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We describe first successful usage of ZYX exfoliated graphite to cool adsorbed two dimensional (2D) 3He to ugtra low temperatures (ULT). ZYX has much better characteristics as an adsorption substrate such as larger crystallite (platelet) size and smaller mosaic angle than Grafoil, a widely used exfoliated graphite in ULT experiments. In spite of the relatively small surface area of ZYX, we could perform a nuclear magnetization measurement of paramagnetic 2D solid 3He with continuous wave NMR below 10 mK. The data follow nicely the Curie law down to 200 µK. This indicates that ZYX can be used in experiments to study detailed density dependences of low temperature properties of 2D 3He including possible BCS transitions. We also show a preliminary resugt of pulsed NMR measurements of high density 2D fluid 3He adsorbed on ZYX preplated with a 4He monolayer.  相似文献   

We describe preliminary resugts of heat capacity measurements of the 4/7 phase in two dimensional 3He adsorbed on graphite preplated with a 4He monolayer in a temperature range between 0.17 and 20 mK. In zero magnetic field, we observed a double-peak structure similar to that reported previously for the same phase in a different system (3He/3He/gr) in which the gapless quantum spin-liquid ground state is proposed. The exchange interaction deduced from the high temperature data is by a factor of 30% smaller than the previous one, presumably because of the smaller lattice constant for the 3He/4He/gr system. The present resugt provides strong evidence that such a peculiar temperature dependence of heat capacity is characteristic of the 4/7 phase. Application of magnetic fields up to 0.65 T on this phase does not seem to change appreciably the higher temperature broad peak at around 1.4 mK.  相似文献   

We have measured the vapor pressure (0.84 K 3 He adsorbed on pores 18 Å in diameter. The results of the vapor pressure measurement indicate that 3 He film grows up to the second layer. In the first layer, the heat capacity of 3 He shows the same temperature and coverage dependence as 4 He, indicating a solid phase. Above a little higher coverage than second layer promotion, heat capacity isotherms for 3 He at several hundred mK increase with coverage while those for 4 He decrease. This large heat capacity of 3 He is the nuclear spin heat capacity of the second layer fluid 3 He.  相似文献   

We report heat capacity measurements from our on-going experiments on two-dimensional liquid 3He on superfluid 4He thin films absorbed on Nuclepore. The 3He coverage dependence of the heat capacity for 0.02–0.50 bulk-density layers of 3He with 3.10 bulk-density layers of 4He over the temperature range 40≤T≤200 mK is presented. We find the effective mass of 3He on 3.10 layers of 4He is greater than that on 4.33 layers of 4He, consistent with our previous magnetic susceptibility measurements.  相似文献   

We have made heat capacity measurements of superfluid 4He at temperatures very close to the lambda point, T λ, in a constant heat flux, Q, when the helium sample is heated from above. In this configuration the helium enters a self-organized (SOC) heat transport state at a temperature T soc(Q), which for Q≥100 nW/cm2 lies below T λ. At low Q we observe little or no deviation from the Q=0 heat capacity up to T SOC(Q); beyond this temperature the heat capacity appears to be sharply depressed, deviating dramatically from its bulk behaviour. This marks the formation and propagation of a SOC/superfluid two phase state, which we confirm with a simple model. The excellent agreement between data and model serves as an independent confirmation, of the existence of the SOC state. As Q is increased (up to 6 µW/cm2) we observe a Q dependent depression in the heat capacity that occurs just below T SOC(Q), when the entire sample is still superfluid, This is due to the emergence of a large thermal resistance in the sample, which we have measured and used to model the observed heat capacity depression. Our measurements of the superfluid thermal resistivity are a factor of ten larger than previous measurements by Baddar et al.  相似文献   

The second solid layer of 3He on graphite is a highly frustrated magnetic system, as a resugt of its triangular symmetry and the importance of ring exchange (mugtiple spin exchange). This is predicted to lead to a quantum spin liquid ground state. Experiments in which the first paramagnetic solid layer is replaced by 4He have been undertaken by several groups, allowing more precise measurements of the second layer magnetisation in an attempt to infer the spin gap of the putative spin liquid phase. We report the first measurements of the influence of such pre-plating on the second layer heat capacity, in the vicinity of the commensurate solid phase. We find the differences in heat capacity of the two systems to be significant. The effective exchange constant is reduced by pre-plating by a factor of order 2/3. In addition the value of the heat capacity at its maximum is significantly reduced by approximately 20%. Can these differences be accounted for within a model of intra-layer mugtiple spin exchange on a triangular lattice?  相似文献   

Heat capacities of a submonolayer 3He solid film adsorbed on a graphite surface are measured in magnetic fields up to 400 Oe. The measured heat capacity shifts to higher temperatures with an increasing magnetic field. The amplitudes of the shifts are twenty times larger than the magnitude of the Zeeman energy, which is anomalously large. With regard to the origin of these large shifts, the reduction of frustrations and the weakening of the competition between multiple spin exchange interactions are discussed.  相似文献   

New measurements of the vapor pressures and PVT properties of ethane are reported. PVT determinations have been made from near the triple point to 320 K at pressures to 33 MPa. The density range investigated extends to more than three times the critical density. The new measurements of the vapor pressures of ethane extend from 160 K to near the critical point.  相似文献   

Additional data from our on-going experiments for the heat capacity of 3 He in 3 He- 4 He mixture films on a Nuclepore substrate are reported over the temperature range 90T165 mK, for 3 He coverages between 0.05 and 1.4 bulk-density atomic lagers, on a 4 He film of thickness 4.33 bulk-density atomic lagers. This is a two-dimensional Fermi liquid system, in which we can change the 3 He coverage and thus tune the Fermi temperature.  相似文献   

Preliminary data for the heat capacity of 3 He in 3 He- 4 He mixture films on a Nuclepore substrate are reported over the temperature range 90T165 mK, for 3 He coverages between 0.05 and 1.7 bulk-density atomic layers, and a 4 He film thickness of 4.33 bulk-density atomic layers. In this two-dimensional Fermi liquid system, a step structure appears in the specific heat as a function of 3 He coverage, similar to the step previously observed in the magnetization.  相似文献   

The specific heat of 4He condensed on an evaporated gold surface has been measured for coverages between 0.007 and 0.096 Å?2 and temperatures between 0.4 and 3.0 K. There are at least two types of physisorption site on the gold surface with binding energies ?83 ± 7 and ?94 ± 7 K. For coverages below 0.06 Å?2 (~0.5 monolayers), the 4He is a two-dimensional classical gas at sufficiently high temperatures. At lower temperatures and higher coverages, the 4He forms condensed phases, including liquids, solids commensurate with the gold lattice, and incommensurate solids. The phase diagram of 4He/evaporated gold is similar to that for 4He/graphite, but the phase boundaries are shifted and not well defined, nor is the diagram as rich in structure.  相似文献   

The impurity heat capacity of solid 3 He4 He mixtures is theoretically investigated both below and above phase separation temperature T s . It is shown that at T > T s the temperature behavior of the heat capacity is completely defined by correlation effects in the impuriton subsystem. The proposed theory is in good agreement with experimental data.  相似文献   

No Heading The nuclear susceptibility of liquid 3He in Grafoil pre-plated by 2.5 and 3.5 layers of 4He has been studied with a cw NMR method at temperatures between 0.7 and 100 mK under various liquid pressures. The 3.5 layers of 4He pre-plating suppresses a formation of the first and second solid 3He layer, eliminating most of surface magnetization at saturated vapor pressure. However, with increasing liquid pressure, a magnetization obeying a Curie Weiss law gradually grows in the same way as in the previous experiment for pure liquid 3He. This magnetization, induced by pressurization, is attributable to the formation of solid 3He layer above the pre-plated 4He.PACS numbers: 67.80.Jd, 75.70 Cn, 67.70.+n.  相似文献   

We report simultaneous heat capacity and torsional oscillator measurement of 3 He in aerogel near the superfluid transition. The heat capacity has a peak at the temperature Tc where the torsional oscillator shows the onset of superfluid decoupling. The coincidence of these signatures suggests that 3 He in aerogel does undergo a true thermodynamic transition.  相似文献   

We have constructed a calorimeter of novel design for high resolution heat capacity measurements near 2K. This device resembles high resolution paramagnetic salt thermometers used in previous heat capacity measurements on the 4 He-Vycor system. 2 However, we have modified this thermometer so that our signal is no longer directly proportional to the temperature of the sample, but rather to the change in temperature with respect to time. We demonstrate the technique by measuring the heat capacity of paramagnetic gadolinium trichloride (GdCl 3 ) salt near its critical temperature of 2.21K.  相似文献   

Heat capacities of \(^{4}\)He films have been measured at rather low temperatures between 2 and 80 mK and at areal densities between 2 and 24 \(\hbox {nm}^{-2}\). These areal densities correspond to a monolayer fluid and third-layer fluid. For monolayer films, the results do not contradict previous measurements carried out at high temperatures. On the other hand, at some areal densities, small and broad but definite bumps, whose origin has not yet been understood, have been observed around 15 mK. Between 13 and 24 \(\hbox {nm}^{-2}\), the measured heat capacities above 40 mK are proportional to \(T^{2}\) and hardly change with areal density. These behaviors suggest that the second atomic layer does not solidify before the third-layer promotion, at least not into a commensurate solid, such as the so-called 4/7 phase.  相似文献   

The dynamics of a two-dimensional rare gas crystal with triangular lattice is investigated theoretically. Phonon spectra of the 2D crystal are calculated within the model which takes into account the interaction between nearest neighbours in the layer and interaction of layer atoms with the substrate. On the basis of obtained results the temperature dependence of lattice heat capacity has been calculated and a comparison is made with experimental data.  相似文献   

We have calculated the spin wave spectra and from these the specific heats of CNAF and UUDD solid 3He at low temperatures. We compare with experiment and find good agreement even though we also find major deviations from simple T3 behavior. The calculation included the six-spin exchange terms now recognized to be important for quantitative calculations. The inclusion of these terms was made more tractable by application of an algebraic technique from nuclear theory (Random Phase Approximation) for execution of the spin wave calculation, which nevertheless involved lengthy analysis.  相似文献   

The isochoric heat capacity C V of an equimolar H2O+D2O mixture was measured in the temperature range from 391 to 655 K, at near-critical liquid and vapor densities between 274.05 and 385.36 kgm–3. A high-temperature, high-pressure, nearly constant-volume adiabatic calorimeter was used. The measurements were performed in the one- and two-phase regions including the coexistence curve. The uncertainty of the heat-capacity measurement is estimated to be ±2%. The liquid and vapor one- and two-phase isochoric heat capacities, temperatures, and densities at saturation were extracted from the experimental data for each measured isochore. The critical temperature and the critical density for the equimolar H2O+D2O mixture were obtained from isochoric heat capacity measurements using the method of quasi-static thermograms. The measurements were compared with a crossover equation of state for H2O+D2O mixtures. The near-critical isochoric heat capacity behavior for the 0.5 H2O+0.5 D2O mixture was studied using the principle of isomorphism of critical phenomena. The experimental isochoric heat capacity data for the 0.5 H2O+0.5 D2O mixture exhibit a weak singularity, like that of both pure components. The reliability of the experimental method was confirmed with measurements on pure light water, for which the isochoric heat capacity was measured on the critical isochore (321.96 kgm–3) in both the one- and two-phase regions. The result for the phase-transition temperature (the critical temperature, T C, this work=647.104±0.003 K) agreed, within experimental uncertainty, with the critical temperature (T C, IAPWS=647.096 K) adopted by IAPWS.  相似文献   

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