and for identifying the pattern of the correlation. Using the random-effects model and the graphical method, a simple adequate model that is easy to interpret can be obtained. The methods are illustrated with three examples from the biometric literature. The proposed methodology is also applicable when the true disease status is indeed known and conditional dependence could well be present.  相似文献   

Objective: The objective of the present study was to demonstrate the reciprocal relationships between family adaptation to illness and children's medication use over time among children who presented with wheezing illness in infancy but have varying illness outcomes by age 4. Design: A longitudinal design and latent growth curve models (LGM) were used to predict change in family and caregiver adaptation to illness and children's medication use over three years among 140 infants with wheezing, among families from low socioeconomic, multi-ethnic backgrounds. Main Outcome Measures: One LGM predicted level and change (slope) of family adaptation to illness from children's baseline medication use. The second LGM predicted level and change (slope) of children's medication use from baseline family adjustment to illness. In both models, illness severity, caregivers' psychological resources, and emergency department use were covaried with the independent variable. Results: Two latent growth models were found to adequately fit the data and demonstrate full reciprocal relations between family adaptation to illness and children's medication use while accounting for baseline variables. Baseline measures of caregiver psychological functioning and illness severity were also significant predictors of family adaptation and children's medication use over time. The two models were not statistically different for children with and without active asthma at 4 years of age. Conclusion: Findings support the reciprocal effects model of child and family influences on pediatric illness and underscore the importance of early indicators of individual and family functioning. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The constancy or change of an attribute is important to most substantive areas of psychology. During the past decade, 2 independent methodological schools have developed statistical models for the depiction of longitudinal research. One, which might be called the European school, has created latent state-trait models. Alternatively, the American school has formulated models that go by the rubric of latent curve analysis or latent growth models. In this article, the authors integrate both approaches into a detailed unified latent curve and latent state-trait model (LC-LSTM) that includes the significant features from both schools. From the LC-LSTM framework, the permanency and ephemerality of psychological measures are discussed and the concepts of stability and reliability are reformulated. In addition, a comprehensive illustration on organization commitment is presented. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The role of familiarity and stimulus unitization was examined for nonverbal associations. Implicit memory was tested using a color-naming task. In 2 experiments spatially separated words, novel shapes, or nonwords and colors were presented, and the encoding instructions encouraged their unitization. New-association priming occurred between words and colors but not between abstract shapes and colors or between nonwords and colors. The results suggest that new-association priming occurs for familiar stimuli that are not physically integrated. However, when the stimuli are neither familiar nor unitized, new-association priming does not occur. It is possible that during encoding, memory representations are activated. If the stimuli are neither familiar nor unitized, then these processes must be carried out at study at the expense of learning of the associations. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Decreased latent inhibition (LI), reflecting an inability to screen from awareness stimuli previously experienced as irrelevant, has been associated with psychosis. Recent research has suggested, however, that low LI is associated with increased creative achievement in high-functioning individuals (S. H. Carson, J. B. Peterson, & D. M. Higgins, 2003). This study examined the relationship between LI and individual differences in the tendency to rely on intuition to make decisions. Participants scoring higher on a Faith in Intuition factor consisting of items relating to affect tended to have decreased LI. LI was not related to a rational thinking style or to a factor consisting of items relating to a holistic type of intuition. Furthermore, those high in faith in intuition benefited more from a preexposure condition in which participants received the relevant stimuli in the first phase of the task than did those scoring medium and low in faith in intuition. An explanation is offered for the link between faith in intuition and LI, building on past theory and research on the biological basis of LI and associations with openness to experience and creativity. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The formation of associations between objects and locations is a vital aspect of episodic memory. More specifically, remembering the location where one experienced an object and, vice versa, the object one encountered at a specific location are both important elements for the memory of an event. Whether episodic associations are holistic representations of individual components or whether there are unidirectional, separately modifiable connections between them has been investigated nearly exclusively using verbal stimuli. A preliminary conclusion concerning this controversy is that verbal associations are, at least, highly correlated (M. J. Kahana, 2002). This theoretical debate, which in the past has undergone a major empirical effort, is still of relevance for the concurrent global matching models of associative memory (S. E. Clark & S. D. Gronlund, 1996). The authors used variations of a novel object-location learning paradigm to complement the accumulated evidence regarding the nature of episodic associations. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Rules used for integrating components of risk into an overall risk rating were examined for 60 undergraduates using N. H. Anderson's 1970 information integration methodology. 30 Ss received stimuli based on a model of risk components developed by J. R. Bettman (1973) and 30 received stimuli based on S. M. Cunningham's (1967) conceptualization. Results indicate that the theoretically expected combination rule, multiplication of components, was not upheld for either model. The Bettman model, although graphically displaying a diverging fan (multiplicative combination), showed a significant residual interaction after the bilinear portion of the interaction was removed. The Cunningham model showed a converging graphical pattern opposite to that expected, supporting a differential weighted averaging model. The development of a theoretical basis for models of consumer risk perception is proposed as a necessary step for future research. (15 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

R. A. Rescorla (2000, Rescorla, 2001, Rescorla, 2002) reported that the associative changes undergone by 2 conditioned stimuli that are reinforced or not reinforced in compound depend on their initial associations. The results contradict the predictions of simple error-correction models but can be explained by models that incorporate a “constrained” error-correction rule. A model of classical conditioning presented by N. A. Schmajuk, Y. Lam, and J. A. Gray (1996) suggests that attentional mechanisms, acting during both compound training and testing, have an important role in producing those results. Moreover, the model suggests that those attentional mechanisms might obscure the evaluation of the associative changes undergone by the conditioned stimuli during compound training. Two experiments that differentiate our model from competing theories are proposed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Exception is taken at several points to W. Griffitt and D. L. Kaiser's (see record 1980-00280-001) conclusions concerning the relationships among sex guilt, gender, positive and negative affect, and preference for erotic stimuli. It is argued that neither the correlation nor the regression analyses directly tested the models of human behavior proposed by Griffitt and Kaiser. A causal modeling reanalysis of their data contradicts their conclusions but offers some support for their theory concerning responsivity to erotic stimuli. Sex guilt is found to have a direct influence on positive affect, negative affect, and preference for erotic stimuli, as well as an effect on preference for erotic stimuli through its impact on positive and negative affect. It is concluded that researchers must choose statistical models that are consistent with their hypothetical models of human behavior. This is particularly important when the investigation involves intervening variables or mediating factors that are under observation. (6 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Factor-analytic research is common in the study of constructs and measures in psychological assessment. Latent factors can represent traits as continuous underlying dimensions or as discrete categories. When examining the distributions of estimated scores on latent factors, one would expect unimodal distributions for dimensional data and bimodal or multimodal distributions for categorical data. Unfortunately, identifying modes is subjective, and the operationalization of counting local maxima has not performed very well. Rather than locating and counting modes, the authors propose performing parallel analyses of categorical and dimensional comparison data and calculating an index of the relative fit of these competing structural models. In an extensive Monte Carlo study, the authors replicated prior results for mode counting and found that trimming distributions' tails helped. However, parallel analyses of comparison data achieved much greater accuracy, improved base rate estimation, and afforded consistency checks with other taxometric procedures. Two additional studies apply this approach to empirical data either known to be categorical or presumed to be dimensional. Each study supports this new method for factor-analytic research on the latent structure of constructs and measures in psychological assessment. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

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