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Equipped with 512-bit wide SIMD inst d large numbers of computing cores, the emerging x86-based Intel(R) Many Integrated Core (MIC) Architecture ot only high floating-point performance, but also substantial off-chip memory bandwidth. The 3D FFT (three-di fast Fourier transform) is a widely-studied algorithm; however, the conventional algorithm needs to traverse the three times. In each pass, it computes multiple 1D FFTs along one of three dimensions, giving rise to plenty of rided memory accesses. In this paper, we propose a two-pass 3D FFT algorithm, which mainly aims to reduce of explicit data transfer between the memory and the on-chip cache. The main idea is to split one dimension into ensions, and then combine the transform along each sub-dimension with one of the rest dimensions respectively erence in amount of TLB misses resulting from decomposition along different dimensions is analyzed in detail. el parallelism is leveraged on the many-core system for a high degree of parallelism and better data reuse of loc On top of this, a number of optimization techniques, such as memory padding, loop transformation and vectoriz employed in our implementation to further enhance the performance. We evaluate the algorithm on the Intel(R) PhiTM coprocessor 7110P, and achieve a maximum performance of 136 Gflops with 240 threads in offload mode, which ts the vendor-specific Intel(R)MKL library by a factor of up to 2.22X.  相似文献   

Object contours contain important visual information which can be applied to numerous vision tasks. As recent algorithms focus on the accuracy of contour detection, the entailed time complexity is sign...  相似文献   

Pipeline parallelism is a popular parallel programming pattern for emerging applications. However, program-ming pipelines directly on conventional multithreaded shared memory is di?cult and error-prone...  相似文献   

Determinism is very useful to multithreaded programs in debugging, testing, etc. Many deterministic ap-proaches have been proposed, such as deterministic multithreading (DMT) and deterministic replay. ...  相似文献   

英特尔Xeon E5与Xeon5600都是目前最流行的服务器CPU,但是Xeon E5是今年最新推出的双路服务器CPU,因而更有技术上的领先性。Xeon E5系列处理器与Xeon5600系列处理器相比,到底有哪些方面的改  相似文献   

1 Introduction The hull surface is an undevelopable curved surface, because of some special demand, it needs to be coated with rectangular tiles. While under the condition of permitting certain gap of 15±3mm between tiles and presenting pleasing overall appearance, these tiles must completely cover the hull surface, so layout is very necessary before tiles’ coating process. The previous method is to lay planar tiles on the whole hull surface’s flattened plane, only along frame line directio…  相似文献   


The monotone line search schemes have been extensively used in the iterative methods for solving various optimization problems. It is well known that the non-monotone line search technique can improve the likelihood of finding a global optimal solution and the numerical performance of the methods, especially for some difficult nonlinear problems. The traditional non-monotone line search approach requires that a maximum of recent function values decreases. In this paper, we propose a new line search scheme which requires that a convex combination of recent function values decreases. We apply the new line search technique to solve unconstrained optimization problems, and show the proposed algorithm possesses global convergence and R-linear convergence under suitable assumptions. We also report the numerical results of the proposed algorithm for solving almost all the unconstrained testing problems given in CUTEr, and give numerical comparisons of the proposed algorithm with two famous non-monotone methods.  相似文献   

In this work, we present the concept, design and implementation of a new software to visualize and segment 3-dimensional medical data. The main goal was to create a platform that would allow trying out new approaches and ideas while staying independent from hardware and operating system, being especially useful for interdisciplinary research groups. A special focus will be given on fast and interactive volume visualization, and a survey on the use of Virtual Reality (VR) and especially haptic/force feedback in medical applications will be provided.  相似文献   

The initial point and edge are first determined, the subsequent edges on contour are searched by comparing the angles formed by vectors of the candidate edges and the reference vector, repeat this process until the searched edges are closed. The bi-directional list is adopted to store graphic data. Data structure for storing the point and graphic entity is also discussed.  相似文献   

6月16日,IBM公司发布了一款为满足要求高速2D和入门级3D图形功能的用户的需求而设计的新型高性能Windows NT工作站——IntelliStation E Pro。 IntelliStation E Pro非常适合于金融、软件设计、桌面出版、数据库开发、2D图形设计与绘图、建筑、电子设计分析及web站点创建等领域的应用。它以新的低价位提供了工作站级的性能,从而将IBM IntelliStation产品线的应用范围从传统的工作站用户拓展到了新的商业用户  相似文献   

AVEVA近日发布了AVEVA E3D Insight,这是一款基于Windows 8.1与微软合作开发完成的一款产品,专门为客户提供在全球范围内随时随地查看、评估和审批设计的能力。同时,AVEVA E3D Insight优化了设计评估与审批过程,为"精益"业务实践提供支持。它使授权用户随时随地都可以直接获取实时的AVEVA E3D设计模型,从而实现项目效益的最大化。AVEVA首席技术官兼工程设计与系统负责人Dave Wheeldon说:"AVEVA E3D Insight能够帮助客户提高业务水平,实现多个项目间更加有效的合  相似文献   

We present the first linear algorithm for the random sampling from regular languages. More precisely, for generating a uniformly random word of length n in a given regular language, our algorithm has worst-case space bit-complexity O(n) and mean time bit-complexity?O(n). The previously best algorithm, due to Denise and Zimmermann (Theor. Comp. Sci. 218(2):233–248, 1999), has worst-case space bit-complexity O(n 2) and mean time bit-complexity O(nlog?(n)). The Denise et al. algorithm was obtained by performing a floating-point optimization on the general recursive method formalized by Nijenhuis and Wilf (and further developed by Flajolet, Zimmermann and Van Cutsem). Our algorithm combines the floating-point optimization with a new divide-and-conquer scheme.  相似文献   

去年当我们开始筹划测试项目时,搜集了最新的图形和PC整机,用由ZD基准测试委员会(ZDBOp)最新升级的ZD Winstone和ZD WinBench测试了它们的性能。每年,我们都在秋委Comdex大展上发布我们的杂志和我们使用的测评软件,这样可以让厂商和读者充分的了解我们的测试结果和评测方法。  相似文献   

正最近亚马逊推出一款Fire Phone手机,这是一款以3D为功能卖点的手机,号称采用了创新的3D显示技术。那么Fire Phone的3D到底是一项什么样的新技术?让我们看看它和之前的3D手机有什么不同,它又是怎么实现在手机上显示3D图像的。了解手机上的3D显示技术  相似文献   

Two Accelerating Techniques for 3D Reconstruction   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Automatic reconstruction of 3D objects from 2D orthographic views has been a major research issue in CAD/CAM.In this paper,two acceleratin techniques to improve the efficiency of reconstruction are presented.First,some peudo elements are removed by depth and topology information as soon as the wire-frame is constructed ,which reduces the searching space.Second.the proposed algorithm does not establish all possible surfaces in the process of generating 3D faces.The surfaces and edge loops are generated by using the relationship between the boundaries of 3D faces and their projections,This avoids the growth in combinational complexity of previous methods that have to check all possible pairs of 3D candidate edges.  相似文献   

We address the problem of sequential single machine scheduling of jobs with release times, where jobs are classified into types, and the machine must be properly configured to handle jobs of a given type. The objective is to minimize the maximum flow time (time from release until completion) of any job. We consider this problem under the assumptions of sequence independent set-up times and item availability with the objective of minimizing the maximum flow time. We present an online algorithm that is O(1)-competitive, that is, always gets within a constant factor of optimal. We also show that exact offline optimization of maximum flow time is NP-hard.  相似文献   

不用在黑白屏幕上敲字符来控制计算机,图形界面被誉为人性化设计;而当活灵活现的三维场景再现真实世界的凹凸感受,更为贴近生活的计算机时代已然来临。  相似文献   

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