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Niermann T  Park JB  Lehmann M 《Ultramicroscopy》2011,111(8):1083-1092
A model-based approach to estimate lattice constants from an atomically resolved HRTEM image is presented. The approach only utilizes the inherent periodicity of these images and does not require a centrosymmetric structure of the specimen. This allows the evaluation of, for instance, wurtzite-based materials like InGaN/GaN heterostructures. The lattice constants are determined within precisions below 3 pm from areas only a few unit cells large. This makes this method suitable for further strain/compositional analysis. Furthermore, the impact of the approximations of the true detector's covariance matrices on the assessment of the model-based approach is investigated, and insights into the quality of these noise models of the detector are gained.  相似文献   

In principle, the resolution of backscattered electron (BSE) images can be little improved, even though an infinitely small beam size is achieved by various improvements in the intrinsic instrument. In order to circumvent this problem, a method is proposed which utilizes an on-line digital computer for the image recording and processing. The major image-processing tools are reduction, expansion, super-imposition with matching of the images, and high-emphasis filtering in the Fourier domain. By using various combinations of these techniques, the resolution of BSE images has been significantly improved. The validity of these improved images has been confirmed. In the case of a BSE image with too wide a dynamic range, both the present method and digital homomorphic filtering provide successful results.  相似文献   

Several new features of mitochondrial nucleoid and its surroundings in mammalian cells were described previously (Pracha?, 2016). Very small details were observed using the improved transmission electron microscopy method, as described in the article. In the meantime, the method has again been improved to 2 Å resolutions in the cell section. The method described in detail in the present work is documented on the same records that were published in lower resolution in the work Pracha? (2016), enabling comparison of the achieved resolution with the previous one. New records are also presented, showing extremely high resolution and thus implying the importance of the method. Potential use of this method in different fields is suggested.  相似文献   

Ishitani T  Sato M 《Scanning》2002,24(4):191-203
The two conventional methods currently employed for the evaluation of image resolution in scanning electron microscopy are the gap method and a fast Fourier transform (FFT) method. These can be highly dependent on personal expertise on the distinction between signal information and noise contained in a micrograph. Hence, the present paper proposes an alternative method (referred to as a contrast-to-gradient (CG) method) that can determine the image resolution of a micrograph without requiring personal expertise on the judgment of noise. The image resolution in the CG method is defined as a weighted harmonic mean of the local resolution, which is proportional to the quotient of the threshold contrast divided by the local gradient. The local gradient is calculated from the quadratic function that best fits the local pixel intensities over 5 x 5 pixels. It has been shown that the CG method, compared with the FFT method, has a broader range of applications for various types of images, such as low-contrast, noise-containing, filter-processed, highly directional, and quasi-periodic feature images.  相似文献   

使用目标多特征识别的纳米纤维制造在线监测系统   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
针对电纺丝成型纳米级纤维工艺中因供料速度与电压值不匹配而出现的不稳定现象-流涎,提出了基于目标多特征识别的纳米纤维制造在线检测系统来提高纳米纤维成型质量的稳定性并实现纤维直径的可控性.首先,使用工业CCD对喷头出口处的泰勒锥进行连续图像采集,并对其进行锐化、滤波、阈值分割等预处理;然后,用目标多特征识别算法对泰勒锥的周长、面积和锥高等特征进行识别,实现对泰勒锥的形态和大小实时判别;最后,以判别结果作为控制系统的反馈信号,实时在线调节供料模块或电源模块驱动供料速度与电压达到匹配.实验结果表明,当电压为8 kV,系统能在0.43 s后达到稳定,从而维持泰勒锥形状稳定,无流涎现象,得到直径均匀的纳米纤维.提出的方法有效地解决了电纺纳米纤维直径不均匀和不可控制的难题.  相似文献   

The effects of imaging parameters have been studied on their roles of the severe mismatches between experimental and simulated high‐resolution transmission electron micrographs of sapphire along the direction. Image simulation and convergent‐beam electron diffraction techniques have been performed on misalignments of the electron beam and the crystal specimen. Based on this study, we have introduced an approach to achieve reliable simulation for experimental images of sapphire on the projection by the use of iterative digital image matching.  相似文献   

Convergent beam electron diffraction and geometric phase analysis were used to measure strain in the gate channel of a p-type strained silicon metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect transistor. These measurements were made on exactly the same transmission electron microscopy specimen allowing for direct comparison of the relative advantages of each technique. The trends in the strain values show good agreement in both the [110] and [001] directions, but the absolute strain values are offset from each other. This difference in the absolute strain measured using the two techniques is attributed to the way the reference strain is defined for each.  相似文献   

为实现大尺寸机械零件的高精度视觉测量,研究基于序列局部图像的视觉测量方法。首先分析机械零件图像边缘的过渡分布特征,提出边缘像素补偿法,消除实际边缘不能精确定位对测量精度的影响。然后以直线边缘距离测量为原型,提出基于序列局部图像尺寸特征的测量方法:对零件进行微小区域成像,生成在空间上连续的序列局部图像;应用相关系数法和双线性插值法获得相邻序列图像的亚像素级尺寸特征线,从而得到各局部图像的尺寸特征;对这些尺寸进行求和与补偿,得到零件的总体尺寸。实验表明,对常规尺寸零件的单幅图像运用边缘像素补偿法,相对测量误差在0.008%以内;对大尺寸零件应用序列图像测量法,相对测量误差在0.01%以内,具有误差积累小的优点,可用于机械零件的精密自动化测量。  相似文献   

唐磊  毕明德  孙志刚 《机电工程》2010,27(9):69-71,75
针对工业现场高速变化的灯板仪表全自动检测的问题,提出了一种基于图像识别的检测方法。本方法采用高速工业相机获取仪表视频图像,并采用数字图像处理技术,对单帧图像用OSTU算法进行二值化分割,运用邻域平均法进行平滑处理,通过闭运算以完成去噪,运用Hough变换以实现对灯的逐一定位,并用灰度检测法对灯状态进行判读,最后保存视频。研究结果表明,该算法可靠有效,系统能够高速准确地应对仪表位置的变化,为进一步的一般化视频检测奠定了基础。  相似文献   

A quantitative measure is proposed to evaluate and optimize the design of a high-resolution scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM) experiment. The proposed measure is related to the measurement of atom column positions. Specifically, it is based on the statistical precision with which the positions of atom columns can be estimated. The optimal design, that is, the combination of tunable microscope parameters for which the precision is highest, is derived for different types of atom columns. The proposed measure is also used to find out if an annular detector is preferable to an axial one and if a Cs-corrector pays off in quantitative STEM experiments. In addition, the optimal settings of the STEM are compared to the Scherzer conditions for incoherent imaging and their dependence on the type of object is investigated.  相似文献   

Oho E  Suzuki K 《Scanning》2012,34(1):43-50
Quality of an SEM image is strongly influenced by the extent of noise. As a well-known method in the field of SEM, the covariance is applied to measure the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). This method has potential ability for highly accurate measurement of the SNR, which is hardly known until now. If the precautions discussed in this article are adopted, that method can demonstrate its real ability. These precautions are strongly related to "proper acquisition of two images with the identical view," "alignment of an aperture diaphragm," "reduction of charging phenomena," "elimination of particular noises," and "accurate focusing," As necessary, characteristics in SEM signal and noise are investigated from a few standpoints. When using the maximum performance of this measurement, SNR of many SEM images obtained in a variety of the SEM operating conditions and specimens can be measured accurately.  相似文献   

This paper presents a new automated method for analyzing compression wood fibers in fluorescence microscopy. Abnormal wood known as compression wood is present in almost every softwood tree harvested. Compression wood fibers show a different cell wall morphology and chemistry compared to normal wood fibers, and their mechanical and physical characteristics are considered detrimental for both construction wood and pulp and paper purposes. Currently there is the need for improved methodologies for characterization of lignin distribution in wood cell walls, such as from compression wood fibers, that will allow for a better understanding of fiber mechanical properties. Traditionally, analysis of fluorescence microscopy images of fiber cross-sections has been done manually, which is time consuming and subjective. Here, we present an automatic method, using digital image analysis, that detects and delineates softwood fibers in fluorescence microscopy images, dividing them into cell lumen, normal and highly lignified areas. It also quantifies the different areas, as well as measures cell wall thickness. The method is evaluated by comparing the automatic with a manual delineation. While the boundaries between the various fiber wall regions are detected using the automatic method with precision similar to inter and intra expert variability, the position of the boundary between lumen and the cell wall has a systematic shift that can be corrected. Our method allows for transverse structural characterization of compression wood fibers, which may allow for improved understanding of the micro-mechanical modeling of wood and pulp fibers.  相似文献   

A JEOL JEM-3000F field emission, analytical, high-resolution transmission electron microscope (HRTEM) was used to study InN films grown on sapphire substrates. It was found that, while the InN films maintained the hexagonal (wurtzite) structure, InN nanodomains with a cubic (zincblende) structure were also formed in the films. Nanobeam electron diffraction techniques were applied for identification of the cubic phase. The identification of the cubic InN was confirmed by HRTEM structural imaging. The cubic InN nanodomains are 3-10 nm in diameter, and are orientated in two different orientations with their [110](cubic) and [110](cubic) axes parallel to each other and their (111)(cubic) planes parallel to the (0001)(hex) plane of the hexagonal InN.  相似文献   

针对火炮身管内膛疵病种类多、定性定量分析难和检测自动化程度低等问题,本文提出一种以卷积神经网络为基础的疵病识别方法。首先,对全景图像进行预处理,主要包括全景展开、光照强度调整、膛线去除等;其次,通过最优阈值法对图像进行二值化处理,并利用四连通域法提取疵病区域;最后,采用卷积神经网络对疵病进行自动的分类识别。实验结果表明,该方法能有效避免人工疵病特征提取和人工特征描述计算等复杂步骤,实现了"采集-识别-判定"全过程的自动运行,真正实现了窥膛检测的自动化,身管疵病的识别率超过92%,识别准确率远高于基于统计学原理及支持向量机的分类方式,具有较高的准确性,为火炮身管修复及寿命预估等奠定了坚实的基础。  相似文献   

We describe a computational approach for the automatic recognition and classification of atomic species in scanning tunnelling microscopy images. The approach is based on a pipeline of image processing methods in which the classification step is performed by means of a Fuzzy Clustering algorithm. As a representative example, we use the computational tool to characterize the nanoscale phase separation in thin films of the Fe‐chalcogenide superconductor FeSexTe1‐x, starting from synthetic data sets and experimental topographies. We quantify the stoichiometry fluctuations on length scales from tens to a few nanometres.  相似文献   

Although bone minerals have been widely studied by various techniques in previous studies, crystal structures, morphology of bone minerals and its building pathway remained still controversy. In this work, the ultrastructure of the mineralization front of rabbit femur has been studied by conventional and high‐resolution (HR) transmission electron microscopy (TEM). In order to induce a healing and demineralization process the animals were subjected to a standardized osteotomy stabilized with titan screws and sonic pins. After 84 days follow‐up time the newly build bone was investigated. The mineralization front of rabbit femur osteotomy contains partly mineralized collagen fibrils with a pronounced striped pattern together with a large number of agglomerated apatite platelets. The striation is caused by mineralization in the hole zones of the collagen fibrils, corresponding to the early stage of mineralization. In the TEM micrographs, the mineralization zone appears denser and compact when compared with fully mineralized bone, although most of the collagen fibrils are completely mineralized in the latter (higher concentration of interfibrillar apatite platelets within the mineralization zone). In bone some partly mineralized collagen fibrils are also observed, revealing the same arrangement, regular shape, and size of apatite platelets as collagen fibrils in the mineralization zone. Apatite platelets with irregular shapes are observed at the vortex‐shaped outer boundary of the mineralization zone, i.e. at the interfaces with nonmineralized collagen or osteoblasts. HR TEM micrographs reveal that the platelets are assumably semicrystalline and that within the platelet nanocrystalline domains of apatite are embedded in an amorphous calciumphosphate matrix. SCANNING 35: 169‐182, 2013. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The uniformity of panchromatic cathodoluminescence (CL) from In0.09Ga0.91N/GaN quantum wells at 100 K was investigated using a combined transmission electron microscope–cathodoluminescence instrument. A technique for correcting CL images of electron‐transparent wedge specimens for thickness contrast artefacts is presented. The foil thickness was estimated using the dynamical formulation of the relationship between the thickness and the (experimentally observed) transmitted electron intensity. For a given thickness the CL intensity was calculated using the Everhart–Hoff depth‐dose function and also taking into account surface recombination losses. Experimental CL images were normalized by dividing by the calculated CL value at each point. The procedure was successful in calculating the underlying materials contrast in CL images of thin specimens of InGaN single quantum wells. Non‐uniformities in the CL emission on the scale of ~0.7 µm were observed.  相似文献   

A simple, yet effective, non-linear pseudo-Laplacian filter has been newly developed to enhance secondary electron (SE) images. This filter is a combination of the second derivative along the direction of the local gradient and a non-linear weight factor. The filter can successfully enhance SE images without the undesirable effects of noise which are often seen in conventional Laplacian filtered images. Hence, the processed results with high image quality can make original SE images easier to interpret. The effectiveness is especially useful in low-voltage scanning electron microscopy, because SE images taken at low voltages are not so likely to have good image sharpness.  相似文献   

基于彩色图像的高速目标单目位姿测量方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
针对风洞分离实验对于视觉测量系统的高精度、大视场、高速的测量要求,提出一种基于单目摄像机的风洞运动目标位姿测量方法。该方法利用单目摄像机进行运动目标位姿信息测量,相比于双目测量方法具有设备简单、视场大的优点。首先提出一种基于靶标特征点相互约束关系的参数优化方法,采用复合式靶标实现摄像机的快速高精度标定;针对目标运动图像处理,提出一种基于图像差叠法和标记点位置估计的图像快速分割与目标定位方法,实现图像特征的快速准确定位;针对单目测量要求及目标运动特性,提出一种基于方向估计标记点布局方式,实现合作标记点的快速识别和提取;最后利用单目视觉原理求解运动目标的位置和姿态信息,通过实验室模拟实验完成了测量系统的精度验证,在1 m×1 m视场范围内,其位移测量精度可达到0.19 mm,俯仰和偏航角测量精度可达到0.18°。  相似文献   

Vignetting is the radial attenuation effect of the image's brightness intensity from the center of the optical axis to the edges. To perform quantitative image analyses it is mandatory to take into account this effect, intrinsic of the acquisition system. Many image processing steps, such as segmentation and object tracking, are strongly affected by vignetting and the effect becomes particularly evident in mosaicing. The most common approach to compensate the attenuation of the image's brightness intensity is to estimate the vignetting function from a homogeneous reference object, typically an empty field, and to use it to normalize the images acquired under the same microscope set-up conditions. However, several reasons lead to the use of image-based methods to estimate the vignetting function from the images themselves. In this work, we propose an effective multi-image based method suitable for real-time applications. It is designed to correct vignetting in wide field light microscopy images. The vignetting function is computed stemming from a background built incrementally from the proposed background segmentation algorithm, validated on several manually segmented images. The extensive experiments carried out using cell cultures, histological samples and synthetic images prove that our method almost always yields the best results and in worst cases are comparable to those achieved by using homogeneous reference objects.  相似文献   

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