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针对现有机会网络自私节点检测算法没有考虑节点收到错帧和节点脱离通信范围监听失败的情况而影响检测准确性的问题,提出一种可靠的自私节点检测新算法——RSND。采用基于跨层监听机制的错帧解析、基于节点相遇的信息挖掘和基于RSSI的节点距离估计3种新机制消除错帧和节点脱离通信范围监听失败对节点自私性检测的影响,提升检测可靠性。理论分析证明了RSND算法的有效性,仿真结果显示,相对于现有的基于2-ACK的自私节点检测算法和Watchdog检测算法,新算法的自私节点检测准确率和网络吞吐量至少提高了6%和4%。 相似文献
以往针对机会网络中节点自私性影响评估的研究,建立了多种分析模型,然而并未考虑如何应用这些理论模型.本文分别在网络无TTL限制和有TTL限制两种情况下,利用评估模型对自私节点的影响进行分析,并提出一种基于消息分类的自私模型,评估了自私节点对延迟和消息投递率的影响.分析表明,机会网络受自私节点的影响不仅与自私节点的数目有关,而且与节点的移动速度,消息传输范围有关.因此,可以通过调节这些参数提高网络的性能,减少自私节点的影响.首先,通过理论推导分别得出了2-hop路由和传染病路由在延迟保证下的合作节点数目和消息传输范围以及传染病路由在消息投递率保证下消息的TTL.随后,通过ONE仿真平台对自私节点影响的评估,证明自私行为影响下网络性能的理论值与实验值近似,并且证明了通过理论分析获得的参数值也与实验值近似. 相似文献
该文针对移动P2P网络中节点表现出来的自私性,并结合移动P2P网络的资源受限、自组织以及开放性等特点,提出一种基于不完全信息的双方叫价拍卖模型的节点激励策略DAIP。该激励策略采用虚拟货币的支付方式,节点根据其拥有的虚拟货币量、自身资源状态和消息属性对每次消息转发进行估价,然后根据估价与博弈策略给出相应报价。通过博弈分析给出了DAIP策略的线性策略贝叶斯纳什均衡解,使各节点为最大化其自身利益而积极参与消息转发合作,从而促进网络系统中消息转发合作的成功。分析与实验结果表明该激励策略能够降低系统的能量消耗,提高整个网络系统的消息转发成功率,提高系统的整体效用。 相似文献
为了解决数据驱动覆盖网络(DONet)中节点自私性问题,提出了一种自私感知的DONet,简称SA-DONet机制。SA-DONet赋于每个节点一个利他值,记录着该节点对其他节点的转发贡献;基于节点利他值设计的数据段请求和发送算法,保证利他值高的节点被优先服务。SA-DONet具有以下特点:首先,使用分布式方法来检测自私节点并动态的调整数据段请求和发送策略;其次,自私的评价(利他值)基于节点的历史数据,无需发送额外的探测和测量包;最后,SA-DONet保持着和DONet相当的计算复杂度。仿真结果表明,和DONet相比,即使存在一定比例的自私节点,SA-DONet机制也能提高应用层组播的总体性能,并且具有较低的控制负荷。 相似文献
首先介绍了移动社会网络的概念,论述了移动社会网络部件、分类以及移动社会网络架构。然后简要概括了移动社会网络在应用、体系结构、协议设计等方面存在的挑战,重点分析了在内容分发机制方面的研究进展以及简单概述了社区检测、移动模型和中间件。最后对移动社会网络内容分发机制进行了总结。 相似文献
针对如何提高机会网络中数据分发效率的问题,提出了一种数据分簇和随机线性网络编码结合的数据分发机制——CRLNC。其核心思想是先将数据分成几簇,然后在簇内分成相同数量的数据块,源节点发送一簇中的数据块,中间节点运用随机线性编码算法将其中的数据块编码转发出去,目标节点接收到其中的编码数据块后采用高斯—约旦消元法将数据渐进还原。在这种数据分发机制中,针对节点缓存空间的冗余问题提出一种基于簇号和线性相关性的节点缓存策略。理论分析和仿真结果证明,与传统的数据分发相比,该算法可以有效地提高网络吞吐量,减小端到端的时延。 相似文献
提出了机会无线传感器网络中一种基于查询优先级的查询分发和处理(PBQ)算法。算法根据用户定义的查询优先级合理选取消息转发的中间节点,并控制查询消息的转发和拷贝量;同时,动态地调整查询消息的优先级,使得查询结果能快速回传到查询发起者并清理网络中查询的残留消息,避免了不必要的消息传输并提高查询处理的整体效用。模拟实验表明PBQ算法能有效提高机会网络中查询处理的成功率,降低查询的开销和时间延迟。 相似文献
内置缓存技术是内容中心网络(Content Centric Networking, CCN)的核心技术之一。现有的研究大多主要针对网络资源利用率的优化,而忽略了网络能耗的问题。该文首先建立了一个能耗模型对CCN的网络能耗进行分析,并设计了一个能效判决条件来优化缓存过程的能效性。进而,在此基础上综合考虑内容流行度和节点中心性等因素提出一种能效感知的概率性缓存机制(E2APC)。仿真结果表明,该机制能在保证较高的缓存命中率和较小的平均响应跳数的同时有效地降低网络的整体能耗。 相似文献
In opportunistic networks,existing simple barter trade (SBT) incentive scheme degraded the network performance due to the blindly caching strategy.So a utility-based barter trade (UBT) incentive mechanism was proposed.In the UBT scheme,nodes cache messages by predicting their future encounters and the probability that the encounters forward these messages to their destinations,which improved the caching efficiency and the network performance.Simulated results show that,compared with SBT,UBT can obtain higher delivery ratio and lower delay by less network cost and effectively motivate nodes’ cooperation as well. 相似文献
网络编码方法能有效提高数据传输效率,但采用该方法的机会网络数据转发机制均未考虑传输中的编码数据迭代冗余副本控制问题。为了充分降低译码复杂度并减少迭代冗余副本,提出了相遇持续时间估计及编码机会感知方法,进而设计了带有传输容量估计的编码冗余控制数据转发机制。节点以分布式的方式感知数据编码机会,为不同扩散程度的数据确定相应的优先级,并根据传输容量估计结果完成转发控制,以充分利用节点间的相遇持续时间。结果表明,所提出机制有效地减少了网络中的冗余副本,使译码所需的数据量趋于理论上的最小值,改善了网络资源利用率。 相似文献
The instability of operational channels on cognitive radio networks (CRNs), which is due to the stochastic behavior of primary users (PUs), has increased the complexity of the design of the optimal routing criterion (ORC) in CRNs. The exploitation of available opportunities in CRNs, such as the channel diversity, as well as alternative routes provided by the intermediate nodes belonging to routes (internal backup routes) in the route-cost (or weight) determination, complicate the ORC design. In this paper, to cover the channel diversity, the CRN is modeled as a multigraph in which the weight of each edge is determined according to the behavior of PU senders and the protection of PU receivers. Then, an ORC for CRNs, which is referred to as the stability probability of communication between the source node and the destination node (SPC_SD), is proposed. SPC_SD, which is based on the obtained model, internal backup routes, and probability theory, calculates the precise probability of communication stability between the source and destination. The performance evaluation is conducted using simulations, and the results show that the end-to-end performance improved significantly. 相似文献
Abstract:A data forwarding incentive mechanism based on auction model in mobile social network was proposed.In this incentive mechanism,the first-price sealed auction mode was extended,the transaction mode of virtual currency payment was adopted,and the procedure of data forwarding between nodes was abstracted into the auction transaction model.Based on the node's resource state,the virtual currency and the data property,the evaluation function of data forwarding transaction was given,and then the node gives the corresponding price according to the evaluation function and game strategy.Through the game analysis,the Nash equilibrium solution of AMIM was found,and the lowest bidder,of which the bid price was lower than the evaluation of data forwarding request node would been selected as the service provider for this data forwarding.In this incentive mechanism,the rational mobile nodes were enforced to voluntarily participate in data forwarding cooperation to maximize their own interests.The simulation experiment shows that AMIM mechanism can effectively reduce the energy consumption and improve the success rate and efficiency of data forwarding in the whole network system. 相似文献
Animesh Roy Tamaghna Acharya Sipra Das Bit 《International Journal of Communication Systems》2020,33(4)
Delay/disruption tolerant networks (DTNs) are potentially applicable in the challenged scenarios like post‐disaster environments. In such networks, data forwarding generally relies on the mutual cooperation of the nodes. However, in reality, despite the availability of necessary resources for data forwarding, a node could misbehave by dropping messages received from other nodes with whom it has no strong social ties. Such a node is called a socially selfish node, which would cause a poor delivery ratio in the network. In this paper, we aim to address the problem of multicast data forwarding in the presence of such selfish nodes, by means of efficient relay selection in DTNs. First, we define a realistic reputation model, in contrast to existing models, to define the socially selfish/misbehaving nodes in the network. Further, a game‐theoretic analysis is carried out that implies data forwarding cost is also an influential parameter in handling selfishness/misbehavior. Subsequently, the problem is formulated as a constrained optimization problem, which is NP hard. Therefore, a heuristic is proposed by combining the reputation of a node and the cost of message forwarding to appropriately identify relay nodes, thus improve the performance of the multicast message delivery in the network. We utilize a social metric, centrality to minimize the message forwarding cost in terms of the number of relay nodes. Finally, the comparative performance evaluation in ONE simulator with practical scenarios shows the superiority of the proposed scheme over the other prominent schemes. 相似文献
由于长延迟、频繁中断等特性,延迟容忍网络采用“存储-携带-转发”的路由方式实现报文的传递.这种传输方式建立在网络节点互相信任,诚实合作的假设之上.然而,由于受到自身资源的限制,网络中存在自私节点拒绝参与网络合作的行为,导致网络传输性能下降,甚至无法正常运行.针对此类问题,本文提出一种基于信誉的延迟容忍网络激励方案,鼓励节点共享资源,并约束自私行为.设计了一种观测协议,以解决延迟容忍网络环境下对网络节点行为的观测问题;提出了一种信誉模型,通过信任值评价节点的可信程度,从而优化路由决策,惩罚自私节点.仿真结果表明了本文提出的激励方案的有效性和可行性. 相似文献
基于博弈理论的移动自组网激励机制研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
摘 要:针对移动自组网中节点在报文转发过程中的表现出的自私行为,利用博弈理论,从静态和动态2个方面对其进行了完整的建模与分析。首先,提出了一种严厉针锋相对策略,并建立了一个无限重复报文转发博弈模型,求得了激励一致性条件。然后,利用演化博弈理论对节点由自私向协作转变的动态过程进行了分析,并证明了严厉针锋相对策略的演化稳定性。仿真结果表明,即使在自私节点比率为1的条件下,只要合理选择惩罚参数,均可有效激励自私节点的协作转发行为,整体网络性能最多可提升80%。 相似文献