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Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) have been widely used to flame-retard products common in homes and the workplace, and subsequently, they have become widely dispersed in the environment. Detailed compositional knowledge of these complex PBDE mixtures is crucial to a fuller understanding of their toxicological potencies and environmental fate due to selective congener biomagnification, degradation, and transport. Utilizing recenttechnical enhancements and newly available commercial standards, we developed a method capable of analyzing a larger suite of mono- through deca-BDEs. We then characterized the congener composition of six common technical flame-retardant mixtures: two penta-BDE products (DE-71 and Bromkal 70-5DE) two octa-BDE products (DE-79 and Bromkal 79-8DE) and two deca-BDE products (Saytex 102E and Bromkal 82-0DE). PBDEs were analyzed by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS). Structural conformations based on fragmentation patterns and molecular ions were established by electron-capture negative ionization (ECNI) and electron ionization (El). Sixty-four commercially available PBDE standards were chromato-graphed on two GC columns (DB-1HT and DB-5HT) and relative retention indexes (RRI) calculated. Thirty-nine PBDEs were identified in these products, 29 at concentrations >0.02% by weight. Of these, 12 previously unreported congeners have been confirmed as commercial mixture components. Four of these congeners were detected >0.02% w/w (BDE-144, -171, -180, and -201) and three (BDE-75, -184, and -194) at <0.02%. Five other congeners (four <0.02% by weight) were tentatively identified based on their molecular ion and ECNI fragmentation in the absence of corresponding analytical standards.  相似文献   

South-central Arkansas (AR) is home to major manufacturing facilities for brominated flame retardant chemicals (BFRs) in the U.S. Unintended release during production may have caused accumulation of the BFRs in the local environment. In this work, sediment cores were collected from six water bodies in AR, including three located close to the BFR manufacturing facilities in El Dorado and Magnolia, to investigate past and recent deposition histories. A total of 49 polybromodiphenyl ethers (PBDEs) and decabromodiphenyl ethane (DBDPE) were detected, with concentrations as high as 57?000 and 2400 ng/g dry weight for decabromodiphenyl ether (BDE209) and DBDPE, respectively. Log-log regression of BDE209 and DBDPE surface concentrations versus distance to known BFR manufacturing facilities fit the Gaussian Plume Dispersion model, and showed that, if the distance is shortened by half, concentrations of BDE209 and DBDPE would increase by 5-fold. The spatial distribution and temporal trend of the contamination indicate that the manufacturing of PBDEs and DBDPE is the primary source for these compounds in the environment of southern Arkansas. Interestingly, the occurrence of debromination of PBDEs in the sediments of a previously used wastewater sludge retention pond in Magnolia is indicated by the presence of congeners that had not been detected in any commercial PBDE mixtures and by increased fractions of lower brominated congeners relative to higher brominated congeners. Two unknown brominated compounds were detected in the sediments, and identified as nonabromodiphenyl ethanes.  相似文献   

A novel brominated flame retardant (BFR), tris(2,3-dibromopropyl) isocyanurate (TBC), as well as hexabromocyclododecanes (HBCDs) and polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs), were analyzed in 11 species of mollusks collected from nine coastal cities around the Chinese Bohai Sea in 2009 and 2010. The detection frequencies were 100%, 99%, and 77% for PBDEs, HBCDs, and TBC, respectively. Concentrations of ∑HBCDs ranged from below detection limit (nd) to 28.8 ng g(-1) on a dry weight (dw) basis, followed by ∑(12)PBDE (0.01-20.4 ng g(-1) dw) and TBC (nd-12.1 ng g(-1) dw). Statistically significant linear correlations were found among the three BFRs. Positive correlations were found between BFRs concentrations and lipid content in mollusks. The concentrations tend to decrease with increasing trophic levels of the mollusks, implying trophic dilution rather than biomagnifications of the BFRs in the aquatic food chains of the sampling area. Among the 11 mollusks species, Mytilus edulis showed higher bioaccumulation capability than others and was therefore considered to be an appropriate bioindicator of contamination by the BFRs in the Chinese Bohai Sea, in agreement with its previous selection for the biomonitoring of organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs). A dramatic decrease in PBDE concentrations in mollusks of the area was found for the time period from 2003 to 2010, with a half-life of only 2.3 ± 1.7 years, reflecting a rapid response of mollusks to the change in pollution of the marine environment.  相似文献   

Forty polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs), from mono- through hepta-brominated, were analyzed in river and coastal sediment samples of the eight main river basins of Portugal to investigate the occurrence, geographical distribution, and detailed congener profiles. Thirty-two sediment samples taken along the different rivers from inland to the open sea revealed an increase toward the river mouth with a total PBDE concentration of 20 ng/g-dw, and levels decreased to 0.5 ng/g-dw in coastal sediments. PBDEs were detected in all samples analyzed, indicating a diffuse source of pollution in the aquatic environments. Maximum levels were encountered in sediments collected close to urban and industrial areas. Of 40 congeners included in the analytical work, 17 congeners were detected in river sediments. BDE 47 was found in all samples analyzed whereas BDEs 100 and 99 were found in more than 26 out of 32 samples analyzed at concentrations from 0.03 to 10 ng/g-dw. This study is unique in showing the presence of previously nondescribed lower brominated PBDEs in riverine and marine sediments. BDEs 7, 11, 12+13, 15, 30, 32, 17, 25, 28+33, 49, 75, and 71 were identified in two to five samples with a median of 0.03-0.55 ng/g-dw. The analytical method developed consisted of the use of Soxhlet extraction with a novel cleanup method employing alumina cartridges and analysis by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry operated in negative chemical ionization mode.  相似文献   

Mass balances of total arsenic and copper for a suburban lake in densely populated northern Virginia were calculated using date collected during 1998. Mass-balance terms were precipitation; stream inflow, including road runoff; stream outflow; and contributions from leaching of pressure-treated lumber. More mass of arsenic and copper was input to the lake than was output the 1998 lake-retention rates were 70% for arsenic and 20% for copper. The arsenic mass balance compared well with a calculated annual mass accumulation in the top 1 cm of the lake sediments; however, the calculated contribution of copper to the lake was insufficient to account for the amount of copper in this zone. Leaching experiments were conducted on lumber treated with chromated copper arsenate (CCA) to quantify approximate amounts of arsenic and copper contributed by this source. Sources to lake sediments included leaching of CCA-treated lumber (arsenic, 50%; copper, 4%), streamwater (arsenic, 50%; copper, 90%), and atmospheric deposition (arsenic, 1%; copper, 3%). Results of this study suggest that CCA-treated lumber and road runoff could be significant nonpoint sources of arsenic and copper, respectively, in suburban catchments.  相似文献   

The temporal trends of perfluoroalkyl compounds (PFCs), including C7-C15 perfluorocarboxylates (PFCAs), perfluorosulfonates (PFSAs) and heptadecafluorooctane sulfonamide (PFOSA), were determined in lake trout collected between 1979 and 2004 from Lake Ontario. The average concentrations of total PFSAs (+/- standard error of the mean; range) increased from 20 ng g(-1) wet weight (+/- 4; 8-26) in 1979, peaked at 70 ng g(-1) (+/- 7; 58-91) in 1993, and were 46 ng g(-1) (+/- 10; 30-83) in 2004, with perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS) asthe most abundant PFC. The PFCAs exhibited similar temporal variation, with concentrations increasing from 1.4 ng g(-1) (+/- 0.1; 0.9-1.9) in 1979 to 9.4 ng g(1) (+/- 3.1; 3-17) in 1988, and were 6.8 ng g(-1) (+/- 1.0; 4.5-9.8) in 2004. Individual mean PFCA concentrations varied between 0.2 and 2 ng g(-1) (wet weight). Perfluorodecane sulfonate (PFDS) and PFOSA were the only compounds showing a declining trend in the past decade, after reaching a peak value in 1993. Branched C11 and C13 PFCA isomers were detected in the lake trout and confirmed in Niagara River suspended sediments, with trends in both matrices suggesting that declining emissions or use of products containing these isomers in part account for the observed PFCA trends in the mid-1990s. However, the most recent samples, comprised almost exclusively of linear isomers, indicate that current PFCA sources to Lake Ontario result from the telomerization process of linear telogens.  相似文献   

Environmental and human exposures to brominated flame retardants (BFR) have been of emerging concern since some BFR are persistent and bioaccumulative compounds. Among those, polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDE) have frequently been reported in low to high ng/g concentrations in human blood around the world while hexabromocyclododecane (HBCDD) only occasionally has been reported and then in the low ppb concentrations in human blood. The present study concerns PBDE congener and HBCDD concentrations in human milk from Stockholm from 1980 to 2004. HBCDD concentrations has increased four to five times since 1980 until 2002 but seems to have stabilized at this concentration in the last years (2003/04). Similarly, BDE-153 has continued to increase at least to 2001, after which it has stabilized in the mother's milk. Other PBDE congeners with four to five bromine substituents peaked 5 years earlier (1995) and are all decreasing. DecaBDE (BDE-209) is not a suitable biomarker for time trend studies according to the present results, showing no changes over time. This is likely due to its short apparent half-life in humans and poor transfer from blood to milk.  相似文献   

Although polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibezofurans (PCDD/Fs) are considered recalcitrant toward biotic and abiotic degradation processes, laboratory studies indicated lateral dechlorination pathways (removal of 2,3,7,8-substituted chlorines) as possible natural remediation strategies under highly reducing conditions prevailing in contaminated sediments. Previous principal component analysis (PCA) of PCDD/Fs in Japanese sediments left unidentified a factor characterized by penta- to octa- homologues fully chlorinated at 1,2,6,9-positions (1,2,6,9-pattern). In the present study, we reexamined PCDD/Fs in sediment cores from urban (Tokyo Bay) and remote (Lake Shinji) areas of Japan using positive matrix factorization (PMF) and revealed a lateral dechlorination fingerprint exhibiting the 1,2,6,9-pattern. Relative molar concentrations of putative lateral dechlorination products linearly increased with sediment depth, suggesting that decades of reaction resulted in the accumulation of hepta- and hexa- chlorinated lateral dechlorination products in the bottom sediment layers. Times required for in situ formation of dechlorination products were estimated to be at least 27.8 +/- 17.9 year(mole %)(-1) in Lake Shinji and 4.7 +/- 0.5 year(mole %)(-1) in Tokyo Bay (both for the formation of 1,2,3,4,6,7,9-HpCDD) and are significantly longer than the dechlorination pathways observed in the laboratory.  相似文献   

Juvenile lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush) were exposed to three dietary concentrations (0, approximately 2.5, and approximately 25 ng/g per BDE congener) of 13 BDE congeners (3-10 Br atoms) in the laboratory for 56 days, followed by 112 days of clean food, to examine bioaccumulation parameters and potential biochemical effects. The bioaccumulation of BDEs by the trout was highly influenced by biotransformation, via debromination, which resulted in bioaccumulation parameters that were much different than would be expected based on studies of chlorinated organic compounds (e.g., PCBs). Half-lives (t1/2's) for some BDE congeners (e.g., BDE-85 and -190) were much lower than expected based on their Kow, which was likely due to biotransformation, whereas t1/2's of other BDE congeners (e.g., BDE-66, -77, -153, and -154) were much longer than anticipated based on Kow. This was likely because the metabolites of BDE formed via debromination had the same chemical structure of these BDE congeners, which supplemented measured concentrations. The detection of three BDE congeners (an unknown penta, BDE-140, and an unknown hexa) in the fish that were not present in the food or in the control fish provide further evidence forthe debromination of BDEs. Half-lives of BDEs ranged from 38 +/- 9 to 346 +/- 173 days and biomagnification factors ranged from 1.6 (BDE-190) to 45.9 (BDE-100), but these bioaccumulation parameters need to be viewed with caution because they were highly influenced by debromination and relative abundance of individual BDEs that the fish were exposed to. CYP1A enzyme activity, measured as EROD, and free tri-iodothyronine (T3) concentrations in the plasma of lake trout varied significantly throughout the experiment but were not related to BDE exposure. In contrast, plasma levels of thyroxine levels (T4) were lower in both groups of PBDE-exposed fish compared with control fish after 56 days of exposure, and after 168 days in the high dose, suggesting that PBDEs may influence thyroid homeostasis at levels that are higher than what is normally found in the environment.  相似文献   

A total of 199 sediment samples were collected from 16 locations in the five Laurentian Great Lakes, and each was analyzed for 10 congeners of polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) as well as selected polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs). This paper presents a comprehensive analysis on previously published results for individual lakes. The total accumulation of nine tri- to hepta-PBDE congeners (sigma9BDEs) in the sediments of all the Great Lakes was estimated to be approximately 5.2+/-1.1 tonnes, and that of decabromodiphenyl ether (BDE209) was 92+/-13 tonnes, around year 2002. The inventories of sigma9BDEs and major individual PBDE congeners show strong dependence on the latitude of sampling sites, and such dependence is believed to reflect both the influence of urbanization, which shows south-to-north gradient in the region, and the general direction of long-range transport of airborne pollutants in the northern hemisphere. From the 1970s to 2002, the increases in PBDE input flux to the sediments are exponential at all locations, with doubling times (t2) ranging from 9 to 43 years for sigma9BDEs, and from 7 to >70 year for BDE209. The longer t2 values found in sediments compared with those in human and fish in the region suggest the slower response of sediment to emissions. The correlations between the concentrations of sigma9BDEs or BDE209 in surface sediments and latitude are strengthened by normalization of the concentrations with sediment contents of the organic matter or organic carbon, but not soot carbon. Multivariate linear regression equations were developed using data obtained with sediment segments deposited after 1950. All the regressions are statistically significant; and the three independent variables-year of deposition, latitude, and organic matter content of the sediments-account for 73% and 62% of the variations in the concentrations or the fluxes of S9BDEs and BDE209, respectively, in the Great Lakes sediments.  相似文献   

Fourteen sediment cores were collected from 10 lakes spanning a large gradient of sockeye salmon returns (0-40 000 spawners km(-2)) in Alaska and British Columbia in 1995-98 and 2002/03. The cores were analyzed for 210Pb to determine sedimentation rates and focusing factors. Polychlorinated biphenyl (PCBs) concentrations in the surface sediments (0-2 cm) were highly correlated with the number of sockeye salmon returns to each nursery lake. For 2002/03, the correlation between PCB concentration and number of salmon spawners was best with no correction factors applied, but decreased considerably when corrected for sedimentation rates, and was improved again by correcting for sediment focusing. Although sigmaPCB concentrations were similar in 1995-98 and 2002/03, the congener patterns varied. Because salmon are the dominant source of PCBs for most of these lakes, variation in sediment congener pattern likely derives from variation in congener patterns carried by the salmon. Overall, total PCB input by salmon has remained relatively constant since 1995. Unlike temperate Great Lakes contaminant studies, the North American west-coast lakes dominated by salmon bio-transport showed no sign of recent decrease in PCBs.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate the seasonal variation/geographical distribution of environmental concentration of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) across Poland using butter fat as an indicator of the contaminants. The average concentration of six indicator PCBs determined in the studied samples was 1500?pg?g–1 fat. The average concentration of 12 dioxin-like PCBs expressed as lower-bound dioxin-equivalent toxicity was 0.684 pg TEQ g?1 fat. The average total concentration of 14 investigated PBDE congeners was 105?pg?g?1 fat. Statistically significant concentration differences between summer and winter samples were found. The results of this study indicate also a significant geographical diversification of butter contamination reflecting regional differences in environmental contamination. The seasonal variation of PBDE profiles evidences transformation of PBDE within the environment.  相似文献   

Air and seawater samples were collected on board the RV Polarstern during a cruise from Bremerhaven, Germany to Cape Town, South Africa from October-November 2005. Broad latitudinal trends were observed with the lowest sigma27PCB air concentration (approximately 10 pg m(-3)) in the South Atlantic and the highest (approximately 1000 pg m(-3)) off the west coast of Africa. Sigma(ICES)PCBs ranged from 3.7 to 220 pg m(-3) in air samples and from 0.071 to 1.7 pg L(-1) in the dissolved phase seawater samples. Comparison with other data from cruises in the Atlantic Ocean since 1990 indicate little change in air concentrations over the remote open ocean. The relationship of gas-phase partial pressure with temperature was examined using the Clausius-Clapeyron equation; significant temperature dependencies were found for all PCBs over the South Atlantic, indicative of close air-water coupling. There was no temperature dependence for atmospheric PCBs overthe North Atlantic, where concentrations were controlled by advection of contaminated air masses. Due to large uncertainties in the Henry's Law Constant (HLC), fugacity fractions and air-water exchange fluxes were estimated using different HLCs reported in the literature. These suggest that conditions are close to air-water equilibrium for most of the ocean, but net deposition is dominating over volatilization in parts of the transect. Generally, the tri- and tetrachlorinated homologues dominated the total flux (> 70%). Total PCB fluxes (28, 52, 118, 138, and 153) ranged from -7 to 0.02 ng m(-2) day(-1).  相似文献   


Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) are a class of brominated flame retardants whose use has contaminated foods and caused subsequent human exposures. To address the issue of possible human exposure, samples from a 2012–13 US meat and poultry (beef, pork, chicken, turkey) study were analysed for seven PBDEs. The mean summed concentrations of the seven BDE congeners (ΣPBDE) from beef, pork, chicken and turkey were 0.40, 0.36, 0.19, and 0.76 ng g–1 lipid weight (lw). The range of ΣPBDEs for all meat classes was 0.01–15.78 ng g–1 lw. A comparison of this study with a 2007–08 study revealed a decline in the median ΣPBDEs for all four meat classes, a reduction of 25.9% to 70.0%, with pork, chicken and turkey PBDE residues being statistically lower relative to the 2007–08 study. BDEs 47 and 99 contributed the most to the ΣPBDE concentrations, indicating likely animal exposures to the penta-BDE formulation. Based on the reported data an estimate of US consumer daily intake of PBDEs from meat and poultry was 6.42 ng day–1.  相似文献   

Perfluorinated compounds (PFCs), such as perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS) and related compounds, have been identified as global pollutants and have shown their bioaccumulation into higher trophic levels in the food chain. PFCs have been found in remote areas far from sources, such as the Arctic. In this study spatial and temporal trends in the concentrations of selected PFCs were measured using archived liver samples of ringed seal (Phoca hispida) from East and West Greenland. The samples were collected in four different years at each location, between 1986 and 2003 in East Greenland and between 1982 and 2003 in West Greenland. PFOS was the major contributor to the burden of PFCs in samples, followed by perfluoroundecanoic acid (PFUnA). Perfluorononanoic acid (PFNA) and perfluorodecanoic acid (PFDA) were also detected in most samples. Perfluorohexane sulfonate (PFHxS) and perfluorooctane sulfonamide (PFOSA) were only found sporadically. Perfluorooctanoic acid was not found in detectable concentrations in any sample. Regression analysis of logarithmic transformed PFOS, PFDA, and PFUnA median concentrations indicated a significant temporal trend with increasing concentrations at both locations. A spatial trend in PFOS concentrations (ANOVA, p < 0.0001) was observed between the two sampling locations, with significantly higher concentrations in seals from East Greenland.  相似文献   

Geographical distribution of brominated diphenyl ether (BDE) flame retardants in the North American Great Lakes ecosystem in 2000 was determined by analysis of herring gull eggs (13 egg pools) from a network of 15 monitoring colonies scattered throughout the lakes and connecting channels. sigmaBDEs were found at concentrations ranging from 192 to 1,400 microg/kg, mean of 662 +/- 368 microg/kg (wet weight of egg contents). Highest concentrations were found in northern Lake Michigan and Toronto harbor (1,000-1,400 microg/kg) and lowest in Lake Huron and Lake Erie (192-340 microg/kg). The distribution suggested that input from large urban/ industrial areas through air or water emissions contributes local contamination to the herring gull food web in addition to background levels from regional/global transport. The congener composition was similar among sampling sites. Major congeners were BDE-47 (43%), BDE-99 (26%), BDE-100 (13%) BDE-153 (11%), BDE-154 (4%), BDE-183 (2%) and BDE-28 (1%). Temporal trends of BDE contamination, 1981-2000, were established by analysis of archived herring gull eggs (10 egg pools) from colonies in northern Lake Michigan, Saginaw Bay, Lake Huron and eastern Lake Ontario. BDE-47, -99 and -100, and BDE-153, -154 and -183 concentrations were grouped separately for analysis because these two groups had different trends and are primarily associated with the Penta BDE and Octa BDE flame retardant formulations, respectively. SigmaBDE47,99,100 concentrations were 5-12 microg/kg (wet weight) in 1981-1983 and then increased exponentially (p < 0.00001) at all three sites to 400-1,100 microg/kg over the next 17 years. Doubling times were 2.6 years in Lake Michigan, 3.1 years in Lake Huron and 2.8 years in Lake Ontario. SigmaBDE154,153,183 concentrations generally increased but varied in an erratic fashion among sites and decreased as a fraction of sigmaBDE over time. Concentrations of sigmaBDE154,153,183 were 100-200 microg/kg in eggs from all three colonies in 2000. Therefore, most of the dramatic increases in sigmaBDE concentrations observed over the past 20 years in the Great Lakes aquatic ecosystem seem to be connected with the Penta BDE formulation, which is mainly used as a flame retardant in polyurethane foam in North America. If present rates of change continue, concentrations of sigmaBDEs will equal or surpass those of sigmaPCBs in Great Lakes herring gull eggs in 10-15 years.  相似文献   

Alternative brominated flame-retardants (BFRs), 2-ethylhexyl 2,3,4,5-tetrabromobenzoate (TBB), 2-ethylhexyl 2,3,4,5-tetrabromophthalate (TBPH), 1,2-bis(2,4,6-tribromophenoxy) ethane (BTBPE) and decabromodiphenyl ethane (DBDPE), are now being detected in the environment. However, contaminant bioavailability is influenced by the organisms' ecology (i.e., route of uptake) and in situ environmental factors. We observed that the filter-feeding bivalve (Corbicula fluminea) and grazing gastropod (Elimia proxima), collected downstream from a textile manufacturing outfall, exhibited TBB, TBPH, and BTBPE concentrations from 152 to 2230 ng g(-1) lipid weight (lw). These species also contained additional BFRs. Maximum levels of total hexabromocyclododecane diastereomers (∑HBCDs) in these species were 363,000 and 151,000 ng g(-1) lw, and those of polybrominated diphenyl ethers (∑PBDEs) were 64,900 and 47,200 ng g(-1) lw, respectively. These concentrations are among the highest reported to date worldwide. While BDE-209 was once thought to be nonbioavailable and resistant to degradation, it was the dominant BFR present and likely debromination products were detected. Contributions of α- and β-HBCD were higher in tissues than sediments, consistent with γ-HBCD bioisomerization. Mollusk bioaccumulation factors were similar between HBCD and PBDEs with 4 to 6 bromines, but factors for TBB, TBPH, and BTBPE were lower. Despite different feeding strategies, the bivalves and gastropods exhibited similar BFR water and sediment accumulation factors.  相似文献   

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