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We measured the mechanical response of nonsuperfluid 4 He films adsorbed on a Ag substrate using the quartz-crystal microbalance technique. In 4 He coverages from 0.06 to 0.1 atoms/Å 2 , we observed that the resonance frequency increases at low temperatures accompanied by a decease in Q-value. This behavior suggests that nonsuperfluid 4 He films undergo partial slipping relative to the Ag substrate.  相似文献   

We applied the quartz-crystal microbalance (QCM) technique to 4He films adsorbed on grafoil. It was found that both of nonsuperfluid 4He films and the inert layers underneath the superfluid film slip under a certain condition at low temperatures, and that the temperature at which these films start to slip depends on the 4He areal density. In addition, this slippage also depended strongly on the amplitude of the quartz crystal.  相似文献   

Using a procedure suggested by Leggett, an upper bound to the superfluid fraction in ground state solid 4 He slightly above the melting density is obtained numerically. The value obtained is 0.3±0.1. To judge the usefulness of this upper bound, we examine the conditions under which a symmetrized product of single-particle functions times a Jastrow function exhibits ODLRO, a necessary and sufficient condition for superfluid flow. It is found that ifU ij (U ij=? φ i (x j (x) dx, and φ i (x) is a single-particle wave function centered on the pointi) satisfies σ′i U ij>x, wherex varies from unity for long rangeU ij (i.e.,U ij decreases slowly enough asR i?Rj increases) to a value of 12/7 for nearest-neighbor overlap only in the hcp lattice, then there is ODLRO, but not otherwise. Therefore, if the accepted single-particle functions are the true ones, then there is no ODLRO in solid 4 He, since the overlap is too small. We have explored the possibility of adding a flat tail, of magnitude λ′(VN)?1/2 to the accepted single-particle functions. It is shown that if λ → 1 [λ 2 =(λ′) 2 +2(vNV ?1)1/2, andv=(? φi(x)dx)2], the system wave function becomes a pure Jastrow function, whereas if λ2?1??2×10 ?1 , we have in effect the case where λ′=0; furthermore, there is ODLRO if λ 2 ?1~?2×10 ?1 . It is also concluded that the superfluid fraction upper bound of 0.3±0.1 obtained here as well as one suggested by Leggett are not very useful. We have not attempted to establish if there is some value of λ satisfying the above inequality such that the ground-state energy is lower than the value it takes for λ′=0.  相似文献   

Search for the superfluid state of dilute 3He dissolved to 4He is one of the major remaining problems of low temperature physics. We describe our two experiments designed to pursue the lowest achieved temperature in such mixtures essentially below the values reported before.  相似文献   

No Heading Superfluid properties of 4He adsorbed in uniform straight pore 1.8 nm in diameter were studied using a torsional oscillator. In the pore, the first one or two layers of adsorbed. 4He are solid, therefore the pore diameter is effectively reduced to about 1.1 or 0.4 nm. In order to investigate whether 4He becomes superfluid in such a narrow pore, we performed the oscillator experiments for two cases: 4He is adsorbed (1) on the bare substrate and (2) on the pore completely filled with N2 atoms. In the latter case, only superfluid film coating the surface of the substrate grain can be detected. Compared with this case, an additional superfluid signal originating from 4He in the pore is observed for the bare substrate. This strongly suggests that 4He in the pore is superfluid.PACS numbers: 67.40.–w, 67.70.+n  相似文献   

We describe new torsional oscillator experiments on 3 He confined in 98.2% open aerogel. In one, we monitored the superfluid fraction of pure 3 He at T << T c while we gradually changed the sample pressure. The resulting change in density alters 0 of the superfluid 3 He relative to the distribution of the length scales (correlations) of silica in the aerogel. We observed a T = 0 normal-to-super fluid transition at a pressure of about 6.5 bar, in marked contrast to the bulk where liquid 3 He is superfluid at all pressures. In the second experiment, we measured the temperature dependence of the 3 He s at a pressure of 21.6 bar with different amounts of 4 He present in the cell. Adding 2-3% 4 He slightly increases both T c and s . We found that for 4 He concentrations between 2% and 34%, the 3 He T c increases by a very small amount. However, s , which for pure 3 He in aerogel at 0.5T c is no more than 11%, falls by another factor of 7. This behavior (constant T c , reduced s ) is similar to that observed in granular superconducting films where the long-range order is controlled by phase coherence between adjacent grains.  相似文献   

No Heading We present a new definition of local superfluidity around impurities in quantum fluids that provides a consistent analysis of the response of the inhomogeneous fluid density to the impurity rotations. This definition is based on the local decomposition of the moments of inertia of the fluid, which can be estimated from the projected area of exchange-coupled Feynman paths in path integral Monte Carlo calculations. Application to helium droplets doped with a planar phthalocyanine molecule shows that the first solvation layers parallel to the molecular plane consist of localized helium atoms that are totally inert to superfluid response, while the second solvation layers and capping regions at the end of the molecule exhibit partial and anisotropic superfluidity. Application to weakly bound complexes of the linear OCS molecule with para-hydrogen molecules shows evidence for the existence of molecular supersolids. We find that five H2 molecules constitute a single ring around OCS which possesses both a solid-like pair correlation function and a complete superfluid response to rotation around the molecular axis below T ~ 1 K.PACS numbers: 36.40.–c, 36.40.Mr, 67.40.–w. 67.40. Yv  相似文献   

4He confined in nanoporous media is one of the most interesting nano-sized systems in the context of an interacting Bose system. In the present work, we study superfluidity of 4He adsorbed in nanoporous activated carbon fibers (ACFs). Up to a 4He coverage of n=22.6 μmol m−2, no superfluidity is observed. Over 23.7 μmol m−2, superfluid transition is observed at T c ∼550 mK. With an increase in n the superfluid density enhances, but T c is independent of n. These observations indicate that the thickness of the superfluid 4He films on the pore wall is restricted by a slit type pore shape of ACFs.  相似文献   

The mechanism of the roughening induced partial depinning of gliding dislocations from 3He impurities is proposed as an alternative to the standard “boiling off”. We give a strong argument that 3He remains bound to dislocations even at large temperatures due to very long equilibration times. A scenario leading to the similarity between elastic and superfluid responses of solid 4He is also discussed. Its main ingredient is a strong suppression of the superfluidity along dislocation cores by dislocation kinks (D. Aleinikava, et. al., arXiv:0812.0983, 2008). These kinks, on one hand, determine the temperature and 3He dependencies of the generalized shear modulus and, on the other, control the superfluid response. Several proposals for theoretical and experimental studies of solid 4He are suggested.  相似文献   

The superfluidity of4He on graphite with various preplatings of HD is under investigation using a torsional oscillator. Results for a bilayer of HD follow a similar pattern to those obtained earlier on pure4He films and are consistent with third sound measurements on graphite plated with a bilayer of hydrogen. In our case the first4He layer solidifies, consistent with behaviour observed in NMR studies of3He on a similarly prepared substrate. At a coverage of 11nm–2 there is the onset of a region in which the transition temperature increases rapidly with coverage and the transition itself becomes sharper. At certain coverages pronounced signatures have been observed in the period shift and dissipation, which may indicate a further phase transition in the film at lower temperatures.  相似文献   

This paper reviews recent findings of novel phenomena in 4He confined to a nano-porous glass. We examined pressure–temperature (P-T) phase diagram of 4He confined in a porous Gelsil glass that had nanopores 2.5 nm in diameter, by torsional oscillator and pressure studies. The obtained phase diagram is fairly unprecedented the superfluid transition temperature approaches zero at 3.4 MPa, and a novel nonsuperfluid phase exists between the superfluid and solid phase. These observations indicate that the confined 4He undergoes a superfluid-nonsuperfluid-solid quantum phase transition at zero temperature. We propose that the nonsuperfluid phase may be a localized Bose-condensed state in which global phase coherence is destroyed by a strong correlation between the 4He atoms or by a random potential. 4He in nanospace is an excellent model system for studying a strongly correlated Bose liquid and solid in a confinement potential.  相似文献   

An investigation is made of the implications that the presence of a Bose condensate (BC) has for the form of the many particle Schröedinger wavefunction. It is shown that many particle wavefunctions of states which contribute to the BC, contain long range structure in the position space of each particle. It follows from the requirement that the wavefunction is single valued that, in the presence of a BC, the angular momentum of each particle must be quantised over macroscopic length scales. The paper thus provides a new and simple proof from first principles, that Bose condensation implies macroscopic quantum behaviour. It is shown that this behaviour can be described in terms of the occupation by each particle of the same single particle-like macroscopic wavefunction. The structure in position space of this wavefunction is investigated, using a well known model of the many particle wavefunction for the ground state of4He. The model predicts that the probability density of each particle is delocalised in the presence of a BC, occupying all spaces in the sample volume, from which the particle is not excluded by the hard core interaction with other particles.  相似文献   

The paper gives the results of studies and analysis of the behavior of the thermal expansion coefficient of the Ar–-O 2 solid solutions containing 0.27, 0.52 and 1.02 mol% of O 2. Contributions of single oxygen molecules and clusters consisting of 2 and 3 molecules of O 2 to the thermal expansion have been determined. It has been found that the clusters consisting of two oxygen molecules contribute mainly to the thermal expansion of these solid solutions at temperatures below 5 K. The contribution of single molecules of oxygen becomes negative at temperatures below 5.5 K.  相似文献   

We study the role played by the substrate–helium interaction in determining whether a 4He film is fluid or solid near monolayer completion. In order to glean information concerning the possible fluid-solid transition we calculate the equation of state as well as the behavior of phonons and rotons for a high density monolayer fluid film. By analyzing the behavior of the long-wavelength excitations and the roton gap, we argue that we can infer instability in the fluid phase. We study a model Lennard-Jones two parameter potential for the substrate–helium interaction. We map out in the two-parameter space the separatrix between those weak substrates that can only support a fluid monolayer from those strong substrates that support a solid. Our approach utilizes a combination of information from both variational calculations and also correlated basis function theory to examine in detail the excitation structure in the monolayer liquid as a function of film coverage and substrate potential.  相似文献   

4He confined in nanoporous media is one of the most interesting nano-sized systems. The aim of the present work is control of the pore size of nanoporous media in order to clarify the superfluid size effects. For the pore size control, monolayer adsorption of Kr on the pore wall is performed. The change in the pore size distribution by the monolayer adsorption are characterized by N2 isotherms at 77 K. Superfluidity in the pores is observed with a torsional oscillator method. The pore diameter of the as-purchased Gelsil is estimated at 5.8 nm. The monolayer adsorption reduces the size by 1.1 nm, caused by the thickness of the Kr monolayer. The decrease in the pore size lowers the superfluid transition temperature by 40 mK.  相似文献   

We are using a thin quartz crystal immersed in the liquid, vibrating in shear modes at 24.8 and 94.0 MHz, to investigate the onset and growth of superfluidity in a thin film at the crystal surface in liquid 3He/4He mixtures having 3He mole fractions x near the tricritical value x=0.675. A parallel-plate capacitor in the cell monitors the phase-separation transition. Preliminary measurements of frequency shifts at x=0. 644 and x=0.705 show a relatively abrupt onset of wall-film superfluidity in the bulk normal region of the phase diagram at temperatures in good agreement with earlier studies of wall-film superfluidity by other methods.  相似文献   

Effective interaction of two-dimensional liquid 3He is studied with the (selfconsistent) reaction matrix theory. The theory is found to be valid in the dilute region, 2D 0.02 Å–2, where 2D is the areal density. In the region, the attractive interaction in the p-wave channel is the most dominant, and the system is expected to undergo a transition to a p-wave superfluid state, except for the dilue limit. The transition temperature is estimated to be of the order of mK in the clean limit. In the dilute limit, 2D 0.002 Å–2, an s-wave superfluid state becomes more stable than a p-wave one, but the transition temperature is found to be of the order of 0.1 mK at most. Furthermore, in the reaction matrix theory, it is found that a d-wave superfluid state becomes more stable than a p-wave one at 2D 0.035 Å–2.  相似文献   

The superfluid transition in submonolayer and monolayer 4 He films and 3 He - 4 He mixture films on solid H 2 has been studied using a quartz crystal microbalance technique. Kosterlitz-Thouless (KT) transitions were observed in submonolayer 4 He films with density greater than 0.062 ± 0.002 Å –2 . We determine a binding energy of 4 He to 0.241 Å –2 H 2 of –15.7 K in the. presence of 1 monolayer of 4 He. At several 4 He coverages, a range of submonolayer 3 He coverages was studied (n 3 0.0567 Å –2 ). With each increase in the 3 He coverage, the KT transition temperature decreased. For the higher coverage mixture films studied (n 4 0.0726 Å –2 ) we observed an apparent second decoupling of the film from the quartz oscillator frequency in addition to the KT transition. We have studied the. coverage dependence of this new feature.  相似文献   

Additional data from our on-going experiments for the heat capacity of 3 He in 3 He- 4 He mixture films on a Nuclepore substrate are reported over the temperature range 90T165 mK, for 3 He coverages between 0.05 and 1.4 bulk-density atomic lagers, on a 4 He film of thickness 4.33 bulk-density atomic lagers. This is a two-dimensional Fermi liquid system, in which we can change the 3 He coverage and thus tune the Fermi temperature.  相似文献   

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