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ICT projects are considered an important means of achieving development goals in developing countries. Although voluminous, the research to date is inconsistent in theorizing how, or why, development outcomes do or do not occur following the introduction of ICT4D. To better understand how and why ICT projects succeed, and even what success means in the ICT4D context, we conducted a literature review of ICT4D studies published during the period 2000–2016. We find that the very meaning of development varies, with four meanings of development emerging from the literature: (1) development as increased freedom, (2) development as expanded inclusion, (3) development as increased economic productivity, and (4) development as improved well-being. An ICT might succeed according to one meaning of development while simultaneously hindering achievement according to another meaning. As revealed by our analysis of the literature, these four perspectives suffer from some limitations, not least among them being the imposition of colonialist views of development on the recipients of the ICT4D. To address the limitations, we employ postcolonial theory to derive a new theory of ICT4D in which development is defined as an increase in power parity between dominant stakeholders and intended beneficiaries.  相似文献   

The sharing of knowledge between a firm and its internal or external service suppliers has become an important element of contemporary sourcing arrangements. Moreover, the knowledge based view (KBV) has long suggested that due to stronger cognitive links within firms, internal compared to external service provision creates better conditions for knowledge sharing. Empirical evidence for this claim is however scarce, and the KBV does not explain the mechanisms for more knowledge sharing in internal sourcing in detail. Moreover, there is now some evidence to suggest that firms’ relationships with external sourcing partners are becoming more similar to those with captive centres, which represent a less traditional form of insourcing setting. To scrutinize the possible knowledge sharing advantages of internal sourcing in more depth, we turn to social capital (SC) research. There are some theoretical claims that SC and knowledge sharing are stronger within than between firms, and there is ample evidence that SC facilitates knowledge sharing. Our survey results suggest that the extent of knowledge sharing and SC are indeed stronger in a captive than in an external sourcing mode, and that structural (tie strength), cognitive (shared understanding), and relational (trust) aspects of SC mediate the effect of sourcing mode on the extent of knowledge sharing. By contrast, network stability (a structural aspect) mediated knowledge sharing only indirectly, by reinforcing the other SC aspects. We highlight important contributions to research and practice of IS outsourcing and social capital.  相似文献   

于芹芬 《微机发展》2008,(8):182-184
以不同格式、不同比例尺的地形图与遥感图像为对象,重点研究这两种图像的融合问题,包括配准、几何校正、信息表示等等,并基于Matiab6.5与Visual C++开发了遥感图像和地形图的信息融合系统。借助该软件系统可进行同一区域不同比例尺的地形图和遥感图的信息融合,并最终给出符合资源与环境调查与应用要求的既有遥感信息又有地形图信息的融合图像,融合图像获得了比任意单一图像更加综合、丰富的信息。  相似文献   

以不同格式、不同比例尺的地形图与遥感图像为对象,重点研究这两种图像的融合问题,包括配准、几何校正、信息表示等等,并基于Matlab 6.5与VisualC 开发了遥感图像和地形图的信息融合系统.借助该软件系统可进行同一区域不同比例尺的地形图和遥感图的信息融合,并最终给出符合资源与环境调查与应用要求的既有遥感信息又有地形图信息的融合图像,融合图像获得了比任意单一图像更加综合、丰富的信息.  相似文献   

首先对遥感影象统计分析方法模型进行了回顾和综述,并分析了传统统计分析模型存在的缺陷,然后分别从传统的地学分析方法、神经计算模型、进化计算模型、稳健统计理论等几个不同的角度,提出了遥感数理统计分析模型扩展的方向,并通过几个具体模型对遥感统计分析扩展模型进行了初步探讨。  相似文献   

We present a sensitivity study of the Navier Stokes-α model with respect to perturbations of the differential filter length α. The parameter-sensitivity is evaluated using the sensitivity equations method. Once formulated, the sensitivity equations are discretized and computed alongside the NSα model using the same finite elements in space, and Crank–Nicolson in time. We provide a complete stability analysis of the scheme, along with the results of several benchmark problems in both 2D and 3D. We further demonstrate a practical technique to utilize sensitivity calculations to determine the reliability of the NSα model in problem-specific settings. Lastly, we investigate the sensitivity and reliability of important functionals of the velocity and pressure solutions.  相似文献   

为贴合地物表现的多样性和复杂性,提出一种波谱匹配支持下的遥感影像专题地物自适应提取方法,经过专题地物端元选取、波谱匹配、影像自动分割、"整体-局部"的空间转换,以及局部针对性、精细化地迭代逼近等一系列相互衔接的算法,全面、准确地提取遥感影像上的专题地物。通过在ETM+影像上水体和裸地的提取实验,并与最大似然法和SVM分类结果比较,证明了该方法对多样性专题地物提取的有效性和普适性。  相似文献   

Many organizations source administrative business services like information technology, human resources, procurement, legal, financial and accounting services through external service providers, a practice known as Business Services Outsourcing (BSO). Many of these relationships are strategic, in the sense that they are large, underpin clients’ business strategies, and the client can become highly dependent on service provider capabilities and performance. The BSO market is over $1 trillion in size and has been growing for two decades. Despite the size and maturity, up to 50% of BSO relationships result in poor outcomes, partly because partners cannot resolve conflicts. Based on interviews with client and provider leads from 13 BSO relationships, we answered the research question: “What types of inter-organizational conflicts arise in BSO relationships and how do partners resolve them?” We extended the prior literature on inter-organizational conflict frameworks by conceptualizing three types of conflicts specific to BSO: commercial conflicts, service conflicts, and relationship conflicts. Conflicts as we study them here are not minor disagreements, but have a strategic dimension. Commercial conflicts were the most serious because outsourcing relationships are firstly commercial transactions—a provider must earn a profit and a client must meet its economic business case to be viable. Theoretically, we found Thomas and Kilmann’s typology of conflict resolution styles to be robust enough to characterize the BSO conflict cases, provided a switched style category was included. In our data, we found that only the collaborative and switched-to-collaborative styles resolved conflicts to the satisfaction of both partners, which is consistent with theory. Novel findings that extend or contest prior theory are identified as part of a future research agenda. For practitioners, we also identified five effective conflict resolution behaviors.  相似文献   

This work is focused on the application of functional-type a posteriori error estimates and corresponding indicators to a class of time-dependent problems. We consider the algorithmic part of their derivation and implementation and also discuss the numerical properties of these bounds that comply with obtained numerical results. This paper examines two different methods of solution approximation for evolutionary models, i.e., a time-marching technique and a space–time approach. The first part of the study presents an algorithm for global minimisation of the majorant on each of discretisation time-cylinders (time-slabs), the effectiveness of this approach to error estimation is confirmed by extensive numerical tests. In the second part of the publication, the application of functional error estimates is discussed with respect to a space–time approach. It is followed by a set of extensive numerical tests that demonstrates the efficiency of proposed error control method.The numerical results obtained in this paper rely on the implementation carried out using open source software, which allows formulating the problem in a weak setting. To work in a variational framework appears to be very natural for functional error estimates due to their derivation method. The search for the optimal parameters for the majorant is done by a global functional minimisation, which to the authors’ knowledge is the first work using this technique in an evolutionary framework.  相似文献   

Radial basis functions have become a popular tool for approximation and solution of partial differential equations (PDEs). The recently proposed multilevel sparse interpolation with kernels (MuSIK) algorithm proposed in Georgoulis et al. (2013) shows good convergence. In this paper we use a sparse kernel basis for the solution of PDEs by collocation. We will use the form of approximation proposed and developed by Kansa (1986). We will give numerical examples using a tensor product basis with the multiquadric (MQ) and Gaussian basis functions. This paper is novel in that we consider space–time PDEs in four dimensions using an easy-to-implement algorithm, with smooth approximations. The accuracy observed numerically is as good, with respect to the number of data points used, as other methods in the literature; see Langer (2016) and Wang et al. (2016).  相似文献   

家畜的空间分布对于粮食安全、农业社会经济、环境影响评估和人畜共患病的研究等方面至关重要。选取甘肃省作为典型研究区,以羊为研究对象,基于随机森林回归算法构建了融合遥感数据和统计数据的家畜分布网格化估算模型,获得甘肃省1 km×1 km尺度上羊的空间分布信息。结果表明:基于随机森林回归的家畜分布网格化估算模型,结合了遥感数据和统计数据的优势,可以较准确地估算1 km×1 km尺度上家畜的空间分布情况,估算结果与统计数据之间的相关系数(R)达到0.88,均方根误差(RMSE)为0.24,相对均方根误差(RRMSE)为15.1%。甘肃省的羊主要分布在河西走廊戈壁区、甘南高原草原草甸区、黄土高原丘陵区的西南部以及黄土高原沟壑区的北部。对羊的空间分布影响较大的环境因子依次是:耕地百分比、海拔、地表温度和坡度。  相似文献   

针对航空遥感成像范围小、视差角大的特点,提出一种航空遥感图像拼接算法。通过估算图像相对方位矩阵,使用透视变换实现图像校正,解决大视差角下的畸变问题。利用SIFT算法和基于概率密度的错误匹配点剔除方法,实现高精度图像配准,并通过小波变换完成图像融合工作。实验结果表明,在不同地表情况下,该算法的拼接性能均优于传统SIFT算法。  相似文献   

真实性检验是保障土地覆被遥感产品生产质量,支持土地覆被遥感产品应用的重要环节。土地覆被遥感产品真实性检验实践总与理论存在一些差异,其主要体现在用于检验的参考数据样本数量和空间分布两个方面,而这种差异对检验结果的影响还不十分清楚。以中国陆地范围为实验区域,GlobeLand30作为全样本参考数据,ESA CCI-LC作为检验对象,通过设计实验,评估了样本数量、抽样方式和样本单元的不同对检验结果的影响。结果表明:(1)样本量对检验结果有重要影响。当样本量减半(约600个样本点),点样本真实性检验的总体精度与在理论样本量下的总体精度接近,但是,在样本量较小的情况下,不同类型的精度对样本量的敏感程度不同,面积权重小的类别对样本量更敏感,尤其是在采用分层随机抽样的情况下;(2)在理论样本量基础上,无论是点样本真实性检验还是群样本真实性检验,抽样方式对总体精度影响不大,但是对各个类型的精度有重要影响,尤其是面积权重小的类别;(3)群样本检验稳定性比点样本检验差。在理论样本量基础上,样本单元的增大将增加检验结果的不确定性,随着样本单元的增加,虽然检验结果波动性变小,但是检验结果相较于点样本检验结果仍...  相似文献   

基于Web草原遥感影像与专题图半透明叠加系统的初步实现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以内蒙古锡林郭勒盟的基础专题图和正蓝旗的遥感影像为研究对象,系统地介绍了遥感影像与专题图基于Web叠加的关键技术,并通过综合应用现代信息技术,运用网络地理信息系统(WebGIS)原理和理论,使用Java开发语言设计开发试验版的WebGIS小软件,初步实现了遥感影像与专题图在Web上半透明叠加的系统。  相似文献   

曾字燕  何建农 《计算机工程》2011,37(19):198-200
提出一种基于区域小波统计特征的遥感图像融合方法,对多光谱图像的I分量与直方图匹配后的高分辨率图像进行小波变换融 合。对分解后的低频分量采用加权平均的融合规则,高频分量则根据其区域的小波系数特征,采用基于区域方差匹配度的融合规则。对 SPOT多光谱图像和高分辨率图像进行融合实验,并利用信息熵和相关系数对融合结果进行客观评价与比较分析。仿真实验结果表明,基于区域小波统计特征的融合方法能达到较好的融合效果。  相似文献   

微波遥感具有全天时、全天候的突出优点,但是多重信息(幅度,相位,极化)尚未引起人们重视。为提高雷达图像的实用效果,现已出现了极化研究这一新课题。文章阐述了有关基础理论,并通过实例说明了极化在雷达图像中的丰富信息,以此提高了判图能力,大大促进了微波遥感的应用价值。  相似文献   

尤淑撑  刘顺喜 《遥感信息》2007,(2):8-11,I0001
通过将较低空间分辨率的多光谱影像和较高空间分辨率的全色波段影像融合产生兼具多光谱和高空间分辨率特征影像是提高资源环境监测精度的重要途径之一。本文提出了一种计算简单、光谱保真性好的影像融合算法。该方法根据影像局域统计特征,建立融合方程,以表征全色影像空间结构和多光谱影像光谱信息的统计量为约束,求解融合系数,实现影像融合。试验结果表明该方法光谱保真性好、适应性强,具有一定的应用潜力。  相似文献   

在论述遥感卫星数据记录系统对记录数据高准确率要求的基础上,文中结合伪随机序列的特性,研究并实现了一种简单易行的误码率测试方法.并介绍了此方法在Visual C++6.0环境下的编程实现.在实际应用中取得良好的效果.  相似文献   

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