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The rapid growth of wireless services and mobile users drives a great interest in cellular networks with a hierarchical structure. Hierarchical cellular networks (HCNs) can provide high system capacity, efficient channel utilization and inherent load-balancing capability. In this paper, we develop an analytical model and a performance analysis method for a two-layer HCN with bidirectional overflow and take-back strategies. Mobile users are divided into two classes. The call requests (including new and handoff calls) of fast and slow users are preferably assigned to the macrolayer and microlayer, respectively. A call from a fast user or slow user can overflow to its non-preferable layer if there is no channel available. The successful overflow call can be taken back to its preferable layer if a channel becomes available. Since the commonly used exponentially distributed assumption for cell residence time and then the channel occupancy time does not hold for emerging mobile networks, we model various cell residence times by general distributions to adapt to more flexible mobility environments. The channel occupancy times are derived in terms of the Laplace transforms of various cell residence times. The handoff rates, overflow rates and take-back rates of each layer are also derived in terms of the new call arrival rates and related probabilities. The stationary probabilities (and then the performance measures) are determined on the basis of the theory of multi-dimensional loss systems.  相似文献   

In a personal communication service (PCS) network, the call completion probability and the effective call holding times for both complete and incomplete calls are central parameters in the network cost/performance evaluation. These quantities will depend on the distributions of call holding times and cell residence times. The classical assumptions made in the past that call holding times and cell residence times are exponentially distributed are not appropriate for the emerging PCS networks. This paper presents some systematic results on the probability of call completion and the effective call holding time distributions for complete and incomplete calls with general cell residence times and call holding times distributed with various distributions such as gamma, erlang, hyperexponential, hyper-erlang, and other staged distributions. These results provide a set of alternatives for PCS network modeling, which can be chosen to accommodate the measured data from PCS field trials. The application of these results in billing rate planning is also discussed  相似文献   

The sustained increase of users and the request for advanced multimedia services are amongst the key motivations for designing new high-capacity cellular telecommunication systems. The proposals that are being pursued by several studies and field implementations consider hierarchical architectures and dynamic resource allocation. A hierarchical cellular communication network is analyzed, taking user mobility into account and exploiting dynamic channel-allocation schemes. In particular, a finite number of users has been considered, moving at different speeds in a geographical region covered by a finite number of cells structured in two hierarchical levels: micro- and macrocells. For such a system, mobility and traffic models have been developed, both based on queueing networks analyzing maximum packing (MP), a dynamic channel-allocation scheme. The obtained results, validated by simulation experiments, allow the evaluation of main system-performance parameters in terms of new-call and handoff blocking probabilities, and forced-termination probability as a function of load and system parameters.  相似文献   

How to efficiently utilize the scarce radio channel resource while maintaining the desired user‐perceived quality level and improved network performance is a major challenge to a wireless network designer. As one solution to meet this challenge in cellular mobile networks, a network architecture with hierarchical layers of cells has been widely considered. In this paper, we study the performance of a hierarchical cellular network that allows the queueing of both overflow slow‐mobility calls (from the lower layer microcells) and macrocell handover fast‐mobility calls that are blocked due to lack of free resources at the macrocell. Further, to accurately represent the wireless user behaviour, the impact of call repeat phenomenon is considered in the analysis of new call blocking probability. Performance analysis of the hierarchical cellular structure with queueing and call repeat phenomenon is performed using both analytical and simulation techniques. Numerical results show that queueing of calls reduces forced call termination probability and increases resource utilization with minimal call queueing delay. It is also shown that ignoring repeat calls leads to optimistic estimates of new call blocking probability especially at high offered traffic. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The message traffic offered to the CCS signaling network depends on and is modulated by the traffic characteristics of the circuit switched calls supported by the CCS network. Most previous analyses of CCS network engineering, performance evaluation and congestion control protocols generally assume an exponential holding time of circuit switched calls. Analysis of actual holding time distributions in conversations, facsimile and voice mail connections revealed that these distributions radically differ from the exponential distribution. Especially significant is the large proportion of very short calls in real traffic in comparison with the exponential distribution model. The diversity of calls (partial dialing, subscriber busy, no answer) and services results in a multi-component call mix, with even larger proportion of short time intervals between message-generating events. Very short call holding times can have a significant impact on the traffic stream presented to the CCS network: for calls with short holding times, the different CCS messages arrive relatively close to each other, and this manifests as burstiness in the CCS traffic stream  相似文献   

In this paper, we develop and evaluate a hierarchical cellular architecture for totally mobile wireless networks (TMWNs). Extensive performance tests were conducted to evaluate the performance of a two‐tier system and compare its throughput, handoff blocking rate and new call success rate with those obtained by a one‐tier model. Our tests have shown that when the total number of channels is kept the same, the two‐tier system outperformed the one‐tier counterpart under all load conditions. Under the constraint of equal power consumption, the two‐tier system still achieved improvement over the one‐tier system, especially at light and medium load levels. The improvement of the two‐tier system over the one‐tier system was observed to diminish as the degree of randomness in the mobility model is reduced; scenarios where the one‐tier system outperforms the two‐tier system are given. Load balancing schemes based on the concept of reversible handoffs are introduced and their performance improvements are analyzed. Comparison results on the percentage of terminal coverage are presented. An analytical model to compute the new call and handoff blocking probabilities in TMWN is given and evaluated. The model extends the Markov chain approach previously used in hierarchical architectures with stationary base stations and uses a corrected derivation for the handoff blocking probability. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In a hierarchical cellular network employing universal frequency reuse, the level of both intra- and intercell interference largely depends on the selection of a serving cell for the users in the overlapping area of multiple cells. We propose an efficient cell selection algorithm that is suitable for hierarchical cellular networks. In the proposed algorithm, uplink transmit power is used as a key parameter and cells are selected on the basis of the coordination of multiple users, rather than the choice of a single user. Simulation results show that the proposed algorithm improves performance with respect to the number of supportable users and the transmit power that each user needs in order to achieve a given target SINR.  相似文献   

小小区组网技术被认为是解决迅速增长的移动数据量需求的方法。然而,密集的小小区组网会导致严重的小区间干扰。传统的部分频率复用方法不能完全照搬用在部署不规则的小小区网络内,急需一种合理高效建模采用频率复用小小区网络的方法,对其性能进行评估。利用随机几何理论对小小区网络考虑部分频率复用场景进行建模,推导了考虑部分频率复用的小小区网络下行覆盖概率和网络吞吐量的表达式。数值仿真结果显示:部分频率复用技术可以提高小小区网络下行覆盖概率,但是会降低网络图吞吐量。在满足覆盖概率约束条件下,得到了使得网络吞吐量最大的频率复用因子的表达式。以上结果对未来采用频率复用技术的小小区组网的具体实施具有重要的指导意义。  相似文献   

We consider hierarchical cellular code-division multiple-access networks supporting soft handoff, where users with different mobility are assigned to different layers, i.e., microcells in the lower layer are used to carry slow users, whereas macrocells in the upper layer are for fast users, and handoff queues are provided for handoff calls that cannot obtain the required channel immediately, so that forced termination probability can be reduced. According to whether handoff queues are provided in microcells and/or macrocells, four different call admission control schemes are proposed and studied. We derive the mathematical model of the considered system with multidimensional birth-death process and utilize Gauss-Seidel iterative method to find the steady-state probability distribution and thus the performance measures of interest: new call blocking probability, handoff failure probability, and forced termination probability. Analytical results show that providing handoff queues in both microcells and macrocells can achieve largest performance improvement. Furthermore, handoff queue size greater than a threshold is shown to have little effect on performance measures of interest. Last but not least, the studied two-tier system is compared with a one-tier counterpart. It is shown that the two-tier system performs better in terms of average number of handoffs per fast call.  相似文献   

Layered cellular mobile networks have been widely proposed as a way of accommodating traffic growth in mobile communications. There is a need, however, to give some form of priority to handover attempts over fresh call attempts to ensure that handovers are fast and reliable. A class of call control policies with state-dependent control of fresh call arrivals is considered for this purpose. A modified version of the Value Iteration Algorithm is used to solve a Markov decision model for the optimal call control policy. The network blocking performance under optimal state-dependent control is compared with the performance under a much simpler channel reservation policy for a model of a cellular sub-network. The channel reservation policy is shown to perform nearly as well as the optimal policy at lower loads, where fresh call blocking is less than 5%, indicating that it is both an effective and an efficient method for ensuring good handover performance.  相似文献   

我国不同积分时间降雨率的统一转换模式   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
1min积分时间降雨率概率分布是10GHz以上无线电系统雨衰减预测的基础性数据。但多数气象台站降雨率数据的积分时间大于1min,因而需要一种有效的转换方法。为此利用我国典型气候区的实测降雨率数据对几种不同积分时间降雨率转换模式进行了参数拟合与结果比较,在比较研究的基础上,提出了我国统一的转换模式。这一模式可较好地用于我国不同地区的降雨率转换。  相似文献   

In this paper, the authors develop an analytical model to study the performance of a mobile low earth orbiting (LEO) satellite cellular network. The model assumes that the call duration has a gamma distribution and considers the effect of system parameters such as the number of channels per cell, the number of channels reserved for the handoff, and the cell residence time, on the teletraffic performance of the system. The quality of service (QoS) measures studied in this paper include new call blocking probability, handoff failure probability, premature call-termination probability (CTP), and call dropping probability (CDP). Based on the causal central limit theorem, the authors use a two-parameter gamma distribution to approximate the distribution of the sum of the residence times in the cells. The analytical model presented in this paper may be used with any call-holding-time distribution. The analytical results are validated by a computer simulation.  相似文献   

In this paper, we construct mathematical models to analyze the probabilities of new call blocking and handoff call (HC) dropping for a sectorized cellular network with fractional frequency reuse (FFR). Because a sectorized FFR network (SFN) consists of two areas, the super group (SG) and the regular group (or sectors), three different types of HCs may happen when a mobile station (MS) moves from the SG to a sector, from a sector to the SG, or from one sector to another sector. To characterize three types of HCs, we first derive the area transition probability, which is defined as the reciprocal of MS's average residence time in an area (i.e., sector or SG). Moreover, we construct the model of Markov chains and derive the state transition rates. Then on the basis of the stationary probabilities of Markovian states, we derive the three types of blocking probabilities of new calls and two types of dropping probabilities of HCs. Finally, we conduct extensive numerical simulations. From the results of numerical simulations, we reveal two important rules for choosing the optimal radius of the SG, with which the system blocking and dropping probability can be effectively minimized. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Dynamic channel allocation can reduce the probability of blocking in cellular telephone networks. However, more is needed to achieve optimal performance. The author aims at estimating the minimal blocking probability for some simple cellular networks. Some dynamic channel allocation strategies are analyzed, the optimal performance (obtained by dynamic allocation and flow control) of some very simple networks is computed, and simple bounds on optimal performance are presented. These results lead to a better understanding of cellular networks and can be used to evaluate new control algorithms  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider a cooperative relay scheme for a mobile network with MIMO technology. The channel capacity for two well‐known relaying schemes are investigated: analogue relaying (amplify and forward) and digital relaying (decode and forward) from a mobile device to the base station through a relay node. In order to further increase the channel capacity, we propose an efficient hierarchical procedure based on support vector machine, namely hierarchical support vector machines (HSVM), to estimate the wireless networks condition approximately and design two ways (matched filter and minimum mean square error filter) of increasing the channel capacity according to the estimated wireless network condition. The proposed HSVM can estimate the wireless networks condition in much shorter time compared with the traditional minimum mean square error scheme without incurring much estimation error, which is spatial, useful for delay sensitive communication. For digital relaying, the effect of imperfect channel decode is also addressed. Our numerical results demonstrate the reduction of estimation complexity by adopting HSVM and the significant improvement of network capacity by applying the matched filter weight at relay nodes according to the network estimation. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

通过系统级仿真对WCDMA与相邻频段其它蜂窝系统的电磁兼容问题进行了研究.基于系统级蒙特卡罗仿真技术,提出了一个完整的系统共存仿真容量方案,研究由于射频干扰造成的WCDMA系统的容量损失情况.在计算系统间干扰时,提出了一种称为等效技术的方法,大大提高了仿真速度.给出了可能存在的四种蜂窝系统的干扰造成的容量损失结果.  相似文献   

To balance and improve the resource utilization of the orthogonal frequency division multiple access (OFDMA) cellular networks, we switch parts of the edge users in overloaded cell to the adjacent light‐loaded cells by using the inter‐cell relay. The efficiency of traditional load balancing method based on the cell switching is low and in some cases, will occur the collision load problem. In this paper, we propose a new load balancing scheme based on inter‐cell relay in downlink OFDMA cellular networks. Besides, we put forward a new spectrum division scheme to reduce interference and improve spectrum efficiency. According to the formulas derived from the model we established, we can obtain the signal interference ratio and further to calculate the amount of remaining subcarrier and the throughput of the system. Finally, through numerical calculation and simulation, the result shows that the load balancing and spectrum division schemes can remit the resource stress of the overloaded cell and improve the spectrum utilization in adjacent cells.  相似文献   

Modeling of customer retrial phenomenon in cellular mobile networks   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
In the planning of modern cellular mobile communication systems, the impact of customer behavior has to be carefully taken into account. Two models dealing with the call retrial phenomenon are presented. The first model considers a base station with a finite customer population and repeated attempts. A Markov chain modeling is proposed, and an efficient recursive solution of the state probabilities is presented. The second model focuses on the use of the guard channel concept to prioritize the handover traffic. Again, the retrial phenomenon plays an important role. The influence of the repeated attempt effect on the quality of service experienced by the mobile customers is discussed by means of numerical results  相似文献   

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